版画 | 非物质文化遗产

文摘   2024-11-24 09:13   北京  





Development history

版画起源可追溯到中国新石器时代,当时陶器、兽骨等上的雕刻为其奠定基础. 春秋战国的肖形印铸刻是版画雏形,秦汉画像石、画像砖的刀版镂刻推动其发展.  晋代枣木刻制符印、北朝印章印于纸上,促使向雕版印刷发展。

The origin of printmaking can be traced back to the Neolithic Age in China, when carving on pottery, animal bones, and other materials laid the foundation for it The Xiao style printing and engraving of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period were the embryonic forms of printmaking, and the knife engraving of Qin and Han portrait stones and bricks promoted their development The Jin Dynasty jujube wood carved talismans and the Northern Dynasties seals were printed on paper, promoting the development towards woodblock printing.

唐五代是木版印刷艺术初始阶段,因佛教兴盛,佛款版画出现最早,现存最早木版印刷品是唐懿宗咸通九年的《金刚般若波罗密经》. 宋元时期,出现印制纸币和广告的铜版印刷,版画题材更加多样化,绘、刻、印技术显著提高。

The Tang and Five Dynasties were the initial stage of woodblock printing art. Due to the prosperity of Buddhism, Buddhist woodblock prints appeared at the earliest. The earliest surviving woodblock print is the "Diamond Prajnaparamita Paramita Sutra" by Emperor Yizong of Tang in the ninth year of Xiantong During the Song and Yuan dynasties, copperplate printing appeared for printing banknotes and advertisements, and the themes of printmaking became more diverse. The techniques of painting, engraving, and printing were significantly improved.



明清时期是古代版画的辉煌时代,版刻出现建安派、金陵派等多种流派,明代宗教版画发展到顶峰,还出现欣赏性版画. 清代版画继承明代遗风,宫廷版画绘图精美,民间木版年画兴起,形成杨柳青、杨家埠和桃花坞三大制作中心。

The Ming and Qing dynasties were a glorious era of ancient printmaking, with various printmaking schools, including the Jian'an and Jinling schools. Religious printmaking reached its peak during the Ming Dynasty, and there was also appreciative printmaking Qing Dynasty printmaking inherited the legacy of the Ming Dynasty, with exquisite court printmaking and the rise of folk woodblock New Year paintings, forming three major production centres: Yangliuqing, Yangjiabu, and Taohuawu.

20世纪30年代,新兴版画在鲁迅指导下发展,紧密联系社会现实. 抗日战争和解放战争时期,版画有了全国性组织,形式风格也有很大变化,解放区作品创造了崭新艺术风格。

In the 1930s, emerging printmaking developed under the guidance of Lu Xun, closely linked to social reality During the War of Resistance Against Japan and the War of Liberation, printmaking had a nationwide organisation and underwent significant changes in form and style. Works from the liberated areas created a new artistic style.


Production process

• 画稿:画家创作设计出详细的画稿,包括画面的构图、线条、色彩等元素,为后续制版提供精确的蓝本。

• Drawing: The painter creates and designs a detailed drawing, including the composition, lines, colours, and other elements of the image, providing an accurate blueprint for subsequent plate making.

• 制版:依据画稿,选择合适的板材,如木板、铜板、石板等,运用不同的工具和技法进行雕刻或蚀刻,制作出凹凸不平的版面,如木刻版画用刻刀刻去空白部分,铜版画用针或刀刻画后再用酸性腐蚀液腐蚀。

• Plate making: Based on the artwork, select suitable plates such as wooden boards, copper plates, stone slabs, etc., and use different tools and techniques to carve or etch to create uneven surfaces. For example, for woodblock prints, use a carving knife to remove blank areas, and for copperplate prints, use a needle or knife to carve and then corrode with an acidic corrosive solution.

• 印刷:将油墨均匀地涂布在版面上,然后通过压力将油墨转移到纸张或其他材料上,可采用手工印刷或机器印刷的方式,不同的印刷方法和技巧会产生不同的效果。

Printing: Apply ink evenly on the surface of the plate and then transfer the ink to paper or other materials through pressure. It can be printed by hand or machine, and different printing methods and techniques will produce different effects.



Unique craftsmanship     

• 艺术风格:不同时期和地域的版画具有独特的风格,如中国古代版画中的徽派版画,风格典雅精巧;西方版画中的铜版画,线条细腻、层次丰富。

• Artistic style: Prints from different periods and regions have unique styles, such as the Huizhou style printmaking in ancient China, which is elegant in style; Copperplate prints in Western printmaking have delicate lines and rich layers.

• 刀法与线条:刀法的运用是版画的重要特色之一,如犀利的刀法可使线条刚劲有力,流畅的刀法能让线条婉转自然,不同的线条组合和排列方式会给人不同的视觉感受。

• Blade technique and lines: The use of blade technique is one of the important characteristics of printmaking. Sharp blade technique can make the lines strong, smooth blade technique can make the lines gentle and natural, and different combinations and arrangements of lines will give people different visual experiences.

• 色彩运用:版画的色彩可以是黑白的,也可以是彩色的,黑白版画通过黑白对比产生强烈的视觉效果,彩色版画则注重色彩的搭配和协调,以营造出丰富的画面氛围。

• Color Application: Prints can be black and white or in colour. Black and white prints produce strong visual effects through black-and-white contrast, while colour prints focus on colour matching and coordination to create a rich visual atmosphere.

• 主题与内涵:优秀的版画作品往往具有深刻的主题和内涵,能够反映出当时的社会生活、文化传统、思想观念等,如抗战时期的版画作品,大多反映了人民的苦难和反抗精神。

•Theme and connotation: Excellent printmaking works often have profound themes and connotations, reflecting the social life, cultural traditions, ideological concepts, etc. of the time. For example, printmaking works during the Anti-Japanese War mostly reflected the suffering and spirit of resistance of the people.



版画作为一种独特的艺术形式,具有重要的历史、文化和艺术价值. 它不仅记录了不同时代的社会风貌和人们的思想情感,还为绘画、印刷等相关艺术领域的发展提供了借鉴和启示. 在现代社会,版画依然具有强大的生命力,艺术家们不断探索创新,将传统版画技法与现代观念相结合,创作出了许多具有时代特色的优秀作品. 同时,版画的制作过程也为人们提供了一种独特的艺术体验,让人们能够更加深入地了解艺术创作的奥秘。

Printmaking, as a unique form of art, holds significant historical, cultural, and artistic value It not only records the social landscape and people's thoughts and emotions of different eras but also provides reference and inspiration for the development of related art fields such as painting and printing In modern society, printmaking still has strong vitality. Artists constantly explore and innovate, combining traditional printmaking techniques with modern concepts to create many excellent works with contemporary characteristics At the same time, the process of printmaking also provides people with a unique artistic experience, allowing them to gain a deeper understanding of the mysteries of artistic creation.



内容策划 Presented


策划Producer| Nora

排版 Editor | Nora

校对 Proof| Eve

审核Reviewer I Eve

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