The Structure of Aesthetics
談藝者衹道眼之於色,耳之於聲,佛書所謂根不待接之“離中知”也。鼻、舌、身、香、味、觸皆接根之“合中知”,則比之自鄶(參觀 J. Volkert, System der Ästhetik, Bd.I, S.94-100; B. Croce, Estetica, 10a ed., pp.517 ff.; R. Bayer, Histoire de l’Esthétique, p.73; F.E. Sparshott, The Structure of Aesthetics, p.330)。而鑑賞之識、審別之力,又取喻於舌之辨味(參觀Croce, Estetica, pp.208 ff., 529;又第八一則、二二七則),二事若相鑿枘。夫味即觸之一種,E.E. Kellett, Fashion in Literature, p.3: “Taste comes from tangere — it is an intensive form of that verb. In this sense, the tangent tastes the circle ... We came to limit tasting to touching with the tongue or palate, & forgot entirely that it once was used of contact with the tips of fingers” 其言是也。Samuel Butler 嘗欲作文,題曰:“The Sense of Touch: An essay showing that all the senses resolve themselves ultimately into a sense of touch, and that eating is touch carried to the bitter end” (The Notebooks, ed. H.F. Jones, p.230),殊有妙解。
Histoire de l’Esthétique
蓋舌之於味,最為親切融冶,非若其他識、塵之尚判物、我界也。故佛書有“識食”之喻(見第二五則)。Novalis, Fragmente, §999: “Der Sinn überhaupt isst, verdaut” (ed. E. Kamnitzer, S.348); Feuerbach: “Das Geheimnis des Opfers”: “Der Liebe ist ... herzliches und mündliches Essen” (Sämmtl. Werke, hrsg. Wm Bolin & Fr. Jodl, Bd.X, S.60)(參觀第六二○則),亦隱然以口之於味為眼、耳、鼻、身、色、聲、香、觸之究竟義矣。常語如“秀色可餐”“一口水吞了他”亦相發明。Dante, Purgatorio, VIII. 76-8, Nino de’ Visconti 言其婦在世已忘逝者,云:“Per lei assai di lieve si comprende / quanto in femmina foco d’amor dura, / se l’occhio o ’l tatto spesso non l’accende”1; Milton, Paradise Lost, VIII. 579 ff. Raphael 誡 Adam 云:“But, if the sense of touch, whereby mankind / Is propagated, seem such dear delight / Beyond all other, think the same voutsafed / To cattle & each beast” (Poetical Works, “Everyman’s Lib.”, p.175); Alexander Bain, Emotions & Will: “Touch is both the alpha & omega of affection” (H.Ellis, Studies in the Psychology of Sex, III, p.6 引),可以參觀。【《大智度論》卷十七《釋初品中禪波羅蜜》:“云何呵觸?此觸是生諸結使之大因,繫縛心之根本。何以故?餘四情各當其分,此則遍滿身識;生處廣故,多生染著,此著難離”;又卷三十五《釋奉缽品第二》2:“世間中五欲第一,無不愛樂;於五欲中,觸為第一,能繫人心;墮在深泥,難可拯濟。以是故,諸天方便,令菩薩遠離婬欲。……若受餘欲,猶不失智慧;婬欲會時,身心荒迷,無所省覺,深著自沒。以故諸天令菩薩離之”云云,蓋以色欲為觸覺之極致。】
Poetical Works