【《全三國文》卷五二嵇康《聖賢高士傳·原憲》。】希臘古哲人άπάθια 之說與輔嗣主張相似,參觀 Epictetus, Discourses, B.I, ch.18: “I do not mean that you may not groan, but do not groan in spirit” (The Discourses & Manual, tr. P.E. Matheson, vol.I,p.100); IV. 1: “The inner citadel is destroyed not by fire or sword, but by judgements” (vol.II, p.125; cf. III. 18: “When any disturbing news is brought you, bear this in mind that news cannot affect anything within the region of the will” — vol.II, p.51; Manual, V: “What disturbs men’s minds is not events but their judgements on events” — vol.II, p.215; Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, tr. J. Jackson, VIII. 41, p.152: “The mind remains untouched by fire or sword, tyranny or malediction”); Manual, XVI: “Do not hesitate to sympathize with him [a bereaved father] so far as words go, & if it so chance, even to groan with him; but take heed that you do not also groan in your inner being” (II, p.219)。
From Virgil to Milton
又 C.M. Bowra, From Virgil to Milton, p.58: “St. Augustine hints at this [Aeneas as a Stoic] when he touches on Aeneas’ treatment of Dido & treats it as being typically Stoic because while he sheds tears for her, his purpose is not shaken by her sufferings: mens immota manet, lacrimae volvuntur inanes” (IV. 449); The Era of Goethe: Essays Presented to James Boyd, p.18: “Wilhelm von Humboldt urges the cultivation of detachment. He has always aimed at two things: ‘mich empfänglich zu halten für jede Freude des Lebens, und dennoch ... unabhängig zu bleiben, niemandes zu bedürfen, auch nicht der Begünstigungen des Schicksals, sondern auf mir allein zu stehen, und mein Glück in mir und durch mich zu bauen’ (Briefe an eine Freundin, hrsg. A Leitzmann, I, 50)... p.40: ‘Es muss im Innern eine eigene Welt geben,über die die Wellen des Lebens nur hinwegschlagen und die still und verborgen sich fortbildet’ (Wilhelm und Karoline von Humboldt in Ihren Briefen, hrsg. Anna von Sydow, IV, 43); ‘Mein Leben muss bleiben, was es einmal gewesen ist: Beschauen und Nachdenken’ (Ib., III, 141)”。非即人哭亦哭、人慟亦慟,而不損心、不累情耶?
Wilhelm und Caroline
von Humboldt in ihren Briefen
Aulus Gellius, The Attic Nights, Bk.XII, ch.5: “I accompanied the philosopher Taurus to see the Pythian games. On our way we called on a famous Stoic philosopher at the town of Lebadia. The philosopher was suffering from colic. The stifled groans that burst from him,& the heavy sighs that escaped his panting breast, revealed his suffering, & no less his struggle to overcome it ... Taurus said: ‘It was a profitable experience in beholding the encounter & contest of a philosopher with pain.As you saw, there were obvious signs of a battle between soul & body [virtutis et corporis] for the man’s possession. A wise man can endure & put up with certain evils, but he cannot altogether exclude them from his consciousness (Haec ergo vir sapiens tolerare et exanclare potest, non admittere omnino in sensum sui non potest). ... Why a man involuntarily winks when someone’s hand is suddenly directed against his eyes? Why he becomes terrified by loud thunder, why he is shaken by sneezing, why he sweats in the heat of the sun or grows cold amid severe frosts? For these & many other things are not under the control of the will, the judgment, or the reason, but are decrees of nature & of necessity (Haec enim et pleraque alia non voluntas nec consilium nec ratio moderatur, sed naturae necessitatis que decreta sunt)’” (“The Loeb Classical Library”, II, pp.370-82),足相發明【《東塾讀書記》卷16】。
Love in Several Masques
〇《全晉文》卷一三八張湛《嘲范甯》:“此方云用:損讀書一、減思慮二、專内視三、簡外觀四、旦晚起五、夜早眠六。長服不已,洞見牆壁之外。”按楊彥齡《楊公筆錄》云33:“余自幼病目昏,徧求名方二十餘年,略不少愈,因得張湛與范甯治目疾六物方,遂却去諸藥不御”;温飛卿《訪知玄上人遇曝經》云:“惠能不肯傳心法,張湛徒勞與眼方”;黃山谷《次韻元實病目》云:“道人常恨未灰心,儒士苦愛讀書眼;要須玄覽照鏡空,莫作白魚鑽蠹簡”;陳簡齋《目疾》:“著籬令惡誰能繼,損讀方奇定有功。”34 參觀 Fielding, Love in Several Masques, I. v, Lord Formal: “Reading is the worst thing in the world for the eyes; I once gave in to it, & had in a very few months gone through almost a dozen pages in Cassandra. But I found it vastly impaired the lustre of my eyes. I had, in that short time, perfectly lost the direct ogle” (F. Homes Dudden, Henry Fielding, I, p.24 引)。又按《全後漢文》卷二十馮衍《與婦弟任武達書》:“唯一婢,武達所見,頭無釵澤,面無脂粉,形骸不蔽,手足抱土。”亦大類 Tom Jones 記 Mrs Partridge 事: “In order to guard herself against matrimonial injuries in her own house, as she kept one maid-servant, she always took care to chuse her out of that order of females whose faces are taken as a kind of security for their virtue”35 (Bk.II, ch.3, “Everyman’s Library”, I, p.42); Byron, Don Juan, Canto I. 48: “She [Donna Inez] scarcely trusted him from her sight; / Her maids were old, & if she took a new one, / You might be sure she was a perfect fright, / She did this during even her husband’s life — / I recommend as much to every wife” (Variorum Edition, by T.G. Steffan & W.W. Pratt, II, p.48)。明人汪廷訥《獅吼記》第七齣柳氏為陳季常納簉室“滿頭花”“後庭花”“眼前花”“折枝花”四人是也。36