美联储 Federal Reserve System(简称Fed) 公开市场操作 Open Market Operation 公开市场委员会 Federal Open Market Committee(FOMC) 利率 Interest rate
Monetary Policy / 货币政策:中央银行用来控制国家货币供应量,促进经济增长和就业的策略,如调整利率和改变银行储备要求。
Interest Rates / 利率:中央银行设定的关键借贷成本,影响借款、投资和消费决策。
Inflation / 通货膨胀:货币价值下降和商品与服务价格普遍上升的现象。
Deflation / 通货紧缩:货币价值上升和商品与服务价格普遍下降的现象。
Open Market Operations (OMOs) / 开放市场操作:中央银行通过买卖政府债券来调节银行系统内的储备量和短期利率的行为。
Required Reserve Ratio (RRR) / 存款准备金率:中央银行要求商业银行为存款持有的最低准备金比例。
Medium-term Lending Facility (MLF) / 中期借贷便利:中央银行提供中期资金的一种货币政策工具。
Liquidity / 流动性:金融市场上资金的可用性,影响银行和其他金融机构的借贷能力。
Exchange Rate / 汇率:一种货币兑换另一种货币的比率,影响国际贸易和投资。
Balance of Payments / 国际收支:一个国家与其他国家之间的经济交易记录,包括商品、服务和资本流动。
Expansionary Policy / 扩张性政策:旨在刺激经济增长的货币政策,通常通过降低利率和增加货币供应来实现。
Contractionary Policy / 紧缩政策:旨在减缓经济增长和控制通胀的货币政策,通常通过提高利率和减少货币供应来实现。
Quantitative Easing (QE) / 量化宽松:中央银行通过购买政府债券或其他金融资产来增加货币供应量的政策。
Central Bank / 中央银行:一个国家的主要金融机构,负责制定和执行货币政策,监管金融市场,维护金融稳定。
Financial Stability / 金融稳定:金融市场和机构的健康状态,能够承受冲击而不发生重大损失或中断服务。
Ladies and gentlemen, today I am going to talk about how Fed regulates money supply and interest rate in the market. As a matter of fact, OMO serves as one of the major tools the Fed uses to raise or lower interest rates. It refers to the Fed’s buying and selling government securities to regulate the money supply and interest rates. When money supply increases, interest rate usually goes down and when it decreases, the rate goes up. For example, when Fed buys securities from banks, it increases dollars in the bank reserves, injecting more money into the market and interest rate becomes lower. This is what we call Open Market Operation. As Fed sets the targeted interest rate, it could regulate the money supply through this tool. Say if the interest rate at this point is 2.5% and the Fed OMC wants to raise it to 2.75%. It can sell securities in the open market to achieve the goal.