
教育   2024-08-30 07:57   山东  

备考加油 一战成硕


1. heritage [ˈherɪtɪdʒ] n. 遗产,传统,世袭财产;(植物种类)纯种的,老品种的;特殊(或个人)的所有物,(该有的)一份;上帝选择的人(以色列人或基督教教会) 【名】 (heritage)(英)赫里蒂奇(人名);heritages

2. speciality [ˌspeʃɪˈælɪtɪ] n. 特色菜,特产;特制品,特需品;专业,专长;医学专科,专外科;常做之事;specialities

3. gauge [gedʒ] n. 测量仪器;宽度,厚度;(测量或判断的)尺度,标准;(铁道的)轨距;(枪管的)口径;(汽车)胎压计 v. 估计,判断;测量;gauges;gauges;gauging;gauged;gauged

4. pine [paɪn] n. 松树;松木;……松(用于其他科针叶类树木名称中);……松(用于某方面类似松树而与松树无关的植物名称中);有松针香味;凤梨 v. (因死亡、离别) 难过,悲伤;苦苦思念;为……悲哀,哀悼;渴望,苦苦盼望(尤指不太可能拥有的东西) 【名】 (pine)派因(人名);pines;pine;pines;pining;pined;pined

5. sector [ˈsektə] n. 区域,部分;(尤指商业、贸易等的)部门,行业;小群体;(尤指军队控制的)分区,防区;(磁盘上的)扇区; 扇形,扇形面;函数尺,象限仪 v. 把……分成扇形;sectors;sectors;sectoring;sectored;sectored

6. serial [ˈsɪərɪəl] adj. 连续的;连载的;分期偿还的;连续作案的 n. 电视连续剧;期刊;连载小说 n. (serial)(阿、美、俄、意、英、法)塞力娅乐(人名)

7. cluster [ˈklʌstə] n. 组,簇;星团;一连串同类事件;(聚集在同一地方的)一群人;(计算机磁盘上的)丛集,群集;辅音群,辅音连缀;基 v. 群聚,聚集;(数据点)具近似数值 【名】 (cluster)(英)克拉斯特(人名);clusters;clusters;clustering;clustered;clustered

8. highland [ˈhaɪlənd] adj. 高地的,高原的;苏格兰高地的,苏格兰高地人的 n. 高地,高原;苏格兰高地(the highlands);海兰(苏格兰北部行政区)(highland)

9. location [ləʊˈkeɪʃən] n. 地点,位置;(电影的)外景拍摄地;定位;(计算机内存里的)地址;locations

10. scheme [skɪːm] n. (政府或其他组织的)计划,方案;(用于组织或整理信息的)系统,体系;组合,布局;阴谋,诡计;社会住宅区 v. 密谋,策划;认为,猜想;按色调布置 【名】 (scheme)(瑞典)谢默(人名);schemes;schemes;scheming;schemed;schemed

11. deck [dek] n. 甲板,舱面;(船或公共汽车的)层;一副牌;(屋后供休息的)木制平台;(唱机的)盘装置,(音响系统的)走带机构 v. 装饰,打扮;用力击倒;装甲板 【名】 (deck)(英、法、德)德克(人名);decks;decks;decking;decked;decked

12. costume [ˈkɒstjuːm, -ˈtjuːm] n. 服装,装束;戏服,表演服装;泳衣,泳装 v. 给(某人)穿上特定服装 adj. (戏剧)古装的;costumes;costumes;costuming;costumed;costumed

13. domestic [dəˈmestɪk] adj. 国内的,本国的;家用的,家庭的;喜爱家庭生活的,乐于操持家务的;非野生的,驯养的 n. 家庭纠纷,家庭矛盾;佣人,家仆;国货,本地产品;domestics

14. combination [ˌkɒmbɪˈneɪʃən] n. 结合体,联合体;结合,联合;(用于开锁的)数码组合;化合作用;两用(或多用的)物品;衫裤相连的内衣;组合;附边车的摩托车;combinations

15. enthusiasm [ɪnˈθjuːzɪæzəm] n. 热情,热忱;热衷的活动,热爱的事物;enthusiasms

16. paddle [ˈpædl] n. (小船的)短桨,桨;桨状工具,桨状物;划桨;(乒乓球的)球拍;扁条刑杖;(明轮船驱动所用的)轮叶,明轮翼;赤脚涉水,蹚水;(飞船上伸出的)太阳能电池板;(心脏起搏用的)电极棒;鳍状前肢 v. 用桨划(船);在……上划船;蹚水,赤足涉水;(游泳时快速)拨水;用戒尺打(孩子);搅拌,混合;paddles;paddles;paddling;paddled;paddled

17. steamer [ˈstɪːmə] n. 汽船,大轮船;汽锅,蒸锅;湿式潜水服;结帮抢劫者,团伙抢劫者; 沙海螂;蒸汽熨斗;steamers

18. charity [ˈtʃærɪtɪ] n. 慈善组织,慈善机构;慈善事业;仁慈,宽厚;赈济,施舍;charities

19. excursion [ɪksˈkɜːʃən] n. 短途旅行,远足;涉猎;移动;游览团,远足队;离题;偏移,偏差;excursions

20. isle [aɪl] n. (常用于诗歌和名称中)岛 v. 使成岛(状) 【名】 (isle)(英)艾尔(人名);isles;isles;isling;isled;isled

21. estimate [ˈestɪmeɪt] v. 估计;判断,评价 n. 估计,估价;估价单;看法,判断;estimates;estimates;estimating;estimated;estimated

22. reliance [rɪˈlaɪəns] n. 依靠,信任;被依赖的人(或物)

23. increasingly [ɪnˈkrɪːsɪŋlɪ] adv. 越来越多地,不断增加地

24. numb [nʌm] adj. 麻木的,失去感觉的;迟钝的,呆滞的 v. 使麻木,使失去知觉;使迟钝,使呆滞;使(某种感觉)减轻,使减弱;number;numbs;numbing;numbed;numbed

25. fabric [ˈfæbrɪk] n. 布料,织物;构造,结构;(汽车的)车身,(飞机的)机身;fabrics

26. creative [krɪ(ː)ˈeɪtɪv] adj. 创造(性)的,创作的;有创造力的,有想象力的 n. 创作者;创意,创作素材

27. leisure [ˈleʒə; ˈlɪːʒə] n. 闲暇,业余时间;休闲活动 adj. 空闲的,有闲的;业余的 【名】 (leisure)(英)莱热(人名)

28. opportunity [ˌɒpəˈtjuːnɪtɪ] n. 时机,机会;opportunities

29. voluntary [ˈvɔləntərɪ; (?ɜ) -terɪ] adj. 自愿的,自发的,主动的;(机构或组织)志愿的,义务性的;(工作)志愿的,无偿的,义务的;(工作者)志愿的,无偿服务的;(人体活动)随意的,可以控制的;(让与)自愿的,无偿的 n. (教堂里管风琴演奏的)仪式终始曲;(尤指作为其他作品的序曲,或自由创作的)即兴曲,自由调;(比赛中的)自选表演;自愿行动;志愿者;voluntaries

30. economic [ˌɪːkəˈnɒmɪk] adj. 经济的,经济学的;有利可图的;节约的

31. rural [ˈrʊər(ə)l] adj. 农村的,乡村的;有乡村特色的,有乡土气息的

32. beneficial [benɪˈfɪʃəl] adj. 有益的,有利的;(与)权益(有关)的,有财产使用权的

33. destructive [dɪsˈtrʌktɪv] adj. 破坏性的,毁灭性的

34. impact [ˈɪmpækt] n. 撞击,冲击力;巨大影响,强大作用 v. 冲击,撞击;挤入,压紧;(对……)产生影响

35. greenhouse [ˈgrɪːnhaʊs] n. 温室,暖房 adj. 温室效应的;greenhouses

36. image [ˈɪmɪdʒ] n. 形象,印象;影像,映像,图像;比喻,意象;画像,塑像,雕像;酷似另一个人的人;(人或事物)外形,外表;像点;硬盘备份;(圣经)偶像 v. 作……的像,描绘……的形象;(以探测器或电磁束)扫描出……的直观图;幻想,想像 【名】 (image)(法)伊马热(人名);images;images;imaging;imaged;imaged

37. charm [tʃɑːm] n. 魅力,魔力;护身符,咒语;小挂件,小饰物;粲,粲数 v. 吸引,迷住;诱使,哄诱;向……施魔法,用魔法控制;有魔力;charms;charms;charming;charmed;charmed

38. locomotive [ˌləʊkəˈməʊtɪv] n. 机车,火车头 adj. 移动的,运动的;locomotives

39. maintenance [ˈmeɪntɪnəns] n. 维护,保养;保持,维持;(依法应负担的)生活费,抚养费;包揽诉讼罪,非法资助诉讼罪

40. conservation [ˌkɒnsə(ː)ˈveɪʃən] n. 保护,保存;节约,防止浪费;守恒定律

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The Guardian view on heritage railways: where the British summertime gets steamy
The 600 miles of touristic train track are a national speciality that could not function without volunteers
Tue 27 Aug 2024 18.16 BST
There are functioning steam railways in other countries: tourists in France can go for a ride in Brittany or the Cévennes; so can visitors travelling to the Dandenong Ranges in Australia. Mallorca has a narrow-gauge line that transports passengers through olive groves and pine forests in vintage wooden carriages. But no other country has a heritage railway sector anywhere near as vibrant as the UK’s, where more than 170 services traverse around 600 miles of track and call at 460 stations.
Just a few years after the first of these railways opened at Talyllyn in north Wales, in 1951, a fictional Welsh steam engine became the main character in the children’s television serial Ivor the Engine. On lines originally built for slate quarries, north Wales still has the biggest cluster of steam railways, but they exist in all four nations of the UK, typically operating seasonal timetables in tourist areas. The longest is the Welsh Highland, which runs from Caernarfon past the foot of Snowdon to Porthmadog. At Swanage in Dorset, and a handful of other locations, there have been trials linking up heritage services with the main rail network (although Swanage concluded that its scheme was not commercially viable and will not repeat it this year). These railways are living museums – with stations decked out in period style. Some staff wear costumes too.
Up to 95% of the 18.5m journeys on heritage railways each year are taken by domestic tourists. They owe their popularity to a combination of nostalgia, enjoyment of the countryside as seen from a railway carriage and enthusiasm for the old engines that are the heart of each enterprise. The Waverley paddle steamer, which operates as a charity running excursions on bodies of water, ranging from Scotland to the Isle of Wight, is run along similar lines.
Railways are expensive to run, and the first steam preservation enthusiasts recognised that they would need volunteers to make their dream of a revival come true. Today, that heritage rail workforce is estimated at 3,000, plus about 20,000 volunteers – who are engineers and managers as well as cafe staff and ticket collectors, and between them do about half the work.
This reliance on volunteers is not unique to railways. The heritage, culture and tourism sectors all increasingly depend on the efforts of supporters, including a good number of retirees. This is partly due to cuts in budgets from local authorities and other funders, which have damaged the social fabric and removed creative and leisure opportunities from far too many people. But as a sector invented and powered by enthusiasts, heritage railways are a good example of what can be achieved by a combined paid and voluntary workforce. As well as the economic contribution that the railways make to rural areas, there is evidence that volunteering can have beneficial effects on people as well.
The railways will need to respond, like the rest of society, to environmental policies. The destructive impact of greenhouse gases is an obvious challenge to a sector that trades on an image of coal-powered transport viewed as a charming throwback. Electric locomotives are being used for maintenance, to bring emissions down, and some railways are active in wildlife conservation. There will need to be further adaptation down the line. That the railways don’t stand still has always been part of their appeal – especially on rainy days in the summer holidays.

外刊双语剪 考研阅读精选 ↓↓


0参考↓■Guardian, 守护者; ■heritage, 遗产; ■railways, 铁路; ■where, 哪里; ■British, 英国的; ■summertime, 夏季; ■steamy, 热气腾腾;

The Guardian view on heritage railways: where the British summertime gets steamy



1. heritage [ˈherɪtɪdʒ] n. 遗产,传统,世袭财产;(植物种类)纯种的,老品种的;特殊(或个人)的所有物,(该有的)一份;上帝选择的人(以色列人或基督教教会) 【名】 (heritage)(英)赫里蒂奇(人名);heritages

1参考↓■miles, 英里; ■touristic, 旅游; ■train, 火车; ■track, 轨道; ■national, 国家的; ■speciality, 专业; ■could, 能够; ■function, 功能; ■without, 没有; ■volunteers, 志愿者;

The 600 miles of touristic train track are a national speciality that could not function without volunteers


2. speciality [ˌspeʃɪˈælɪtɪ] n. 特色菜,特产;特制品,特需品;专业,专长;医学专科,专外科;常做之事;specialities

Tue 27 Aug 2024 18.16 BST


3参考↓■There, 那里; ■functioning, 运转; ■steam, 蒸汽; ■railways, 铁路; ■other, 其他; ■countries, 国家; ■tourists, 游客; ■France, 法国; ■Brittany, 布列塔尼; ■Cévennes, 塞文内斯; ■visitors, 访客; ■travelling, 旅行; ■Dandenong, 丹德农; ■Ranges, 范围; ■Australia, 澳大利亚; ■Mallorca, 马略卡岛; ■narrow-gauge, 窄轨; ■transports, 运输工具; ■passengers, 乘客; ■through, 通过; ■olive, 橄榄; ■groves, 小树林; ■forests, 森林; ■vintage, 酿造的; ■wooden, 木制的; ■carriages, 车厢; ■other, 其他; ■country, 国家; ■heritage, 遗产; ■railway, 铁路; ■sector, 部门; ■anywhere, 在任何地方; ■vibrant, 充满活力的; ■where, 哪里; ■services, 服务; ■traverse, 导线测量; ■around, 围绕; ■miles, 英里; ■track, 轨道; ■stations, 车站;

There are functioning steam railways in other countries: tourists in France can go for a ride in Brittany or the Cévennes; so can visitors travelling to the Dandenong Ranges in Australia. Mallorca has a narrow-gauge line that transports passengers through olive groves and pine forests in vintage wooden carriages. But no other country has a heritage railway sector anywhere near as vibrant as the UK’s, where more than 170 services traverse around 600 miles of track and call at 460 stations.


1. heritage [ˈherɪtɪdʒ] n. 遗产,传统,世袭财产;(植物种类)纯种的,老品种的;特殊(或个人)的所有物,(该有的)一份;上帝选择的人(以色列人或基督教教会) 【名】 (heritage)(英)赫里蒂奇(人名);heritages

3. gauge [gedʒ] n. 测量仪器;宽度,厚度;(测量或判断的)尺度,标准;(铁道的)轨距;(枪管的)口径;(汽车)胎压计 v. 估计,判断;测量;gauges;gauges;gauging;gauged;gauged

4. pine [paɪn] n. 松树;松木;……松(用于其他科针叶类树木名称中);……松(用于某方面类似松树而与松树无关的植物名称中);有松针香味;凤梨 v. (因死亡、离别) 难过,悲伤;苦苦思念;为……悲哀,哀悼;渴望,苦苦盼望(尤指不太可能拥有的东西) 【名】 (pine)派因(人名);pines;pine;pines;pining;pined;pined

5. sector [ˈsektə] n. 区域,部分;(尤指商业、贸易等的)部门,行业;小群体;(尤指军队控制的)分区,防区;(磁盘上的)扇区; 扇形,扇形面;函数尺,象限仪 v. 把……分成扇形;sectors;sectors;sectoring;sectored;sectored

4参考↓■years, 年; ■after, 之后; ■first, 第一; ■these, 这些; ■railways, 铁路; ■opened, 开的; ■Talyllyn, Talyllyn; ■north, 北; ■Wales, 威尔士; ■fictional, 虚构的; ■Welsh, 威尔士的; ■steam, 蒸汽; ■engine, 发动机; ■became, 成为; ■character, 性格; ■children’s, 儿童; ■television, 电视; ■serial, 串行; ■Engine, 发动机; ■lines, 线; ■originally, 原来; ■built, 建造; ■slate, 板岩; ■quarries, 采石场; ■north, 北; ■Wales, 威尔士; ■still, 仍然; ■biggest, 最大的; ■cluster, 集群; ■steam, 蒸汽; ■railways, 铁路; ■exist, 存在; ■nations, 国家; ■typically, 通常; ■operating, 操作; ■seasonal, 季节性的; ■timetables, 时间表; ■tourist, 旅行者; ■areas, 地区; ■longest, 最长的; ■Welsh, 威尔士的; ■Highland, 高地; ■which, 哪一个; ■Caernarfon, 卡纳芬; ■Snowdon, 斯诺登; ■Porthmadog, 波特曼犬; ■Swanage, 天鹅; ■Dorset, 多塞特; ■handful, 少数; ■other, 其他; ■locations, 位置; ■there, 那里; ■trials, 审判; ■linking, 链接; ■heritage, 遗产; ■services, 服务; ■network, 网络; ■although, 虽然; ■Swanage, 天鹅; ■concluded, 得出结论; ■scheme, 方案; ■commercially, 商业; ■viable, 可行的; ■repeat, 重复; ■These, 这些; ■railways, 铁路; ■living, 活的; ■museums, 博物馆; ■stations, 车站; ■decked, 装饰; ■period, 期间; ■style, 风格; ■staff, 工作人员; ■costumes, 服装;

Just a few years after the first of these railways opened at Talyllyn in north Wales, in 1951, a fictional Welsh steam engine became the main character in the children’s television serial Ivor the Engine. On lines originally built for slate quarries, north Wales still has the biggest cluster of steam railways, but they exist in all four nations of the UK, typically operating seasonal timetables in tourist areas. The longest is the Welsh Highland, which runs from Caernarfon past the foot of Snowdon to Porthmadog. At Swanage in Dorset, and a handful of other locations, there have been trials linking up heritage services with the main rail network (although Swanage concluded that its scheme was not commercially viable and will not repeat it this year). These railways are living museums – with stations decked out in period style. Some staff wear costumes too.


1. heritage [ˈherɪtɪdʒ] n. 遗产,传统,世袭财产;(植物种类)纯种的,老品种的;特殊(或个人)的所有物,(该有的)一份;上帝选择的人(以色列人或基督教教会) 【名】 (heritage)(英)赫里蒂奇(人名);heritages

6. serial [ˈsɪərɪəl] adj. 连续的;连载的;分期偿还的;连续作案的 n. 电视连续剧;期刊;连载小说 n. (serial)(阿、美、俄、意、英、法)塞力娅乐(人名)

7. cluster [ˈklʌstə] n. 组,簇;星团;一连串同类事件;(聚集在同一地方的)一群人;(计算机磁盘上的)丛集,群集;辅音群,辅音连缀;基 v. 群聚,聚集;(数据点)具近似数值 【名】 (cluster)(英)克拉斯特(人名);clusters;clusters;clustering;clustered;clustered

8. highland [ˈhaɪlənd] adj. 高地的,高原的;苏格兰高地的,苏格兰高地人的 n. 高地,高原;苏格兰高地(the highlands);海兰(苏格兰北部行政区)(highland)

9. location [ləʊˈkeɪʃən] n. 地点,位置;(电影的)外景拍摄地;定位;(计算机内存里的)地址;locations

10. scheme [skɪːm] n. (政府或其他组织的)计划,方案;(用于组织或整理信息的)系统,体系;组合,布局;阴谋,诡计;社会住宅区 v. 密谋,策划;认为,猜想;按色调布置 【名】 (scheme)(瑞典)谢默(人名);schemes;schemes;scheming;schemed;schemed

11. deck [dek] n. 甲板,舱面;(船或公共汽车的)层;一副牌;(屋后供休息的)木制平台;(唱机的)盘装置,(音响系统的)走带机构 v. 装饰,打扮;用力击倒;装甲板 【名】 (deck)(英、法、德)德克(人名);decks;decks;decking;decked;decked

12. costume [ˈkɒstjuːm, -ˈtjuːm] n. 服装,装束;戏服,表演服装;泳衣,泳装 v. 给(某人)穿上特定服装 adj. (戏剧)古装的;costumes;costumes;costuming;costumed;costumed

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5参考↓■journeys, 旅行; ■heritage, 遗产; ■railways, 铁路; ■taken, 拿; ■domestic, 国内的; ■tourists, 游客; ■their, 他们的; ■popularity, 人气; ■combination, 结合; ■nostalgia, 怀旧; ■enjoyment, 享受; ■countryside, 乡村; ■railway, 铁路; ■carriage, 马车; ■enthusiasm, 热情; ■engines, 发动机; ■heart, 心; ■enterprise, 企业; ■Waverley, 韦弗利; ■paddle, 桨; ■steamer, 蒸汽机; ■which, 哪一个; ■operates, 操作; ■charity, 慈善; ■running, 跑步; ■excursions, 短途旅行; ■bodies, 身体; ■water, 水; ■ranging, 测距; ■Scotland, 苏格兰; ■Wight, 怀特; ■along, 沿着; ■similar, 类似的; ■lines, 线;

Up to 95% of the 18.5m journeys on heritage railways each year are taken by domestic tourists. They owe their popularity to a combination of nostalgia, enjoyment of the countryside as seen from a railway carriage and enthusiasm for the old engines that are the heart of each enterprise. The Waverley paddle steamer, which operates as a charity running excursions on bodies of water, ranging from Scotland to the Isle of Wight, is run along similar lines.


1. heritage [ˈherɪtɪdʒ] n. 遗产,传统,世袭财产;(植物种类)纯种的,老品种的;特殊(或个人)的所有物,(该有的)一份;上帝选择的人(以色列人或基督教教会) 【名】 (heritage)(英)赫里蒂奇(人名);heritages

13. domestic [dəˈmestɪk] adj. 国内的,本国的;家用的,家庭的;喜爱家庭生活的,乐于操持家务的;非野生的,驯养的 n. 家庭纠纷,家庭矛盾;佣人,家仆;国货,本地产品;domestics

14. combination [ˌkɒmbɪˈneɪʃən] n. 结合体,联合体;结合,联合;(用于开锁的)数码组合;化合作用;两用(或多用的)物品;衫裤相连的内衣;组合;附边车的摩托车;combinations

15. enthusiasm [ɪnˈθjuːzɪæzəm] n. 热情,热忱;热衷的活动,热爱的事物;enthusiasms

16. paddle [ˈpædl] n. (小船的)短桨,桨;桨状工具,桨状物;划桨;(乒乓球的)球拍;扁条刑杖;(明轮船驱动所用的)轮叶,明轮翼;赤脚涉水,蹚水;(飞船上伸出的)太阳能电池板;(心脏起搏用的)电极棒;鳍状前肢 v. 用桨划(船);在……上划船;蹚水,赤足涉水;(游泳时快速)拨水;用戒尺打(孩子);搅拌,混合;paddles;paddles;paddling;paddled;paddled

17. steamer [ˈstɪːmə] n. 汽船,大轮船;汽锅,蒸锅;湿式潜水服;结帮抢劫者,团伙抢劫者; 沙海螂;蒸汽熨斗;steamers

18. charity [ˈtʃærɪtɪ] n. 慈善组织,慈善机构;慈善事业;仁慈,宽厚;赈济,施舍;charities

19. excursion [ɪksˈkɜːʃən] n. 短途旅行,远足;涉猎;移动;游览团,远足队;离题;偏移,偏差;excursions

20. isle [aɪl] n. (常用于诗歌和名称中)岛 v. 使成岛(状) 【名】 (isle)(英)艾尔(人名);isles;isles;isling;isled;isled

6参考↓■Railways, 铁路; ■expensive, 昂贵的; ■first, 第一; ■steam, 蒸汽; ■preservation, 保存; ■enthusiasts, 爱好者; ■recognised, 确认; ■would, 将; ■volunteers, 志愿者; ■their, 他们的; ■dream, 梦想; ■revival, 复兴; ■Today, 今天; ■heritage, 遗产; ■workforce, 劳动力; ■estimated, 估计; ■about, 关于; ■volunteers, 志愿者; ■engineers, 工程师; ■managers, 管理者; ■staff, 工作人员; ■ticket, 票; ■collectors, 收藏家; ■between, 之间; ■about, 关于;

Railways are expensive to run, and the first steam preservation enthusiasts recognised that they would need volunteers to make their dream of a revival come true. Today, that heritage rail workforce is estimated at 3,000, plus about 20,000 volunteers – who are engineers and managers as well as cafe staff and ticket collectors, and between them do about half the work.


1. heritage [ˈherɪtɪdʒ] n. 遗产,传统,世袭财产;(植物种类)纯种的,老品种的;特殊(或个人)的所有物,(该有的)一份;上帝选择的人(以色列人或基督教教会) 【名】 (heritage)(英)赫里蒂奇(人名);heritages

21. estimate [ˈestɪmeɪt] v. 估计;判断,评价 n. 估计,估价;估价单;看法,判断;estimates;estimates;estimating;estimated;estimated

7参考↓■reliance, 依赖; ■volunteers, 志愿者; ■unique, 独特的; ■railways, 铁路; ■heritage, 遗产; ■culture, 文化; ■tourism, 旅游业; ■sectors, 行业; ■increasingly, 越来越多地; ■depend, 依赖; ■efforts, 努力; ■supporters, 支持者; ■including, 包括; ■number, 数; ■retirees, 退休人员; ■partly, 部分; ■budgets, 预算; ■local, 地方的; ■authorities, 当局; ■other, 其他; ■funders, 资助者; ■which, 哪一个; ■damaged, 损坏; ■social, 社会的; ■fabric, 织物; ■removed, 远离的; ■creative, 创造性的; ■leisure, 闲暇; ■opportunities, 机会; ■people, 人; ■sector, 部门; ■invented, 发明; ■powered, 供电; ■enthusiasts, 爱好者; ■heritage, 遗产; ■railways, 铁路; ■example, 例子; ■achieved, 实现; ■combined, 组合; ■voluntary, 自愿的; ■workforce, 劳动力; ■economic, 经济的; ■contribution, 贡献; ■railways, 铁路; ■rural, 农村的; ■areas, 地区; ■there, 那里; ■evidence, 证据; ■volunteering, 志愿服务; ■beneficial, 有益的; ■effects, 影响; ■people, 人;

This reliance on volunteers is not unique to railways. The heritage, culture and tourism sectors all increasingly depend on the efforts of supporters, including a good number of retirees. This is partly due to cuts in budgets from local authorities and other funders, which have damaged the social fabric and removed creative and leisure opportunities from far too many people. But as a sector invented and powered by enthusiasts, heritage railways are a good example of what can be achieved by a combined paid and voluntary workforce. As well as the economic contribution that the railways make to rural areas, there is evidence that volunteering can have beneficial effects on people as well.


1. heritage [ˈherɪtɪdʒ] n. 遗产,传统,世袭财产;(植物种类)纯种的,老品种的;特殊(或个人)的所有物,(该有的)一份;上帝选择的人(以色列人或基督教教会) 【名】 (heritage)(英)赫里蒂奇(人名);heritages

5. sector [ˈsektə] n. 区域,部分;(尤指商业、贸易等的)部门,行业;小群体;(尤指军队控制的)分区,防区;(磁盘上的)扇区; 扇形,扇形面;函数尺,象限仪 v. 把……分成扇形;sectors;sectors;sectoring;sectored;sectored

22. reliance [rɪˈlaɪəns] n. 依靠,信任;被依赖的人(或物)

23. increasingly [ɪnˈkrɪːsɪŋlɪ] adv. 越来越多地,不断增加地

24. numb [nʌm] adj. 麻木的,失去感觉的;迟钝的,呆滞的 v. 使麻木,使失去知觉;使迟钝,使呆滞;使(某种感觉)减轻,使减弱;number;numbs;numbing;numbed;numbed

25. fabric [ˈfæbrɪk] n. 布料,织物;构造,结构;(汽车的)车身,(飞机的)机身;fabrics

26. creative [krɪ(ː)ˈeɪtɪv] adj. 创造(性)的,创作的;有创造力的,有想象力的 n. 创作者;创意,创作素材

27. leisure [ˈleʒə; ˈlɪːʒə] n. 闲暇,业余时间;休闲活动 adj. 空闲的,有闲的;业余的 【名】 (leisure)(英)莱热(人名)

29. voluntary [ˈvɔləntərɪ; (?ɜ) -terɪ] adj. 自愿的,自发的,主动的;(机构或组织)志愿的,义务性的;(工作)志愿的,无偿的,义务的;(工作者)志愿的,无偿服务的;(人体活动)随意的,可以控制的;(让与)自愿的,无偿的 n. (教堂里管风琴演奏的)仪式终始曲;(尤指作为其他作品的序曲,或自由创作的)即兴曲,自由调;(比赛中的)自选表演;自愿行动;志愿者;voluntaries

30. economic [ˌɪːkəˈnɒmɪk] adj. 经济的,经济学的;有利可图的;节约的

31. rural [ˈrʊər(ə)l] adj. 农村的,乡村的;有乡村特色的,有乡土气息的

32. beneficial [benɪˈfɪʃəl] adj. 有益的,有利的;(与)权益(有关)的,有财产使用权的

8参考↓■railways, 铁路; ■respond, 回应; ■society, 社会; ■environmental, 环境的; ■policies, 政策; ■destructive, 破坏性的; ■impact, 影响; ■greenhouse, 温室; ■gases, 气体; ■obvious, 明显的; ■challenge, 挑战; ■sector, 部门; ■trades, 贸易; ■image, 形象; ■coal-powered, 燃煤发电; ■transport, 运输; ■viewed, 已查看; ■charming, 迷人的; ■throwback, 倒退; ■Electric, 电气; ■locomotives, 机车; ■being, 存在; ■maintenance, 维修; ■bring, 带来; ■emissions, 排放; ■railways, 铁路; ■active, 积极的; ■wildlife, 野生动物; ■conservation, 保护; ■There, 那里; ■further, 进一步的; ■adaptation, 适应; ■railways, 铁路; ■don’t, 不要; ■stand, 站; ■still, 仍然; ■always, 总是; ■their, 他们的; ■appeal, 上诉; ■especially, 尤其地; ■rainy, 多雨的; ■summer, 夏天; ■holidays, 假期;

The railways will need to respond, like the rest of society, to environmental policies. The destructive impact of greenhouse gases is an obvious challenge to a sector that trades on an image of coal-powered transport viewed as a charming throwback. Electric locomotives are being used for maintenance, to bring emissions down, and some railways are active in wildlife conservation. There will need to be further adaptation down the line. That the railways don’t stand still has always been part of their appeal – especially on rainy days in the summer holidays.


5. sector [ˈsektə] n. 区域,部分;(尤指商业、贸易等的)部门,行业;小群体;(尤指军队控制的)分区,防区;(磁盘上的)扇区; 扇形,扇形面;函数尺,象限仪 v. 把……分成扇形;sectors;sectors;sectoring;sectored;sectored

33. destructive [dɪsˈtrʌktɪv] adj. 破坏性的,毁灭性的

34. impact [ˈɪmpækt] n. 撞击,冲击力;巨大影响,强大作用 v. 冲击,撞击;挤入,压紧;(对……)产生影响

35. greenhouse [ˈgrɪːnhaʊs] n. 温室,暖房 adj. 温室效应的;greenhouses

36. image [ˈɪmɪdʒ] n. 形象,印象;影像,映像,图像;比喻,意象;画像,塑像,雕像;酷似另一个人的人;(人或事物)外形,外表;像点;硬盘备份;(圣经)偶像 v. 作……的像,描绘……的形象;(以探测器或电磁束)扫描出……的直观图;幻想,想像 【名】 (image)(法)伊马热(人名);images;images;imaging;imaged;imaged

37. charm [tʃɑːm] n. 魅力,魔力;护身符,咒语;小挂件,小饰物;粲,粲数 v. 吸引,迷住;诱使,哄诱;向……施魔法,用魔法控制;有魔力;charms;charms;charming;charmed;charmed

38. locomotive [ˌləʊkəˈməʊtɪv] n. 机车,火车头 adj. 移动的,运动的;locomotives

39. maintenance [ˈmeɪntɪnəns] n. 维护,保养;保持,维持;(依法应负担的)生活费,抚养费;包揽诉讼罪,非法资助诉讼罪

40. conservation [ˌkɒnsə(ː)ˈveɪʃən] n. 保护,保存;节约,防止浪费;守恒定律



