Travel Wherever,
Read Whenever
——Highlights in ES Library Class
It is a wonderful literary adventure in FDIS ES Library class! They discover the diverse world of literature, hone their reading skills, engage in thought-provoking discussions, and share their passion for books through captivating book activities.
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国庆假期期间,小学部学生们就积极参与了一项别开生面的图书馆课活动——“漫游所至,书卷相伴”。这一由图书馆课老师Ms. Virginia、Mr. Jonathan、Mr. Brueton, 以及Ms. Frances组织的创意活动,将阅读、旅行和创意巧妙地结合在一起,鼓励孩子们在有趣的地方拍照的同时,阅读书籍,设计海报介绍一本自己喜欢的书,或者制作视频分享自己的阅读心得。
During the National Day holiday, ES students were given a task by their library teachers Ms. Virginia, Mr. Jonathan, Mr. Brueton, Ms. Frances called "Travel Wherever, Read Whenever' that combined creativity, literature, and adventure. The assignment encouraged them to take photos in interesting locations while reading a book; create a poster to introduce a book; or produce a video review sharing their thoughts about a story.
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这一活动创意来源于五年级的图书馆课教师Ms. Frances。十月初,天气宜人,正是出发探索新地方的绝佳时机。旅行往往伴随着长时间的行程,如果一本好书可以在这些时刻成为理想的伴侣,这段旅程必定变得更加丰富,令人愉快。
The great idea of this activity came from G5 library teacher, Ms. Frances - As the weather becomes pleasant, it's the perfect time to explore new destinations. However, travel can often involve long stretches of time.
A good book can be ideal companion during these moments, providing entertainment and enriching the journey.
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As soon as the notice of the event was sent out, the students and even some teachers, actively participated in it.
The response was fantastic, with students showcasing their imagination and enthusiasm for reading.
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Many opted for iconic landmarks, capturing photos at places like Big Ben in London or WuXi, blending the joy of literature with the excitement of exploration.
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The posters created were informative, highlighting key themes, characters, and illustrations that reflected the essence of each book.
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The video reviews allowed children to express their opinions and discuss what resonated with them most in the stories.
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These different options not only fostered a love for reading but also allowed children artistic expression, critical thinking, and develop their oracy; all of which are key skills for FDIS students.
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我们希望这项活动能够鼓励孩子们在潜心阅读好书的过程中找到乐趣,并牢记 “意随行至,漫游无界;心向往之,书卷相伴”!
We hope that this activity encourages students to find enjoyment through diving into a good book and remember to Travel Wherever they want to explore; and Read Whenever they are able to!
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Written | Lingard Frances
Edited | Scarlett Shi, Mary Zhang
Layout | Sonja Cai
Proofread | Christine Shi