〔音乐〕为大都会运输署工作(纽约地铁司机之歌)Working For The MTA(2010)│贾斯汀·汤恩斯·厄尔
2024-06-18 10:31
贾斯汀·汤斯·厄尔( Justin Townes Earle,1982-2020)在在田纳西州南纳什维尔长大,父亲史蒂夫·厄尔是一位另类乡村音乐家,曾在他2岁时离家出走,12岁时回来。他辍学,有时随父亲去巡演,担任吉他手和键盘手,自己发展了融合民谣、布鲁斯和乡村音乐的风格。2010年他出版《哈莱姆河布鲁斯》(Harlem River Blues),“Working For The MTA”就是专辑中的第四首歌。次年该专辑获美国音乐奖年度最佳歌曲奖。《滚石》杂志评价他的2012年专辑时称:“乡村摇滚叛逆者史蒂夫·厄尔之子已成长为可与其父匹敌的歌曲作者。”这位悲剧性音乐天才12岁开始吸毒,曾自述道:“长期以来我信奉这样的神话,相信必须毁灭自己才能创造出伟大的艺术。”最终,他因意外服用过量掺有芬太尼的可卡因而辞世,年仅38岁。Working For The MTA
作者 | 〔美〕贾斯汀·汤斯·厄尔
( Justin Townes Earle,1982-2020)
歌词翻译 | 吴季
〔注〕工会,即联合运输工会(the Amalgamated Transit Union,ATU):北美公共运输工人为主体的工会。ATU的发音听起来像“A TYee”。乔治兄弟(brother, Georgie)指曾任工会主席的沃伦·S·乔治(Warren S. George)。
Well, it's cold in them tunnels todayWell, it's cold in them tunnels todayIt's cold down in those tunnels today, mama, workin' for the MTAI run that six-line trainI run a six-line train clear from Brooklyn Bridge to Pelham BayI'm the son of a railroad manI'm the son of a railroad manI'm the son of a railroad man, born and raised back in south Louisian'This ain't my daddy's trainThis ain't my daddy's trainThis ain't my daddy's train, mama, I ain't seen the sun in daysYeah, them hard times are goin' aroundHard times are goin' aroundHard times are goin' around, bringin' hard luck on New York townBut I'm bankin' on the ATUI'm bankin' on the ATU, brother Georgie's gonna see me throughSo, it's cold in them tunnels todayWell, it's cold in them tunnels todayIt's cold down in those tunnels today, mama, workin' for the MTAYeah, I'm workin' for the MTA