外刊双语比阅:人工智能,密切关注患者健康状况 | 今日心理学

教育   2024-08-16 07:57   山东  

备考加油 一战成硕

AI's Watchful Eye on Patient Health Status

AI can predict health deterioration accurately without human assessment.

Posted August 14, 2024 |  Reviewed by Kaja Perina


1. enhance [ɪnˈhɑːns] v. 增强,提高,改善;enhances;enhancing;enhanced;enhanced

2. cue [kjuː] n. 暗示,提示;(戏剧或电影中的)尾白,提示;(台球等的)球杆;线索;选听(或选看)键 v. 提示,暗示;用球杆击球 【名】 (cue)(西)库埃(人名);cues;cues;cueing;cuing;cued;cued

3. detect [dɪˈtekt] v. 查明,察觉;测出,检测,识别;detects;detecting;detected;detected

4. accuracy [ˈækjərəsɪ] n. 准确性,精确性;准确,精确;accuracies

5. timely [ˈtaɪmlɪ] adj. 及时的,适时的 adv. 及时地;早;timelier

6. continuous [kənˈtɪnjʊəs] adj. 连续不断的,持续的;(语法)进行式的;(函数)连续的

7. outcome [ˈaʊtkʌm] n. 结果,效果;outcomes

8. setting [ˈsetɪŋ] n. (某事发生的)环境,场合;(戏剧、小说或电影的)场景,背景;舞台布景;(设备的)档位;(宝石的)镶嵌底座;(为诗、祷文等谱写的)乐曲;(供一人用的)一副餐具 v. (小心地)放置;嵌入(表面);(电影、戏剧、故事等)以……为背景(set 的现在分词形式);settings

9. subtle [ˈsʌtl] adj. 不易察觉的,微妙的;敏锐的,有洞察力的;灵活的,巧妙的;含蓄的,隐晦的;狡猾的;subtler

10. reveal [rɪˈvɪːl] v. 揭示,透露;表明,证明;展示,显示;(通过神或超自然手段)启示 n. (电视节目最后的)揭示;门侧,窗侧;reveals;reveals;revealing;revealed;revealed

11. distress [dɪsˈtres] n. 忧虑,悲伤;贫困;危难,险情;(肉体的)剧痛 v. 使悲伤,使忧虑;使(家具,皮革)有仿磨损的痕迹;distresses;distressing;distressed;distressed

12. issue [ˈɪsjuː] n. 议题,争论点;(报纸、杂志等的)期,号;发放,分配;(新股票或邮票等的)发行;子女,后嗣;流出,发出;结果,后果 v. 发表,颁布;分发,分配;正式发行;流出,发出;由……产生,由……得出;issues;issues;issuing;issued;issued

13. observation [ˌəbzɜːˈveɪʃən] n. 观察,监视;观察力;观察资料,观察结果;言论,评论;遵守,奉行;测天 adj. 用于观察的;observations

14. essential [ɪˈsenʃəl] adj. 必不可少的,非常重要的;基本的,精髓的;(氨基酸、脂肪酸)必需的;(疾病)自发的,原发的 n. 必不可少的东西,必需品;要素,本质;(某学科的)基础,基本知识;essentials

15. limitation [ˌlɪmɪˈteɪʃən] n. 限制,制约;起限制作用的规则(或事实、条件);局限,缺陷;追诉时效;limitations

16. visual [ˈvɪzjʊəl] adj. 视觉的,视力的;栩栩如生的 n. 视觉资料(指说明性的图片、影片等);visuals

17. dynamic [daɪˈnæmɪk] adj. 充满活力的,精力充沛的;动态的,发展变化的;力的,动力的 n. 动力,活力;相互作用,动态;动力学;dynamics

18. precise [prɪˈsaɪs] adj. 精确的,准确的;恰好的,确切的;(人)严格的,一丝不苟的

19. identify [aɪˈdentɪfaɪ] v. 认出,识别;查明,确认;发现;证明(身份),表明;认同,理解;认为……和……一致;和(某人)打成一片;identifies;identifying;identified;identified

20. critical [ˈkrɪtɪkəl] adj. 批判的,爱挑剔的;极其重要的,关键的;严重的,危急的;病重的,重伤的;评论性的,评论家的;临界的

21. highlight [ˈhaɪlaɪt] v. 突出,强调;用亮色突出;挑染 n. 最好(或最精彩、最激动人心)的部分;挑染的头发;强光部分;highlights;highlights;highlighting;highlighted;highlighted

22. precision [prɪˈsɪʒən] n. 精确(性),准确(性);严谨,细致;(测量、计算或说明的)精确化(尤以数字表现) adj. (设计)精密的,精确的;要求技术精确的,(行动)精确的

23. intensive [ɪnˈtensɪv] adj. 加强的,集中的,深入细致的;精耕细作的,集约的;加强词意的;以强度测量的 n. 加强语势的形容词(或副词、小品词);intensives

24. response [rɪsˈpɒns] n. 反应,响应;(口头或书面的)回复,答复;(考试题的)答案;(教堂中人们对牧师所说的话作出的)唱和,应答;responses

25. complication [ˌkɒmplɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n] n. 使复杂化的难题(或困难);并发症;complications

26. extend [ɪksˈtend] v. 延伸;扩大,延长;持续;包括,波及;提供,表示;伸出;使竭尽全力;对……估价;extends;extending;extended;extended

27. increasingly [ɪnˈkrɪːsɪŋlɪ] adv. 越来越多地,不断增加地

28. shift [ʃɪft] v. (使)移动,(使)转移;(使)转换到(另一个人或另一事物);(使)改变意见(或信仰等);赶快;换(挡);(计算机)移位;按(计算机键盘上的)shift 键;摆脱,消除;(尤指大量)销售,出售;狼吞虎咽地吃;含糊其辞,拐弯抹角 n. 改变,转变;轮班工作时间;轮班工作的人;(计算机键盘上的)shift 键;(计算机)移位;(机动车的)换挡装置;宽松直筒连衣裙(=shift dress);长而宽松的内衣;(建筑)错位;(美橄)(开赛前)球员位置的变换;(天文)(光谱线的)偏移;语音演变(soun. shift 的简称);计谋,诡计;shifts;shifts;shifting;shifted;shifted

29. chronic [ˈkrɒnɪk] adj. (疾病)慢性的,长期的;(问题)一直有的,反复出现的;难以根除的,积习难改的;糟透的,拙劣的 【名】 (chronic)(英)克罗尼克(人名)

30. indicative [ɪnˈdɪkətɪv] adj. 指示的,表明的,象征的;陈述(语气)的 n. 陈述语气的动词形式,陈述语气;indicatives

31. enable [ɪˈneɪbl] v. 使能够,使可能;激活,启动;准许,授权;enables;enabling;enabled;enabled

32. assistance [əˈsɪstəns] n. 帮助,援助

33. security [sɪˈkjʊərɪtɪ] n. 保护措施,安全工作;保安部门;安检处;保障,保证;安全,安全感;抵押品,保证金;证券,债券;securities

34. autonomy [ɔːˈtɒnəmɪ] n. 自治,自治权;独立自主,自主权;autonomies

35. integrate [ˈɪntɪgreɪt] v. (使)合并,成为一体;(使)加入,融入群体;(使)取消种族隔离;求……的积分;表示(面积、温度等)的总和,表示……的平均值 adj. 整合的;integrates;integrating;integrated;integrated

36. routine [ruːˈtɪːn] n. 常规,惯例;生活乏味,无聊;(演出中的)一套动作,一系列笑话(等);(为达到特定目的的)老一套,俗套;(计算机)例行程序 adj. 常规的,例行的;平常的,毫不特别的;平淡乏味的 v. 按惯例安排;routines

37. manifest [ˈmænɪfest] v. 显示,表明;(鬼魂或神灵)显灵,出现;(病症)显现;把……列入货单 adj. 明显的,显而易见的 n. 旅客名单,载货清单;货运列车编组清单;manifests;manifests;manifesting;manifested;manifested

38. overall [ˈəʊvərɔːl] adj. 总的,全面的;所有的,包括一切的 adv. 全部,总共;总的说来,大体上 n. (工作时穿的)罩衣;(上下连身的)工作服,防护服(overalls);背带工装裤(overalls);骑马裤,紧身制服裤(overalls);overalls

39. procedure [prəˈsɪːdʒə] n. 手续,步骤;(商业、法律或政治上的)程序;外科手术;(电脑的)应用程式;procedures

40. significant [sɪgˈnɪfɪkənt] adj. 显著的,相当数量的;重要的,意义重大的;别有含义的,意味深长的 n. 象征,有意义的事物

41. demonstrate [ˈdemənstreɪt] v. 证明;示范,演示;表露;游行,示威;demonstrates;demonstrating;demonstrated;demonstrated

42. consideration [kənsɪdəˈreɪʃən] n. 考虑,斟酌;考虑因素;体贴,关心;报酬,酬金;(合同协议中的)对价,约因;重要(性);considerations

43. privacy [ˈpraɪvəsɪ] n. 隐私,秘密;清静,(不受干扰的)独处;隐居处;privacies

44. bias [ˈbaɪəs] n. 偏见,成见;偏好,天赋;倾向,趋势;斜纹;(统计)偏差,偏倚;偏重心球形;偏压,偏统 v. 使有偏见,使偏心;加偏压(或偏流)于 adj. 偏斜的 adv. 偏斜地 【名】 (bias)(英)拜厄斯,(法、德、葡、喀)比亚斯(人名);biases;biases;biasses;biasing;biassing;biased;biassed;biased;biassed

45. ensure [ɪnˈʃʊə] v. 确保,保证;保护,使安全;ensures;ensuring;ensured;ensured

46. effective [ɪˈfektɪv] adj. 产生预期结果的,有效的;实际的,事实上的;(法律、规则等)生效的,起作用的;给人深刻印象的 n. 实际可作战的士兵;effectives

47. innovation [ˌɪnəʊˈveɪʃən] n. 新事物,新方法;革新,创新;innovations

48. maintain [menˈteɪn] v. 保持,维持;维修,保养;断言,主张;赡养,抚养;支持,维护;maintains;maintaining;maintained;maintained

49. strategy [ˈstrætɪdʒɪ] n. (尤指为获得某物制定长期的)策略,行动计划;战略,战略学;strategies

50. dimension [dɪˈmenʃən] n. 大小,尺寸;(空间的)维度;范围,规模;方面,部分 v. 切削(或制作)成特定尺寸;标出尺寸;dimensions;dimensions;dimensioning;dimensioned;dimensioned

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AI's Watchful Eye on Patient Health Status
AI can predict health deterioration accurately without human assessment.
Posted August 14, 2024 |  Reviewed by Kaja Perina
AI-enhanced facial cues detect early signs of health deterioration with 99.89% accuracy. AI systems may allow early detection and timely intervention. Continuous AI monitoring may redefine care, enhancing outcomes across various healthcare settings.
In clinical practice, the ability to assess a patient's condition by simply looking at their face has long been a valuable skill for healthcare providers. Subtle changes in facial expressions can reveal a wealth of information, from the onset of pain to signs of respiratory distress or cardiovascular issues. However, human observation, while essential, has its limitations. Enter the AI-based visual early warning system—a model that enhances this dynamic by offering continuous, precise monitoring that can detect early signs of health deterioration with a high level of accuracy. This technology may redefine some aspects of patient monitoring, offering unprecedented accuracy and responsiveness in identifying critical health issues. It has potential application across various settings, from hospitals to homes.
Hospital Settings: Enhancing Patient Monitoring
In hospital environments, where timely intervention can be the difference between life and death, the AI-based visual early warning system serves as a vigilant sentinel. By continuously monitoring patients' facial expressions, the system can detect subtle cues that might indicate respiratory distress, cardiovascular problems, or other serious conditions. This real-time analysis allows healthcare providers to respond promptly, often before patients themselves are aware of their symptoms. The study highlights an impressive model accuracy rate of 99.89% in predicting health issues based on facial cues. This level of precision is transformative, particularly in intensive care units, where the system has the potential to drastically reduce response times, prevent complications, and ultimately save lives.
Home Healthcare: Mirror, Mirror on Your Wall
The potential of this technology extends far beyond hospitals. As healthcare increasingly shifts towards more personalized and home-based models, AI-based visual early warning systems could become a cornerstone of home healthcare. For patients with chronic conditions, such as heart disease or respiratory illnesses, having a non-invasive, always-on monitoring system at home offers peace of mind. The AI system can detect early signs of deterioration, such as changes in facial pallor or expressions indicative of pain or discomfort, enabling families and caregivers to seek medical assistance before a situation becomes critical. This technology empowers patients to take an active role in managing their health, fostering a sense of security and autonomy.
Expanding the Reach of Preventative Care
Preventative care is another area where this AI-driven technology shines. By integrating these systems into routine check-ups or telemedicine consultations, healthcare providers may identify potential health issues long before they manifest into more severe conditions. Early detection is key to managing and treating diseases more effectively, reducing the burden on healthcare systems, and improving overall population health. The ability to monitor patients continuously, without the need for invasive procedures or constant clinical visits, represents a significant advancement in preventative medicine. The study demonstrates that the system's use of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) models effectively analyzes both spatial and temporal features in facial expressions, making it a powerful tool for ongoing health assessment.
A View of Ethics
While the benefits of AI-based visual early warning systems are clear, their implementation must be approached with careful consideration. Issues such as patient privacy, data security, and the potential for algorithmic bias need to be addressed to ensure that these systems are both effective and equitable. As the study itself notes, “The development and deployment of AI in healthcare must be approached with a balance of innovation and ethical responsibility, ensuring that patient safety and privacy are maintained at the highest standards.”
Face the Future
AI-based visual early warning systems represent a powerful tool in the future of healthcare. Whether in hospitals, at home, or as part of preventative care strategies, this technology offers a new dimension of patient monitoring and early intervention that can significantly improve health outcomes. As we continue to integrate AI into medicine, the promise of these systems lies not only in their technical capabilities but in their potential to enhance the quality of care and empower patients in ways previously unimaginable.

外刊双语剪 考研阅读精选 ↓↓


0参考↓■Watchful, 警惕; ■Patient, 病人; ■Health, 健康; ■Status, 状态;

AI's Watchful Eye on Patient Health Status



1参考↓■predict, 预测; ■health, 健康; ■deterioration, 劣化; ■accurately, 准确; ■without, 没有; ■human, 人类; ■assessment, 评估;

AI can predict health deterioration accurately without human assessment.


2参考↓■Posted, 张贴; ■August, 八月; ■Reviewed, 检验过的; ■Perina, 佩里纳;

Posted August 14, 2024 |  Reviewed by Kaja Perina

发布于2024 年 8 月 14 日 |  评论者:Kaja Perina

3参考↓■AI-enhanced, AI增强; ■facial, 面部护理; ■detect, 发现; ■early, 早期的; ■signs, 标志; ■health, 健康; ■deterioration, 劣化; ■accuracy, 精确; ■systems, 系统; ■allow, 允许; ■early, 早期的; ■detection, 侦查; ■timely, 及时; ■intervention, 干预; ■Continuous, 连续; ■monitoring, 监测; ■redefine, 重新定义; ■enhancing, 增强; ■outcomes, 结果; ■across, 穿过; ■various, 各种各样的; ■healthcare, 医疗保健; ■settings, 设置;

AI-enhanced facial cues detect early signs of health deterioration with 99.89% accuracy. AI systems may allow early detection and timely intervention. Continuous AI monitoring may redefine care, enhancing outcomes across various healthcare settings.

人工智能增强面部特征可以 99.89% 的准确率检测出健康恶化的早期迹象。人工智能系统可以实现早期发现和及时干预。持续的人工智能监控可能会重新定义护理,改善各种医疗保健环境的结果。

1. enhance [ɪnˈhɑːns] v. 增强,提高,改善;enhances;enhancing;enhanced;enhanced

2. cue [kjuː] n. 暗示,提示;(戏剧或电影中的)尾白,提示;(台球等的)球杆;线索;选听(或选看)键 v. 提示,暗示;用球杆击球 【名】 (cue)(西)库埃(人名);cues;cues;cueing;cuing;cued;cued

3. detect [dɪˈtekt] v. 查明,察觉;测出,检测,识别;detects;detecting;detected;detected

4. accuracy [ˈækjərəsɪ] n. 准确性,精确性;准确,精确;accuracies

5. timely [ˈtaɪmlɪ] adj. 及时的,适时的 adv. 及时地;早;timelier

6. continuous [kənˈtɪnjʊəs] adj. 连续不断的,持续的;(语法)进行式的;(函数)连续的

7. outcome [ˈaʊtkʌm] n. 结果,效果;outcomes

8. setting [ˈsetɪŋ] n. (某事发生的)环境,场合;(戏剧、小说或电影的)场景,背景;舞台布景;(设备的)档位;(宝石的)镶嵌底座;(为诗、祷文等谱写的)乐曲;(供一人用的)一副餐具 v. (小心地)放置;嵌入(表面);(电影、戏剧、故事等)以……为背景(set 的现在分词形式);settings

4参考↓■clinical, 临床; ■practice, 实践; ■ability, 能力; ■assess, 评估; ■patient's, 患者的; ■condition, 条件; ■simply, 简单地; ■looking, 看; ■their, 他们的; ■valuable, 有价值的; ■skill, 技能; ■healthcare, 医疗保健; ■providers, 供应商; ■Subtle, 微妙; ■changes, 变化; ■facial, 面部护理; ■expressions, 表达; ■reveal, 揭示; ■wealth, 财富; ■information, 信息; ■onset, 攻击; ■signs, 标志; ■respiratory, 呼吸系统; ■distress, 窘迫; ■cardiovascular, 心血管疾病; ■issues, 问题; ■However, 然而; ■human, 人类; ■observation, 观察; ■while, 虽然; ■essential, 本质的; ■limitations, 局限性; ■Enter, 进入; ■AI-based, 基于AI; ■visual, 视觉的; ■early, 早期的; ■warning, 警告; ■system, 系统; ■model, 模型; ■enhances, 增强; ■dynamic, 动态; ■offering, 提供; ■continuous, 连续的; ■precise, 精确的; ■monitoring, 监测; ■detect, 发现; ■early, 早期的; ■signs, 标志; ■health, 健康; ■deterioration, 劣化; ■level, 水平; ■accuracy, 精确; ■technology, 技术; ■redefine, 重新定义; ■aspects, 方面; ■patient, 病人; ■monitoring, 监测; ■offering, 提供; ■unprecedented, 前所未有的; ■accuracy, 精确; ■responsiveness, 响应性; ■identifying, 识别; ■critical, 批评的; ■health, 健康; ■issues, 问题; ■potential, 潜在的; ■application, 应用; ■across, 穿过; ■various, 各种各样的; ■settings, 设置; ■hospitals, 医院; ■homes, 家园;

In clinical practice, the ability to assess a patient's condition by simply looking at their face has long been a valuable skill for healthcare providers. Subtle changes in facial expressions can reveal a wealth of information, from the onset of pain to signs of respiratory distress or cardiovascular issues. However, human observation, while essential, has its limitations. Enter the AI-based visual early warning system—a model that enhances this dynamic by offering continuous, precise monitoring that can detect early signs of health deterioration with a high level of accuracy. This technology may redefine some aspects of patient monitoring, offering unprecedented accuracy and responsiveness in identifying critical health issues. It has potential application across various settings, from hospitals to homes.

在临床实践中,通过简单地观察患者的面部表情来评估其病情的能力长期以来一直是医疗保健提供者的一项宝贵技能。面部表情的细微变化可以揭示大量信息,从疼痛的开始到呼吸窘迫或心血管问题的迹象。然而,人类的观察虽然必不可少,但也有其局限性。进入基于人工智能的视觉预警系统- 一种通过提供持续、精确的监测来增强这种动态的模型,可以高度准确地检测出健康恶化的早期迹象。这项技术可能会重新定义患者监测的某些方面,在识别关键健康问题方面提供前所未有的准确性和响应能力。它有可能应用于从医院到家庭的各种环境。

1. enhance [ɪnˈhɑːns] v. 增强,提高,改善;enhances;enhancing;enhanced;enhanced

3. detect [dɪˈtekt] v. 查明,察觉;测出,检测,识别;detects;detecting;detected;detected

4. accuracy [ˈækjərəsɪ] n. 准确性,精确性;准确,精确;accuracies

6. continuous [kənˈtɪnjʊəs] adj. 连续不断的,持续的;(语法)进行式的;(函数)连续的

8. setting [ˈsetɪŋ] n. (某事发生的)环境,场合;(戏剧、小说或电影的)场景,背景;舞台布景;(设备的)档位;(宝石的)镶嵌底座;(为诗、祷文等谱写的)乐曲;(供一人用的)一副餐具 v. (小心地)放置;嵌入(表面);(电影、戏剧、故事等)以……为背景(set 的现在分词形式);settings

9. subtle [ˈsʌtl] adj. 不易察觉的,微妙的;敏锐的,有洞察力的;灵活的,巧妙的;含蓄的,隐晦的;狡猾的;subtler

10. reveal [rɪˈvɪːl] v. 揭示,透露;表明,证明;展示,显示;(通过神或超自然手段)启示 n. (电视节目最后的)揭示;门侧,窗侧;reveals;reveals;revealing;revealed;revealed

11. distress [dɪsˈtres] n. 忧虑,悲伤;贫困;危难,险情;(肉体的)剧痛 v. 使悲伤,使忧虑;使(家具,皮革)有仿磨损的痕迹;distresses;distressing;distressed;distressed

12. issue [ˈɪsjuː] n. 议题,争论点;(报纸、杂志等的)期,号;发放,分配;(新股票或邮票等的)发行;子女,后嗣;流出,发出;结果,后果 v. 发表,颁布;分发,分配;正式发行;流出,发出;由……产生,由……得出;issues;issues;issuing;issued;issued

13. observation [ˌəbzɜːˈveɪʃən] n. 观察,监视;观察力;观察资料,观察结果;言论,评论;遵守,奉行;测天 adj. 用于观察的;observations

14. essential [ɪˈsenʃəl] adj. 必不可少的,非常重要的;基本的,精髓的;(氨基酸、脂肪酸)必需的;(疾病)自发的,原发的 n. 必不可少的东西,必需品;要素,本质;(某学科的)基础,基本知识;essentials

15. limitation [ˌlɪmɪˈteɪʃən] n. 限制,制约;起限制作用的规则(或事实、条件);局限,缺陷;追诉时效;limitations

16. visual [ˈvɪzjʊəl] adj. 视觉的,视力的;栩栩如生的 n. 视觉资料(指说明性的图片、影片等);visuals

17. dynamic [daɪˈnæmɪk] adj. 充满活力的,精力充沛的;动态的,发展变化的;力的,动力的 n. 动力,活力;相互作用,动态;动力学;dynamics

18. precise [prɪˈsaɪs] adj. 精确的,准确的;恰好的,确切的;(人)严格的,一丝不苟的

19. identify [aɪˈdentɪfaɪ] v. 认出,识别;查明,确认;发现;证明(身份),表明;认同,理解;认为……和……一致;和(某人)打成一片;identifies;identifying;identified;identified

20. critical [ˈkrɪtɪkəl] adj. 批判的,爱挑剔的;极其重要的,关键的;严重的,危急的;病重的,重伤的;评论性的,评论家的;临界的

5参考↓■Hospital, 医院; ■Settings, 设置; ■Enhancing, 增强; ■Patient, 病人; ■Monitoring, 监测;

Hospital Settings: Enhancing Patient Monitoring


8. setting [ˈsetɪŋ] n. (某事发生的)环境,场合;(戏剧、小说或电影的)场景,背景;舞台布景;(设备的)档位;(宝石的)镶嵌底座;(为诗、祷文等谱写的)乐曲;(供一人用的)一副餐具 v. (小心地)放置;嵌入(表面);(电影、戏剧、故事等)以……为背景(set 的现在分词形式);settings

6参考↓■hospital, 医院; ■environments, 环境; ■where, 哪里; ■timely, 及时; ■intervention, 干预; ■difference, 差异; ■between, 之间; ■death, 死亡; ■AI-based, 基于AI; ■visual, 视觉的; ■early, 早期的; ■warning, 警告; ■system, 系统; ■serves, 服务; ■vigilant, 警惕的; ■sentinel, 哨兵; ■continuously, 连续不断地; ■monitoring, 监测; ■patients', 患者'; ■facial, 面部护理; ■expressions, 表达; ■system, 系统; ■detect, 发现; ■subtle, 微妙; ■might, 可以; ■indicate, 表明; ■respiratory, 呼吸系统; ■distress, 窘迫; ■cardiovascular, 心血管疾病; ■problems, 问题; ■other, 其他; ■serious, 严重的; ■conditions, 条件; ■real-time, 实时; ■analysis, 分析; ■allows, 允许; ■healthcare, 医疗保健; ■providers, 供应商; ■respond, 回应; ■promptly, 迅速; ■often, 经常; ■before, 之前; ■patients, 患者; ■themselves, 他们自己; ■aware, 意识到的; ■their, 他们的; ■symptoms, 症状; ■study, 学习; ■highlights, 亮点; ■impressive, 令人印象深刻的; ■model, 模型; ■accuracy, 精确; ■predicting, 预测; ■health, 健康; ■issues, 问题; ■based, 基于; ■facial, 面部护理; ■level, 水平; ■precision, 精度; ■transformative, 变革性的; ■particularly, 尤其; ■intensive, 加强的; ■units, 单位; ■where, 哪里; ■system, 系统; ■potential, 潜在的; ■drastically, 彻底地; ■reduce, 减少; ■response, 响应; ■times, 时间; ■prevent, 防止; ■complications, 难题; ■ultimately, 最终; ■lives, 生活;

In hospital environments, where timely intervention can be the difference between life and death, the AI-based visual early warning system serves as a vigilant sentinel. By continuously monitoring patients' facial expressions, the system can detect subtle cues that might indicate respiratory distress, cardiovascular problems, or other serious conditions. This real-time analysis allows healthcare providers to respond promptly, often before patients themselves are aware of their symptoms. The study highlights an impressive model accuracy rate of 99.89% in predicting health issues based on facial cues. This level of precision is transformative, particularly in intensive care units, where the system has the potential to drastically reduce response times, prevent complications, and ultimately save lives.

在医院环境中,及时干预可能是生死之间的差别,基于人工智能的视觉预警系统充当了警惕的哨兵。通过持续监测患者的面部表情,该系统可以检测到可能表明呼吸窘迫、心血管问题或其他严重疾病的细微线索。这种实时分析使医疗保健提供者能够迅速做出反应,通常是在患者自己意识到症状之前。该研究强调,在基于面部线索预测健康问题方面,模型的准确率高达 99.89%,令人印象深刻。这种精确度具有变革性,特别是在重症监护室,该系统有可能大幅缩短响应时间,预防并发症,并最终挽救生命。

2. cue [kjuː] n. 暗示,提示;(戏剧或电影中的)尾白,提示;(台球等的)球杆;线索;选听(或选看)键 v. 提示,暗示;用球杆击球 【名】 (cue)(西)库埃(人名);cues;cues;cueing;cuing;cued;cued

3. detect [dɪˈtekt] v. 查明,察觉;测出,检测,识别;detects;detecting;detected;detected

4. accuracy [ˈækjərəsɪ] n. 准确性,精确性;准确,精确;accuracies

5. timely [ˈtaɪmlɪ] adj. 及时的,适时的 adv. 及时地;早;timelier

6. continuous [kənˈtɪnjʊəs] adj. 连续不断的,持续的;(语法)进行式的;(函数)连续的

9. subtle [ˈsʌtl] adj. 不易察觉的,微妙的;敏锐的,有洞察力的;灵活的,巧妙的;含蓄的,隐晦的;狡猾的;subtler

11. distress [dɪsˈtres] n. 忧虑,悲伤;贫困;危难,险情;(肉体的)剧痛 v. 使悲伤,使忧虑;使(家具,皮革)有仿磨损的痕迹;distresses;distressing;distressed;distressed

12. issue [ˈɪsjuː] n. 议题,争论点;(报纸、杂志等的)期,号;发放,分配;(新股票或邮票等的)发行;子女,后嗣;流出,发出;结果,后果 v. 发表,颁布;分发,分配;正式发行;流出,发出;由……产生,由……得出;issues;issues;issuing;issued;issued

16. visual [ˈvɪzjʊəl] adj. 视觉的,视力的;栩栩如生的 n. 视觉资料(指说明性的图片、影片等);visuals

21. highlight [ˈhaɪlaɪt] v. 突出,强调;用亮色突出;挑染 n. 最好(或最精彩、最激动人心)的部分;挑染的头发;强光部分;highlights;highlights;highlighting;highlighted;highlighted

22. precision [prɪˈsɪʒən] n. 精确(性),准确(性);严谨,细致;(测量、计算或说明的)精确化(尤以数字表现) adj. (设计)精密的,精确的;要求技术精确的,(行动)精确的

23. intensive [ɪnˈtensɪv] adj. 加强的,集中的,深入细致的;精耕细作的,集约的;加强词意的;以强度测量的 n. 加强语势的形容词(或副词、小品词);intensives

24. response [rɪsˈpɒns] n. 反应,响应;(口头或书面的)回复,答复;(考试题的)答案;(教堂中人们对牧师所说的话作出的)唱和,应答;responses

25. complication [ˌkɒmplɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n] n. 使复杂化的难题(或困难);并发症;complications

··◇·· 您已读到文章中部,稍憩继续!··◇··

7参考↓■Healthcare, 保健; ■Mirror, 镜子; ■Mirror, 镜子;

Home Healthcare: Mirror, Mirror on Your Wall


8参考↓■potential, 潜在的; ■technology, 技术; ■extends, 延伸; ■beyond, 超过; ■hospitals, 医院; ■healthcare, 医疗保健; ■increasingly, 越来越多地; ■shifts, 轮班; ■towards, 朝着; ■personalized, 个性化; ■home-based, 以家庭为基础; ■models, 模型; ■AI-based, 基于AI; ■visual, 视觉的; ■early, 早期的; ■warning, 警告; ■systems, 系统; ■could, 能够; ■become, 成为; ■cornerstone, 基石; ■healthcare, 医疗保健; ■patients, 患者; ■chronic, 慢性; ■conditions, 条件; ■heart, 心; ■disease, 病; ■respiratory, 呼吸系统; ■illnesses, 疾病; ■having, 有; ■non-invasive, 非侵入性; ■always-on, 总是开着; ■monitoring, 监测; ■system, 系统; ■offers, 提供; ■peace, 和平; ■system, 系统; ■detect, 发现; ■early, 早期的; ■signs, 标志; ■deterioration, 劣化; ■changes, 变化; ■facial, 面部护理; ■pallor, 苍白; ■expressions, 表达; ■indicative, 指示性; ■discomfort, 不适; ■enabling, 有可能; ■families, 家庭; ■caregivers, 护理人员; ■medical, 医学的; ■assistance, 援助; ■before, 之前; ■situation, 情况; ■becomes, 成为; ■critical, 批评的; ■technology, 技术; ■empowers, 赋权; ■patients, 患者; ■active, 积极的; ■managing, 管理; ■their, 他们的; ■health, 健康; ■fostering, 培养; ■sense, 感觉; ■security, 安全; ■autonomy, 自治;

The potential of this technology extends far beyond hospitals. As healthcare increasingly shifts towards more personalized and home-based models, AI-based visual early warning systems could become a cornerstone of home healthcare. For patients with chronic conditions, such as heart disease or respiratory illnesses, having a non-invasive, always-on monitoring system at home offers peace of mind. The AI system can detect early signs of deterioration, such as changes in facial pallor or expressions indicative of pain or discomfort, enabling families and caregivers to seek medical assistance before a situation becomes critical. This technology empowers patients to take an active role in managing their health, fostering a sense of security and autonomy.


3. detect [dɪˈtekt] v. 查明,察觉;测出,检测,识别;detects;detecting;detected;detected

16. visual [ˈvɪzjʊəl] adj. 视觉的,视力的;栩栩如生的 n. 视觉资料(指说明性的图片、影片等);visuals

20. critical [ˈkrɪtɪkəl] adj. 批判的,爱挑剔的;极其重要的,关键的;严重的,危急的;病重的,重伤的;评论性的,评论家的;临界的

26. extend [ɪksˈtend] v. 延伸;扩大,延长;持续;包括,波及;提供,表示;伸出;使竭尽全力;对……估价;extends;extending;extended;extended

27. increasingly [ɪnˈkrɪːsɪŋlɪ] adv. 越来越多地,不断增加地

28. shift [ʃɪft] v. (使)移动,(使)转移;(使)转换到(另一个人或另一事物);(使)改变意见(或信仰等);赶快;换(挡);(计算机)移位;按(计算机键盘上的)shift 键;摆脱,消除;(尤指大量)销售,出售;狼吞虎咽地吃;含糊其辞,拐弯抹角 n. 改变,转变;轮班工作时间;轮班工作的人;(计算机键盘上的)shift 键;(计算机)移位;(机动车的)换挡装置;宽松直筒连衣裙(=shift dress);长而宽松的内衣;(建筑)错位;(美橄)(开赛前)球员位置的变换;(天文)(光谱线的)偏移;语音演变(soun. shift 的简称);计谋,诡计;shifts;shifts;shifting;shifted;shifted

29. chronic [ˈkrɒnɪk] adj. (疾病)慢性的,长期的;(问题)一直有的,反复出现的;难以根除的,积习难改的;糟透的,拙劣的 【名】 (chronic)(英)克罗尼克(人名)

30. indicative [ɪnˈdɪkətɪv] adj. 指示的,表明的,象征的;陈述(语气)的 n. 陈述语气的动词形式,陈述语气;indicatives

32. assistance [əˈsɪstəns] n. 帮助,援助

33. security [sɪˈkjʊərɪtɪ] n. 保护措施,安全工作;保安部门;安检处;保障,保证;安全,安全感;抵押品,保证金;证券,债券;securities

34. autonomy [ɔːˈtɒnəmɪ] n. 自治,自治权;独立自主,自主权;autonomies

9参考↓■Expanding, 扩大; ■Reach, 到达; ■Preventative, 预防性;

Expanding the Reach of Preventative Care


10参考↓■Preventative, 预防性; ■another, 另一个; ■where, 哪里; ■AI-driven, AI驱动; ■technology, 技术; ■shines, 闪闪发光; ■integrating, 整合; ■these, 这些; ■systems, 系统; ■routine, 常规; ■check-ups, 检查; ■telemedicine, 远程医疗; ■consultations, 协商; ■healthcare, 医疗保健; ■providers, 供应商; ■identify, 识别; ■potential, 潜在的; ■health, 健康; ■issues, 问题; ■before, 之前; ■manifest, 显示; ■severe, 严峻的; ■conditions, 条件; ■Early, 早期; ■detection, 侦查; ■managing, 管理; ■treating, 治疗; ■diseases, 疾病; ■effectively, 有效; ■reducing, 减少; ■burden, 负担; ■healthcare, 医疗保健; ■systems, 系统; ■improving, 改善; ■overall, 总体的; ■population, 人口; ■health, 健康; ■ability, 能力; ■monitor, 班长; ■patients, 患者; ■continuously, 连续不断地; ■without, 没有; ■invasive, 侵入性; ■procedures, 程序; ■constant, 常数; ■clinical, 临床; ■visits, 访问次数; ■represents, 代表; ■significant, 重要的; ■advancement, 进步; ■preventative, 预防性; ■medicine, 医学; ■study, 学习; ■demonstrates, 演示; ■system's, 系统的; ■Convolutional, 卷积; ■Neural, 神经; ■Networks, 网络; ■Short-Term, 短期; ■Memory, 记忆; ■models, 模型; ■effectively, 有效; ■analyzes, 分析; ■spatial, 空间; ■temporal, 世俗的; ■features, 特征; ■facial, 面部护理; ■expressions, 表达; ■making, 制作; ■powerful, 强大的; ■ongoing, 不间断的; ■health, 健康; ■assessment, 评估;

Preventative care is another area where this AI-driven technology shines. By integrating these systems into routine check-ups or telemedicine consultations, healthcare providers may identify potential health issues long before they manifest into more severe conditions. Early detection is key to managing and treating diseases more effectively, reducing the burden on healthcare systems, and improving overall population health. The ability to monitor patients continuously, without the need for invasive procedures or constant clinical visits, represents a significant advancement in preventative medicine. The study demonstrates that the system's use of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) models effectively analyzes both spatial and temporal features in facial expressions, making it a powerful tool for ongoing health assessment.

预防保健是这项人工智能技术大放异彩的另一个领域。通过将这些系统整合到常规检查或远程医疗咨询中,医疗保健提供者可以在潜在健康问题表现为更严重的状况之前就发现它们。早期发现是更有效地管理和治疗疾病、减轻医疗系统负担和改善整体人口健康的关键。能够持续监测患者,而无需进行侵入性手术或不断的临床就诊,代表了预防医学的重大进步。研究表明,该系统使用卷积神经网络 (CNN) 和长短期记忆(LSTM) 模型有效地分析了面部表情的空间和时间特征,使其成为持续健康评估的有力工具。

3. detect [dɪˈtekt] v. 查明,察觉;测出,检测,识别;detects;detecting;detected;detected

6. continuous [kənˈtɪnjʊəs] adj. 连续不断的,持续的;(语法)进行式的;(函数)连续的

12. issue [ˈɪsjuː] n. 议题,争论点;(报纸、杂志等的)期,号;发放,分配;(新股票或邮票等的)发行;子女,后嗣;流出,发出;结果,后果 v. 发表,颁布;分发,分配;正式发行;流出,发出;由……产生,由……得出;issues;issues;issuing;issued;issued

19. identify [aɪˈdentɪfaɪ] v. 认出,识别;查明,确认;发现;证明(身份),表明;认同,理解;认为……和……一致;和(某人)打成一片;identifies;identifying;identified;identified

36. routine [ruːˈtɪːn] n. 常规,惯例;生活乏味,无聊;(演出中的)一套动作,一系列笑话(等);(为达到特定目的的)老一套,俗套;(计算机)例行程序 adj. 常规的,例行的;平常的,毫不特别的;平淡乏味的 v. 按惯例安排;routines

37. manifest [ˈmænɪfest] v. 显示,表明;(鬼魂或神灵)显灵,出现;(病症)显现;把……列入货单 adj. 明显的,显而易见的 n. 旅客名单,载货清单;货运列车编组清单;manifests;manifests;manifesting;manifested;manifested

38. overall [ˈəʊvərɔːl] adj. 总的,全面的;所有的,包括一切的 adv. 全部,总共; 总的说来,大体上 n. (工作时穿的)罩衣;(上下连身的)工作服,防护服(overalls);背带工装裤(overalls);骑马裤,紧身制服裤(overalls);overalls

39. procedure [prəˈsɪːdʒə] n. 手续,步骤;(商业、法律或政治上的)程序;外科手术;(电脑的)应用程式;procedures

40. significant [sɪgˈnɪfɪkənt] adj. 显著的,相当数量的;重要的,意义重大的; 别有含义的,意味深长的 n. 象征,有意义的事物

41. demonstrate [ˈdemənstreɪt] v. 证明;示范,演示;表露;游行,示威;demonstrates;demonstrating;demonstrated;demonstrated

46. effective [ɪˈfektɪv] adj. 产生预期结果的,有效的;实际的,事实上的;(法律、规则等)生效的,起作用的;给人深刻印象的 n. 实际可作战的士兵;effectives

11参考↓■Ethics, 伦理学;

A View of Ethics


12参考↓■While, 虽然; ■benefits, 福利; ■AI-based, 基于AI; ■visual, 视觉的; ■early, 早期的; ■warning, 警告; ■systems, 系统; ■clear, 清楚的; ■their, 他们的; ■implementation, 实施; ■approached, 走近; ■careful, 仔细的; ■consideration, 考虑; ■Issues, 问题; ■patient, 病人; ■privacy, 隐私; ■security, 安全; ■potential, 潜在的; ■algorithmic, 算法; ■addressed, 演说; ■ensure, 确保; ■these, 这些; ■systems, 系统; ■effective, 有效的; ■equitable, 公平的; ■study, 学习; ■itself, 它本身; ■notes, 笔记; ■development, 发展; ■deployment, 部署; ■healthcare, 医疗保健; ■approached, 走近; ■balance, 平衡; ■innovation, 创新; ■ethical, 伦理的; ■responsibility, 责任; ■ensuring, 确保; ■patient, 病人; ■safety, 安全; ■privacy, 隐私; ■maintained, 保持; ■highest, 最高; ■standards, 标准;

While the benefits of AI-based visual early warning systems are clear, their implementation must be approached with careful consideration. Issues such as patient privacy, data security, and the potential for algorithmic bias need to be addressed to ensure that these systems are both effective and equitable. As the study itself notes, “The development and deployment of AI in healthcare must be approached with a balance of innovation and ethical responsibility, ensuring that patient safety and privacy are maintained at the highest standards.”


12. issue [ˈɪsjuː] n. 议题,争论点;(报纸、杂志等的)期,号;发放,分配;(新股票或邮票等的)发行;子女,后嗣;流出,发出;结果,后果 v. 发表,颁布;分发,分配;正式发行;流出,发出;由……产生,由……得出;issues;issues;issuing;issued;issued

16. visual [ˈvɪzjʊəl] adj. 视觉的,视力的;栩栩如生的 n. 视觉资料(指说明性的图片、影片等);visuals

33. security [sɪˈkjʊərɪtɪ] n. 保护措施,安全工作;保安部门;安检处;保障,保证;安全,安全感;抵押品,保证金;证券,债券;securities

42. consideration [kənsɪdəˈreɪʃən] n. 考虑,斟酌;考虑因素;体贴,关心;报酬,酬金;(合同协议中的)对价,约因;重要(性);considerations

43. privacy [ˈpraɪvəsɪ] n. 隐私,秘密;清静,(不受干扰的)独处;隐居处;privacies

44. bias [ˈbaɪəs] n. 偏见,成见;偏好,天赋;倾向,趋势;斜纹;(统计)偏差,偏倚;偏重心球形;偏压,偏统 v. 使有偏见,使偏心;加偏压(或偏流)于 adj. 偏斜的 adv. 偏斜地 【名】 (bias)(英)拜厄斯,(法、德、葡、喀)比亚斯(人名);biases;biases;biasses;biasing;biassing;biased;biassed;biased;biassed

45. ensure [ɪnˈʃʊə] v. 确保,保证;保护,使安全;ensures;ensuring;ensured;ensured

46. effective [ɪˈfektɪv] adj. 产生预期结果的,有效的;实际的,事实上的;(法律、规则等)生效的,起作用的;给人深刻印象的 n. 实际可作战的士兵;effectives

47. innovation [ˌɪnəʊˈveɪʃən] n. 新事物,新方法;革新,创新;innovations

48. maintain [menˈteɪn] v. 保持,维持;维修,保养;断言,主张;赡养,抚养;支持,维护;maintains;maintaining;maintained;maintained

13参考↓■Future, 未来;

Face the Future


14参考↓■AI-based, 基于AI; ■visual, 视觉的; ■early, 早期的; ■warning, 警告; ■systems, 系统; ■represent, 代表; ■powerful, 强大的; ■future, 未来; ■healthcare, 医疗保健; ■Whether, 是否; ■hospitals, 医院; ■preventative, 预防性; ■strategies, 策略; ■technology, 技术; ■offers, 提供; ■dimension, 维; ■patient, 病人; ■monitoring, 监测; ■early, 早期的; ■intervention, 干预; ■significantly, 明显地; ■improve, 改善; ■health, 健康; ■outcomes, 结果; ■continue, 持续; ■integrate, 整合; ■medicine, 医学; ■promise, 承诺; ■these, 这些; ■systems, 系统; ■their, 他们的; ■technical, 技术的; ■capabilities, 能力; ■their, 他们的; ■potential, 潜在的; ■enhance, 增强; ■quality, 质量; ■empower, 赋权; ■patients, 患者; ■previously, 以前; ■unimaginable, 难以想象;

AI-based visual early warning systems represent a powerful tool in the future of healthcare. Whether in hospitals, at home, or as part of preventative care strategies, this technology offers a new dimension of patient monitoring and early intervention that can significantly improve health outcomes. As we continue to integrate AI into medicine, the promise of these systems lies not only in their technical capabilities but in their potential to enhance the quality of care and empower patients in ways previously unimaginable.


1. enhance [ɪnˈhɑːns] v. 增强,提高,改善;enhances;enhancing;enhanced;enhanced

7. outcome [ˈaʊtkʌm] n. 结果,效果;outcomes

16. visual [ˈvɪzjʊəl] adj. 视觉的,视力的;栩栩如生的 n. 视觉资料(指说明性的图片、影片等);visuals

35. integrate [ˈɪntɪgreɪt] v. (使)合并,成为一体;(使)加入,融入群体;(使)取消种族隔离;求……的积分;表示(面积、温度等)的总和,表示……的平均值 adj. 整合的;integrates;integrating;integrated;integrated

40. significant [sɪgˈnɪfɪkənt] adj. 显著的,相当数量的;重要的,意义重大的; 别有含义的,意味深长的 n. 象征,有意义的事物

50. dimension [dɪˈmenʃən] n. 大小,尺寸;(空间的)维度;范围,规模;方面,部分 v. 切削(或制作)成特定尺寸;标出尺寸;dimensions;dimensions;dimensioning;dimensioned;dimensioned


