
文摘   2025-01-29 03:47   江苏  


每个译员都有自己的做稿逻辑,各种AI工具和机翻引擎让个性化的预翻译手段充满多样化。我自然也有自己的一套方式。我之前喜欢用Deeple + 豆包 + Chatgpt的方式,用多了就能判断出来里面的行文逻辑和各自的缺点。我的预翻译过程比较复杂一点,所以会有些耗费时间。这其中就牵扯到alignment的问题。我做中英喜欢用Chatgpt的付费版,毕竟是外国引擎自然英文译文的流畅度更高一些。不过无论是豆包还是Chatgpt,他们都是不太听话,alignment,有时候会混入奇奇怪怪的东西,而且在30%的情况下漏译严重。所以会出现一种情况,运气不好的时候会遇到这个情况,概率30%。尤其是在赶稿的情况下,漏译严重会拉胯速度。最烦人的是alignment的效果会极差,自己手动调整的情况会额外消费一些时间。

那天早晨时间来到距离退房前的一个小时,我的预翻译计划是将最后一个5000中文的文献搞定预翻译。在旅途过程中,很多事情是需要跟着行程所以像预翻译这种活动需要遵照自己的旧习惯才能省去一些脑力。所以我因循旧规,用了chatgpt进行预翻译,一系列的动作已经像是一种肌肉记忆。结果我碰到了30%的那个概率,所以很麻烦。有强迫症的我当时就感觉很焦虑。这种情况下我一般会先暂停手里的翻译工作,去刷刷微信、贴吧等等,先让自己冷静下来。结果我在刷微信群聊的过程中看到DeepSeek。其实这个AI我一周前就有听说,因在旅途过程中,所有的翻译习惯还是寻旧的习惯,但是我心里有了一个大致的印象:群里不少人对其进行了赞美,应该是一个不错的AI工作。然后我立马就去打开了DeepSeek,注册然后复制我在chatgpt上采用的指令。在网页看着它在不停地生成译文的一闪闪瞬间,我不断发出惊呼,Wow, Wow, Wow,太棒了。我作为译文有个能力,就是在极短的时间内可以判断出译员的采用性,这是以前在非AI的传统机翻引擎环境中所锻炼出来的。以前我会在atmandeeple、百度甚至搜狗等等引擎进行几段话的翻译,然后在极短的时间内进行质量判断,从而进行采用哪个引擎的判断。DeepSeek对于那个稿子的惊叹之处是,它的alignment极为工整,而且处理字数的能力要远远大于其他的引擎。




DeepSeek: Although the liver is an "immunologically privileged organ," allogeneic liver transplant rejection remains a relatively common phenomenon[3].

Chatgpt: Although the liver is an "immune-privileged organ," rejection of allogeneic liver transplantation remains a relatively common phenomenon [3].




所以第三个AI的判断是对的,应该就是immune-privileged organ,而且同种肝移植排斥反应的翻译allogeneic liver transplant rejectionrejection of allogeneic liver transplantation均不正确,应该是rejection after allogeneic liver transplantation,这在后面的文本中有体现,有个先后的顺序,after是一个体现逻辑顺序的词语。



回想一下之前的对话历史,用户曾翻译过同样的句子,当时给出的翻译是“immunologically privileged organ”。用户现在再次提交相同的句子,但特别强调注意这个词语的翻译,可能希望确保一致性或者确认之前的翻译是否准确。因此,我需要再次验证这个术语的正确性。

“免疫特惠器官”在医学领域中的标准翻译通常是“immunologically privileged organ”或“immune-privileged organ”。这两个翻译都是可以接受的,但前者更强调免疫学特性,而后者可能更简洁。根据之前的翻译,用户已经使用了“immunologically privileged organ”,所以保持一致性很重要,避免混淆。

接下来,检查整个句子的结构是否符合英文表达习惯。中文原句的结构是“虽然...,但...”,英文中通常用“Although..., ... remains...”的结构,因此需要确保连接词和主句的动词形式正确。例如,“remains a relatively common phenomenon”是否正确,这里“remains”表示持续存在的状态,符合原意。


另外,用户可能对术语的准确性有较高要求,尤其是在学术或医学文献中,术语的一致性至关重要。因此,再次确认“免疫特惠器官”的翻译是否在相关文献中常用。查阅相关资料,确认“immunologically privileged organ”是标准译法,特别是关于肝脏移植的文献中常用此术语。

还需要检查是否有其他可能的翻译方式,比如“immune privileged organ”是否同样正确,但考虑到之前的翻译已经使用了“immunologically”,保持一致性更为重要,避免读者误解为不同的概念。


Although the liver is an "immunologically privileged organ," rejection in allogeneic liver transplantation remains a relatively common phenomenon[3].


"免疫特惠器官采用学术界通用译法 "immunologically privileged organ",特指具有特殊免疫宽容特性的器官


保留原文的对比转折逻辑("虽然......" "Although...remains..."

"同种肝移植排斥反应译为专业术语 "rejection in allogeneic liver transplantation"



原文:关于肝移植术后 SRAR 目前仅见个案报道, 尚未制定统一规范的治疗方案, 本文现将其发病机制、诊断及治疗进行综述, 以期提高对 SRAR 的认识,早期诊断并及时采取干预措施,进而改善患者预后。

Deepseek: Currently, only case reports are available on SRAR after liver transplantation, and no unified standardized treatment protocol has been established. This article reviews its pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment to improve the understanding of SRAR, enable early diagnosis, and timely intervention, thereby improving patient prognosis.

Chatgpt: Currently, reports on SRAR following liver transplantation are limited to case studies, and no standardized treatment guidelineshave been established. This article provides a review of the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of SRAR, aiming to enhance understanding, facilitate early diagnosis, and implement timely interventions to improve patient outcomes.

我的comment:这个两个译文都还可以,但是细节还得扣一扣。标黄的部分都是有一些问题。比如,By the way,这里的介词“后”就验证我上一句翻译的正确性,这种后文出现的词语证明前文翻译用词正确性的感觉是特别好的体验。这个部分Deepseek略胜一点。

AI机翻的句子喜欢在后面加一个v+ing的句子来,尤其是v+ing, (thereby) v+ing这种句式。有时候逻辑很难把控,就需要自己进行句式的调整。


原文:MMF 在治疗SRAR 方面的作用不容小觑,其作为辅助用药,一般不单独使用。

Deepseek: The role of MMF in treating SRAR should not be underestimated. It is generally used as an adjunct and not as a standalone treatment.

Chatgpt: MMF plays a significant role in treating SRAR. As an adjuvant medication, it is generally not used alone.

这里我倾向于用Deepseek的句式,但是这个standalone似乎用的过于宏大,是我拿不准的一种表达。以前经常用的是stand alone device。于是我问了chatgptstandalone treatment and monotherapyalone)的区别:

Both standalone treatment and monotherapy (alone) refer to treatments involving a single therapeutic agent, but there are subtle differences in their usage and context:

Standalone Treatment

Definition: Refers to using a single therapy or treatment approach without any additional interventions, combinations, or adjunct therapies.

Context: Commonly used in both medical and non-medical settings to emphasize independence from other methods. For example, "surgery as a standalone treatment for cancer" suggests no chemotherapy or radiation is used alongside surgery.

Connotation: Highlights the exclusivity or sufficiency of a single treatment approach.

Broader Use: May include therapies beyond drugs (e.g., a procedure or a device as standalone).

Monotherapy (Alone)

Definition: Specifically refers to the use of a single pharmacological agent to treat a condition, without combining it with other medications.

Context: Commonly used in medical and pharmacological contexts to describe drug treatments. For example, "monotherapy with metformin for type 2 diabetes" means metformin is used alone, not combined with other drugs like insulin.

Connotation: Focuses on single-drug use and is more technical or specific to medicine.

Narrower Use: Limited to pharmacological therapies.

Key Differences


Standalone treatment applies to any therapy (e.g., surgery, radiation, or a drug).

Monotherapy is strictly used for single-drug treatments.


"Standalone" is broader and more general.

"Monotherapy" is precise and technical, often used in clinical or pharmacological contexts.


Standalone treatment: Using psychotherapy alone for depression.

Monotherapy: Using fluoxetine alone for depression (without other drugs).

When to Use Each:

Use standalone treatment when describing broader therapeutic contexts or non-pharmacological interventions.

Use monotherapy when discussing single-drug regimens in pharmacology or clinical trials.

因为我们不是考试,译文采用保险的方式即可,我最终的译文是:The role of MMF in treating SRAR should not be underestimated. It is generally used as an adjunct and generally not used alone. 这是采用Deepseek的句式,但是用了chatgptalone


原文:Aw [31] 同样发现 MMF 在治疗儿童肝移植后 SRAR 方面疗效显著,在他们的研究中,共有 26 例儿童接受 28 例次肝移植手术,其中 22 例次采用激素+环孢素+硫唑嘌呤的免疫抑制方案,其余 6 例次接受激素+他克莫司的免疫抑制方案,除 1 例患儿外,所有患儿在加用 MMF 治疗前均已转为以他克莫司为基础的治疗方案, 加用 MMF 治疗后,28 例次 SRAR 发作中 21 例次对 MMF治疗有反应,效果显著。

DeepSeek: Aw et al.[31] also found MMF to be highly effective in treating SRAR after pediatric liver transplantation. In their study, 26 children underwent 28 liver transplantations, with 22 cases using a steroid + cyclosporine + azathioprine regimen and the remaining 6 cases using a steroid + tacrolimus regimen. Except for one child, all patients had switched to a tacrolimus-based regimen before adding MMF. After adding MMF, 21 out of 28 SRAR episodes responded to MMF treatment, showing significant efficacy.

Chatgpt: Aw et al. [31] also found that MMF was significantly effective in treating SRAR after pediatric liver transplantation. In their study, 26 children underwent a total of 28 liver transplantation procedures. Among these, 22 procedures used an immunosuppressive regimen of steroids + cyclosporine + azathioprine, while the remaining 6 procedures used steroids + tacrolimus. Except for one child, all patients had switched to a tacrolimus-based treatment regimen before the addition of MMF. Following MMF treatment, 21 out of 28 SRAR episodes responded to MMF, demonstrating significant efficacy.

这个句子的难点是例次,DeepSeek的“with 22 cases using a steroid + cyclosporine + azathioprine regimen and the remaining 6 cases using a steroid + tacrolimus regimen”,显然是错误的。而chatgpt的处理还不错,但是例次翻译成了episodes是对的,但是用episode做主语也是很混乱。

我的翻译是:Aw et al. [31] also found that MMF was significantly effective in treating SRAR after pediatric liver transplantation. In their study, 26 children underwent a total of 28 liver transplantation procedures. Among these, 22 procedures were performed using an immunosuppressive regimen of steroids + cyclosporine + azathioprine, while the remaining 6 procedures using steroids + tacrolimus. Except for one child, all patients had switched to a tacrolimus-based treatment regimen before the addition of MMF. Following MMF treatment, 21 out of 28 SRAR episodes responded to MMF, demonstrating significant efficacy. Following MMF treatment, in 21 out of 28 SRAR episodes, the patients responded to MMF treatment, showing significant efficacy.


原文:近年来,Song [43] 亦报道,基础免疫抑制方案为激素+他克莫司+MMF 的患者发生SRAR 后,从他克莫司部分转化为西罗莫司(即西罗莫司用药后他克莫司剂量减少一半),可使部分SRAR 得到逆转。

DeepSeek: In recent years, Song et al.[43] also reported that in patients with a baseline immunosuppressive regimen of steroids + tacrolimus + MMF who developed SRAR, partial conversion from tacrolimus to sirolimus (i.e., reducing the tacrolimus dose by half after initiating sirolimus) could reverse some cases of SRAR.

Chatgpt: In recent years, Song et al. [43] also reported that in patients with a baseline immunosuppressive regimen of steroids, tacrolimus, and MMF who developed SRAR, partial conversion from tacrolimus to sirolimus (i.e., reducing the tacrolimus dose by half after initiating sirolimus) could reverse SRAR in some cases.

这两个AI都没能体现明显体现“发生SRAR后”,虽然“who developed SRAR”也隐隐约约体现出来。

最终的译文:In recent years, Song et al.[43] also reported that, for patients on a baseline immunosuppressive regimen of steroids, tacrolimus, and MMF, partial conversion from tacrolimus to sirolimus (i.e., reducing the tacrolimus dose by half after initiating sirolimus) could reverse SRAR in some cases after the occurrence of SRAR.



还有一个费用的问题,上述的chatgpt译文是chatgpt 4o,这个每个月的订阅费用是20美元。Chatgpt的订阅在国内很麻烦,我用了很费劲的方法才搞定了订阅,而且很不稳定,经常性上不去。所以在这个使用背景下,在特别急迫需要预翻译的情况下,我100%是会选择Deepseak。我现在还没决定是否要取消掉4o的订阅,要看后续的使用体验。



