5月17日,复旦附中国际部11年级认识论学习成果展在笃志楼地下一层展厅开幕。这次成果展充分展示了学生的求知欲和创造力。学生们选择了各种各样来自现实生活的物件,每一件都与一道发人深省的 TOK 提示题相关联,例如:“有些事物是不可知的吗?”和 “在产生关于世界的知识的过程中,想象力发挥什么作用? ”成果展反映了他们对知识问题的深入思考,所选物品既有日常用品,也有官方出版物,每名学生的展览都经过精心策划,以引发思考和讨论。学生介绍自己展品的同时,也分享了其深刻而细致的对命题的回应,展示了他们将抽象的 TOK 概念与实际经验联系起来的综合能力。当天下午,展厅里热闹非凡,家长、学生、老师纷纷涌向各位11年级同学的展台,踊跃提问,探索他们对TOK的诠释。
On May 17, The G11 Theory of Knowledge (TOK) exhibition at Fudan International School announced its opening at the B1 Exhibition Hall of Duzhi Building. The exhibition was a captivating showcase of intellectual curiosity and creativity. Students selected a diverse array of objects, each tied to thought-provoking TOK prompts such as "Are some things unknowable?" and "What role does imagination play in producing knowledge about the world?", reflecting their deep engagement with knowledge questions. The chosen objects ranged from everyday items to official publications, each meticulously curated to provoke reflection and discussion. Students eloquently presented their objects, sharing insightful and nuanced responses that demonstrated their ability to connect abstract TOK concepts with tangible experiences. The exhibition hall buzzed with excitement as visitors engaged with the displays, asking questions and exploring the students' interpretations.
TOK 学习成果展是IBDP学生在经历了第一年课程学习之后开展的评估。在 TOK 提示题的启发下,学生们选择三件现实生活中的物件,以此为出发点,探索他们对"认识论如何在我们周围的世界中体现"这一问题的理解。
The TOK Exhibition is the culminating assessment for first-year IB Diploma Programme students. Intrigued by a TOK prompt, students select three real-life objects and use them as starting points to explore their understanding of how TOK is manifested in the world around us.
For the audience, which includes parents, teachers, and students - many of whom are new to the TOK curriculum - the exhibition provides an opportunity for them to develop a deep interest in the course and its philosophy, as well as an impressive demonstration of how G11 IB students can unfold their thinking process in a concrete and insightful way.
展览现场还提供了美食和音乐,氛围舒适温馨。才华横溢的学生们的音乐表演为现场增添了一抹亮色。复旦附中国际部的 TOK 成果展凸显了IBDP学生的批判性思维能力和创造力,同时也致力于与更广泛的学校社区建立联系。
Adding to the vibrant atmosphere, the exhibition featured a delightful assortment of food and music, creating an inviting environment. Music performances by talented students added a harmonious backdrop, enhancing the overall experience and fostering a sense of community. This combination of thoughtful presentations, engaging discussions, and a lively cultural ambiance made the TOK exhibition at Fudan International School a memorable event, highlighting the students' ability to think critically and creatively while connecting with their peers and the broader school community.
Written| Kyle D. Pulsifer
Proofread | Christine Shi
Layout | Alice Wang