TEDx Youth Fudan International School 即将启动 | 与您相约 “又日新”

教育   2024-05-09 18:18   上海  

TEDx Youth Fudan International School 即将启动 | 与您相约又日新

TEDx Youth Fudan International School is coming soon | Let’s meet with “Renewal"


TEDx, here we come!



Fudan International School (FDIS) students will stand on the stage of TEDx and make their voices heard to the world in blooming May!

PART  1 

什么是TED、TEDx与TEDx Youth?

What are TED, TEDx, and TEDx Youth?

TED的三个字母代表的是:T(Technology) 科技、E(Entertainment) 娱乐、D(Design)设计,这是一个致力于以传播新思想为宗旨的非营利组织,它相信强有力的想法与表达能够打动我们,让我们有所感悟,从而以不同的方式思考并采取行动。自1984年成立后,TED以话题的广泛性、探讨的深刻性以及语言的多样性,成为当今社会最有影响力的思想传播力量之一。秉承“传播有价值想法”的精神,TED创建了一个名为“TEDx”的组织,TEDx是由独立组织者遵循TED组织所设定的标准和规则所举办的演讲活动,字母x也是多元化融合的象征,TEDx希望大家在当地社区中分享自己的想法、经验和观点,从而推动创新与变革。TEDx Youth则是专门为年轻人量身定制的演讲活动,年轻人充满想象与乐趣,兼具创造力与行动力,相信TEDx Youth将是他们发光发热的舞台,社会的未来也将会因此而改变。

The three letters of TED stand for T-Technology, E-Entertainment, and D-Design which is a non-profit organization dedicated to spreading new ideas with the belief that: powerful ideas powerfully presented will move us to feel something, to think differently, and to take action. Since its founding in 1984, TED has become one of the most influential forces in the dissemination of ideas in today's society due to the breadth of its topics, the depth of its discussions, and the diversity of its language. In the spirit of "Ideas worth spreading," TED has created an organization called "TEDx," which is a collection of presentations by independent organizers who follow the standards and rules set by the TED organization. The letter x also means a symbol of diversity and integration. TEDx hopes that people can share their ideas, experiences and opinions in their local communities to promote innovation and change, while TEDx Youth is a tailor-made event for young people, who are full of imagination and fun, and have both creativity and power of action, and we believe that TEDx Youth will be the stage for them to shine and the future of the society will be changed accordingly.


首届TEDx Youth 

Fudan International School 


The first TEDx Youth 

Fudan International School 

is coming!


The First TEDxFDIS Event


首届TEDx Youth Fudan International School的主题定为“又日新”。“又日新”取自《大学》中的名言:“苟日新,日日新,又日新”,明确了持续学习与自我革新的重要性。同时,“又日新”与复旦大学的校名(“旦复旦兮,日月光华”)有着深刻联系。复旦附中国际部秉承复旦精神,既承载着历史文化的传承,又体现了学校对于学生未来光明与希望的向往。此外,“又日新”鼓励学生拥抱变化,不断学习和探索新知识、新技能。这种心态不仅使他们能够适应快速变化的社会环境,还能激发创新意识,培养解决问题的能力,这一点也非常符合复旦附中国际部的教育理念。

1) Theme of the event: Renewal

The theme of the first TEDx Youth Fudan International School was carefully considered. It is taken from the famous saying of The Great Learning: “If you can one day renew yourself, do so from day to day. Let there be daily renewal”. This quote emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and self-renewal. At the same time, "Renewal" is also deeply connected with the name and motto of Fudan University ("Itinerant as the twilight, the sun glows and the moon luminesces"). FDIS upholds the spirit of Fudan, hence the choice of this theme not only carries forward historical and cultural legacies but also reflects the aspiration towards the bright future and hope of our students. In addition, "Renewal” encourages students to embrace change and continuously learn and explore new knowledge and skills. This mindset not only enables them to adapt to rapidly changing societal environments but also fosters innovative thinking and problem-solving abilities. which is also very much in line with the educational philosophy of FDIS.


First FDIS TEDx Speakers:


Following a rigorous selection process, six speakers have been chosen.

TEDx Youth | Fudan International School

Name: Hilary Zhuang(G2)

Keywords: Ecosystem, Survival, Interdependence, Adaptation, Resilience

Quote: Deserts play an important role in the ecosystem.

TEDx Youth | Fudan International School

Name: Kyle Zhang Kaihao(G4) 

Keywords: Pursuit of excellence

Quote: "Itinerant as the twilight, the sun glows and the moon luminesces"- FDU motto

TEDx Youth | Fudan International School

Name: Emily Wang(G6)

Keyword: Leaving home

Quote: Some things were meant to happen but not to last.

TEDx Youth | Fudan International School

Name: Zandermine Miller(G8)

Keywords: Growth, discovery, rebuild

Quote: Stay humble but stand tall. -John Emery Miller

TEDx Youth | Fudan International School

Name: Albert Gao(G9)

Keyword: Procrastination

Quote: Procrastination is a sign of a perfectionist-Patrick J. Kennedy 

TEDx Youth | Fudan International School

Name: Sean Tian(G11)

Keyword: Technology

Quote: The first step is to establish that something is possible then probability will occur - Elon Mask

神秘嘉宾      Mysterious Guest



Time: 4:00 pm-5:30 pm on May 27th, 2024


Location: 6th floor Duzhi Building, No. 383 Guoquan Rd. 



All interested teachers, students, and parents are welcome to come and watch at the venue, please scan the following QR code to register.

您会是见证首届TEDx Youth Fudan International School event 的那位吗?希望“又日新”能给您带来不一样的思考与体验。5月27日,我们不见不散。

Will you be the one to witness the first TEDx Youth Fudan International School event? We hope that “Renewal” will bring you different thoughts and experiences. May 27th, see you there!

TEDx Team 

Fudan International School
