FDIS博雅讲坛开讲啦! Liberal Arts Academy in 2023-24 Semester 1

教育   2024-01-24 18:47   上海  


Liberal Arts Academy 

in Semester 1 2023-24

2024年1月5日,复旦附中国际部的博雅讲坛举办了两场别开生面的讲座。博雅讲坛作为博雅教育的一部分,旨在为中学生提供拓展学术领域、发现个人兴趣与潜能的机会。本期博雅讲坛的嘉宾是上海科技大学信息学院的邵子瑜教授和国际部2019届的优秀毕业校友Angela Li。

On January 5, 2024, Fudan International School (FDIS) hosted two unique lectures for Liberal Arts Academy. As part of the liberal arts education, FDIS Liberal Arts Academy aims to provide secondary school students with opportunities to expand their academic horizons, discover personal interests and potential. The guest speakers for this session were Professor Ziyu Shao from the School of Information Science and Technology at ShanghaiTech University and Angela Li, an outstanding graduate of FDIS class of 2019.


The past and future of AI


邵教授为初中学生们带来了分布式人工智能作为通用人工智能新一代范式的全面介绍。他回顾了分布式人工智能的历史与现状,介绍了ChatGPT大模型训练、图像生成系统训练、科学智能(AI for Science)、面向残障人士的科技向善系统、机器人养老团队等丰富多彩的应用,并展望了分布式人工智能对碳基文明与硅基文明的深远影响。

Professor Shao provided middle school students with a comprehensive introduction to distributed artificial intelligence as a new generation paradigm of general artificial intelligence. He reviewed the history and current status of distributed artificial intelligence, introduced the training of large models like ChatGPT, image generation systems, AI for Science, technology-friendly systems for the disabled, and robot-assisted elderly care teams, and so on. He also discussed the impact of distributed artificial intelligence on carbon-based civilization and silicon-based civilization.


Throughout the lecture, the students listened with great interest, and many of them actively approached Professor Shao after the lecture to continue discussing the impact of artificial intelligence on human society, demonstrating a strong interest in this cutting-edge field.


Academic Life in American 

Liberal Arts Colleges


校友Angela则向高中学生分享了她在美国文理学院Amherst College的学习生活经历,强调了文理学院提供的丰富学术资源、多元文化氛围、小班化教学以及海外学习项目等。她以自身为例,分享了工科生在文理学院获得的良好学习体验。Angela在谈到她在复旦附中国际部的学习与生活时,提到了IB课程为她带来的学术训练与教育体验有助于她更好地适应大学学习。她还分享了国际部社团和校园体育活动至今萦绕在她心头的美好回忆。

Alumna Angela shared her study and life experiences at Amherst College, emphasizing the rich academic resources, multicultural atmosphere, small class education, and overseas study programs. Using her own experience as an example, she shared the learning experience about what STEM students can achieve at liberal arts colleges. When mentioning her studies and life at FDIS, she shared how IBDP provided her with academic training and educational experiences that helped her better adapt to university studies. She also shared fond memories of the extracurricular activities and sports activities at FDIS.


Fudan International School will continue to hold the Liberal Arts Academy series, inviting distinguished alumni and outstanding individuals from various fields to share extensive knowledge with students, broaden their horizons, and inspire them to explore and think about the future.

Written | Sophia Sun

Edited | Christine Shi

Layout | Jennifer Jing

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