
教育   2024-09-18 07:57   山东  

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The Guardian view on children and smartphones:

setting some limits is a good idea

Mobile phone use is not the biggest issue facing schools – or society. But device-free time is important

Mon 16 Sep 2024 18.26 BST


1. setting [ˈsetɪŋ] n. (某事发生的)环境,场合;(戏剧、小说或电影的)场景,背景;舞台布景;(设备的)档位;(宝石的)镶嵌底座;(为诗、祷文等谱写的)乐曲;(供一人用的)一副餐具 v. (小心地)放置;嵌入(表面);(电影、戏剧、故事等)以……为背景(set 的现在分词形式);settings

2. issue [ˈɪsjuː] n. 议题,争论点;(报纸、杂志等的)期,号;发放,分配;(新股票或邮票等的)发行;子女,后嗣;流出,发出;结果,后果 v. 发表,颁布;分发,分配;正式发行;流出,发出;由……产生,由……得出;issues;issues;issuing;issued;issued

3. device [dɪˈvaɪs] n. 装置,设备;手段,方法;花招,诡计;炸弹,爆炸装置;图画,设计;(某物的)样式,外表;devices

4. advent [ˈædvənt] n. 出现,到来,问世;基督降临节(advent);基督降临,基督复临(advent)

5. doom [duːm] n. 厄运,劫数;悲观,沮丧 v. 注定 【名】 (doom)(泰)伦(人名);dooms;dooming;doomed;doomed

6. outlook [ˈaʊtluk] n. 看法,态度;前景,展望;景色,风光;瞭望处;outlooks

7. portable [ˈpɔːtəbl] adj. 便携式的,轻便的;可移植的,可在不同计算机上使用的;(变更工作或情景时)可转移的,可随带的 n. 手提式电器;活动教室;portables

8. excessive [ɪkˈsesɪv] adj. 过度的,过多的

9. prominent [ˈprɒmɪnənt] adj. 重要的,著名的;显眼的,突出的;突起的,高耸的 n. 舟蛾(=prominen. moth);prominents

10. controversial [ˌkɒntrəˈvɜːʃəl] adj. 有争议的,引发争论的

11. claim [kleɪm] v. 声称,断言;索取,索要(钱);要求(拥有),认领;使丧生,致命;赢得,获得;值得,需要(花时间或精力) n. 声称,断言;索要,索赔;权利,所有权;要求得到的土地使用权;专利新特征申明;claims;claims;claiming;claimed;claimed

12. collective [kəˈlektɪv] adj. 集体的,共同的;总的,集合的 n. 集体农庄,集体企业;集合名词;collectives

13. reverse [rɪˈvɜːs] v. 逆转,彻底改变(决定、政策、趋势等);撤销,推翻(法庭判决);颠倒,反转;交换,互换(位置、功能);承认错误,放弃(立场);倒(车);(发动机)反向运转;打对方付费的电话;使(铅字,图案)印成白或浅色 n. 相对,相反(the reverse);逆向,逆转;倒车挡;失败,挫折;反面,背面;(翻开的书)左手页,(活页文件的)背面;(硬币或奖牌)反面图案(或刻字);(美式橄榄球)反向传球,变位传球 adj. 相反的,反向的;背面的,反面的;(半导体结的外加电压)反向的;(地层)逆断的,冲断的;反身的;reverses;reverses;reversing;reversed;reversed

14. critic [ˈkrɪtɪk] n. 批评家,评论员;批评者,反对……的人;critics

15. increasingly [ɪnˈkrɪːsɪŋlɪ] adv. 越来越多地,不断增加地

16. minimum [ˈmɪnɪməm] adj. 最小的,最低限度的 n. 最小值,最低限度 adv. 最低,至少;minima;minimums

17. medium [ˈmɪːdɪəm] n. 媒介,媒体;方法,手段;(艺术创作)材料,素材;灵媒,巫师;培养基;环境;中等,中号;存储(或打印)介质;(颜料)溶剂(如油或水);(品质、状态)中等,中庸 adj. 中等的,中间的,适中的;五分熟的,半熟的;(程度、强度或数量)平均的;(颜色)不深不浅的,适中的;(投球,投球手)中速的;media;mediums

18. implement [ˈɪmplɪmənt] v. 执行,贯彻;为……提供工具 n. 工具,器具;履行;手段;implements;implements;implementing;implemented;implemented

19. legislation [ˌledʒɪsˈleɪʃən] n. 法规,法律;立法,制订法律

20. lord [lɔːd] n. 主,上帝;(英国)贵族,勋爵;大人,阁下(英国对某些官员的尊称);(中世纪欧洲的)领主,庄园主;(英国)上议院议员;(某一领域的)巨头,巨擘 v. 对某人举止霸道(或逞威风);把……封为贵族 int. 天哪,上帝啊(表示对某事的惊讶、恼怒或忧虑) 【名】 (lord)(瑞典)洛德,(法)洛尔(人名);lords;lords;lording;lorded;lorded

21. unlikely [ʌnˈlaɪklɪ] adj. 不大可能发生的;未必真实的,难以相信的; 非心目中的,不大恰当的;不典型的;(两个人或物)不般配的 adv. 未必;unlikelier

22. dramatic [drəˈmætɪk] adj. 巨大而突然的,急剧的;激动人心的,引人注目的,给人深刻印象的;有关戏剧的,戏剧表演的;夸张的

23. wholly [ˈhəʊlɪ] adv. 完全地,全部地

24. academy [əˈkædəmɪ] n. 专科院校;研究院,学会;(美国的)私立学校;(苏格兰的)中等学校;academies

25. following [ˈfɒləʊɪŋ] adj. 之后的,接下来的;下列的,以下的;顺风的 n. 追随者,拥护者 prep. 在……之后,紧接着 v. 跟随;沿行;(时间、顺序)排在……之后(follow 的现在分词形式);followings

26. shortage [ˈʃɔːtɪdʒ] n. 短缺,不足;shortages

27. poverty [ˈpɒvətɪ] n. 贫穷,贫困;贫乏,低劣;个人财产权的放弃(作为宗教誓约的一部分)

28. fund [fʌnd] n. 基金,专款;资金,钱款;基金会;储备量 v. 资助,为……提供资金 【名】 (fund))(德)丰德(人名);funds;funds;funding;funded;funded

29. distract [dɪsˈtrækt] v. 使分心,使转移注意力;使困惑,使迷惑;distracts;distracting;distracted;distracted

30. boundary [ˈbaʊndərɪ] n. 分界线,边界;界限,范围;(板球)击球超过边界线得分;boundaries

31. tragic [ˈtrædʒɪk] adj. 悲惨的,悲痛的,可悲的;悲剧的;糟透了的 n. 无趣的人,不善社交的人

32. encounter [ɪnˈkaʊntə] v. 遭遇;偶遇,邂逅 n. 偶遇,邂逅;经历,体验;冲突;比赛,交锋;encounters;encounters;encountering;encountered;encountered

33. resistance [rɪˈzɪstəns] n. 反对,抵制;抵抗,反抗;抵抗力,免疫力;阻力;电阻;(敌占区的)秘密抵抗组织;resistances

34. impose [ɪmˈpəʊz] v. 强制推行,强制实行;把(自己的观点、信仰等)强加于;打扰,麻烦;把(活字页)拼版;欺骗;imposes;imposing;imposed;imposed

35. initiative [ɪˈnɪʃɪətɪv] n. 措施,倡议;主动性,积极性;主动权;(美国某些州的)公民立法提案程序;initiatives

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The Guardian view on children and smartphones: setting some limits is a good idea
Mobile phone use is not the biggest issue facing schools – or society. But device-free time is important
Mon 16 Sep 2024 18.26 BST
The genie is out of the bottle. With the advent of smartphones and smartwatches, human life has moved online. Anyone seeking to curtail young people’s participation in the online world is as doomed as the fools who can’t figure out how to use the wishes gifted them in fairytales. The social ills blamed on the internet have complex causes that can’t be fixed by blocking children’s access.
This is a caricature of the tech-positive outlook. In real life, most people recognise that the portable computers we carry around with us make excessive demands on our time and attention. Just as children need support to develop healthy eating habits, they need encouragement to use the internet in moderation – especially when very young. But reluctance to give in to unrealistic “ban them!” messages about smartphones can shade into an impression that there is really nothing to be done. Or that if there is, it should be done by parents.
Jonathan Haidt, the American social psychologist, is the most prominent advocate of the opposite view on smartphones. His book The Anxious Generation makes the controversial claim that their use has caused a huge rise in teenage mental illness, particularly among girls, and that collective action is needed to reverse this. His critics say that he oversimplifies the problem. But in recent months, policymakers around the world have appeared increasingly receptive. The Australian government is considering raising the minimum age for social media use from 13 to 16, while officials across Europe are implementing tighter restrictions.
The UK has some of the strictest legislation in the world to protect children online – although campaigners are concerned about implementation. Earlier this year, the government issued guidance encouraging schools to ban the use of phones during lunchtimes as well as lessons, and last week another warning was sounded. In his review of the NHS in England, Lord Darzi acknowledged that it was “unlikely that the dramatic rise in mental health needs is wholly unconnected from social media” but could not say whether it was the “cause or the consequence of depression”.
One academy chain in England has taken matters into its own hands. In its 44 schools, pupils will have their phones taken away during the school day. Peter Kyle, the science secretary, has said he would consider following Australia in banning social media accounts for under-16s. Smartphone use is not the biggest challenge facing schools in England or the rest of the UK. Teacher shortages, child poverty and a funding gap need to be addressed. Against this backdrop, phone bans can be viewed as a gimmick that could even distract from the bigger issue of age limits – any raising of which the tech companies are certain to fight.
But teachers, along with parents and wider society, have a role in setting boundaries and should not be ignored. Nor can one dismiss children’s worsening mental health (referrals have risen far more than for adults), or the tragic cases in which online encounters have contributed to young people’s deaths. There are good reasons to act. Whistleblowers including Frances Haugen have shown that social media firms cannot be trusted to put children’s safety before profit. Communal efforts to carve out device-free time in children’s lives, and build resistance against big tech’s attention-greedy business model, are important. Whether imposed by schools or on the initiative of campaigns such as Smartphone Free Childhood, they point to real concerns.

外刊双语剪 考研阅读精选 ↓↓


0参考↓■Guardian, 守护者; ■children, 儿童; ■smartphones, 智能手机; ■setting, 设置; ■limits, 限制;

The Guardian view on children and smartphones: setting some limits is a good idea



1. setting [ˈsetɪŋ] n. (某事发生的)环境,场合;(戏剧、小说或电影的)场景,背景;舞台布景;(设备的)档位;(宝石的)镶嵌底座;(为诗、祷文等谱写的)乐曲;(供一人用的)一副餐具 v. (小心地)放置;嵌入(表面);(电影、戏剧、故事等)以……为背景(set 的现在分词形式);settings

1参考↓■Mobile, 手机; ■phone, 电话; ■biggest, 最大的; ■issue, 问题; ■facing, 面对; ■schools, 学校; ■society, 社会; ■device-free, 无设备; ■important, 重要的;

Mobile phone use is not the biggest issue facing schools – or society. But device-free time is important


2. issue [ˈɪsjuː] n. 议题,争论点;(报纸、杂志等的)期,号;发放,分配;(新股票或邮票等的)发行;子女,后嗣;流出,发出;结果,后果 v. 发表,颁布;分发,分配;正式发行;流出,发出;由……产生,由……得出;issues;issues;issuing;issued;issued

3. device [dɪˈvaɪs] n. 装置,设备;手段,方法;花招,诡计;炸弹,爆炸装置;图画,设计;(某物的)样式,外表;devices

Mon 16 Sep 2024 18.26 BST


3参考↓■genie, 精灵; ■bottle, 瓶子; ■advent, 到来; ■smartphones, 智能手机; ■smartwatches, 智能手表; ■human, 人类; ■moved, 移动; ■online, 在线的; ■Anyone, 任何人; ■seeking, 寻求; ■curtail, 缩减; ■young, 年轻的; ■people’s, 人民的; ■participation, 参与; ■online, 在线的; ■world, 世界; ■doomed, 注定的; ■fools, 傻瓜; ■can’t, 不能; ■figure, 图形; ■wishes, 祝愿; ■gifted, 有天赋的; ■fairytales, 童话; ■social, 社会的; ■blamed, 指责; ■internet, 互联网; ■complex, 复杂的; ■causes, 原因; ■can’t, 不能; ■fixed, 固定的; ■blocking, 舞台调度; ■children’s, 儿童; ■access, 接近;

The genie is out of the bottle. With the advent of smartphones and smartwatches, human life has moved online. Anyone seeking to curtail young people’s participation in the online world is as doomed as the fools who can’t figure out how to use the wishes gifted them in fairytales. The social ills blamed on the internet have complex causes that can’t be fixed by blocking children’s access.


4. advent [ˈædvənt] n. 出现,到来,问世;基督降临节(advent);基督降临,基督复临(advent)

5. doom [duːm] n. 厄运,劫数;悲观,沮丧 v. 注定 【名】 (doom)(泰)伦(人名);dooms;dooming;doomed;doomed

··◇·· 您已读到文章中部,稍憩继续!··◇··

4参考↓■caricature, 漫画; ■tech-positive, 技术积极; ■outlook, 见解; ■people, 人; ■recognise, 认出; ■portable, 便携式的; ■computers, 计算机; ■carry, 携带; ■around, 围绕; ■excessive, 过度的; ■demands, 要求; ■attention, 注意; ■children, 儿童; ■support, 支持; ■develop, 发展; ■healthy, 健康的; ■eating, 吃饭; ■habits, 习惯; ■encouragement, 鼓励; ■internet, 互联网; ■moderation, 适度; ■especially, 尤其地; ■young, 年轻的; ■reluctance, 不情愿; ■unrealistic, 不切实际; ■messages, 信息; ■about, 关于; ■smartphones, 智能手机; ■shade, 阴影; ■impression, 印象; ■there, 那里; ■really, 真正地; ■nothing, 没有什么; ■there, 那里; ■should, 应该; ■parents, 父母;

This is a caricature of the tech-positive outlook. In real life, most people recognise that the portable computers we carry around with us make excessive demands on our time and attention. Just as children need support to develop healthy eating habits, they need encouragement to use the internet in moderation – especially when very young. But reluctance to give in to unrealistic “ban them!” messages about smartphones can shade into an impression that there is really nothing to be done. Or that if there is, it should be done by parents.


6. outlook [ˈaʊtluk] n. 看法,态度;前景,展望;景色,风光;瞭望处;outlooks

7. portable [ˈpɔːtəbl] adj. 便携式的,轻便的;可移植的,可在不同计算机上使用的;(变更工作或情景时)可转移的,可随带的 n. 手提式电器;活动教室;portables

8. excessive [ɪkˈsesɪv] adj. 过度的,过多的

5参考↓■Jonathan, 乔纳森; ■Haidt, 海特; ■American, 美国人; ■social, 社会的; ■psychologist, 心理学家; ■prominent, 突出的; ■advocate, 辩护律师; ■opposite, 相反的; ■smartphones, 智能手机; ■Anxious, 焦虑; ■Generation, 世代; ■makes, 使; ■controversial, 有争议的; ■claim, 声称; ■their, 他们的; ■caused, 引起; ■teenage, 青少年; ■mental, 精神的; ■illness, 疾病; ■particularly, 尤其; ■among, 在…之间; ■girls, 女孩; ■collective, 集体的; ■action, 行动; ■needed, 需要; ■reverse, 颠倒; ■critics, 评论家; ■oversimplifies, 过于简单化; ■problem, 问题; ■recent, 最近的; ■months, 月; ■policymakers, 政策制定者; ■around, 围绕; ■world, 世界; ■appeared, 出现; ■increasingly, 越来越多地; ■receptive, 接受性; ■Australian, 澳大利亚人; ■government, 政府; ■considering, 考虑到; ■raising, 提高; ■minimum, 最低限度; ■social, 社会的; ■media, 媒体; ■while, 虽然; ■officials, 官员; ■across, 穿过; ■Europe, 欧洲; ■implementing, 实施; ■tighter, 更紧; ■restrictions, 限制;

Jonathan Haidt, the American social psychologist, is the most prominent advocate of the opposite view on smartphones. His book The Anxious Generation makes the controversial claim that their use has caused a huge rise in teenage mental illness, particularly among girls, and that collective action is needed to reverse this. His critics say that he oversimplifies the problem. But in recent months, policymakers around the world have appeared increasingly receptive. The Australian government is considering raising the minimum age for social media use from 13 to 16, while officials across Europe are implementing tighter restrictions.

美国社会心理学家乔纳森•海特(Jonathan Haidt)是持相反观点的最著名倡导者。他在《焦虑的一代》(The anxiety Generation)一书中提出了一个有争议的观点,即使用电子烟导致青少年心理疾病大幅上升,尤其是在女孩中,需要采取集体行动来扭转这种局面。批评他的人说他把问题简单化了。但近几个月来,世界各地的政策制定者似乎越来越乐于接受。澳大利亚政府正在考虑将使用社交媒体的最低年龄从13岁提高到16岁,而欧洲各地的官员正在实施更严格的限制。

9. prominent [ˈprɒmɪnənt] adj. 重要的,著名的;显眼的,突出的;突起的,高耸的 n. 舟蛾(=prominen. moth);prominents

10. controversial [ˌkɒntrəˈvɜːʃəl] adj. 有争议的,引发争论的

11. claim [kleɪm] v. 声称,断言;索取,索要(钱);要求(拥有),认领;使丧生,致命;赢得,获得;值得,需要(花时间或精力) n. 声称,断言;索要,索赔;权利,所有权;要求得到的土地使用权;专利新特征申明;claims;claims;claiming;claimed;claimed

12. collective [kəˈlektɪv] adj. 集体的,共同的;总的,集合的 n. 集体农庄,集体企业;集合名词;collectives

13. reverse [rɪˈvɜːs] v. 逆转,彻底改变(决定、政策、趋势等);撤销,推翻(法庭判决);颠倒,反转;交换,互换(位置、功能);承认错误,放弃(立场);倒(车);(发动机)反向运转;打对方付费的电话;使(铅字,图案)印成白或浅色 n. 相对,相反(the reverse);逆向,逆转;倒车挡;失败,挫折;反面,背面;(翻开的书)左手页,(活页文件的)背面;(硬币或奖牌)反面图案(或刻字);(美式橄榄球)反向传球,变位传球 adj. 相反的,反向的;背面的,反面的;(半导体结的外加电压)反向的;(地层)逆断的,冲断的;反身的;reverses;reverses;reversing;reversed;reversed

14. critic [ˈkrɪtɪk] n. 批评家,评论员;批评者,反对……的人;critics

15. increasingly [ɪnˈkrɪːsɪŋlɪ] adv. 越来越多地,不断增加地

16. minimum [ˈmɪnɪməm] adj. 最小的,最低限度的 n. 最小值,最低限度 adv. 最低,至少;minima;minimums

18. implement [ˈɪmplɪmənt] v. 执行,贯彻;为……提供工具 n. 工具,器具;履行;手段;implements;implements;implementing;implemented;implemented

6参考↓■strictest, 最严格; ■legislation, 立法; ■world, 世界; ■protect, 保护; ■children, 儿童; ■online, 在线的; ■although, 虽然; ■campaigners, 活动家; ■concerned, 担心的; ■about, 关于; ■implementation, 实施; ■Earlier, 早期的; ■government, 政府; ■issued, 发布; ■guidance, 指导; ■encouraging, 鼓舞人心的; ■schools, 学校; ■phones, 电话; ■during, 在期间; ■lunchtimes, 午餐时间; ■lessons, 教训; ■another, 另一个; ■warning, 警告; ■sounded, 听起来; ■review, 回顾; ■England, 英格兰; ■Darzi, Darzi; ■acknowledged, 承认; ■unlikely, 不可能的; ■dramatic, 戏剧性的; ■mental, 精神的; ■health, 健康; ■needs, 需要; ■wholly, 完全地; ■unconnected, 未连接; ■social, 社会的; ■media, 媒体; ■could, 能够; ■whether, 是否; ■cause, 原因; ■consequence, 结果; ■depression, 抑郁;

The UK has some of the strictest legislation in the world to protect children online – although campaigners are concerned about implementation. Earlier this year, the government issued guidance encouraging schools to ban the use of phones during lunchtimes as well as lessons, and last week another warning was sounded. In his review of the NHS in England, Lord Darzi acknowledged that it was “unlikely that the dramatic rise in mental health needs is wholly unconnected from social media” but could not say whether it was the “cause or the consequence of depression”.


2. issue [ˈɪsjuː] n. 议题,争论点;(报纸、杂志等的)期,号;发放,分配;(新股票或邮票等的)发行;子女,后嗣;流出,发出;结果,后果 v. 发表,颁布;分发,分配;正式发行;流出,发出;由……产生,由……得出;issues;issues;issuing;issued;issued

18. implement [ˈɪmplɪmənt] v. 执行,贯彻;为……提供工具 n. 工具,器具;履行;手段;implements;implements;implementing;implemented;implemented

19. legislation [ˌledʒɪsˈleɪʃən] n. 法规,法律;立法,制订法律

20. lord [lɔːd] n. 主,上帝;(英国)贵族,勋爵;大人,阁下(英国对某些官员的尊称);(中世纪欧洲的)领主,庄园主;(英国)上议院议员;(某一领域的)巨头,巨擘 v. 对某人举止霸道(或逞威风);把……封为贵族 int. 天哪,上帝啊(表示对某事的惊讶、恼怒或忧虑) 【名】 (lord)(瑞典)洛德,(法)洛尔(人名);lords;lords;lording;lorded;lorded

21. unlikely [ʌnˈlaɪklɪ] adj. 不大可能发生的;未必真实的,难以相信的; 非心目中的,不大恰当的;不典型的;(两个人或物)不般配的 adv. 未必;unlikelier

22. dramatic [drəˈmætɪk] adj. 巨大而突然的,急剧的;激动人心的,引人注目的,给人深刻印象的;有关戏剧的,戏剧表演的;夸张的

23. wholly [ˈhəʊlɪ] adv. 完全地,全部地

7参考↓■academy, 学院; ■chain, 链; ■England, 英格兰; ■taken, 拿; ■matters, 事项; ■hands, 手; ■schools, 学校; ■pupils, 学生; ■their, 他们的; ■phones, 电话; ■taken, 拿; ■during, 在期间; ■school, 学校; ■Peter, 彼得; ■science, 科学; ■secretary, 秘书; ■would, 将; ■consider, 考虑; ■following, 下列的; ■Australia, 澳大利亚; ■banning, 禁止; ■social, 社会的; ■media, 媒体; ■accounts, 账户; ■under-16s, 16岁以下; ■Smartphone, 智能手机; ■biggest, 最大的; ■challenge, 挑战; ■facing, 面对; ■schools, 学校; ■England, 英格兰; ■Teacher, 老师; ■shortages, 短缺; ■child, 小孩; ■poverty, 贫困; ■funding, 基金; ■addressed, 演说; ■Against, 反对; ■backdrop, 背景; ■phone, 电话; ■viewed, 已查看; ■gimmick, 噱头; ■could, 能够; ■distract, 分散; ■bigger, 更大的; ■issue, 问题; ■limits, 限制; ■raising, 提高; ■which, 哪一个; ■companies, 公司; ■certain, 某些; ■fight, 战斗;

One academy chain in England has taken matters into its own hands. In its 44 schools, pupils will have their phones taken away during the school day. Peter Kyle, the science secretary, has said he would consider following Australia in banning social media accounts for under-16s. Smartphone use is not the biggest challenge facing schools in England or the rest of the UK. Teacher shortages, child poverty and a funding gap need to be addressed. Against this backdrop, phone bans can be viewed as a gimmick that could even distract from the bigger issue of age limits – any raising of which the tech companies are certain to fight.

英国的一家连锁学院已经自己解决了这个问题。在它的44所学校里,学生们的手机将在上学期间被没收。科学大臣彼得·凯尔(Peter Kyle)表示,他将考虑效仿澳大利亚,禁止16岁以下青少年使用社交媒体账户。智能手机的使用并不是英格兰或英国其他地区学校面临的最大挑战。教师短缺、儿童贫困和资金缺口需要得到解决。在这种背景下,手机禁令可以被视为一种噱头,甚至可能分散人们对年龄限制这一更大问题的注意力——科技公司肯定会反对提高年龄限制。

2. issue [ˈɪsjuː] n. 议题,争论点;(报纸、杂志等的)期,号;发放,分配;(新股票或邮票等的)发行;子女,后嗣;流出,发出;结果,后果 v. 发表,颁布;分发,分配;正式发行;流出,发出;由……产生,由……得出;issues;issues;issuing;issued;issued

24. academy [əˈkædəmɪ] n. 专科院校;研究院,学会;(美国的)私立学校;(苏格兰的)中等学校;academies

25. following [ˈfɒləʊɪŋ] adj. 之后的,接下来的;下列的,以下的;顺风的 n. 追随者,拥护者 prep. 在……之后,紧接着 v. 跟随;沿行;(时间、顺序)排在……之后(follow 的现在分词形式);followings

26. shortage [ˈʃɔːtɪdʒ] n. 短缺,不足;shortages

27. poverty [ˈpɒvətɪ] n. 贫穷,贫困;贫乏,低劣;个人财产权的放弃(作为宗教誓约的一部分)

28. fund [fʌnd] n. 基金,专款;资金,钱款;基金会;储备量 v. 资助,为……提供资金 【名】 (fund))(德)丰德(人名);funds;funds;funding;funded;funded

29. distract [dɪsˈtrækt] v. 使分心,使转移注意力;使困惑,使迷惑;distracts;distracting;distracted;distracted

8参考↓■teachers, 教师; ■along, 沿着; ■parents, 父母; ■wider, 更广的; ■society, 社会; ■setting, 设置; ■boundaries, 边界; ■should, 应该; ■ignored, 忽略; ■dismiss, 解雇; ■children’s, 儿童; ■worsening, 恶化; ■mental, 精神的; ■health, 健康; ■referrals, 转介; ■risen, 上升的; ■adults, 成人; ■tragic, 悲剧的; ■cases, 案例; ■which, 哪一个; ■online, 在线的; ■encounters, 邂逅; ■contributed, 贡献; ■young, 年轻的; ■people’s, 人民的; ■deaths, 死亡人数; ■There, 那里; ■reasons, 原因; ■Whistleblowers, 告发者; ■including, 包括; ■Frances, 弗朗西斯; ■Haugen, 豪根; ■shown, 展示; ■social, 社会的; ■media, 媒体; ■firms, 公司; ■cannot, 不能; ■trusted, 可信的; ■children’s, 儿童; ■safety, 安全; ■before, 之前; ■profit, 利润; ■Communal, 公共的; ■efforts, 努力; ■carve, 雕刻; ■device-free, 无设备; ■children’s, 儿童; ■lives, 生活; ■build, 建造; ■resistance, 抵抗; ■against, 反对; ■tech’s, 技术; ■attention-greedy, 注意力贪婪; ■business, 商业; ■model, 模型; ■important, 重要的; ■Whether, 是否; ■imposed, 征税; ■schools, 学校; ■initiative, 主动权; ■campaigns, 活动; ■Smartphone, 智能手机; ■Childhood, 童年; ■point, 指向; ■concerns, 关注点;

But teachers, along with parents and wider society, have a role in setting boundaries and should not be ignored. Nor can one dismiss children’s worsening mental health (referrals have risen far more than for adults), or the tragic cases in which online encounters have contributed to young people’s deaths. There are good reasons to act. Whistleblowers including Frances Haugen have shown that social media firms cannot be trusted to put children’s safety before profit. Communal efforts to carve out device-free time in children’s lives, and build resistance against big tech’s attention-greedy business model, are important. Whether imposed by schools or on the initiative of campaigns such as Smartphone Free Childhood, they point to real concerns.

但是,教师,以及家长和更广泛的社会,在设定界限方面发挥着作用,不应该被忽视。人们也不能忽视儿童日益恶化的心理健康状况(转诊人数的增长远远超过成年人),或者网上邂逅导致年轻人死亡的悲惨案例。采取行动是有充分理由的。包括弗朗西丝·豪根(Frances Haugen)在内的举报人表明,不能相信社交媒体公司会把儿童的安全放在利润之前。共同努力在孩子们的生活中挤出没有电子设备的时间,并建立对大型科技公司贪婪注意力的商业模式的抵抗力,这些都很重要。无论是学校强加的,还是“无智能手机童年”(Smartphone Free Childhood)等活动的倡议,这些规定都指出了真正的担忧。

1. setting [ˈsetɪŋ] n. (某事发生的)环境,场合;(戏剧、小说或电影的)场景,背景;舞台布景;(设备的)档位;(宝石的)镶嵌底座;(为诗、祷文等谱写的)乐曲;(供一人用的)一副餐具 v. (小心地)放置;嵌入(表面);(电影、戏剧、故事等)以……为背景(set 的现在分词形式);settings

3. device [dɪˈvaɪs] n. 装置,设备;手段,方法;花招,诡计;炸弹,爆炸装置;图画,设计;(某物的)样式,外表;devices

31. tragic [ˈtrædʒɪk] adj. 悲惨的,悲痛的,可悲的;悲剧的;糟透了的 n. 无趣的人,不善社交的人

32. encounter [ɪnˈkaʊntə] v. 遭遇;偶遇,邂逅 n. 偶遇,邂逅;经历,体验;冲突;比赛,交锋;encounters;encounters;encountering;encountered;encountered

33. resistance [rɪˈzɪstəns] n. 反对,抵制;抵抗,反抗;抵抗力,免疫力;阻力;电阻;(敌占区的)秘密抵抗组织;resistances

34. impose [ɪmˈpəʊz] v. 强制推行,强制实行;把(自己的观点、信仰等)强加于;打扰,麻烦;把(活字页)拼版;欺骗;imposes;imposing;imposed;imposed

35. initiative [ɪˈnɪʃɪətɪv] n. 措施,倡议;主动性,积极性;主动权;(美国某些州的)公民立法提案程序;initiatives


