FDIS 小学万圣节音乐会:奇妙的音乐时刻

教育   2023-11-15 09:00   上海  




FDIS Halloween Concert: A Spooky Musical Moment 🎶

一年一度的 FDIS 万圣节音乐会再次降临!这一场音乐盛宴再次带来了丰富多彩的表演,包括打击乐、歌唱、舞蹈、音乐剧以及耳目一新的篮球与音乐、美术与音乐的组合表演。

The annual FDIS Halloween Concert is here once again! This music extravaganza brings a diverse range of performances, including percussion, singing, dancing, musical theater, and exciting combinations of basketball and music, as well as art and music.


Halloween is a day filled with magic and wonder, where we can dress up as our favorite characters and roam around collecting delicious candies and treats. Whether you're a superhero, a princess, or any character you can imagine, today is your moment.

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"Can you transform me into a little kitty cat?" At noon, volunteer students and teachers gathered together to create face paintings for the children with care, filling the moment with joy.

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四年级Otter班的Cup打击乐队在音乐会中带来了令人兴奋的开场表演。他们运用独特的打击乐器和鼓点,为大家营造出浓厚的节日氛围。他们演奏了一曲经典之作——"We Will Rock You”,这首歌曲的节奏和活力将让大家沉浸在欢乐之中。

The Grade 4 Otter's Cup Percussion Ensemble delivers an exhilarating opening performance at the concert. They used unique percussion instruments and rhythms to create a festive atmosphere for everyone. They performed a classic piece, "We Will Rock You," a song with a rhythm and energy that immersed everyone in joy.

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四年级Penguin班为我们呈现了一首充满深情的歌曲——“Remember Me”。歌声带领我们走进一个回忆的世界。无论经历了什么,爱的记忆永不会被遗忘。

The fourth-grade Penguins present a heartfelt song for us: "Remember Me." Their singing led us into a world of memories. No matter what we've been through, the memories of love will never be forgotten.

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传统的万圣节活动是什么呢?当然是“不给糖就捣乱”。FDIS 万圣节音乐会上,让一年级的Dragon班与你们一起说声“Hello Hello, Trick or Treat!”

The traditional Halloween activity, of course, is "trick or treat." At the FDIS Halloween Concert, let the Grade 1 Dragons join you in saying, "Hello, Hello, Trick or Treat!”

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Oi, new kids! Let us tell you some rules in our school! 我们二年级的Koala班也为大家准备了一首以万圣节为主题的校歌。但不用担心!我们的学校充满了欢乐和友善。

Hey, new kids! Let us share some rules in our school. Our second-grade Koala class has also prepared a school song with a Halloween theme for you. But don't worry! Our school is full of joy and friendliness.

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哇,那些T恤和面具看起来真漂亮!这都是由我们二年级Kangaroo班的学生亲自设计和制作的。Kangaroo班的学生为我们准备了一场时尚秀,神秘嘉宾Ms. Tamara也加入了他们的行列。

"Wow, those T-shirts and masks look really beautiful!" These were all designed and made by the students from our second-grade Kangaroo class. The Kangaroo class students have prepared a fashion show for us, and the mysterious guest, Ms. Tamara, has also joined their ranks.

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三年级的学生为我们带来了一系列精彩的演出:荧光舞Wednesday令人耳目一新;Mission Impossible表演神秘有趣;男孩们在舞台上的篮球秀活力四射。观众们的赞叹、欢笑之声不绝于耳!

Grade 3 students gave us a series of wonderful performances—the fluorescent dance Wednesday was refreshing; Mission Impossible performance was mysterious and fun; and the boys were energetic with their Basketball show on the stage. The audience's admiration and laughter were endless!

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The fifth-grade Phoenix group brought us a thrilling "Thriller" performance. Their skillful execution and eerie dance moves immersed everyone in the Halloween atmosphere and left everyone excited.

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在这个充满欢乐的万圣节音乐会上,一年级的Panda班带来了一首特别的歌曲,这首“This Little Light of Mine” 传递出了勇敢和分享的精神,为我们献上一份独特的礼物,让我们沉浸在这充满温馨的瞬间。

In this joyous Halloween concert, the first-grade Panda class brought a special song, "This Little Light of Mine," conveying the spirit of bravery and sharing. They offered us a unique gift, allowing us to immerse ourselves in this heartwarming moment.

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最后,我们的Unicorn班来为演出画上了完美的句点。孩子们对这首歌非常喜爱,在排练的过程中,他们在音乐节奏的感染下,还一起参与创意出了舞蹈,将“Look What You Made Me Do”呈现得十分精彩。

Finally, our Unicorn class is here to put a perfect ending to the performance. The children adore this song, and during rehearsals, they were so inspired by the music that they even came up with a creative dance to make "Look What You Made Me Do" a spectacular presentation.

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We have witnessed so many creative and impressive outfits and face paintings. Now, let's take a look at our beautiful costumes!

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This is a Halloween musical moment, so let's cheer for these exciting performances!

Written | Sarah Li

Layout | Alice Wang

Edited | Christine Shi, Mary Zhang

Proofread | Christine Shi
