
教育   2024-11-04 07:58   山东  

备考加油 一战成硕

A Lie Is a Lie Is a Lie

In the "game of lies," all forms of lie are equally harmful and detectable.

Posted November 2, 2024

Reviewed by Abigail Fagan


1. deceive [dɪˈsɪːv] v. 欺骗,蒙骗;使误信,误导;对(丈夫、妻子或伴侣)不忠;deceives;deceiving;deceived;deceived

2. shed [ʃed] v. 去除,摆脱;(植物)落(叶),(动物)蜕(皮),脱(毛);脱掉(所穿衣物);掉落(货物);挡水,防水;射出,发出(光);流,洒,落(泪);(尤指在战争中)造成伤亡,使流(血);把(车)停在库棚内;(分区)切断(电力载荷) n. 棚屋,小屋;(工业上用于生产或存放设备的)厂房,工棚;剪羊棚,挤奶棚;sheds;sheds;shedding;shed;shed

3. implication [ˌɪmplɪˈkeɪʃən] n. 可能的影响(或作用、结果);含意,暗指;牵连,涉及;implications

4. involve [ɪnˈvɒlv] v. 牵涉,涉及;包含,需要;使陷入,使卷入;(使)参加,加入;使承担,使面对;involves;involving;involved;involved

5. intention [ɪnˈtenʃən] n. 意图,目的,打算;愈合;意念;intentions

6. following [ˈfɒləʊɪŋ] adj. 之后的,接下来的;下列的,以下的;顺风的 n. 追随者,拥护者 prep. 在……之后,紧接着 v. 跟随;沿行;(时间、顺序)排在……之后(follow 的现在分词形式);followings

7. definition [ˌdefɪˈnɪʃən] n. 定义,释义;榜样,典范;清晰,清晰度,鲜明度;definitions

8. assert [əˈsɜːt] v. 坚称,断言;维护,坚持(权利或权威);坚持自己的主张,表现坚定;生效,起作用;asserts;asserting;asserted;asserted

9. context [ˈkɒntekst] n. 背景,环境;上下文,语境;contexts

10. reveal [rɪˈvɪːl] v. 揭示,透露;表明,证明;展示,显示;(通过神或超自然手段)启示 n. (电视节目最后的)揭示;门侧,窗侧;reveals;reveals;revealing;revealed;revealed

11. financial [faɪˈnænʃəl, ˌfɪ-] adj. 财政的,金融的;有钱的;(俱乐部或社团成员)已缴费的 n. (组织或个人的)财务状况;金融公司股票

12. withhold [wɪðˈhəʊld] v. 保留,隐瞒,扣留;克制,抑制(情感或反应等);withholds;withholding;withheld;withheld

13. partial [ˈpɑːʃəl] adj. 部分的,不完全的;偏袒的,不公平的;偏爱的 n. (乐)分音,泛音

14. economic [ˌɪːkəˈnɒmɪk] adj. 经济的,经济学的;有利可图的;节约的

15. encounter [ɪnˈkaʊntə] v. 遭遇;偶遇,邂逅 n. 偶遇,邂逅;经历,体验;冲突;比赛,交锋;encounters;encounters;encountering;encountered;encountered

16. constituent [kənˈstɪtjəənt] n. 选民;成分,构成要素;委托人 adj. 组成的,构成的;选举的,有任命(或选举)权的;立宪的,有宪法制定(或修改)权的;constituents

17. utter [ˈʌtə] adj. 完全的,彻底的 v. 说,讲;发出(声音);使用(伪钞);发射 【名】 (utter) (美、瑞、德、加、法、俄、匈)乌特(人名);utters;uttering;uttered;uttered

18. entail [ɪnˈteɪl] v. 使必要,需要;遗赠(财产),限定继承;使人承担 n. 限定继承,限嗣继承的财产;entails;entailing;entailed;entailed

19. commit [kəˈmɪt] v. 犯(罪、错);调拨,投入;(使)承诺,承担义务;郑重承诺,忠于;把……关进医院(监狱),监禁;传唤(某人)到法院受审;订婚,决定与(某人)保持长期感情;把……托付给;commits;committing;committed;committed

20. verbal [ˈvɜːbəl] adj. 口头的,非书面的;用言辞的,文字的;动词的;多话的,爱说话的 n. (语法)动词性单词(或短语、从句);辱骂,侮辱;话,(尤指)气话;歌词,电影对话(verbals);(不利的)口头供认 v. (尤指不正当地)诱使(嫌疑犯)招供

21. mislead [mɪsˈlɪːd] v. 误导,将……引入歧途;misleads;misleading;misled;misled

22. decent [ˈdɪːsnt] adj. 像样的,尚好的;得体的,合宜的;穿好衣服的;正派的,规矩的;待人宽厚的,和善的

23. delicate [ˈdelɪkɪt] adj. 柔和的,清淡的;虚弱的,纤弱的;脆弱的,易碎的;小巧玲珑的,纤细的;微妙的,棘手的;精致的,精巧的;灵巧的,熟练的;(仪器)灵敏的 n. 精美的衣物;delicates

24. resort [rɪˈzɔːt] n. 旅游胜地,度假胜地;求助的方法,采用的手段;采用,诉诸,求助 v. 诉诸,求助于;常去,(成群结队地)去;resorts;resorts;resorting;resorted;resorted

25. inference [ˈɪnfərəns] n. 推断,推理;推断结果,结论;inferences

26. shift [ʃɪft] v. (使)移动,(使)转移;(使)转换到(另一个人或另一事物);(使)改变意见(或信仰等);赶快;换(挡);(计算机)移位;按(计算机键盘上的)shift 键;摆脱,消除;(尤指大量)销售,出售;狼吞虎咽地吃;含糊其辞,拐弯抹角 n. 改变,转变;轮班工作时间;轮班工作的人;(计算机键盘上的)shift 键;(计算机)移位;(机动车的)换挡装置;宽松直筒连衣裙(=shift dress);长而宽松的内衣;(建筑)错位;(美橄)(开赛前)球员位置的变换;(天文)(光谱线的)偏移;语音演变(soun. shift 的简称);计谋,诡计;shifts;shifts;shifting;shifted;shifted

27. maneuver [məˈnuːvə] n. 细致巧妙的移动,机动动作;策略,手段;军事演习;(军队或船只的)调动,部署 v. 巧妙地移动;操纵,使花招;部署(军队、船只等);演习;maneuvers;maneuvers;maneuvering;maneuvered;maneuvered

28. premise [ˈpremɪs] n. 前提,假设;(企业或机构使用的)房屋及土地(premises);上述各项 v. 以……为基础,以……为前提;预先提出,事先提到;声明,说明;premises;premises;premising;premised;premised

29. economics [ˌɪːkəˈnɒmɪks, ˌekə-] n. 经济学;经济情况;经济体制

30. vague [veɪg] adj. 不明确的,不清楚的;(形状)模糊的;(感情、记忆等)不完整的,不清晰的;含糊其词的,闪烁其词的;茫然的,心不在焉的 【名】 (vague)韦格(人名);vaguer

31. deceit [dɪˈsɪːt] n. 欺骗,诡计;deceits

32. ponder [ˈpɒndə] v. 仔细考虑,琢磨,沉思 【名】 (ponder)(英)庞德(人名);ponders;pondering;pondered;pondered

33. elect [ɪˈlekt] v. 选举;选择(做);(上帝)挑选(某人)(而使其灵魂永远得救) adj. 候任的;选中的,卓越的;蒙上帝挑选(而得救)的 n. 上帝的选民(the elect);特权阶层;elect;elects;elects;electing;elected;elected

34. honor [ˈɒnə] n. 荣誉;信用;头衔 vt. 尊敬(等于 honour);给……以荣誉;honors;honors;honoring;honored;honored

35. regardless [rɪˈgɑːdlɪs] adv. 不顾,不加理会;不管怎样,无论如何 adj. 不管的,不注意的

36. couch [kaʊtʃ] n. 长沙发,长榻;诊察台 v. 表达,措辞;躺下,躺卧;平端(矛或枪)(准备攻击);用下压及后压晶状体的方式治疗(白内障);贴线缝绣 【名】 (couch)(英)库奇(人名);couches;couches;couching;couched;couched

37. violate [ˈvaɪəleɪt] v. 违反,违背;侵犯,打扰;亵渎,损毁(神圣之地等);强奸;violates;violating;violated;violated

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A Lie Is a Lie Is a Lie
In the "game of lies," all forms of lie are equally harmful and detectable.
Posted November 2, 2024 |  Reviewed by Abigail Fagan
When the intent to deceive results in a false belief, one form of deception is not less harmful than others. All forms of deception are equally disbelieved by recipients. People intending to deceive are not less likely to deceive even if they have to tell outright lies.
At election time, when accusations of deception run high, “The Lying Game,” a 2021 Negev University study by Cohen and Zultan, sheds light on the ways deception shows up. The authors consider the moral implications of the three most common forms of deception. All three forms involve communicating information known to be untrue to another person with the intention that the other person believes the information to be true.
The authors offer the following definitions of these three kinds of deception:
Lying: asserting falsehoods or simply communicating something known to be untrue.
Falsely Implicating: communicating truths that in a given context will predictably cause false beliefs such as stating income without revealing expenses that reduce that income.
Nonverbal Deception: nonverbal action in which the predicted interpretation is intended to create false beliefs, such as placing campaign signs next to those of other candidates to imply support of one for the other.
The experiment covers financial conflicts of interest, misrepresenting unfavorable information by withholding information about potential losses, presenting partial information rather than all facts, and gaslighting by convincing recipients of communication that what they see is other than what they see. These are economic circumstances often encountered by government officials and their constituents.
The researchers consider whether one form of lying is more harmful than others or more likely to be believed and discuss previous research. They assert that the bedrock of human communication involves relying on others to be truthful and that deceiving, by any means is a betrayal of trust based on the moral principle that others have a right to the truth.
The authors explain that normal upbringing includes a long process of conditioning not to say what is false; this results in greater psychological difficulty in uttering falsehoods compared with uttering truths, even when those truths are in the service of deception. It is widely accepted that trust is placed with respect to some particular kind of performance. Russell Hardin describes trust as ‘a three-part relation: A trusts B to do X.’
Lying demands less preparation, effort, and imaginativeness than other, craftier deceptions. Lying to a person’s face is considered more disrespectful than less direct lies, entailing a greater loss of credibility as a communicator. For some, it is psychologically more difficult to lie to someone’s face than to deceive in other ways. Lies inspire a special ‘sense of violation or outrage,’ thus liars encounter deeper inhibitions to lie.
The authors suggest that other things being equal, for a person to overcome greater inhibitions to commit a wrong exacts a greater psychological cost than non-lying deception and could be considered more malicious.
Falsely Implicating and Non-verbal Deception
Non-lying deceptions are ways of misleading others, which otherwise decent people may adopt in delicate social predicaments or under duress. Many who find themselves unable to utter face-to-face falsehoods resort to using misleading truths or performing nonlinguistic actions intended to mislead. The success of these forms of deception depends on the inferences others make, which shifts part of the responsibility away from the non-lying deceiver. These two forms of deception are more treacherous because they involve evasive maneuvers aimed at not lying and thus implicating others in their own deception.
One Size Fits All
Based on the above premises, the researchers find in their study of 436 economics students that while the distance between truth and lie is lesser in false implication or even more vague nonverbal deception, the level of deception is not measurably different. It makes no difference what method is used to deceive: when the intent to deceive results in a false belief, all forms of deception equally wrong recipients. Not only do all three forms of deception have similar negative effects, but they also have similar believability by recipients.
Further, the tests show that people intending to deceive are not less likely to deceive even if they have to tell outright lies. In other words, if someone will deceive you one way, they are equally as likely to deceive you the other ways if necessary to complete the deceit. To the benefit of recipients of lies, the experiment shows that they are no more likely to trust one form of lying over another.
The study provides something to ponder for the voter receiving, and the candidate delivering a message. Whether more or less socially acceptable, all forms of deception are equally harmful and equally detectable to those receiving them. When the public trusts elected representatives to honor its basic right to the truth, regardless of how it is couched or occurs, deception violates that trust.

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A Lie Is a Lie Is a Lie



1参考↓■forms, 形式; ■equally, 同样地; ■harmful, 有害的; ■detectable, 可检测;

In the "game of lies," all forms of lie are equally harmful and detectable.


2参考↓■Posted, 张贴; ■November, 十一月; ■Reviewed, 检验过的; ■Abigail, 阿比盖尔; ■Fagan, 费根;

Posted November 2, 2024 |  Reviewed by Abigail Fagan

发表于 2024 年 11 月 2 日 | 由 Abigail Fagan 测评

3参考↓■intent, 意图; ■deceive, 欺骗; ■results, 结果; ■false, 错误的; ■belief, 信仰; ■deception, 欺骗; ■harmful, 有害的; ■others, 其他; ■forms, 形式; ■deception, 欺骗; ■equally, 同样地; ■disbelieved, 不相信; ■recipients, 收件人; ■People, 人; ■intending, 有意; ■deceive, 欺骗; ■likely, 可能的; ■deceive, 欺骗; ■outright, 彻底的;

When the intent to deceive results in a false belief, one form of deception is not less harmful than others. All forms of deception are equally disbelieved by recipients. People intending to deceive are not less likely to deceive even if they have to tell outright lies.


1. deceive [dɪˈsɪːv] v. 欺骗,蒙骗;使误信,误导;对(丈夫、妻子或伴侣)不忠;deceives;deceiving;deceived;deceived

4参考↓■election, 选举; ■accusations, 指控; ■deception, 欺骗; ■Lying, 撒谎; ■Negev, 内盖夫; ■University, 大学; ■study, 学习; ■Cohen, 科恩; ■Zultan, 祖坦; ■sheds, 棚屋; ■light, 光; ■deception, 欺骗; ■shows, 显示; ■authors, 作者; ■consider, 考虑; ■moral, 道德的; ■implications, 启示; ■three, 三; ■common, 常见的; ■forms, 形式; ■deception, 欺骗; ■three, 三; ■forms, 形式; ■involve, 涉及; ■communicating, 沟通; ■information, 信息; ■known, 已知; ■untrue, 不真实; ■another, 另一个; ■person, 人; ■intention, 意图; ■other, 其他; ■person, 人; ■believes, 相信; ■information, 信息;

At election time, when accusations of deception run high, “The Lying Game,” a 2021 Negev University study by Cohen and Zultan, sheds light on the ways deception shows up. The authors consider the moral implications of the three most common forms of deception. All three forms involve communicating information known to be untrue to another person with the intention that the other person believes the information to be true.

在选举期间,当欺骗指控高涨时,科恩和祖尔坦于 2021 年在内盖夫大学进行的一项研究《说谎的游戏》揭示了欺骗的出现方式。作者考虑了三种最常见的欺骗形式的道德影响。所有三种形式都涉及向另一个人传达已知不真实的信息,目的是让另一个人相信该信息是真实的。

2. shed [ʃed] v. 去除,摆脱;(植物)落(叶),(动物)蜕(皮),脱(毛);脱掉(所穿衣物);掉落(货物);挡水,防水;射出,发出(光);流,洒,落(泪);(尤指在战争中)造成伤亡,使流(血);把(车)停在库棚内;(分区)切断(电力载荷) n. 棚屋,小屋;(工业上用于生产或存放设备的)厂房,工棚;剪羊棚,挤奶棚;sheds;sheds;shedding;shed;shed

3. implication [ˌɪmplɪˈkeɪʃən] n. 可能的影响(或作用、结果);含意,暗指;牵连,涉及;implications

4. involve [ɪnˈvɒlv] v. 牵涉,涉及;包含,需要;使陷入,使卷入;(使)参加,加入;使承担,使面对;involves;involving;involved;involved

5. intention [ɪnˈtenʃən] n. 意图,目的,打算;愈合;意念;intentions

33. elect [ɪˈlekt] v. 选举;选择(做);(上帝)挑选(某人)(而使其灵魂永远得救) adj. 候任的;选中的,卓越的;蒙上帝挑选(而得救)的 n. 上帝的选民(the elect);特权阶层;elect;elects;elects;electing;elected;elected

5参考↓■authors, 作者; ■offer, 提供; ■following, 下列的; ■definitions, 定义; ■these, 这些; ■three, 三; ■kinds, 种类; ■deception, 欺骗;

The authors offer the following definitions of these three kinds of deception:


6. following [ˈfɒləʊɪŋ] adj. 之后的,接下来的;下列的,以下的;顺风的 n. 追随者,拥护者 prep. 在……之后,紧接着 v. 跟随;沿行;(时间、顺序)排在……之后(follow 的现在分词形式);followings

7. definition [ˌdefɪˈnɪʃən] n. 定义,释义;榜样,典范;清晰,清晰度,鲜明度;definitions

6参考↓■Lying, 撒谎; ■asserting, 断言; ■falsehoods, 谎言; ■simply, 简单地; ■communicating, 沟通; ■something, 某物; ■known, 已知; ■untrue, 不真实;

Lying: asserting falsehoods or simply communicating something known to be untrue.


8. assert [əˈsɜːt] v. 坚称,断言;维护,坚持(权利或权威);坚持自己的主张,表现坚定;生效,起作用;asserts;asserting;asserted;asserted

7参考↓■Falsely, 不实; ■Implicating, 含义; ■communicating, 沟通; ■truths, 真理; ■given, 鉴于; ■context, 上下文; ■predictably, 不出所料; ■cause, 原因; ■false, 错误的; ■beliefs, 信仰; ■stating, 陈述; ■income, 收入; ■without, 没有; ■revealing, 揭示; ■expenses, 开支; ■reduce, 减少; ■income, 收入;

Falsely Implicating: communicating truths that in a given context will predictably cause false beliefs such as stating income without revealing expenses that reduce that income.


9. context [ˈkɒntekst] n. 背景,环境;上下文,语境;contexts

10. reveal [rɪˈvɪːl] v. 揭示,透露;表明,证明;展示,显示;(通过神或超自然手段)启示 n. (电视节目最后的)揭示;门侧,窗侧;reveals;reveals;revealing;revealed;revealed

8参考↓■Nonverbal, 非言语; ■Deception, 欺骗; ■nonverbal, 非言语; ■action, 行动; ■which, 哪一个; ■predicted, 预测; ■interpretation, 解释; ■intended, 有意; ■create, 创造; ■false, 错误的; ■beliefs, 信仰; ■placing, 放置; ■campaign, 运动; ■signs, 标志; ■those, 那些; ■other, 其他; ■candidates, 候选人; ■imply, 意味着; ■support, 支持; ■other, 其他;

Nonverbal Deception: nonverbal action in which the predicted interpretation is intended to create false beliefs, such as placing campaign signs next to those of other candidates to imply support of one for the other.


20. verbal [ˈvɜːbəl] adj. 口头的,非书面的;用言辞的,文字的;动词的;多话的,爱说话的 n. (语法)动词性单词(或短语、从句);辱骂,侮辱;话,(尤指)气话;歌词,电影对话(verbals);(不利的)口头供认 v. (尤指不正当地)诱使(嫌疑犯)招供

9参考↓■experiment, 实验; ■covers, 盖子; ■financial, 金融的; ■conflicts, 冲突; ■interest, 兴趣; ■misrepresenting, 歪曲事实; ■unfavorable, 不利的; ■information, 信息; ■withholding, 扣留; ■information, 信息; ■about, 关于; ■potential, 潜在的; ■losses, 损失; ■presenting, 呈现; ■partial, 部分; ■information, 信息; ■rather, 相当地; ■facts, 事实; ■gaslighting, 煤气灯; ■convincing, 令人信服; ■recipients, 收件人; ■communication, 通信; ■other, 其他; ■These, 这些; ■economic, 经济的; ■circumstances, 情况; ■often, 经常; ■encountered, 遇到; ■government, 政府; ■officials, 官员; ■their, 他们的; ■constituents, 成分;

The experiment covers financial conflicts of interest, misrepresenting unfavorable information by withholding information about potential losses, presenting partial information rather than all facts, and gaslighting by convincing recipients of communication that what they see is other than what they see. These are economic circumstances often encountered by government officials and their constituents.


11. financial [faɪˈnænʃəl, ˌfɪ-] adj. 财政的,金融的;有钱的;(俱乐部或社团成员)已缴费的 n. (组织或个人的)财务状况;金融公司股票

12. withhold [wɪðˈhəʊld] v. 保留,隐瞒,扣留;克制,抑制(情感或反应等);withholds;withholding;withheld;withheld

13. partial [ˈpɑːʃəl] adj. 部分的,不完全的;偏袒的,不公平的;偏爱的 n. (乐)分音,泛音

14. economic [ˌɪːkəˈnɒmɪk] adj. 经济的,经济学的;有利可图的;节约的

15. encounter [ɪnˈkaʊntə] v. 遭遇;偶遇,邂逅 n. 偶遇,邂逅;经历,体验;冲突;比赛,交锋;encounters;encounters;encountering;encountered;encountered

16. constituent [kənˈstɪtjəənt] n. 选民;成分,构成要素;委托人 adj. 组成的,构成的;选举的,有任命(或选举)权的;立宪的,有宪法制定(或修改)权的;constituents

··◇·· 您已读到文章中部,稍憩继续!··◇··

10参考↓■researchers, 研究人员; ■consider, 考虑; ■whether, 是否; ■lying, 说谎; ■harmful, 有害的; ■others, 其他; ■likely, 可能的; ■believed, 相信; ■discuss, 讨论; ■previous, 以前的; ■research, 研究; ■assert, 断言; ■bedrock, 基岩; ■human, 人类; ■communication, 通信; ■involves, 涉及; ■relying, 依靠; ■others, 其他; ■truthful, 诚实; ■deceiving, 欺骗; ■means, 方法; ■betrayal, 背叛; ■trust, 信任; ■based, 基于; ■moral, 道德的; ■principle, 原理; ■others, 其他; ■right, 正确的; ■truth, 真理;

The researchers consider whether one form of lying is more harmful than others or more likely to be believed and discuss previous research. They assert that the bedrock of human communication involves relying on others to be truthful and that deceiving, by any means is a betrayal of trust based on the moral principle that others have a right to the truth.


4. involve [ɪnˈvɒlv] v. 牵涉,涉及;包含,需要;使陷入,使卷入;(使)参加,加入;使承担,使面对;involves;involving;involved;involved

8. assert [əˈsɜːt] v. 坚称,断言;维护,坚持(权利或权威);坚持自己的主张,表现坚定;生效,起作用;asserts;asserting;asserted;asserted

11参考↓■authors, 作者; ■explain, 解释; ■normal, 正常的; ■upbringing, 教养; ■includes, 包括; ■process, 过程; ■conditioning, 条件作用; ■false, 错误的; ■results, 结果; ■greater, 更大的; ■psychological, 心理的; ■difficulty, 困难; ■uttering, 说出; ■falsehoods, 谎言; ■compared, 相比; ■uttering, 说出; ■truths, 真理; ■those, 那些; ■truths, 真理; ■service, 服务; ■deception, 欺骗; ■widely, 广泛地; ■accepted, 认可的; ■trust, 信任; ■placed, 放置; ■respect, 尊重; ■particular, 特别; ■performance, 演出; ■Russell, 拉塞尔; ■Hardin, 哈丁; ■describes, 描写; ■trust, 信任; ■three-part, 三部分; ■relation, 关系; ■trusts, 信托;

The authors explain that normal upbringing includes a long process of conditioning not to say what is false; this results in greater psychological difficulty in uttering falsehoods compared with uttering truths, even when those truths are in the service of deception. It is widely accepted that trust is placed with respect to some particular kind of performance. Russell Hardin describes trust as ‘a three-part relation: A trusts B to do X.’

作者解释说,正常的教养包括一个漫长的过程,不说什么是假的;与说出真相相比,这导致说出谎言的心理难度更大,即使这些真相是为了欺骗。人们普遍认为,信任是针对某种特定类型的表现。罗素·哈丁 (Russell Hardin) 将信任描述为“由三部分组成的关系:A 信任 B 做 X”。

17. utter [ˈʌtə] adj. 完全的,彻底的 v. 说,讲;发出(声音);使用(伪钞);发射 【名】 (utter) (美、瑞、德、加、法、俄、匈)乌特(人名);utters;uttering;uttered;uttered

12参考↓■Lying, 撒谎;



13参考↓■Lying, 撒谎; ■demands, 要求; ■preparation, 准备; ■effort, 努力; ■imaginativeness, 想象力; ■other, 其他; ■craftier, 更狡猾; ■deceptions, 欺骗; ■Lying, 撒谎; ■person’s, 人的; ■considered, 考虑过的; ■disrespectful, 无礼的; ■direct, 直接的; ■entailing, 导致; ■greater, 更大的; ■credibility, 可靠性; ■communicator, 通信器; ■psychologically, 心理上; ■difficult, 困难; ■someone’s, 某人的; ■deceive, 欺骗; ■other, 其他; ■inspire, 激励; ■special, 特殊的; ■‘sense, '感觉; ■violation, 违反; ■outrage’, 愤怒”; ■liars, 骗子; ■encounter, 遭遇; ■deeper, 更深的; ■inhibitions, 禁忌;

Lying demands less preparation, effort, and imaginativeness than other, craftier deceptions. Lying to a person’s face is considered more disrespectful than less direct lies, entailing a greater loss of credibility as a communicator. For some, it is psychologically more difficult to lie to someone’s face than to deceive in other ways. Lies inspire a special ‘sense of violation or outrage,’ thus liars encounter deeper inhibitions to lie.


1. deceive [dɪˈsɪːv] v. 欺骗,蒙骗;使误信,误导;对(丈夫、妻子或伴侣)不忠;deceives;deceiving;deceived;deceived

15. encounter [ɪnˈkaʊntə] v. 遭遇;偶遇,邂逅 n. 偶遇,邂逅;经历,体验;冲突;比赛,交锋;encounters;encounters;encountering;encountered;encountered

18. entail [ɪnˈteɪl] v. 使必要,需要;遗赠(财产),限定继承;使人承担 n. 限定继承,限嗣继承的财产;entails;entailing;entailed;entailed

14参考↓■authors, 作者; ■suggest, 建议; ■other, 其他; ■things, 东西; ■being, 存在; ■equal, 平等的; ■person, 人; ■overcome, 克服; ■greater, 更大的; ■inhibitions, 禁忌; ■commit, 犯罪; ■wrong, 错误的; ■exacts, exacts; ■greater, 更大的; ■psychological, 心理的; ■non-lying, 不撒谎; ■deception, 欺骗; ■could, 能够; ■considered, 考虑过的; ■malicious, 恶意的;

The authors suggest that other things being equal, for a person to overcome greater inhibitions to commit a wrong exacts a greater psychological cost than non-lying deception and could be considered more malicious.


19. commit [kəˈmɪt] v. 犯(罪、错);调拨,投入;(使)承诺,承担义务;郑重承诺,忠于;把……关进医院(监狱),监禁;传唤(某人)到法院受审;订婚,决定与(某人)保持长期感情;把……托付给;commits;committing;committed;committed

15参考↓■Falsely, 不实; ■Implicating, 含义; ■Non-verbal, 非言语; ■Deception, 欺骗;

Falsely Implicating and Non-verbal Deception


20. verbal [ˈvɜːbəl] adj. 口头的,非书面的;用言辞的,文字的;动词的;多话的,爱说话的 n. (语法)动词性单词(或短语、从句);辱骂,侮辱;话,(尤指)气话;歌词,电影对话(verbals);(不利的)口头供认 v. (尤指不正当地)诱使(嫌疑犯)招供

16参考↓■Non-lying, 不撒谎; ■deceptions, 欺骗; ■misleading, 误导; ■others, 其他; ■which, 哪一个; ■otherwise, 否则; ■decent, 得体的; ■people, 人; ■adopt, 采用; ■delicate, 精致的; ■social, 社会的; ■predicaments, 困境; ■under, 在下面; ■duress, 胁迫; ■themselves, 他们自己; ■unable, 不能的; ■utter, 说; ■face-to-face, 面对面; ■falsehoods, 谎言; ■resort, 求助; ■using, 使用; ■misleading, 误导; ■truths, 真理; ■performing, 表演; ■nonlinguistic, 非语言; ■actions, 行动; ■intended, 有意; ■mislead, 误导; ■success, 成功; ■these, 这些; ■forms, 形式; ■deception, 欺骗; ■depends, 取决于; ■inferences, 推论; ■others, 其他; ■which, 哪一个; ■shifts, 轮班; ■responsibility, 责任; ■non-lying, 不撒谎; ■deceiver, 骗子; ■These, 这些; ■forms, 形式; ■deception, 欺骗; ■treacherous, 背信弃义; ■because, 因为; ■involve, 涉及; ■evasive, 回避; ■maneuvers, 机动; ■aimed, 针对; ■lying, 说谎; ■implicating, 暗示; ■others, 其他; ■their, 他们的; ■deception, 欺骗;

Non-lying deceptions are ways of misleading others, which otherwise decent people may adopt in delicate social predicaments or under duress. Many who find themselves unable to utter face-to-face falsehoods resort to using misleading truths or performing nonlinguistic actions intended to mislead. The success of these forms of deception depends on the inferences others make, which shifts part of the responsibility away from the non-lying deceiver. These two forms of deception are more treacherous because they involve evasive maneuvers aimed at not lying and thus implicating others in their own deception.


1. deceive [dɪˈsɪːv] v. 欺骗,蒙骗;使误信,误导;对(丈夫、妻子或伴侣)不忠;deceives;deceiving;deceived;deceived

4. involve [ɪnˈvɒlv] v. 牵涉,涉及;包含,需要;使陷入,使卷入;(使)参加,加入;使承担,使面对;involves;involving;involved;involved

17. utter [ˈʌtə] adj. 完全的,彻底的 v. 说,讲;发出(声音);使用(伪钞);发射 【名】 (utter) (美、瑞、德、加、法、俄、匈)乌特(人名);utters;uttering;uttered;uttered

21. mislead [mɪsˈlɪːd] v. 误导,将……引入歧途;misleads;misleading;misled;misled

22. decent [ˈdɪːsnt] adj. 像样的,尚好的;得体的,合宜的;穿好衣服的;正派的,规矩的;待人宽厚的,和善的

23. delicate [ˈdelɪkɪt] adj. 柔和的,清淡的;虚弱的,纤弱的;脆弱的,易碎的;小巧玲珑的,纤细的;微妙的,棘手的;精致的,精巧的;灵巧的,熟练的;(仪器)灵敏的 n. 精美的衣物;delicates

24. resort [rɪˈzɔːt] n. 旅游胜地,度假胜地;求助的方法,采用的手段;采用,诉诸,求助 v. 诉诸,求助于;常去,(成群结队地)去;resorts;resorts;resorting;resorted;resorted

25. inference [ˈɪnfərəns] n. 推断,推理;推断结果,结论;inferences

26. shift [ʃɪft] v. (使)移动,(使)转移;(使)转换到(另一个人或另一事物);(使)改变意见(或信仰等);赶快;换(挡);(计算机)移位;按(计算机键盘上的)shift 键;摆脱,消除;(尤指大量)销售,出售;狼吞虎咽地吃;含糊其辞,拐弯抹角 n. 改变,转变;轮班工作时间;轮班工作的人;(计算机键盘上的)shift 键;(计算机)移位;(机动车的)换挡装置;宽松直筒连衣裙(=shift dress);长而宽松的内衣;(建筑)错位;(美橄)(开赛前)球员位置的变换;(天文)(光谱线的)偏移;语音演变(soun. shift 的简称);计谋,诡计;shifts;shifts;shifting;shifted;shifted

27. maneuver [məˈnuːvə] n. 细致巧妙的移动,机动动作;策略,手段;军事演习;(军队或船只的)调动,部署 v. 巧妙地移动;操纵,使花招;部署(军队、船只等);演习;maneuvers;maneuvers;maneuvering;maneuvered;maneuvered

One Size Fits All


18参考↓■Based, 基于; ■above, 在上面; ■premises, 房产; ■researchers, 研究人员; ■their, 他们的; ■study, 学习; ■economics, 经济学; ■students, 学生; ■while, 虽然; ■distance, 距离; ■between, 之间; ■truth, 真理; ■lesser, 较小; ■false, 错误的; ■implication, 含义; ■vague, 模糊的; ■nonverbal, 非言语; ■deception, 欺骗; ■level, 水平; ■deception, 欺骗; ■measurably, 可测量; ■different, 不同的; ■makes, 使; ■difference, 差异; ■method, 方法; ■deceive, 欺骗; ■intent, 意图; ■deceive, 欺骗; ■results, 结果; ■false, 错误的; ■belief, 信仰; ■forms, 形式; ■deception, 欺骗; ■equally, 同样地; ■wrong, 错误的; ■recipients, 收件人; ■three, 三; ■forms, 形式; ■deception, 欺骗; ■similar, 类似的; ■negative, 消极的; ■effects, 影响; ■similar, 类似的; ■believability, 可信度; ■recipients, 收件人;

Based on the above premises, the researchers find in their study of 436 economics students that while the distance between truth and lie is lesser in false implication or even more vague nonverbal deception, the level of deception is not measurably different. It makes no difference what method is used to deceive: when the intent to deceive results in a false belief, all forms of deception equally wrong recipients. Not only do all three forms of deception have similar negative effects, but they also have similar believability by recipients.

基于上述前提,研究人员在对 436 名经济学学生的研究中发现,虽然真理和谎言之间的距离在虚假暗示甚至更模糊的非语言欺骗中较小,但欺骗的程度并没有显着差异。用什么方法欺骗没有区别:当欺骗的意图导致错误的信念时,所有形式的欺骗都同样错误地接受了。这三种形式的欺骗不仅具有相似的负面影响,而且接受者也具有相似的可信度。

1. deceive [dɪˈsɪːv] v. 欺骗,蒙骗;使误信,误导;对(丈夫、妻子或伴侣)不忠;deceives;deceiving;deceived;deceived

3. implication [ˌɪmplɪˈkeɪʃən] n. 可能的影响(或作用、结果);含意,暗指;牵连,涉及;implications

14. economic [ˌɪːkəˈnɒmɪk] adj. 经济的,经济学的;有利可图的;节约的

20. verbal [ˈvɜːbəl] adj. 口头的,非书面的;用言辞的,文字的;动词的;多话的,爱说话的 n. (语法)动词性单词(或短语、从句);辱骂,侮辱;话,(尤指)气话;歌词,电影对话(verbals);(不利的)口头供认 v. (尤指不正当地)诱使(嫌疑犯)招供

28. premise [ˈpremɪs] n. 前提,假设;(企业或机构使用的)房屋及土地(premises);上述各项 v. 以……为基础,以……为前提;预先提出,事先提到;声明,说明;premises;premises;premising;premised;premised

30. vague [veɪg] adj. 不明确的,不清楚的;(形状)模糊的;(感情、记忆等)不完整的,不清晰的;含糊其词的,闪烁其词的;茫然的,心不在焉的 【名】 (vague)韦格(人名);vaguer

19参考↓■Further, 进一步; ■tests, 测验; ■people, 人; ■intending, 有意; ■deceive, 欺骗; ■likely, 可能的; ■deceive, 欺骗; ■outright, 彻底的; ■other, 其他; ■words, 话; ■someone, 某人; ■deceive, 欺骗; ■equally, 同样地; ■likely, 可能的; ■deceive, 欺骗; ■other, 其他; ■necessary, 必要的; ■complete, 完成; ■deceit, 欺骗; ■benefit, 利益; ■recipients, 收件人; ■experiment, 实验; ■shows, 显示; ■likely, 可能的; ■trust, 信任; ■lying, 说谎; ■another, 另一个;

Further, the tests show that people intending to deceive are not less likely to deceive even if they have to tell outright lies. In other words, if someone will deceive you one way, they are equally as likely to deceive you the other ways if necessary to complete the deceit. To the benefit of recipients of lies, the experiment shows that they are no more likely to trust one form of lying over another.


1. deceive [dɪˈsɪːv] v. 欺骗,蒙骗;使误信,误导;对(丈夫、妻子或伴侣)不忠;deceives;deceiving;deceived;deceived

31. deceit [dɪˈsɪːt] n. 欺骗,诡计;deceits

20参考↓■study, 学习; ■provides, 提供; ■something, 某物; ■ponder, 思考; ■voter, 选民; ■receiving, 接收; ■candidate, 候选人; ■delivering, 提供; ■message, 消息; ■Whether, 是否; ■socially, 社会; ■acceptable, 可接受的; ■forms, 形式; ■deception, 欺骗; ■equally, 同样地; ■harmful, 有害的; ■equally, 同样地; ■detectable, 可检测; ■those, 那些; ■receiving, 接收; ■public, 公众的; ■trusts, 信托; ■elected, 选举; ■representatives, 代表; ■honor, 荣誉; ■basic, 基本的; ■right, 正确的; ■truth, 真理; ■regardless, 不管; ■couched, 卧铺; ■occurs, 发生; ■deception, 欺骗; ■violates, 违反; ■trust, 信任;

The study provides something to ponder for the voter receiving, and the candidate delivering a message. Whether more or less socially acceptable, all forms of deception are equally harmful and equally detectable to those receiving them. When the public trusts elected representatives to honor its basic right to the truth, regardless of how it is couched or occurs, deception violates that trust.


32. ponder [ˈpɒndə] v. 仔细考虑,琢磨,沉思 【名】 (ponder)(英)庞德(人名);ponders;pondering;pondered;pondered

33. elect [ɪˈlekt] v. 选举;选择(做);(上帝)挑选(某人)(而使其灵魂永远得救) adj. 候任的;选中的,卓越的;蒙上帝挑选(而得救)的 n. 上帝的选民(the elect);特权阶层;elect;elects;elects;electing;elected;elected

34. honor [ˈɒnə] n. 荣誉;信用;头衔 vt. 尊敬(等于 honour);给……以荣誉;honors;honors;honoring;honored;honored

35. regardless [rɪˈgɑːdlɪs] adv. 不顾,不加理会;不管怎样,无论如何 adj. 不管的,不注意的

36. couch [kaʊtʃ] n. 长沙发,长榻;诊察台 v. 表达,措辞;躺下,躺卧;平端(矛或枪)(准备攻击);用下压及后压晶状体的方式治疗(白内障);贴线缝绣 【名】 (couch)(英)库奇(人名);couches;couches;couching;couched;couched

37. violate [ˈvaɪəleɪt] v. 违反,违背;侵犯,打扰;亵渎,损毁(神圣之地等);强奸;violates;violating;violated;violated


