上证指数 (Shanghai Composite Index)
深证成指 (Shenzhen Component Index)
沪深300 (CSI 300)
中小板指数 (SME Component Index)
恒生指数 (Hang Seng Index)
A股 (A-shares):中国大陆上市的股票,供境内机构、组织或个人以人民币认购和交易。
B股 (B-shares):中国大陆公司发行的人民币特种股票,以人民币标明面值,以外币认购和交易。
H股 (H-shares):在大陆注册的,在香港上市的外资股,用港币认购和交易。
创业板 (ChiNext):专为高科技和高成长型中小企业服务的股票板块。
科创板 (STAR Market):专注于科技创新企业的股票板块。
券商 (Securities Brokers):代表客户进行买卖交易的中介机构或个人。
股票交易员(stock dealer )
个人投资者 (Individual Investors):散户,持有少量股票的投资者。
机构投资者 (Institutional Investors):如养老基金、保险公司、共同基金等。
股东 (Shareholders):公司的所有权人。
大户 (Wholesale Investors):持有大量股票的投资者或机构。
中户 (Medium-sized Investors):持有中等数量股票的投资者。
买入 (Buy)
卖出 (Sell)
撤单 (Cancel Order)
竞价 (Bidding)
开盘 (Open)
收盘 (Close)
涨停 (Upper Limit):股票价格上涨到证交所规定的最高限度。
跌停 (Lower Limit):股票价格下跌到证交所规定的最低限度。
停牌 (Suspension of Trading)
利好消息 (Bullish News)
利空消息 (Bearish News)
板块 (Sector)
蓝筹股 (Blue Chip)
成长股 (Growth Stock)
垃圾股 (Junk Stock)
龙头股 (Leading Stock)
大盘股 (Large-cap Stock)
小盘股 (Small-cap Stock)
涨幅 (Gains)
跌幅 (Losses)
反弹 (Rebound)
止跌 (Stop the Decline)
牛市 (Bull Market)
熊市 (Bear Market)
多头市场 (Bull Market)
空头市场 (Bear Market)
多头 (Bull):预期股票价格上涨的投资者。
空头 (Bear):预期股票价格下跌的投资者。
多头陷阱 (Bull Trap)
空头陷阱 (Bear Trap)
套牢 (Trapped)
解套 (Untrapped)
盘整 (Consolidation)
突破 (Breakout)
探底 (Bottom Fishing)
货币政策 (Monetary Policy)
财政政策 (Fiscal Policy)
利率 (Interest Rates)
经济数据 (Economic Data)
企业盈利 (Corporate Earnings)
市场情绪 (Market Sentiment)
全球市场 (Global Markets)
技术分析 (Technical Analysis)
基本分析 (Fundamental Analysis)
除权 (Ex-rights)
除息 (Ex-dividend)
重组 (Reconstruction)
到期日 (Expiry date)
到期收益率 (Yield to Maturity)
首次公开发行 (IPO)
承销商 (Underwriter)
非上市股票 (Unlisted Stock)
认股权证 (Warrant)
增资 (Capital Increase)
供股 (Rights Issue)
坐轿子 (Riding the Uptrend)
派息 (Dividend Payment)
Chinese stocks swept to their biggest single-day gains(最大单日涨幅) in 16 years on Monday, with domestic A-shares registering their highest ever turnover(成交量), as investors scrambled to(争先恐后地) join a searing rally((尤指股价)止跌回升) sparked by Beijing's latest raft of stimulus measures.
sweep to victory,上文的sweep to,可以参考这里的用法
The CSI300 blue-chip index(沪深300蓝筹股指数) is now up nearly 30% from its February trough(低谷), which by some market definitions suggests it is in a bull market, but much of the gains have happened very quickly and over a few sessions since last week.
Many traders, fearing they may miss out of the upsurge ahead of a week-long holiday starting on Tuesday, helped lift the CSI300 index 8.5% at the close, taking its five-day gain to over 25% - the strongest on record.
The broader Shanghai Composite Index(上证综合指数) meanwhile recorded a total turnover of 1.17 trillion yuan ($166.84 billion) and surged 8.1%.
That took its five-day gains since last Tuesday, when Beijing began rolling out(推出) stimulus measures to arrest(制止) a slowdown in the broader economy, to 21.4%, the strongest since 1996.
It was also the best single-day percentage gain for both the CSI and SSEC indexes since 2008.
Similarly, the smaller Shenzhen index(深圳指数) soared 11% and recorded a turnover of 1.4 trillion yuan.
The blistering(猛烈的) rally in Chinese stocks has come on the back of last week's most aggressive stimulus measures announced by Beijing since the pandemic - ranging from outsized rate cuts(大幅降息) to fiscal support - in an attempt to shore up(支撑) its ailing economy.
Particularly in a boost for stocks, the People's Bank of China's (PBOC) also introduced (等于roll out) two fresh tools to shore up the capital market, one of which includes a swap programme allowing funds, insurers and brokers easier access to funding in order to buy stocks.
That lit a fire under beaten-down Chinese equities that had been languishing near multi-year lows as recently as early this month, as investors fretted over China's growth prospects.
"It's really a big turnaround(突然好转), the policies are so intensive, we have never seen such clear instruction to stop housing prices declining and support the stock market," said Dickie Wong, executive director of research at Kingston Securities.