各自的十字路口 At Our Crossroad——2024 IB视觉艺术展

教育   2024-05-23 16:46   上海  



At Our


FDIS 12年级 



G12 IB 

Visual Arts 


4月7日下午,复旦附中笃志楼B1展厅迎来了一年一度的12年级IB视觉艺术展。伴随着优美的乐队演奏,9位年轻的艺术家为我们带来了一场艺术盛宴。他们是:Amanda Fang、Harry Kuo、Gedz Kateryna、Taruya Meru、Bon Nicole、Rosemary Zheng、Sunny Xu、Syana Zhang和Yilu Sun。在指导老师Ms. Bianca的带领下,Gedz Kateryna和Syana Zhang走上台前,发表了简短的开幕式致辞。她们共同回顾了过去两年的艺术学习旅程,分享了各自的成长与感悟。

On the afternoon of the 7th of April, at 3:30 PM, the B1 Exhibition Hall of High School Affiliated to Fudan University welcomed the annual G12 IB Visual Arts Exhibition. Amidst beautiful musical performances, nine young artists presented an artistic feast for us. They are: Amanda Fang, Harry Kuo, Gedz Kateryna, Taruya Meru, Bon Nicole, Rosemary Zheng, Sunny Xu, Syana Zhang, and Yilu Sun. Guided by their teacher, Ms. Bianca, Gedz Kateryna and Syana Zhang took the stage and delivered 

brief opening remarks. They jointly reviewed the past two years of their artistic learning journey and shared their growth and insights. 

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此次展览的主题为“各自的十字路口”(At Our Crossroad),虽然IBDP课程并不强制要求所有学生按照同一主题进行毕业展的创作,但同学们却以各自独特的方式,对“站在人生的十字路口,我们是谁?我们该何去何从?”这一深刻的问题给出了精彩的解答。他们通过近百件精心创作的艺术作品,展示了复旦附中国际部学生在艺术表达上的卓越水平和独特见解。

The theme of this exhibition is "At our crossroad". Although the IB diploma programme does not require all students to follow the same theme for their graduation exhibition, the students of the 2024 Art Class at FDIS have provided wonderful answers to the profound question of "Who are we standing at the crossroads of life? Where should we go?" 

Each of them showcased their unique responses through a variety of artistic creations, demonstrating the outstanding level of artistic expression and depth of thought among the students of FDIS.

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值得一提的是,这次展览的开幕表演环节也令人眼前一亮。来自Balami乐队的Amanda Fang和Harry Kuo,作为视觉艺术班的音乐家代表,与他们的乐队成员共同献上了一场精彩的爵士乐表演,为展览增色不少。此外,在展览期间,Mustang乐队也提供了持续的音乐陪伴,为参观者营造了一个充满艺术氛围的观赏环境。

It's worth mentioning that the opening performance of this exhibition was also remarkable. Amanda Fang and Harry Kuo from the Balami band, as representatives of the art class musicians, together with their band members, delivered a splendid jazz performance, adding much color to the exhibition. Additionally,

during the exhibition, the Mustang band provided continuous and wonderful musical accompaniment, creating an atmosphere full of artistic vibes for the visitors.

Additionally, during the exhibition, the Mustang band provided continuous and wonderful musical accompaniment, creating an atmosphere full of artistic vibes for the visitors.

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This visual arts exhibition is not only a celebration of art but also a comprehensive showcase of students' artistic talent and thinking abilities. It successfully reflects the remarkable achievements of Fudan 

International School in art education and provides a valuable platform for students to showcase themselves and exchange learning experiences.

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Next, step into the world of artists 

and have a look at their creative ideas!

Amanda Fang


In the face of a fast-paced society, it seems difficult to maintain a balance in life, so my theme is "Meditation in working experience." I hope that the audience can find resonance and relieve their own burdens through the depiction

 of working life in this exhibition. At the same time, I also shared the realization that maintaining inner peace can help to better face the irritability and fatigue of work.

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Harry Kuo


After taking the course IB Visual Arts, I experimented with large numbers of art media and further developed my creativity as well as my observation skills. My exhibition’s theme is “Cats as Mirrors of Human Struggles.” I had cats as pets, and I noticed that cats often act similarly 

to humans, I thought it would be effective to use cats to reflect problems that humans often face to allow viewers to more objectively understand many situations.

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Gedz Kateryna


Over the course of IB art, I have explored more directions for the exhibition than I can count! My final works center around combining religious, scientific, and cosmic motifs. All elements from our bodies were created in the cores of stars -- the only places in the universe with enough pressure and heat to synthesize heavy elements. I aimed to express the reverence I feel towards this fact in my exhibition, encouraging 

viewers to reconsider their approach to faith -- something that I have been exploring over the last few years.

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Taruya Meru


The two year journeys I spent in this art class brings me a various emotions and relief. The theme for my topic is ‘Secret box inside me’, the boxes collect my secrets, theyThe two year journeys I spent in this art class brings me a various emotions and relief. The theme for my topic is ‘Secret box inside me’, the boxes collect my secrets, they are realistic but unrealistic, as if reality itself were filtered through a unique lens, a phenomenon experienced by many. My

underlying theme is to seek out a place for us to escape from reality because life is difficult and oppressive. This concept encourages us to hold onto our dreams, to see them as a life-hack for enjoying our existence fully.

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Bon Nicole


Over the past two years studying visual arts, I've honed a creative process that incorporates research, development, creation, refinement, and presentation. This approach has been fundamental to my latest exhibition, which delves into the theme of self-discovery through the lens of identity. Through art, I've embarked on a journey to understand who I am and what truly defines me. This exploration of identity naturally led me to consider 

the psychological aspects of being human. As a result, the exhibition also touches on the concept of navigating the complexities of identity within oneself (e.g. Dissociative Identity Disorder). Bringing it together, I believe our unique experiences in life are what shape us as individuals and motivates our artistic voices. Be your own lead in life, discover yourself. 

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Rosemary Zheng


Through IBVA, I have gained an understanding of various artistic styles and learned to appreciate artworks from different perspectives. It has provided me with skills and worldviews from different artists, which have influenced my creations to a certain extent. The theme of my exhibition is "The Influence of Asian Culture", which 

highlights my worldview over the past 18 years and showcases the themes that have shaped my identity to the audience. At the same time, it also prompts them to reflect on their own culture and reconsider how it has influenced their identity.

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Sunny Xu


Over the past two years, my friends and I have learned what it takes to become artists. We've improved our skills, struggled with deadlines, and learned how to express ourselves creatively. As a class, we visited art museums to gain inspiration and insights from established artists. Through this journey, I've gained insight into how artistic concepts blossom and evolve, culminating in the experience of exhibiting my work. The theme of my exhibition was 'A Symphony of Love and Loss,' 

where I aimed to capture the stages we go through when we experience loss. I hope my art speaks to others and helps them realize they are not alone in these experiences.

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Syana Zhang


Through the past two years of studying IB Visual Arts, I have learnt many things, especially on how to express myself through different ways. My exhibition; “Seven Deadly Sins -Wrath” personifies Wrath, and I tell a story of the path that he chooses to take. This  

exhibition allowed me to express my creativity through the different mediums and finding the most important aspects of me and my life that I wanted to share and to combine with. 

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Yilu Sun


Over the past two years of IB visual Art was a tough one, though, through personal production, I not only aimed to improve my skills, but I was also able to learn to face things and make efforts without giving up.“Derealization” is my theme for the exhibition. Through my artwork, I want to show how individuals should not be pressured by 

society to be someone else and not being afraid of being yourself, especially for those who experience chronic disconnectionfrom reality. In the future, I hope to be able to utilize the skills I have cultivated, and the feedback I have received from people and use them in various ways.

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Creating art is a journey of self-discovery and exploration. With each piece we make, we learn more about who we are and what we have to say to the world. It's a constant evolution, a never-ending quest to push the boundaries of our own creativity and understanding.

Written|Bianca Xu

Edited | Jennifer Jing

Proofread | Christine Shi

Layout | Alice Wang
