
教育   2024-10-30 07:58   山东  

备考加油 一战成硕

The world needs a US president 

who respects evidence

As Kamala Harris and Donald Trump face off, the fate of US democracy, science and evidence-based policy hangs in the balance.

28 October 2024


1. fate [feɪt] n. 命运 v. 注定 【名】 (fate)(英)费特(人名);fates;fates;fating;fated;fated

2. democracy [dɪˈmɒkrəsɪ] n. 民主政体;民主国家;民主,民主精神;democracies

3. poll [pəʊl] n. 民意调查,民意测验;选举投票,计票;投票数;投票点(the polls);头顶,头皮;无角动物(尤指无角牛) v. 对……进行民意测验(调查);获得(票数);(电信,计算机)轮询,探询;截掉(动物,尤指小牛)的角;修枝 【名】 【名】(poll)(德、匈、罗、英)波尔(人名);polls;polls;polling;polled;polled

4. elect [ɪˈlekt] v. 选举;选择(做);(上帝)挑选(某人)(而使其灵魂永远得救) adj. 候任的;选中的,卓越的;蒙上帝挑选(而得救)的 n. 上帝的选民(the elect);特权阶层;elect;elects;elects;electing;elected;elected

5. senate [ˈsenɪt] n. 参议院;大学理事会,大学评议会;(古罗马的)元老院

6. republican [rɪˈpʌblɪkən] adj. 共和政体的,共和国的;拥护共和政体的,共和主义的;(美国)共和党的,支持共和党的(republican);北爱尔兰共和主义者的,支持北爱尔兰共和主义者的(republican. n. 共和主义者,拥护共和政体者;(美国)共和党人,共和党支持者(republican);(主张北爱尔兰应脱离英国成为爱尔兰共和国一部分的)北爱尔兰共和主义者(republican);republicans

7. opportunity [ˌɒpəˈtjuːnɪtɪ] n. 时机,机会;opportunities

8. domestic [dəˈmestɪk] adj. 国内的,本国的;家用的,家庭的;喜爱家庭生活的,乐于操持家务的;非野生的,驯养的 n. 家庭纠纷,家庭矛盾;佣人,家仆;国货,本地产品;domestics

9. global [ˈgləʊbəl] adj. 全球的,全世界的;全面的,整体的;(计算机)全局的;球形的

10. priority [praɪˈɒrɪtɪ] n. 优先事项,最重要的事;优先,优先权,重点;优先通行权 adj. 优先的;priorities

11. congress [ˈkɒŋgres] n. 国会,议会;代表大会;美国国会(congress);congresses;congresses;congressing;congressed;congressed

12. ensure [ɪnˈʃʊə] v. 确保,保证;保护,使安全;ensures;ensuring;ensured;ensured

13. thrive [θraɪv] v. 茁壮成长,兴旺,繁荣;(尤指在别人觉得困难的时候)以……为乐,可以出色应对;thrives;thriving;thrived;throve;thrived;thriven

14. essential [ɪˈsenʃəl] adj. 必不可少的,非常重要的;基本的,精髓的;(氨基酸、脂肪酸)必需的;(疾病)自发的,原发的 n. 必不可少的东西,必需品;要素,本质;(某学科的)基础,基本知识;essentials

15. crisis [ˈkraɪsɪs] n. 危机,紧要关头;决定性时刻,关键时刻;(病情的)转折点,危象 adj. 用于处理危机的;crises

16. division [dɪˈvɪʒən] n. 分开,分配;除法;部门;分歧,不和;分界线;(军队编制中的)师;(英国议会的)分组表决;(足球等体育运动中联赛的)级;divisions

17. retain [rɪˈteɪn] v. 保持,保留;保存,储存;记住;付定金聘定(尤指律师);留用(员工);retains;retaining;retained;retained

18. characterize [ˈkærɪktəraɪz] v. 描述,刻画;成为……的特征,是……的典型;characterizes;characterizing;characterized;characterized

19. peer [pɪə] n. 同龄人,同等地位的人,相匹敌的人;(英国)贵族 v. 凝视,费力地看;隐现;看见;匹敌 【名】 (peer)(美、爱、英)皮尔(人名);peers;peers;peering;peered;peered

20. fundamental [ˌfʌndəˈmentl] adj. 根本的,基本的;必需的,必不可少的;不能再分的 n. 基本原理;基音,基频;fundamentals

21. bond [bɒnd] n. 纽带,联系;公债,债券;结合,黏合;承诺,契约;枷锁,桎梏 v. (使)建立亲密关系;与……黏合(或连接) 【名】 (bond)(英、德、西、瑞典)邦德(人名);bonds;bonds;bonding;bonded;bonded

22. moreover [mɔːˈrəʊvə] adv. 此外,而且

23. commit [kəˈmɪt] v. 犯(罪、错);调拨,投入;(使)承诺,承担义务;郑重承诺,忠于;把……关进医院(监狱),监禁;传唤(某人)到法院受审;订婚,决定与(某人)保持长期感情;把……托付给;commits;committing;committed;committed

24. consensus [kənˈsensəs] n. 一致看法,共识;consensuses

25. vice [vaɪs] n. 堕落,邪恶;小毛病,坏习惯;(与性或毒品有关的)罪行,道德败坏行为;老虎钳(同 vise);代理人,任副职者;(尤指马厩里马因厌倦而出现的)劣性,恶癖 v. 握住,钳紧 adj. 副的;代替的,代理的 prep. 代替 【名】 (vice)(塞)维采(人名);vices;vices;vicing;viced;viced

26. senator [ˈsenətə] n. 参议员,(古罗马的)元老院议员,(大学理事会的)理事;庭长 【名】 (senator)(瑞典、斯威)塞纳托尔(人名);senators

27. attorney [əˈtɜːnɪ] n. 律师;代理人;attorneys

28. current [ˈkʌrənt] adj. 现行的,当前的;通用的,流行的;最近的 n. 水流,气流;电流;思潮,趋势 【名】 (current)(英)柯伦特(人名);currents

29. objective [əbˈdʒektɪv] n. 目的,目标;出击目标(尤指在军事攻击中);(望远镜或显微镜中的)物镜;出击目标(尤指在军事攻击中);宾格 adj. 客观的,不带个人情感的;客观存在的;宾格的;目标的;objectives

30. invest [ɪnˈvest] v. 投资;投入(时间或精力);赋予,授予;给……穿衣;包围,围攻;invests;investing;invested;invested

31. legislation [ˌledʒɪsˈleɪʃən] n. 法规,法律;立法,制订法律

32. inflation [ɪnˈfleɪʃən] n. 通货膨胀,通胀率;充气,膨胀,增大;(宇宙论某些理论)暴涨;夸张,自命不凡

33. reduction [rɪˈdʌkʃən] n. 减小,降低;减价,折扣;(照片、地图、图片等的)缩图,缩版;归纳,简化;(数学)归约,约化;染色体减半;简编曲(管弦乐改编的钢琴曲或小乐队演奏曲);浓汤,浓汁;脱臼(或断骨)复位;(化学)还原,被还原;(语音)弱化;reductions

34. historic [hɪsˈtɒrɪk] adj. 历史上重要的;过去的,与历史(或过去)有关的;(时态)历史的

35. investment [ɪnˈvestmənt] n. 投资;值得买的东西;(时间、精力的)投入;包围,封锁;investments

36. manufacture [ˌmænjəˈfæktʃə] v. (用机器大量)生产,制造;编造,捏造;生成,产生(一种物质) n. 大量制造,批量生产;工业品;制造业;manufactures;manufactures;manufacturing;manufactured;manufactured

37. craft [krɑːft] n. 工艺,手艺;船,艇,飞行器;诡计,骗术;行业,职业;手工艺品 v. 精心制作 【名】 (craft)(英、德、罗)克拉夫特(人名);crafts;craft;crafts;crafting;crafted;crafted

38. implement [ˈɪmplɪmənt] v. 执行,贯彻;为……提供工具 n. 工具,器具;履行;手段;implements;implements;implementing;implemented;implemented

39. insulate [ˈɪnsjəleɪt] v. 使隔热,使隔音,使绝缘;使隔离,使免受(不良影响等);使(陆地)成岛屿;insulates;insulating;insulated;insulated

40. interference [ˌɪntəˈfɪərəns] n. 干预,干预;(收音机或电视机受到的)干扰信号;犯规阻挡;抵触,冲突;interferences

41. economy [ɪ(ː)ˈkɒnəmɪ] n. 经济;节省,简练;经济舱 adj. 经济实惠的 【名】 (economy)(英)伊科诺米(人名);economies

42. define [dɪˈfaɪn] v. 给……下定义,解释;阐明,使清楚;标明……界限,明确显出……轮廓;是……的特征,为……的特色 【名】 (define)(英)德法恩,(葡)德菲内(人名);defines;defining;defined;defined

43. core [kɔː] n. 果核;中心部分;核心,要点;骨干,核心成员;地核,天体的核心;核反应堆堆芯;芯体 v. 给……去核 adj. 核心的,最重要的;基础的,必修的 【名】 (core)(英)科尔,(西、意)科雷(人名);cores;cores;coring;cored;cored

44. repeatedly [rɪˈpɪːtɪdlɪ] adv. 重复地,再三地

45. undermine [ˌʌndəˈmaɪn] v. 逐渐削弱(损害);故意破坏(某人)的形象(或威信);在……下面挖,(尤指)从根基处损坏;undermines;undermining;undermined;undermined

46. deny [dɪˈnaɪ] v. 否认;拒绝承认;拒绝给予;denies;denying;denied;denied

47. federal [ˈfedərəl] adj. 联邦(制)的;(与)联邦政府(有关的)的;中央集权式的;(美国内战时期)北部联邦政府的 n. 联邦探员,联邦政府官员;(美国南北战争时期)北部联邦政府支持者 【名】 (federal)(英)费德勒尔(人名);federals

48. response [rɪsˈpɒns] n. 反应,响应;(口头或书面的)回复,答复;(考试题的)答案;(教堂中人们对牧师所说的话作出的)唱和,应答;responses

49. investigate [ɪnˈvestɪgeɪt] v. 侦察(某事);调查(某人);研究;investigates;investigating;investigated;investigated

50. joint [dʒɔɪnt] adj. 联合的,共同的,共有的;连带的 n. 关节;(一般带有骨头的)一大块肉;(两个物体或部分的)接合处,接缝;廉价娱乐场所,下等娱乐场所;大麻烟卷 v. 把……切成带骨的大块肉;接合,联合;使有接头 【名】 (joint)(美)茹安(人名);joints;joints;jointing;jointed;jointed

51. comprehensive [ˌkɒmprɪˈhensɪv] adj. 综合性的,全面的;有理解力的 n. 综合中学;专业综合测验;comprehensives

52. mount [maʊnt] v. 组织,开展;爬上,登上;骑上;增多,增加,上升;增强,加剧;镶嵌,裱贴,安置;上演,展出;爬上(雌性动物的背)进行交配;设置(岗哨),担任(警卫);把(观察对象)固定于显微镜的载玻片 n. 山,山峰;坐骑,马;登,骑;(相片)框,(艺术品)装帧,衬托纸;底座,底架;(贴邮票用的)透明胶纸;(显微镜观察的)封片;掌丘 【名】 (mount)(英)芒特(人名);mounts;mounts;mounting;mounted;mounted

53. claim [kleɪm] v. 声称,断言;索取,索要(钱);要求(拥有),认领;使丧生,致命;赢得,获得;值得,需要(花时间或精力) n. 声称,断言;索要,索赔;权利,所有权;要求得到的土地使用权;专利新特征申明;claims;claims;claiming;claimed;claimed

54. democratic [ˌdeməˈkrætɪk] adj. 平等的,有民主精神的;民主政体的;(美国)民主党的

55. reverse [rɪˈvɜːs] v. 逆转,彻底改变(决定、政策、趋势等);撤销,推翻(法庭判决);颠倒,反转;交换,互换(位置、功能);承认错误,放弃(立场);倒(车);(发动机)反向运转;打对方付费的电话;使(铅字,图案)印成白或浅色 n. 相对,相反(the reverse);逆向,逆转;倒车挡;失败,挫折;反面,背面;(翻开的书)左手页,(活页文件的)背面;(硬币或奖牌)反面图案(或刻字);(美式橄榄球)反向传球,变位传球 adj. 相反的,反向的;背面的,反面的;(半导体结的外加电压)反向的;(地层)逆断的,冲断的;反身的;reverses;reverses;reversing;reversed;reversed

56. pledge [pledʒ] n. 誓言,保证,承诺;捐款承诺;戒酒誓言(the pledge);信物;抵押品;(美国大学中)宣誓加入男生(女生)联谊会的人;为健康祝酒 v. 保证,发誓;使保证,使许诺;承诺给予,承诺提供;用……抵押,以……典押;宣誓加入(大学男生联谊会或女生联谊会);为健康祝酒 【名】 (pledge)(英)普莱奇(人名);pledges;pledges;pledging;pledged;pledged

57. fossil [ˈfɒsl] n. 化石;思想僵化的人;僵化的事物 adj. 化石的,从地下采掘出的;不变的,古老的

58. employee [ˌemplɔɪˈɪː, ɪmˈplɔɪɪ] n. 雇员;employees

59. executive [ɪgˈzekjətɪv] adj. 行政的,有执行权的;高档的,豪华的;供主管人员使用的;(有关)经营管理的,领导的 n. 主管,经理;行政部门,执行委员会;executives

60. premise [ˈpremɪs] n. 前提,假设;(企业或机构使用的)房屋及土地(premises);上述各项 v. 以……为基础,以……为前提;预先提出,事先提到;声明,说明;premises;premises;premising;premised;premised

61. recruit [rɪˈkruːt] v. 招聘,招收(新成员);招募(新兵);说服,动员;(通过招募)组成,组建;恢复(数量、力气等) n. 新兵;新成员;recruits;recruits;recruiting;recruited;recruited

62. expertise [ˌekspəˈtɪːz] n. 专长,专门技能(知识);专家的意见

63. loyalty [ˈlɒɪəltɪ] n. 忠诚,忠贞;忠于……的强烈情感;loyalties

64. irrespective [ˌɪrɪsˈpektɪv] adv. 不考虑,不顾

65. membership [ˈmembəʃɪp] n. 会员身份,会籍;会员数;(全体)会员;memberships

66. ideology [ˌaɪdɪˈɒlədʒɪ, ɪd-] n. 意识形态,思想体系;观念学;空想;ideologies

67. foundation [faʊnˈdeɪʃən] n. 地基,基础;基本原理,根据;基金会;建立,创办;(化妆打底用的)粉底霜;foundations

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The world needs a US president who respects evidence
As Kamala Harris and Donald Trump face off, the fate of US democracy, science and evidence-based policy hangs in the balance.
28 October 2024
Next week, US voters will go to the polls to elect a new president, along with members of the House of Representatives and the Senate. This election will take place at a time of extreme uncertainty, both for the United States and for the world. The two candidates, Democrat Kamala Harris and Republican Donald Trump, represent vastly different views of the challenges and opportunities that the country faces, and the role of the United States on the international stage.
Like all elections, the 5 November vote is about much more than science. However, the fate of scientific research, evidence-based lawmaking and the government’s receptiveness to independent science-policy advice will be key determinants of the country’s future course and long-term well-being. And, as we reported in a News Feature on 23 October (Nature 634, 770–774; 2024), US science could be at an inflection point: the election and a range of domestic and global forces could challenge the primacy that the country has held since the Second World War.
A priority for both the winning presidential candidate and the new members of Congress must be ensuring that US science continues to thrive. This is essential if the world is to solve shared challenges, such as the climate crisis, inequality and societal divisions — and that means retaining the openness and collaborative spirit that have characterized US science for much of the past 75 years. US scientists work with peers around the world, which has helped to position the country at the centre of fundamental, applied and translational research, while creating bonds of friendship and collegiality between US researchers and their international collaborators. These bonds are needed now more than ever.
Power and responsibility
The United States needs leaders who fully understand the responsibilities that come with power and, moreover, are wholeheartedly committed to respecting facts or the consensus of evidence while governing.
Harris, the vice-president under President Joe Biden, is a former US senator; before that, she was a public prosecutor and attorney general in California. In her previous and current roles, she has broadly sought to advance policies that are in line with the scientific consensus and with the objective of keeping people safe and protecting public health and the environment.
The Biden–Harris administration’s signature achievement is the plan to invest more than US$1 trillion in climate and clean-energy technologies over a decade — albeit while overseeing record levels of production of oil and natural gas in the short term. A landmark piece of legislation passed by Congress in 2022, called The Inflation Reduction Act, is a historic investment that seeks to modernize US manufacturing and create jobs in the clean-technology industry. At the same time, the administration has sought to craft and implement plans to insulate regulatory agencies, such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), from political interference.
Harris said on 22 October that her administration will not be a continuation of the Biden presidency. She has said she wants to build an “opportunity economy”. Precisely what that means is yet to be defined — a science- and evidence-based approach needs to be at its core.
That record is in stark contrast to what happened during Trump’s presidency, from 2017 to 2021. As president, Trump not only repeatedly ignored research-informed knowledge, but also undermined national and global science and public-health agencies. He has denied climate science, lied about the federal government’s response to hurricane forecasts and asked scientists to investigate whether disinfectants could be used to treat people with COVID-19.
He pulled the United States out of the World Health Organization in the middle of a once-in-a-century pandemic. He withdrew the country from both the Paris climate agreement and the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (also called the Iran nuclear deal) — both of which the United States had helped to craft. He instilled fear at the EPA, including by rolling back climate policies and making it harder for its research workforce to be able to function independently of politicians, as many EPA scientists told Nature at the time.
Mounting risks
If anything, Trump’s speech has coarsened. In the past few weeks alone, he has falsely claimed that millions of migrants are “pouring into our country from prisons, jails, from mental institutions and insane asylums” and eating people’s pets, and that members of the Democratic Party support the execution of babies after birth.
The risks of a second Trump presidency continue to mount. It wouldn’t be easy for a new administration to reverse the investments pledged by the Inflation Reduction Act, but Trump has promised to try. He has said he will ramp up fossil-fuel production and promised to reclassify the positions of tens of thousands of federal employees, including scientists and senior officials in the executive branch of government. That is an alarming development that would require reversing the rule that the Biden administration has crafted to prevent such action. It would undermine a basic premise of modern governance the world over: that scientific and technical specialists working in government are recruited for their expertise, not on the basis of their loyalty to the president or a political party, which is what Trump wants to do.
Political leaders, irrespective of party membership or ideology, generally agree on the need for a society that creates jobs, promotes better health and advances science. But solutions for the world’s mounting problems can come only from a shared, accurate understanding of reality.
A lack of regard for the law and evidence fosters mistrust of scientists and institutions of state. That, in turn, weakens the foundations of democracy, both in the United States and around the world. A second Trump presidency would have an even more destabilizing effect globally, giving the green light to yet more leaders like him.

外刊双语剪 考研阅读精选 ↓↓


0参考↓■world, 世界; ■needs, 需要; ■president, 总统; ■respects, 尊重; ■evidence, 证据;

The world needs a US president who respects evidence



1参考↓■Kamala, 卡玛拉; ■Harris, 哈里斯; ■Donald, 唐纳德; ■Trump, 王牌; ■democracy, 民主; ■science, 科学; ■evidence-based, 循证; ■policy, 政策; ■hangs, 悬挂; ■balance, 平衡;

As Kamala Harris and Donald Trump face off, the fate of US democracy, science and evidence-based policy hangs in the balance.


1. fate [feɪt] n. 命运 v. 注定 【名】 (fate)(英)费特(人名);fates;fates;fating;fated;fated

2. democracy [dɪˈmɒkrəsɪ] n. 民主政体;民主国家;民主,民主精神;democracies

2参考↓■October, 十月;

28 October 2024


3参考↓■voters, 选民; ■polls, 民意调查; ■elect, 选举; ■president, 总统; ■along, 沿着; ■members, 成员; ■House, 房子; ■Representatives, 代表; ■Senate, 参议院; ■election, 选举; ■place, 地方; ■extreme, 极端; ■uncertainty, 不确定性; ■United, 联合的; ■States, 国家; ■world, 世界; ■candidates, 候选人; ■Democrat, 民主党人; ■Kamala, 卡玛拉; ■Harris, 哈里斯; ■Republican, 共和党人; ■Donald, 唐纳德; ■Trump, 王牌; ■represent, 代表; ■vastly, 极大地; ■different, 不同的; ■views, 意见; ■challenges, 挑战; ■opportunities, 机会; ■country, 国家; ■faces, 面孔; ■United, 联合的; ■States, 国家; ■international, 国际的; ■stage, 阶段;

Next week, US voters will go to the polls to elect a new president, along with members of the House of Representatives and the Senate. This election will take place at a time of extreme uncertainty, both for the United States and for the world. The two candidates, Democrat Kamala Harris and Republican Donald Trump, represent vastly different views of the challenges and opportunities that the country faces, and the role of the United States on the international stage.


3. poll [pəʊl] n. 民意调查,民意测验;选举投票,计票;投票数;投票点(the polls);头顶,头皮;无角动物(尤指无角牛) v. 对……进行民意测验(调查);获得(票数);(电信,计算机)轮询,探询;截掉(动物,尤指小牛)的角;修枝 【名】 【名】(poll)(德、匈、罗、英)波尔(人名);polls;polls;polling;polled;polled

4. elect [ɪˈlekt] v. 选举;选择(做);(上帝)挑选(某人)(而使其灵魂永远得救) adj. 候任的;选中的,卓越的;蒙上帝挑选(而得救)的 n. 上帝的选民(the elect);特权阶层;elect;elects;elects;electing;elected;elected

5. senate [ˈsenɪt] n. 参议院;大学理事会,大学评议会;(古罗马的)元老院

6. republican [rɪˈpʌblɪkən] adj. 共和政体的,共和国的;拥护共和政体的,共和主义的;(美国)共和党的,支持共和党的(republican);北爱尔兰共和主义者的,支持北爱尔兰共和主义者的(republican. n. 共和主义者,拥护共和政体者;(美国)共和党人,共和党支持者(republican);(主张北爱尔兰应脱离英国成为爱尔兰共和国一部分的)北爱尔兰共和主义者(republican);republicans

4参考↓■elections, 选举; ■November, 十一月; ■about, 关于; ■science, 科学; ■However, 然而; ■scientific, 科学的; ■research, 研究; ■evidence-based, 循证; ■lawmaking, 立法; ■government’s, 政府的; ■receptiveness, 接受能力; ■independent, 独立的; ■science-policy, 科学政策; ■advice, 建议; ■determinants, 决定因素; ■country’s, 国家的; ■future, 未来; ■course, 课程; ■long-term, 长期; ■well-being, 幸福感; ■reported, 报道; ■Feature, 特点; ■October, 十月; ■Nature, 自然; ■770–774, 770–774; ■science, 科学; ■could, 能够; ■inflection, 拐点; ■point, 指向; ■election, 选举; ■range, 范围; ■domestic, 国内的; ■global, 全球的; ■forces, 军队; ■could, 能够; ■challenge, 挑战; ■primacy, 首要地位; ■country, 国家; ■since, 自从; ■Second, 第二; ■World, 世界;

Like all elections, the 5 November vote is about much more than science. However, the fate of scientific research, evidence-based lawmaking and the government’s receptiveness to independent science-policy advice will be key determinants of the country’s future course and long-term well-being. And, as we reported in a News Feature on 23 October (Nature 634, 770–774; 2024), US science could be at an inflection point: the election and a range of domestic and global forces could challenge the primacy that the country has held since the Second World War.


1. fate [feɪt] n. 命运 v. 注定 【名】 (fate)(英)费特(人名);fates;fates;fating;fated;fated

4. elect [ɪˈlekt] v. 选举;选择(做);(上帝)挑选(某人)(而使其灵魂永远得救) adj. 候任的;选中的,卓越的;蒙上帝挑选(而得救)的 n. 上帝的选民(the elect);特权阶层;elect;elects;elects;electing;elected;elected

8. domestic [dəˈmestɪk] adj. 国内的,本国的;家用的,家庭的;喜爱家庭生活的,乐于操持家务的;非野生的,驯养的 n. 家庭纠纷,家庭矛盾;佣人,家仆;国货,本地产品;domestics

9. global [ˈgləʊbəl] adj. 全球的,全世界的;全面的,整体的;(计算机)全局的;球形的

25. vice [vaɪs] n. 堕落,邪恶;小毛病,坏习惯;(与性或毒品有关的)罪行,道德败坏行为;老虎钳(同 vise);代理人,任副职者;(尤指马厩里马因厌倦而出现的)劣性,恶癖 v. 握住,钳紧 adj. 副的;代替的,代理的 prep. 代替 【名】 (vice)(塞)维采(人名);vices;vices;vicing;viced;viced

5参考↓■priority, 优先; ■winning, 获胜; ■presidential, 总统的; ■candidate, 候选人; ■members, 成员; ■Congress, 国会; ■ensuring, 确保; ■science, 科学; ■continues, 继续; ■thrive, 茁壮成长; ■essential, 本质的; ■world, 世界; ■solve, 解决; ■shared, 共享; ■challenges, 挑战; ■climate, 气候; ■crisis, 危机; ■inequality, 不平等; ■societal, 社会的; ■divisions, 分裂; ■means, 方法; ■retaining, 保留; ■openness, 开放性; ■collaborative, 协同; ■spirit, 精神; ■characterized, 具有特征的; ■science, 科学; ■years, 年; ■scientists, 科学家; ■peers, 同龄人; ■around, 围绕; ■world, 世界; ■which, 哪一个; ■helped, 帮助; ■position, 位置; ■country, 国家; ■centre, 中心; ■fundamental, 基本的; ■applied, 应用; ■translational, 平移; ■research, 研究; ■while, 虽然; ■creating, 创建; ■bonds, 债券; ■friendship, 友谊; ■collegiality, 合议制; ■between, 之间; ■researchers, 研究人员; ■their, 他们的; ■international, 国际的; ■collaborators, 合作者; ■These, 这些; ■bonds, 债券; ■needed, 需要;

A priority for both the winning presidential candidate and the new members of Congress must be ensuring that US science continues to thrive. This is essential if the world is to solve shared challenges, such as the climate crisis, inequality and societal divisions — and that means retaining the openness and collaborative spirit that have characterized US science for much of the past 75 years. US scientists work with peers around the world, which has helped to position the country at the centre of fundamental, applied and translational research, while creating bonds of friendship and collegiality between US researchers and their international collaborators. These bonds are needed now more than ever.


10. priority [praɪˈɒrɪtɪ] n. 优先事项,最重要的事;优先,优先权,重点;优先通行权 adj. 优先的;priorities

11. congress [ˈkɒŋgres] n. 国会,议会;代表大会;美国国会(congress);congresses;congresses;congressing;congressed;congressed

13. thrive [θraɪv] v. 茁壮成长,兴旺,繁荣;(尤指在别人觉得困难的时候)以……为乐,可以出色应对;thrives;thriving;thrived;throve;thrived;thriven

14. essential [ɪˈsenʃəl] adj. 必不可少的,非常重要的;基本的,精髓的;(氨基酸、脂肪酸)必需的;(疾病)自发的,原发的 n. 必不可少的东西,必需品;要素,本质;(某学科的)基础,基本知识;essentials

15. crisis [ˈkraɪsɪs] n. 危机,紧要关头;决定性时刻,关键时刻;(病情的)转折点,危象 adj. 用于处理危机的;crises

16. division [dɪˈvɪʒən] n. 分开,分配;除法;部门;分歧,不和;分界线;(军队编制中的)师;(英国议会的)分组表决;(足球等体育运动中联赛的)级;divisions

17. retain [rɪˈteɪn] v. 保持,保留;保存,储存;记住;付定金聘定(尤指律师);留用(员工);retains;retaining;retained;retained

18. characterize [ˈkærɪktəraɪz] v. 描述,刻画;成为……的特征,是……的典型;characterizes;characterizing;characterized;characterized

19. peer [pɪə] n. 同龄人,同等地位的人,相匹敌的人;(英国)贵族 v. 凝视,费力地看;隐现;看见;匹敌 【名】 (peer)(美、爱、英)皮尔(人名);peers;peers;peering;peered;peered

20. fundamental [ˌfʌndəˈmentl] adj. 根本的,基本的;必需的,必不可少的;不能再分的 n. 基本原理;基音,基频;fundamentals

21. bond [bɒnd] n. 纽带,联系;公债,债券;结合,黏合;承诺,契约;枷锁,桎梏 v. (使)建立亲密关系;与……黏合(或连接) 【名】 (bond)(英、德、西、瑞典)邦德(人名);bonds;bonds;bonding;bonded;bonded

6参考↓■Power, 电源; ■responsibility, 责任;

Power and responsibility


7参考↓■United, 联合的; ■States, 国家; ■needs, 需要; ■leaders, 领导人; ■fully, 完全地; ■understand, 理解; ■responsibilities, 责任; ■power, 权力; ■moreover, 此外; ■wholeheartedly, 全心全意; ■committed, 坚信的; ■respecting, 尊重; ■facts, 事实; ■consensus, 共识; ■evidence, 证据; ■while, 虽然; ■governing, 治理;

The United States needs leaders who fully understand the responsibilities that come with power and, moreover, are wholeheartedly committed to respecting facts or the consensus of evidence while governing.


22. moreover [mɔːˈrəʊvə] adv. 此外,而且

23. commit [kəˈmɪt] v. 犯(罪、错);调拨,投入;(使)承诺,承担义务;郑重承诺,忠于;把……关进医院(监狱),监禁;传唤(某人)到法院受审;订婚,决定与(某人)保持长期感情;把……托付给;commits;committing;committed;committed

24. consensus [kənˈsensəs] n. 一致看法,共识;consensuses

8参考↓■Harris, 哈里斯; ■vice-president, 副总裁; ■under, 在下面; ■President, 总裁; ■Biden, 拜登; ■former, 前者的; ■senator, 参议员; ■before, 之前; ■public, 公众的; ■prosecutor, 检察官; ■attorney, 律师; ■general, 一般的; ■California, 加利福尼亚; ■previous, 以前的; ■current, 现在的; ■roles, 角色; ■broadly, 广义上; ■sought, 寻求; ■advance, 提前; ■policies, 政策; ■scientific, 科学的; ■consensus, 共识; ■objective, 客观的; ■keeping, 保持; ■people, 人; ■protecting, 保护; ■public, 公众的; ■health, 健康; ■environment, 环境;

Harris, the vice-president under President Joe Biden, is a former US senator; before that, she was a public prosecutor and attorney general in California. In her previous and current roles, she has broadly sought to advance policies that are in line with the scientific consensus and with the objective of keeping people safe and protecting public health and the environment.


24. consensus [kənˈsensəs] n. 一致看法,共识;consensuses

25. vice [vaɪs] n. 堕落,邪恶;小毛病,坏习惯;(与性或毒品有关的)罪行,道德败坏行为;老虎钳(同 vise);代理人,任副职者;(尤指马厩里马因厌倦而出现的)劣性,恶癖 v. 握住,钳紧 adj. 副的;代替的,代理的 prep. 代替 【名】 (vice)(塞)维采(人名);vices;vices;vicing;viced;viced

26. senator [ˈsenətə] n. 参议员,(古罗马的)元老院议员,(大学理事会的)理事;庭长 【名】 (senator)(瑞典、斯威)塞纳托尔(人名);senators

27. attorney [əˈtɜːnɪ] n. 律师;代理人;attorneys

28. current [ˈkʌrənt] adj. 现行的,当前的;通用的,流行的;最近的 n. 水流,气流;电流;思潮,趋势 【名】 (current)(英)柯伦特(人名);currents

29. objective [əbˈdʒektɪv] n. 目的,目标;出击目标(尤指在军事攻击中);(望远镜或显微镜中的)物镜;出击目标(尤指在军事攻击中);宾格 adj. 客观的,不带个人情感的;客观存在的;宾格的;目标的;objectives

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9参考↓■Biden–Harris, 拜登-哈里斯; ■administration’s, 行政; ■signature, 签名; ■achievement, 成就; ■invest, 投资; ■trillion, 万亿; ■climate, 气候; ■clean-energy, 清洁能源; ■technologies, 技术; ■decade, 十年; ■albeit, 尽管; ■while, 虽然; ■overseeing, 监督; ■record, 记录; ■levels, 水平; ■production, 生产; ■natural, 自然的; ■short, 短的; ■landmark, 地标; ■piece, 块; ■legislation, 立法; ■passed, 通过; ■Congress, 国会; ■called, 打电话; ■Inflation, 通货膨胀; ■Reduction, 减少; ■historic, 有历史意义的; ■investment, 投资; ■seeks, 寻求; ■modernize, 现代化; ■manufacturing, 制造业; ■create, 创造; ■clean-technology, 清洁技术; ■industry, 行业; ■administration, 管理; ■sought, 寻求; ■craft, 工艺; ■implement, 实施; ■plans, 计划; ■insulate, 隔离; ■regulatory, 管理的; ■agencies, 机构; ■Environmental, 环境的; ■Protection, 保护; ■Agency, 代理机构; ■political, 政治的; ■interference, 干扰;

The Biden–Harris administration’s signature achievement is the plan to invest more than US$1 trillion in climate and clean-energy technologies over a decade — albeit while overseeing record levels of production of oil and natural gas in the short term. A landmark piece of legislation passed by Congress in 2022, called The Inflation Reduction Act, is a historic investment that seeks to modernize US manufacturing and create jobs in the clean-technology industry. At the same time, the administration has sought to craft and implement plans to insulate regulatory agencies, such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), from political interference.


11. congress [ˈkɒŋgres] n. 国会,议会;代表大会;美国国会(congress);congresses;congresses;congressing;congressed;congressed

30. invest [ɪnˈvest] v. 投资;投入(时间或精力);赋予,授予;给……穿衣;包围,围攻;invests;investing;invested;invested

31. legislation [ˌledʒɪsˈleɪʃən] n. 法规,法律;立法,制订法律

32. inflation [ɪnˈfleɪʃən] n. 通货膨胀,通胀率;充气,膨胀,增大;(宇宙论某些理论)暴涨;夸张,自命不凡

33. reduction [rɪˈdʌkʃən] n. 减小,降低;减价,折扣;(照片、地图、图片等的)缩图,缩版;归纳,简化;(数学)归约,约化;染色体减半;简编曲(管弦乐改编的钢琴曲或小乐队演奏曲);浓汤,浓汁;脱臼(或断骨)复位;(化学)还原,被还原;(语音)弱化;reductions

34. historic [hɪsˈtɒrɪk] adj. 历史上重要的;过去的,与历史(或过去)有关的;(时态)历史的

37. craft [krɑːft] n. 工艺,手艺;船,艇,飞行器;诡计,骗术;行业,职业;手工艺品 v. 精心制作 【名】 (craft)(英、德、罗)克拉夫特(人名);crafts;craft;crafts;crafting;crafted;crafted

38. implement [ˈɪmplɪmənt] v. 执行,贯彻;为……提供工具 n. 工具,器具;履行;手段;implements;implements;implementing;implemented;implemented

39. insulate [ˈɪnsjəleɪt] v. 使隔热,使隔音,使绝缘;使隔离,使免受(不良影响等);使(陆地)成岛屿;insulates;insulating;insulated;insulated

40. interference [ˌɪntəˈfɪərəns] n. 干预,干预;(收音机或电视机受到的)干扰信号;犯规阻挡;抵触,冲突;interferences

10参考↓■Harris, 哈里斯; ■October, 十月; ■administration, 管理; ■continuation, 续; ■Biden, 拜登; ■presidency, 总统职位; ■wants, 欲望; ■build, 建造; ■opportunity, 机会; ■economy, 经济; ■Precisely, 没错; ■means, 方法; ■defined, 定义; ■science-, 科学-; ■evidence-based, 循证; ■approach, 方法; ■needs, 需要;

Harris said on 22 October that her administration will not be a continuation of the Biden presidency. She has said she wants to build an “opportunity economy”. Precisely what that means is yet to be defined — a science- and evidence-based approach needs to be at its core.


7. opportunity [ˌɒpəˈtjuːnɪtɪ] n. 时机,机会;opportunities

41. economy [ɪ(ː)ˈkɒnəmɪ] n. 经济;节省,简练;经济舱 adj. 经济实惠的 【名】 (economy)(英)伊科诺米(人名);economies

42. define [dɪˈfaɪn] v. 给……下定义,解释;阐明,使清楚;标明……界限,明确显出……轮廓;是……的特征,为……的特色 【名】 (define)(英)德法恩,(葡)德菲内(人名);defines;defining;defined;defined

43. core [kɔː] n. 果核;中心部分;核心,要点;骨干,核心成员;地核,天体的核心;核反应堆堆芯;芯体 v. 给……去核 adj. 核心的,最重要的;基础的,必修的 【名】 (core)(英)科尔,(西、意)科雷(人名);cores;cores;coring;cored;cored

11参考↓■record, 记录; ■stark, 完全的; ■contrast, 对比; ■happened, 发生了; ■during, 在期间; ■Trump’s, 特朗普的; ■presidency, 总统职位; ■president, 总统; ■Trump, 王牌; ■repeatedly, 反复地; ■ignored, 忽略; ■research-informed, 研究知情; ■knowledge, 知识; ■undermined, 被破坏; ■national, 国家的; ■global, 全球的; ■science, 科学; ■public-health, 公共卫生; ■agencies, 机构; ■denied, 否认; ■climate, 气候; ■science, 科学; ■about, 关于; ■federal, 联邦的; ■government’s, 政府的; ■response, 响应; ■hurricane, 飓风; ■forecasts, 预测; ■asked, 问; ■scientists, 科学家; ■investigate, 调查; ■whether, 是否; ■disinfectants, 消毒剂; ■could, 能够; ■treat, 对待; ■people, 人; ■COVID-19, 2019冠状病毒疾病;

That record is in stark contrast to what happened during Trump’s presidency, from 2017 to 2021. As president, Trump not only repeatedly ignored research-informed knowledge, but also undermined national and global science and public-health agencies. He has denied climate science, lied about the federal government’s response to hurricane forecasts and asked scientists to investigate whether disinfectants could be used to treat people with COVID-19.


9. global [ˈgləʊbəl] adj. 全球的,全世界的;全面的,整体的;(计算机)全局的;球形的

30. invest [ɪnˈvest] v. 投资;投入(时间或精力);赋予,授予;给……穿衣;包围,围攻;invests;investing;invested;invested

44. repeatedly [rɪˈpɪːtɪdlɪ] adv. 重复地,再三地

45. undermine [ˌʌndəˈmaɪn] v. 逐渐削弱(损害);故意破坏(某人)的形象(或威信);在……下面挖,(尤指)从根基处损坏;undermines;undermining;undermined;undermined

47. federal [ˈfedərəl] adj. 联邦(制)的;(与)联邦政府(有关的)的;中央集权式的;(美国内战时期)北部联邦政府的 n. 联邦探员,联邦政府官员;(美国南北战争时期)北部联邦政府支持者 【名】 (federal)(英)费德勒尔(人名);federals

48. response [rɪsˈpɒns] n. 反应,响应;(口头或书面的)回复,答复;(考试题的)答案;(教堂中人们对牧师所说的话作出的)唱和,应答;responses

12参考↓■pulled, 拉; ■United, 联合的; ■States, 国家; ■World, 世界; ■Health, 健康; ■Organization, 组织机构; ■middle, 中间的; ■once-in-a-century, 百年一遇; ■pandemic, 大流行; ■withdrew, 收回; ■country, 国家; ■Paris, 巴黎; ■climate, 气候; ■agreement, 协议; ■Joint, 接头; ■Comprehensive, 综合; ■Action, 行动; ■called, 打电话; ■nuclear, 原子能的; ■which, 哪一个; ■United, 联合的; ■States, 国家; ■helped, 帮助; ■craft, 工艺; ■instilled, 灌输; ■including, 包括; ■rolling, 滚动的; ■climate, 气候; ■policies, 政策; ■making, 制作; ■harder, 更努力; ■research, 研究; ■workforce, 劳动力; ■function, 功能; ■independently, 独立地; ■politicians, 政治家; ■scientists, 科学家; ■Nature, 自然;

He pulled the United States out of the World Health Organization in the middle of a once-in-a-century pandemic. He withdrew the country from both the Paris climate agreement and the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (also called the Iran nuclear deal) — both of which the United States had helped to craft. He instilled fear at the EPA, including by rolling back climate policies and making it harder for its research workforce to be able to function independently of politicians, as many EPA scientists told Nature at the time.


37. craft [krɑːft] n. 工艺,手艺;船,艇,飞行器;诡计,骗术;行业,职业;手工艺品 v. 精心制作 【名】 (craft)(英、德、罗)克拉夫特(人名);crafts;craft;crafts;crafting;crafted;crafted

50. joint [dʒɔɪnt] adj. 联合的,共同的,共有的;连带的 n. 关节;(一般带有骨头的)一大块肉;(两个物体或部分的)接合处,接缝;廉价娱乐场所,下等娱乐场所;大麻烟卷 v. 把……切成带骨的大块肉;接合,联合;使有接头 【名】 (joint)(美)茹安(人名);joints;joints;jointing;jointed;jointed

51. comprehensive [ˌkɒmprɪˈhensɪv] adj. 综合性的,全面的;有理解力的 n. 综合中学;专业综合测验;comprehensives

13参考↓■Mounting, 安装; ■risks, 风险;

Mounting risks


52. mount [maʊnt] v. 组织,开展;爬上,登上;骑上;增多,增加,上升;增强,加剧;镶嵌,裱贴,安置;上演,展出;爬上(雌性动物的背)进行交配;设置(岗哨),担任(警卫);把(观察对象)固定于显微镜的载玻片 n. 山,山峰;坐骑,马;登,骑;(相片)框,(艺术品)装帧,衬托纸;底座,底架;(贴邮票用的)透明胶纸;(显微镜观察的)封片;掌丘 【名】 (mount)(英)芒特(人名);mounts;mounts;mounting;mounted;mounted

14参考↓■anything, 任何东西; ■Trump’s, 特朗普的; ■speech, 演讲; ■coarsened, 粗化; ■weeks, 周; ■alone, 单独地; ■falsely, 虚假的; ■claimed, 声称; ■millions, 数以百万计的; ■migrants, 移民; ■pouring, 倾倒; ■country, 国家; ■prisons, 监狱; ■jails, 监狱; ■mental, 精神的; ■institutions, 机构; ■insane, 精神错乱; ■asylums, 精神病院; ■eating, 吃饭; ■people’s, 人民的; ■members, 成员; ■Democratic, 民主; ■Party, 聚会; ■support, 支持; ■execution, 执行; ■babies, 婴儿; ■after, 之后; ■birth, 出生;

If anything, Trump’s speech has coarsened. In the past few weeks alone, he has falsely claimed that millions of migrants are “pouring into our country from prisons, jails, from mental institutions and insane asylums” and eating people’s pets, and that members of the Democratic Party support the execution of babies after birth.


53. claim [kleɪm] v. 声称,断言;索取,索要(钱);要求(拥有),认领;使丧生,致命;赢得,获得;值得,需要(花时间或精力) n. 声称,断言;索要,索赔;权利,所有权;要求得到的土地使用权;专利新特征申明;claims;claims;claiming;claimed;claimed

54. democratic [ˌdeməˈkrætɪk] adj. 平等的,有民主精神的;民主政体的;(美国)民主党的

15参考↓■risks, 风险; ■second, 第二; ■Trump, 王牌; ■presidency, 总统职位; ■continue, 持续; ■mount, 攀登; ■wouldn’t, 不会的; ■administration, 管理; ■reverse, 颠倒; ■investments, 投资; ■pledged, 认捐; ■Inflation, 通货膨胀; ■Reduction, 减少; ■Trump, 王牌; ■promised, 答应过的; ■fossil-fuel, 化石燃料; ■production, 生产; ■promised, 答应过的; ■reclassify, 重新分类; ■positions, 位置; ■thousands, 数千; ■federal, 联邦的; ■employees, 员工; ■including, 包括; ■scientists, 科学家; ■senior, 高级的; ■officials, 官员; ■executive, 总经理; ■branch, 分支; ■government, 政府; ■alarming, 令人震惊; ■development, 发展; ■would, 将; ■require, 要求; ■reversing, 颠倒; ■Biden, 拜登; ■administration, 管理; ■crafted, 精心制作; ■prevent, 防止; ■action, 行动; ■would, 将; ■undermine, 破坏; ■basic, 基本的; ■premise, 前提; ■modern, 现代的; ■governance, 治理; ■world, 世界; ■scientific, 科学的; ■technical, 技术的; ■specialists, 专家; ■working, 工作; ■government, 政府; ■recruited, 招募; ■their, 他们的; ■expertise, 专业知识; ■basis, 基础; ■their, 他们的; ■loyalty, 忠诚; ■president, 总统; ■political, 政治的; ■party, 聚会; ■which, 哪一个; ■Trump, 王牌; ■wants, 欲望;

The risks of a second Trump presidency continue to mount. It wouldn’t be easy for a new administration to reverse the investments pledged by the Inflation Reduction Act, but Trump has promised to try. He has said he will ramp up fossil-fuel production and promised to reclassify the positions of tens of thousands of federal employees, including scientists and senior officials in the executive branch of government. That is an alarming development that would require reversing the rule that the Biden administration has crafted to prevent such action. It would undermine a basic premise of modern governance the world over: that scientific and technical specialists working in government are recruited for their expertise, not on the basis of their loyalty to the president or a political party, which is what Trump wants to do.


30. invest [ɪnˈvest] v. 投资;投入(时间或精力);赋予,授予;给……穿衣;包围,围攻;invests;investing;invested;invested

32. inflation [ɪnˈfleɪʃən] n. 通货膨胀,通胀率;充气,膨胀,增大;(宇宙论某些理论)暴涨;夸张,自命不凡

33. reduction [rɪˈdʌkʃən] n. 减小,降低;减价,折扣;(照片、地图、图片等的)缩图,缩版;归纳,简化;(数学)归约,约化;染色体减半;简编曲(管弦乐改编的钢琴曲或小乐队演奏曲);浓汤,浓汁;脱臼(或断骨)复位;(化学)还原,被还原;(语音)弱化;reductions

37. craft [krɑːft] n. 工艺,手艺;船,艇,飞行器;诡计,骗术;行业,职业;手工艺品 v. 精心制作 【名】 (craft)(英、德、罗)克拉夫特(人名);crafts;craft;crafts;crafting;crafted;crafted

45. undermine [ˌʌndəˈmaɪn] v. 逐渐削弱(损害);故意破坏(某人)的形象(或威信);在……下面挖,(尤指)从根基处损坏;undermines;undermining;undermined;undermined

47. federal [ˈfedərəl] adj. 联邦(制)的;(与)联邦政府(有关的)的;中央集权式的;(美国内战时期)北部联邦政府的 n. 联邦探员,联邦政府官员;(美国南北战争时期)北部联邦政府支持者 【名】 (federal)(英)费德勒尔(人名);federals

52. mount [maʊnt] v. 组织,开展;爬上,登上;骑上;增多,增加,上升;增强,加剧;镶嵌,裱贴,安置;上演,展出;爬上(雌性动物的背)进行交配;设置(岗哨),担任(警卫);把(观察对象)固定于显微镜的载玻片 n. 山,山峰;坐骑,马;登,骑;(相片)框,(艺术品)装帧,衬托纸;底座,底架;(贴邮票用的)透明胶纸;(显微镜观察的)封片;掌丘 【名】 (mount)(英)芒特(人名);mounts;mounts;mounting;mounted;mounted

55. reverse [rɪˈvɜːs] v. 逆转,彻底改变(决定、政策、趋势等);撤销,推翻(法庭判决);颠倒,反转;交换,互换(位置、功能);承认错误,放弃(立场);倒(车);(发动机)反向运转;打对方付费的电话;使(铅字,图案)印成白或浅色 n. 相对,相反(the reverse);逆向,逆转;倒车挡;失败,挫折;反面,背面;(翻开的书)左手页,(活页文件的)背面;(硬币或奖牌)反面图案(或刻字);(美式橄榄球)反向传球,变位传球 adj. 相反的,反向的;背面的,反面的;(半导体结的外加电压)反向的;(地层)逆断的,冲断的;反身的;reverses;reverses;reversing;reversed;reversed

56. pledge [pledʒ] n. 誓言,保证,承诺;捐款承诺;戒酒誓言(the pledge);信物;抵押品;(美国大学中)宣誓加入男生(女生)联谊会的人;为健康祝酒 v. 保证,发誓;使保证,使许诺;承诺给予,承诺提供;用……抵押,以……典押;宣誓加入(大学男生联谊会或女生联谊会);为健康祝酒 【名】 (pledge)(英)普莱奇(人名);pledges;pledges;pledging;pledged;pledged

57. fossil [ˈfɒsl] n. 化石;思想僵化的人;僵化的事物 adj. 化石的,从地下采掘出的;不变的,古老的

58. employee [ˌemplɔɪˈɪː, ɪmˈplɔɪɪ] n. 雇员;employees

59. executive [ɪgˈzekjətɪv] adj. 行政的,有执行权的;高档的,豪华的;供主管人员使用的;(有关)经营管理的,领导的 n. 主管,经理;行政部门,执行委员会;executives

60. premise [ˈpremɪs] n. 前提,假设;(企业或机构使用的)房屋及土地(premises);上述各项 v. 以……为基础,以……为前提;预先提出,事先提到;声明,说明;premises;premises;premising;premised;premised

61. recruit [rɪˈkruːt] v. 招聘,招收(新成员);招募(新兵);说服,动员;(通过招募)组成,组建; 恢复(数量、力气等) n. 新兵;新成员;recruits;recruits;recruiting;recruited;recruited

62. expertise [ˌekspəˈtɪːz] n. 专长,专门技能(知识);专家的意见

63. loyalty [ˈlɒɪəltɪ] n. 忠诚,忠贞;忠于……的强烈情感;loyalties

16参考↓■Political, 政治; ■leaders, 领导人; ■irrespective, 无关的; ■party, 聚会; ■membership, 会员; ■ideology, 意识形态; ■generally, 通常地; ■agree, 同意; ■society, 社会; ■creates, 创建; ■promotes, 促进; ■better, 更好的; ■health, 健康; ■advances, 进展; ■science, 科学; ■solutions, 解决; ■world’s, 世界; ■mounting, 安装; ■problems, 问题; ■shared, 共享; ■accurate, 精确的; ■understanding, 理解力; ■reality, 现实;

Political leaders, irrespective of party membership or ideology, generally agree on the need for a society that creates jobs, promotes better health and advances science. But solutions for the world’s mounting problems can come only from a shared, accurate understanding of reality.


52. mount [maʊnt] v. 组织,开展;爬上,登上;骑上;增多,增加,上升;增强,加剧;镶嵌,裱贴,安置;上演,展出;爬上(雌性动物的背)进行交配;设置(岗哨),担任(警卫);把(观察对象)固定于显微镜的载玻片 n. 山,山峰;坐骑,马;登,骑;(相片)框,(艺术品)装帧,衬托纸;底座,底架;(贴邮票用的)透明胶纸;(显微镜观察的)封片;掌丘 【名】 (mount)(英)芒特(人名);mounts;mounts;mounting;mounted;mounted

64. irrespective [ˌɪrɪsˈpektɪv] adv. 不考虑,不顾

65. membership [ˈmembəʃɪp] n. 会员身份,会籍;会员数;(全体)会员;memberships

66. ideology [ˌaɪdɪˈɒlədʒɪ, ɪd-] n. 意识形态,思想体系;观念学;空想;ideologies

17参考↓■regard, 注意; ■evidence, 证据; ■fosters, 培养; ■mistrust, 不信任; ■scientists, 科学家; ■institutions, 机构; ■state, 状态; ■weakens, 削弱; ■foundations, 地基; ■democracy, 民主; ■United, 联合的; ■States, 国家; ■around, 围绕; ■world, 世界; ■second, 第二; ■Trump, 王牌; ■presidency, 总统职位; ■would, 将; ■destabilizing, 破坏稳定; ■effect, 影响; ■globally, 全球地; ■giving, 给; ■green, 绿色; ■light, 光; ■leaders, 领导人;

A lack of regard for the law and evidence fosters mistrust of scientists and institutions of state. That, in turn, weakens the foundations of democracy, both in the United States and around the world. A second Trump presidency would have an even more destabilizing effect globally, giving the green light to yet more leaders like him.


2. democracy [dɪˈmɒkrəsɪ] n. 民主政体;民主国家;民主,民主精神;democracies

9. global [ˈgləʊbəl] adj. 全球的,全世界的;全面的,整体的;(计算机)全局的;球形的

67. foundation [faʊnˈdeɪʃən] n. 地基,基础;基本原理,根据;基金会;建立,创办;(化妆打底用的)粉底霜;foundations


