很多初学者或者新手会过于被字面限制,翻译出来的内容比较啰嗦,这样的话交传也许还有时间,但同传的话可能没有那么多时间说完这些内容。Users can consult online doctors via video calls anytime and anywhere, and obtain medication based on the electronic prescriptions issued by the doctors, addressing the treatment and health management needs for common and chronic illnesses. The "Universal Digital Cloud Platform," built on big data and AI technology, integrates data from diagnosis and treatment, public health, drug circulation, and residents' health records to provide services such as operational management and patient management for medical groups, establishing a data ecosystem that empowers clinical research.然而在同传的情境下,时间是最宝贵的资源,稍微思考停顿1秒,就有可能错过信息。所以需要快速地把长句转换成短句,抓意群,做好取舍,不要被字面限制,出现过长时间等待。大家也可以想象这个句子视译或者同传的时候,可以怎么处理?Users can consult online doctors via video calls anytimenywhere, obtaining medication from electronic prescriptions for common and chronic illnesses. The "Universal Digital Cloud Platform," leveraging big data and AI, integrates diagnosis, public health, drug distribution, and health records to deliver operational and patient management services for medical groups, creating a data ecosystem that drives clinical research.精简版:obtaining medication from electronic prescriptions for common and chronic illnesses字对字翻译版:obtain medication based on the electronic prescriptions issued by the doctors, addressing the treatment and health management needs for common and chronic illnesses. 大家对比一下,精简版的核心意思出来了,而且没有啰嗦的话语,长度也比后者缩短了一半,这样的话同样的内容可以用更少的时间说完,在同传中一方面节省时间,另一方面也可以降低语言组织的难度。 精简版:The "Universal Digital Cloud Platform," leveraging big data and AI, integrates diagnosis, public health, drug distribution, and health records to deliver operational and patient management services for medical groups, creating a data ecosystem that drives clinical research.字对字翻译版:The "Universal Digital Cloud Platform," built on big data and AI technology, integrates data from diagnosis and treatment, public health, drug circulation, and residents' health records to provide services such as operational management and patient management for medical groups, establishing a data ecosystem that empowers clinical research.对比上个版本也会发现精简版省略了一些啰嗦的地方,精简处理了,比如technology,可以省略,没有重复management。
这是典型的大会开幕致辞中的段落,很多时候发言人读稿,但稿子不一定能给到译员。这一次就是领导致辞的稿件都没有给到译员。面对这样书面化的长句,同传的处理一定要精简,节省时间,多用短句,尽量少调整语序,减少瞬时记忆和转换处理的负担。字对字翻译版本:This exhibition, guided by the decisions made at(这里调整语序,不合适,因为等到你听到“……的决策部署为引领”才开口翻译,那等你翻译前面的英语部分时,发言人已经把后面一句话说完了,这样EVS听说时间差会太长了,很可能导致跟不上发言人节奏,或者漏掉后面的句子) the 20th Central Committee's Third Plenary Session to promote digital economy development, aims to create a high-level platform for open communication and collaboration. It seeks to deepen the integration of technological(这里可以简化直接说tech) and industrial innovation, as well as the synergy between the digital and real economies, fostering new productive forces and providing new opportunities for the global information and communication industry(这里可以说缩写ICT,更精简) and digital economy development. 精简版:
This exhibition, guided by the 20th Central Committee's Third Plenary Session decisions to advance the digital economy, creates a high-level platform for open communication and collaboration. It aims to integrate tech and industrial innovation, promote the fusion of the digital and real economies, foster new productive forces and bring opportunities for the global ICT industry and digital economy.