印度尼西亚小说家、诗人诺曼·埃里克森·帕萨里布(Norman Erikson
Pasaribu, 1990-)生于雅加达,是一位有天主教背景的酷儿(认同的称呼为“他们”),从小写诗。帕萨里布第一本书出版于2014年,是一本短篇小说集《只有你知道我要等待多久》,第二本书是2015年出版的诗集《塞尔吉乌斯寻找巴科斯》,获得评论界一致好评,并获得雅加达艺术委员会诗歌手稿比赛一等奖,入围了2016年一项文学奖决赛,英译本获得2018年英国笔会翻译奖。今天的诗译自这本诗集,以新加坡和澳大利亚为基地的Tiffany Tsao是他大多数作品的英译者。
诺曼·埃里克森·帕萨里布(Norman Erikson Pasaribu, 1990-)
【译按】这首诗放在草稿箱子好久了,正打算设定发布,想是否说点什么,毕竟这似乎又是一个不为人知的诗人。于是,又顺便瞄了一眼,给我介绍的这个诗人说点让人觉得好的吧。且不说主题和这个诗人的身份,单说这首诗。它暗含着怎样的秩序啊!“他父亲”贯穿始终,每一步(每一句)都由“他父亲”开始,多么合乎世界伦常的刻板规矩,“他父亲”想要,“他父亲”告诉,“他父亲”扔,“他父亲”捡,然后“他父亲”说,犹如宣示晓示一般:让它变(正如“要有光于是有了光”),所以最后一句才是“他的眼被打开”,请注意,这里不是他主动睁眼,甚至不是他,而是他的眼被打开。这首诗叫做新生,用了但丁的《新生》标题,那么这新生是爱带来的吗?这男子真的获得了新生,还是被塞给了一个新生?这个男人,他,也是这个父权制下的弱者吗?这首诗写得多么简单,然而有力。或者,这位英译者懂得如何呈现。或者,汉译者本人懂得英译者的用心。His father wanted to give new lifeto the barren fig tree out back.His father told him to plucka ripe fruit from the Tree of Life.His father hurled the fruit earthward and
squashed it underfoot—exactly as he
would someday crush the serpent’s head.His father retrieved the fruit and smearedit around the fig tree’s trunk.His father said: Let it mutate and let the
worms translate itinto a tongue spoken by treesAt that moment, his eyes were openedand the world was no longer mysterious.【译按】提阿非罗Theophilus 是《路加福音》和《使徒行传》中提到的人物,也是路加写书时的受书人。这名字来自希腊语,意思是“神的朋友”或“被神所爱”,在古代只有少数人才可能用这样的名字或头衔,因此有学者认为他可能是一个社会地位较高的罗马官员,也有一些理论认为他可能是保罗在罗马受审时的律师。‘It’s too dark.
I can’t see.’ Let
there be light, the Friend whispered. And
then there was light. The man scampered around the
green grounds on his chubby legs all day.‘The sun’s so
strong. I’m parched.’ Let
there be water. And then there was water. The
young man knelt by the bank, cupped
his hands together and drank.‘A charming
island. But so far away.’ Let
there be creatures of all kinds. Horses. Lions
and tigers. Birds in the air. The man walked
up to a donkey and saddled himself on its back.‘It’s so
deserted. I’m lonely.’ You will never be with the
someone who loves you most.‘Let there be
someone else,’ said the Friend.And then there he was, a someone else—like
the man.Snake-like, you shed your short-lived skinand commence/continue your quest. Now the
light from on highpasses through you. You’re luminous.
Meanwhile, out westin decrepit Rome sits Galerius, oblivious his
end is nigh.You seek your beloved—he appeared to you in
your cell,his body glowing silver as he whispered, Endure,for I will always watch over you. With
him you’ll riseup to heaven and wonder at how familiarit all feels. Hand in hand, you two will
stroll the streets,introducing one another to everyone you meet.【译按】塞尔吉乌斯和巴科斯原来是罗马驻扎叙利亚边境的军官。塞尔吉乌斯任新兵训练官,巴科斯是他下属,二人办事认真,颇获伽列里乌斯(Galerius,约260-311)欣赏。有一天,塞尔吉乌斯和巴科斯随皇帝到神庙,但两人不愿进去。当皇帝命令他们进去献祭被二人拒绝后,皇帝下令将他们军官衣服剥去,穿上女子衣服,到街上游行,然后送总督衙门鞭打。塞尔吉乌斯当场死在乱鞭下,巴科斯受了鞭刑但没有死。人们给巴科斯穿上带铁钉的鞋子游行,铁钉刺透双脚,然后被斩首。431年,亚力山大保护了他们的遗骸,在塞尔吉乌斯遗骸埋葬处,建造了一座大教堂,后来墙壁镀银,成为东方著名的大教堂。塞尔吉乌斯和巴科斯也被奉为东罗马帝国军队的保护圣人。