
教育   2024-09-13 07:57   山东  

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The Guardian view on public libraries: these vital spaces provide much more than books

Offering everything from coding clubs to company, they are more essential than ever as other services vanish

Sun 8 Sep 2024 18.25 BST


1. vital [ˈvaɪtl] adj. 至关重要的,必不可少的;生机勃勃的,充满活力的;生命的,维持生命所必需的 n. 身体的重要内脏,维持生命的重要器官(vitals) 【名】 (vital)维塔尔(人名);vitals

2. code [kəʊd] n. 密码,暗码;(邮政)编码,(电话)区号;(计算机)编码;道德准则,行为规范;法典,法规 v. 把……编码(或编号);把……译成密码;(给计算机)编写指令 【名】 (code)(英、法、西)科德(人名);codes;codes;coding;coded;coded

3. essential [ɪˈsenʃəl] adj. 必不可少的,非常重要的;基本的,精髓的;(氨基酸、脂肪酸)必需的;(疾病)自发的,原发的 n. 必不可少的东西,必需品;要素,本质;(某学科的)基础,基本知识;essentials

4. vanish [ˈvænɪʃ] v. 突然不见,消失;不复存在,灭绝;(数学)变为零;使不见,使消失 n. 弱化音;vanishes;vanishing;vanished;vanished

5. torch [tɔːtʃ] n. 手电筒;火把;(象征具有重大积极影响的政治运动或思想的)火炬;喷灯;(美,非正式)纵火犯 v. 纵火焚烧,放火烧;torches;torches;torching;torched;torched

6. riot [ˈraɪət] n. 暴乱,骚乱;纷呈,丰富多彩;非常有趣的人(或事物);纵情欢闹,狂欢;骚动;(感情的)爆发,宣泄 v. (人群)发生骚乱,聚众闹事;放纵,恣意;浪费,挥霍 【名】 (riot)(法)里奥,(西)里奥特(人名);riots;riots;rioting;rioted;rioted

7. restore [rɪsˈtɔː] v. 恢复(某种情况或感受);使复原,使复位;修复,整修;重新采用,恢复使用;归还;restores;restoring;restored;restored

8. facility [fəˈsɪlɪtɪ] n. 设施,设备;卫生间;天赋,才能;(机器等的)特别装置,(服务等的)特色;(用作某种用途的)区,大楼;facilities

9. crisis [ˈkraɪsɪs] n. 危机,紧要关头;决定性时刻,关键时刻;(病情的)转折点,危象 adj. 用于处理危机的;crises

10. reveal [rɪˈvɪːl] v. 揭示,透露;表明,证明;展示,显示;(通过神或超自然手段)启示 n. (电视节目最后的)揭示;门侧,窗侧;reveals;reveals;revealing;revealed;revealed

11. deprive [dɪˈpraɪv] v. 剥夺,使丧失;免去……的职务(尤指圣职);deprives;depriving;deprived;deprived

12. overall [ˈəʊvərɔːl] adj. 总的,全面的;所有的,包括一切的 adv. 全部,总共;总的说来,大体上 n. (工作时穿的)罩衣;(上下连身的)工作服,防护服(overalls);背带工装裤(overalls);骑马裤,紧身制服裤(overalls);overalls

13. vain [veɪn] adj. 虚荣的,自负的;徒劳的

14. council [ˈkaʊnsɪl] n. 委员会,理事会;政务委员会,地方议会;会议;(教会的)集会 adj. 地方政府廉租的 【名】 (council)(英)康斯尔(人名);councils

15. literacy [ˈlɪtərəsɪ] n. 识字,读写能力;专业知识;精通文学

16. frank [fræŋk] adj. 坦率的,直言不讳的;明白无误的,症状明显的 v. (在信件上)盖邮资已付印记,盖免付邮资印记;免费邮寄 n. 法兰克福熏肠;免费邮寄权 【名】 (frank)弗兰克(人名);franks;franker;franks;franking;franked;franked

17. contact [ˈkɒntækt] n. 联系,联络;接触,触摸;联络人,熟人,社会关系;会见,往来,接触;传染病接触者;隐形眼镜;接通电,触点,接头;(无线电)通信 v. 联系,联络;接触 adj. 供联络的;接触性的,通过接触而起作用的;contacts;contacts;contacting;contacted;contacted

18. bully [ˈbulɪ] n. 恃强凌弱者,横行霸道者;腌牛肉 v. 威吓,欺侮;威胁,胁迫 adj. 很棒,一流的 int. 没什么了不起 【名】 (bully)(法)布利(人名);bullies;bullies;bullying;bullied;bullied

19. reader [ˈrɪːdə] n. 读者, 爱读书的人;(初级)读本,简易读物;(英国大学中仅次于教授的)高级讲师(reader);(美国大学的)助教;电子阅读器,电子识读机;缩微软片阅读机;(出版社的)审稿人,审阅人;校对人;抄表员;(基督教堂中)领读经文的信徒 【名】 (reader)(英)里德(人名);readers

20. craft [krɑːft] n. 工艺,手艺;船,艇,飞行器;诡计,骗术;行业,职业;手工艺品 v. 精心制作 【名】 (craft)(英、德、罗)克拉夫特(人名);crafts;craft;crafts;crafting;crafted;crafted

21. isolate [ˈaɪsəleɪt] v. 孤立,分离;隔离;单独考虑,区别看待;使(某物质、细胞等)分离 n. 被隔离的人(或物);(用于研究的)分离菌,隔离群 adj. 孤独的,孤立的;isolates;isolates;isolating;isolated;isolated

22. extend [ɪksˈtend] v. 延伸;扩大,延长;持续;包括,波及;提供,表示;伸出;使竭尽全力;对……估价;extends;extending;extended;extended

23. remarkable [rɪˈmɑːkəbl] adj. 引人注目的,非凡的

24. persist [pə(ː)ˈsɪst] v. 继续存在,持续;坚持,执意;坚持说,反复说;persists;persisting;persisted;persisted

25. financial [faɪˈnænʃəl, ˌfɪ-] adj. 财政的,金融的;有钱的;(俱乐部或社团成员)已缴费的 n. (组织或个人的)财务状况;金融公司股票

26. drain [dreɪn] v. (使)排出,滤干;喝光,喝干;使劳累,使疲惫;(使)逐渐消失;使降低,消耗;(通常指因惊吓或疾病而脸色)变苍白;漂亮地完成(投篮、射门等);将(球)轻击入穴 n. 下水道,排水管;流失,消耗;(将体内液体排走的)导管,引流管;(场效应晶体管的)漏极;使人疲倦的事物,负担 【名】 (drain)(英、美、法、加)德兰(人名);drains;drains;draining;drained;drained

27. fund [fʌnd] n. 基金,专款;资金,钱款;基金会;储备量 v. 资助,为……提供资金 【名】 (fund))(德)丰德(人名);funds;funds;funding;funded;funded

28. priority [praɪˈɒrɪtɪ] n. 优先事项,最重要的事;优先,优先权,重点;优先通行权 adj. 优先的;priorities

29. resource [rɪˈsɔːs] n. 自然资源;资源(指钱、物、人等);有助于实现目标的东西,资料;(对付困境所需的)个人素质(resources);(逆境中的)出路,应付办法;谋略,智谋 v. 向……提供资金(或设备);resources;resources;resourcing;resourced;resourced

30. alleviate [əˈlɪːvɪeɪt] v. 减轻,缓和;alleviates;alleviating;alleviated;alleviated

31. opportunity [ˌɒpəˈtjuːnɪtɪ] n. 时机,机会;opportunities

32. reverse [rɪˈvɜːs] v. 逆转,彻底改变(决定、政策、趋势等);撤销,推翻(法庭判决);颠倒,反转;交换,互换(位置、功能);承认错误,放弃(立场);倒(车);(发动机)反向运转;打对方付费的电话;使(铅字,图案)印成白或浅色 n. 相对,相反(the reverse);逆向,逆转;倒车挡;失败,挫折;反面,背面;(翻开的书)左手页,(活页文件的)背面;(硬币或奖牌)反面图案(或刻字);(美式橄榄球)反向传球,变位传球 adj. 相反的,反向的;背面的,反面的;(半导体结的外加电压)反向的;(地层)逆断的,冲断的;反身的;reverses;reverses;reversing;reversed;reversed

33. sustain [səsˈteɪn] v. 维持,保持;维持……的生命;遭受,经受;(在体力或精神方面)支持,支撑;承受住……的重量;证实,证明;认可,赞成,确认;(演员)充分表演(角色,人物),扮演 n. (乐)延音;sustains;sustaining;sustained;sustained

34. substantial [səbˈstænʃəl] adj. 大量的,价值巨大的;牢固的,结实的;基本的,实质性的;(饭菜)丰盛的;重要的,真实的;有地位的,富有的 n. 重要材料

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The Guardian view on public libraries: these vital spaces provide much more than books
Offering everything from coding clubs to company, they are more essential than ever as other services vanish
Sun 8 Sep 2024 18.25 BST
When Liverpool’s Spellow Hub library was torched in this summer’s far-right riots, an appeal quickly raised more than £250,000 to restore the facility. That was testament to the community’s deep attachment, but also to the broader appreciation of the value that libraries bring to society.
Yet they are in crisis – again. Thirteen have closed in Merseyside. The UK has lost one in 20 since 2016, with 180 closed in that time, a BBC investigation has revealed. The most deprived areas are around four times more likely to lose a library than the richest. Overall, library spending has halved since 2010-11.
“I owe my whole life to books and libraries,” Zadie Smith said of her local library in Kensal Rise, London, after campaigning in vain against council plans to close it. The thriller writer Lee Child, creator of Jack Reacher, has said that the library in Birmingham where he spent hours as a boy did nothing less than save his life. But a young Child today might not be so lucky: Birmingham could lose 10 of its 35 libraries.
As the educational attainment gap between children from the richest and poorest backgrounds has grown post-Covid, the role that libraries can play in improving literacy and fostering a love of reading couldn’t be more vital. But it is not just books that make them magical places. The children’s laureate, Frank Cottrell‑Boyce, stressed their importance for “human contact”. His mother used the library as an escape from their cramped Liverpool home. For others, it is a haven from bullying, as one reader told the Guardian.
Where else can you find craft workshops, Lego, coding and chess clubs alongside reading challenges and author events, all for free? Rhyme times offer desperately needed company to isolated parents, as well as stimulation for children. Libraries can be a lifeline, not just to those unable, or unwilling, to spend £20 on the new Sally Rooney novel. If you don’t have access to the internet or a printer, if you struggle with English or can’t keep warm in winter, libraries are not simply somewhere to borrow books. And you don’t even need to buy a cup of tea to spend a whole day there.
Homelessness, loneliness, mental health, asylum support, childcare costs, illiteracy and health education are some of the challenges that libraries help to scoop up as other services have vanished. A librarian’s job can extend to that of counsellor, confidante, computer expert and paperwork decoder. Some libraries – Spellow’s is an example – have been reinvented as hubs for essential services.
In many cases, trained librarians have been replaced by volunteers. The Kensal Rise library that Smith relied on as a child reopened as a community-run endeavour. Volunteers have made a remarkable success of running 16 Sheffield libraries, but concerns about their long-term future persist. The overall financial picture for local authorities gives little cause for optimism, with several warning they are already draining their reserves to stay afloat.
For all their benefits, funding for libraries is never a priority, trumped by the more urgent demands of healthcare and schools. And yet, properly resourced, they can help alleviate the pressures on both. Campaigners are trying to hammer that message home before it is too late. With a new government and a new libraries minister, Chris Bryant, there is an opportunity to reverse the decline caused by 14 years of austerity. One thing libraries don’t need is more words. They need sustained and substantial funding.

外刊双语剪 考研阅读精选 ↓↓


0参考↓■Guardian, 守护者; ■public, 公众的; ■libraries, 图书馆; ■these, 这些; ■vital, 至关重要的; ■spaces, 空间; ■provide, 提供; ■books, 书;

The Guardian view on public libraries: these vital spaces provide much more than books



1. vital [ˈvaɪtl] adj. 至关重要的,必不可少的;生机勃勃的,充满活力的;生命的,维持生命所必需的 n. 身体的重要内脏,维持生命的重要器官(vitals) 【名】 (vital)维塔尔(人名);vitals

1参考↓■Offering, 提供; ■everything, 一切; ■coding, 编码; ■clubs, 俱乐部; ■company, 公司; ■essential, 本质的; ■other, 其他; ■services, 服务; ■vanish, 消失;

Offering everything from coding clubs to company, they are more essential than ever as other services vanish


3. essential [ɪˈsenʃəl] adj. 必不可少的,非常重要的;基本的,精髓的;(氨基酸、脂肪酸)必需的;(疾病)自发的,原发的 n. 必不可少的东西,必需品;要素,本质;(某学科的)基础,基本知识;essentials

4. vanish [ˈvænɪʃ] v. 突然不见,消失;不复存在,灭绝;(数学)变为零;使不见,使消失 n. 弱化音;vanishes;vanishing;vanished;vanished

Sun 8 Sep 2024 18.25 BST

2024 年 9 月 8 日星期日 18.25 BST

3参考↓■Liverpool’s, 利物浦的; ■Spellow, 拼写; ■library, 图书馆; ■torched, 被烧毁; ■summer’s, 夏天的; ■far-right, 极右翼; ■riots, 暴乱; ■appeal, 上诉; ■quickly, 迅速地; ■raised, 提高; ■£250000, £250000; ■restore, 恢复; ■facility, 设施; ■testament, 遗嘱; ■community’s, 社区的; ■attachment, 附件; ■broader, 更广泛; ■appreciation, 欣赏; ■value, 价值; ■libraries, 图书馆; ■bring, 带来; ■society, 社会;

When Liverpool’s Spellow Hub library was torched in this summer’s far-right riots, an appeal quickly raised more than £250,000 to restore the facility. That was testament to the community’s deep attachment, but also to the broader appreciation of the value that libraries bring to society.

在今年夏天,利物浦的 Spellow Hub 图书馆在极右翼骚乱中被烧毁,人们迅速募集了超过 25 万英镑的善款来修复该设施。这不仅证明了社区的深厚感情,也表明人们更广泛地认识到图书馆为社会带来的价值。

5. torch [tɔːtʃ] n. 手电筒;火把;(象征具有重大积极影响的政治运动或思想的)火炬;喷灯;(美,非正式)纵火犯 v. 纵火焚烧,放火烧;torches;torches;torching;torched;torched

6. riot [ˈraɪət] n. 暴乱,骚乱;纷呈,丰富多彩;非常有趣的人(或事物);纵情欢闹,狂欢;骚动;(感情的)爆发,宣泄 v. (人群)发生骚乱,聚众闹事;放纵,恣意;浪费,挥霍 【名】 (riot)(法)里奥,(西)里奥特(人名);riots;riots;rioting;rioted;rioted

7. restore [rɪsˈtɔː] v. 恢复(某种情况或感受);使复原,使复位;修复,整修;重新采用,恢复使用;归还;restores;restoring;restored;restored

8. facility [fəˈsɪlɪtɪ] n. 设施,设备;卫生间;天赋,才能;(机器等的)特别装置,(服务等的)特色;(用作某种用途的)区,大楼;facilities

4参考↓■crisis, 危机; ■again, 再一次; ■Thirteen, 13; ■closed, 关闭; ■Merseyside, 默西塞德郡; ■since, 自从; ■closed, 关闭; ■investigation, 调查; ■revealed, 透露; ■deprived, 贫困的; ■areas, 地区; ■around, 围绕; ■times, 时间; ■likely, 可能的; ■library, 图书馆; ■richest, 最富有的; ■Overall, 总体而言; ■library, 图书馆; ■spending, 支出; ■halved, 减半; ■since, 自从; ■2010-11, 2010-11;

Yet they are in crisis – again. Thirteen have closed in Merseyside. The UK has lost one in 20 since 2016, with 180 closed in that time, a BBC investigation has revealed. The most deprived areas are around four times more likely to lose a library than the richest. Overall, library spending has halved since 2010-11.

然而,它们再次陷入危机。默西塞德郡已有 13 家图书馆关闭。BBC 的一项调查显示,自 2016 年以来,英国每 20 家图书馆中就有一家倒闭,同期共有 180 家图书馆倒闭。最贫困地区倒闭图书馆的可能性是最富裕地区的四倍左右。总体而言,自 2010-11 年以来,图书馆支出减少了一半。

9. crisis [ˈkraɪsɪs] n. 危机,紧要关头;决定性时刻,关键时刻;(病情的)转折点,危象 adj. 用于处理危机的;crises

10. reveal [rɪˈvɪːl] v. 揭示,透露;表明,证明;展示,显示;(通过神或超自然手段)启示 n. (电视节目最后的)揭示;门侧,窗侧;reveals;reveals;revealing;revealed;revealed

11. deprive [dɪˈpraɪv] v. 剥夺,使丧失;免去……的职务(尤指圣职);deprives;depriving;deprived;deprived

12. overall [ˈəʊvərɔːl] adj. 总的,全面的;所有的,包括一切的 adv. 全部,总共; 总的说来,大体上 n. (工作时穿的)罩衣;(上下连身的)工作服,防护服(overalls);背带工装裤(overalls);骑马裤,紧身制服裤(overalls);overalls

··◇·· 您已读到文章中部,稍憩继续!··◇··

5参考↓■whole, 整体; ■books, 书; ■libraries, 图书馆; ■Zadie, 查蒂; ■Smith, 史密斯; ■local, 地方的; ■library, 图书馆; ■Kensal, Kensal; ■London, 伦敦; ■after, 之后; ■campaigning, 竞选活动; ■against, 反对; ■council, 委员会; ■plans, 计划; ■close, 关闭; ■thriller, 惊悚片; ■writer, 作家; ■Child, 儿童; ■creator, 造物主; ■Reacher, Reacher; ■library, 图书馆; ■Birmingham, 伯明翰; ■where, 哪里; ■spent, 已花费; ■hours, 小时; ■nothing, 没有什么; ■young, 年轻的; ■Child, 儿童; ■today, 今天; ■might, 可以; ■lucky, 幸运的; ■Birmingham, 伯明翰; ■could, 能够; ■libraries, 图书馆;

“I owe my whole life to books and libraries,” Zadie Smith said of her local library in Kensal Rise, London, after campaigning in vain against council plans to close it. The thriller writer Lee Child, creator of Jack Reacher, has said that the library in Birmingham where he spent hours as a boy did nothing less than save his life. But a young Child today might not be so lucky: Birmingham could lose 10 of its 35 libraries.

“我的一生都归功于书籍和图书馆,”扎迪·史密斯在反对议会关闭伦敦肯萨尔莱斯的图书馆计划但徒劳无功后,这样评价她所在的图书馆。惊悚小说作家、《侠探杰克》的创作者李·查德曾说,他小时候在伯明翰度过的图书馆救了他一命。但如今的李·查德可能就没那么幸运了:伯明翰可能会失去 35 座图书馆中的 10 座。

13. vain [veɪn] adj. 虚荣的,自负的;徒劳的

14. council [ˈkaʊnsɪl] n. 委员会,理事会;政务委员会,地方议会;会议;(教会的)集会 adj. 地方政府廉租的 【名】 (council)(英)康斯尔(人名);councils

6参考↓■educational, 教育的; ■attainment, 成就; ■between, 之间; ■children, 儿童; ■richest, 最富有的; ■poorest, 最穷的; ■backgrounds, 背景; ■grown, 成年的; ■post-Covid, 新冠肺炎后; ■libraries, 图书馆; ■improving, 改善; ■literacy, 读写能力; ■fostering, 培养; ■reading, 阅读; ■couldn’t, 不能; ■vital, 至关重要的; ■books, 书; ■magical, 神奇的; ■places, 地点; ■children’s, 儿童; ■laureate, 桂冠; ■Frank, 弗兰克; ■Cottrell‑Boyce, 科特雷尔-博伊斯; ■stressed, 强调; ■their, 他们的; ■importance, 重要性; ■human, 人类; ■contact, 接触; ■mother, 母亲; ■library, 图书馆; ■escape, 逃跑; ■their, 他们的; ■cramped, 狭窄; ■Liverpool, 利物浦; ■others, 其他; ■haven, 港口; ■bullying, 欺负; ■reader, 读者; ■Guardian, 守护者;

As the educational attainment gap between children from the richest and poorest backgrounds has grown post-Covid, the role that libraries can play in improving literacy and fostering a love of reading couldn’t be more vital. But it is not just books that make them magical places. The children’s laureate, Frank Cottrell‑Boyce, stressed their importance for “human contact”. His mother used the library as an escape from their cramped Liverpool home. For others, it is a haven from bullying, as one reader told the Guardian.


1. vital [ˈvaɪtl] adj. 至关重要的,必不可少的;生机勃勃的,充满活力的;生命的,维持生命所必需的 n. 身体的重要内脏,维持生命的重要器官(vitals) 【名】 (vital)维塔尔(人名);vitals

15. literacy [ˈlɪtərəsɪ] n. 识字,读写能力;专业知识;精通文学

16. frank [fræŋk] adj. 坦率的,直言不讳的;明白无误的,症状明显的 v. (在信件上)盖邮资已付印记,盖免付邮资印记;免费邮寄 n. 法兰克福熏肠;免费邮寄权 【名】 (frank)弗兰克(人名);franks;franker;franks;franking;franked;franked

17. contact [ˈkɒntækt] n. 联系,联络;接触,触摸;联络人,熟人,社会关系;会见,往来,接触;传染病接触者;隐形眼镜;接通电,触点,接头;(无线电)通信 v. 联系,联络;接触 adj. 供联络的;接触性的,通过接触而起作用的;contacts;contacts;contacting;contacted;contacted

18. bully [ˈbulɪ] n. 恃强凌弱者,横行霸道者;腌牛肉 v. 威吓,欺侮;威胁,胁迫 adj. 很棒,一流的 int. 没什么了不起 【名】 (bully)(法)布利(人名);bullies;bullies;bullying;bullied;bullied

19. reader [ˈrɪːdə] n. 读者, 爱读书的人;(初级)读本,简易读物;(英国大学中仅次于教授的)高级讲师(reader);(美国大学的)助教;电子阅读器,电子识读机;缩微软片阅读机;(出版社的)审稿人,审阅人;校对人;抄表员;(基督教堂中)领读经文的信徒 【名】 (reader)(英)里德(人名);readers

7参考↓■Where, 在哪里?; ■craft, 工艺; ■workshops, 工作坊; ■coding, 编码; ■chess, 国际象棋; ■clubs, 俱乐部; ■alongside, 沿着; ■reading, 阅读; ■challenges, 挑战; ■author, 作者; ■events, 事件; ■Rhyme, 押韵; ■times, 时间; ■offer, 提供; ■desperately, 绝望; ■needed, 需要; ■company, 公司; ■isolated, 孤立的; ■parents, 父母; ■stimulation, 刺激; ■children, 儿童; ■Libraries, 图书馆; ■lifeline, 生命线; ■those, 那些; ■unable, 不能的; ■unwilling, 不情愿的; ■spend, 花费; ■Sally, 萨利; ■Rooney, 鲁尼; ■novel, 小说; ■don’t, 不要; ■access, 接近; ■internet, 互联网; ■printer, 打印机; ■struggle, 斗争; ■English, 英语; ■can’t, 不能; ■winter, 冬天; ■libraries, 图书馆; ■simply, 简单地; ■somewhere, 在某处; ■borrow, 借; ■books, 书; ■don’t, 不要; ■spend, 花费; ■whole, 整体; ■there, 那里;

Where else can you find craft workshops, Lego, coding and chess clubs alongside reading challenges and author events, all for free? Rhyme times offer desperately needed company to isolated parents, as well as stimulation for children. Libraries can be a lifeline, not just to those unable, or unwilling, to spend £20 on the new Sally Rooney novel. If you don’t have access to the internet or a printer, if you struggle with English or can’t keep warm in winter, libraries are not simply somewhere to borrow books. And you don’t even need to buy a cup of tea to spend a whole day there.

你还能在哪里找到手工艺工作坊、乐高积木、编程和国际象棋俱乐部,以及阅读挑战和作家活动,而且全部都是免费的?押韵时间为孤单的父母提供了急需的陪伴,也为孩子们提供了刺激。图书馆可以成为一条生命线,而不仅仅是那些无法或不愿意花 20 英镑购买新 Sally Rooney 小说的人。如果你无法上网或没有打印机,如果你英语不好或在冬天无法保暖,那么图书馆就不仅仅是借书的地方了。你甚至不需要买一杯茶就可以在那里度过一整天。

20. craft [krɑːft] n. 工艺,手艺;船,艇,飞行器;诡计,骗术;行业,职业;手工艺品 v. 精心制作 【名】 (craft)(英、德、罗)克拉夫特(人名);crafts;craft;crafts;crafting;crafted;crafted

21. isolate [ˈaɪsəleɪt] v. 孤立,分离;隔离;单独考虑,区别看待;使(某物质、细胞等)分离 n. 被隔离的人(或物);(用于研究的)分离菌,隔离群 adj. 孤独的,孤立的;isolates;isolates;isolating;isolated;isolated

8参考↓■Homelessness, 无家可归; ■loneliness, 孤独; ■mental, 精神的; ■health, 健康; ■asylum, 庇护; ■support, 支持; ■childcare, 育儿; ■costs, 成本; ■illiteracy, 文盲; ■health, 健康; ■education, 教育; ■challenges, 挑战; ■libraries, 图书馆; ■scoop, 勺; ■other, 其他; ■services, 服务; ■vanished, 消失了; ■librarian’s, 图书管理员; ■extend, 延伸; ■counsellor, 辅导员; ■confidante, 红颜 知己; ■computer, 计算机; ■expert, 专家; ■paperwork, 文书工作; ■decoder, 解码器; ■libraries, 图书馆; ■Spellow’s, 斯佩洛; ■example, 例子; ■reinvented, 重新发明; ■essential, 本质的; ■services, 服务;

Homelessness, loneliness, mental health, asylum support, childcare costs, illiteracy and health education are some of the challenges that libraries help to scoop up as other services have vanished. A librarian’s job can extend to that of counsellor, confidante, computer expert and paperwork decoder. Some libraries – Spellow’s is an example – have been reinvented as hubs for essential services.


2. code [kəʊd] n. 密码,暗码;(邮政)编码,(电话)区号;(计算机)编码;道德准则,行为规范;法典,法规 v. 把……编码(或编号);把……译成密码;(给计算机)编写指令 【名】 (code)(英、法、西)科德(人名);codes;codes;coding;coded;coded

3. essential [ɪˈsenʃəl] adj. 必不可少的,非常重要的;基本的,精髓的;(氨基酸、脂肪酸)必需的;(疾病)自发的,原发的 n. 必不可少的东西,必需品;要素,本质;(某学科的)基础,基本知识;essentials

4. vanish [ˈvænɪʃ] v. 突然不见,消失;不复存在,灭绝;(数学)变为零;使不见,使消失 n. 弱化音;vanishes;vanishing;vanished;vanished

15. literacy [ˈlɪtərəsɪ] n. 识字,读写能力;专业知识;精通文学

22. extend [ɪksˈtend] v. 延伸;扩大,延长;持续;包括,波及;提供,表示;伸出;使竭尽全力;对……估价;extends;extending;extended;extended

9参考↓■cases, 案例; ■trained, 训练; ■librarians, 图书馆员; ■replaced, 已更换; ■volunteers, 志愿者; ■Kensal, Kensal; ■library, 图书馆; ■Smith, 史密斯; ■relied, 依赖; ■child, 小孩; ■reopened, 重新开放; ■community-run, 社区经营; ■endeavour, 努力; ■Volunteers, 志愿者; ■remarkable, 非凡的; ■success, 成功; ■running, 跑步; ■Sheffield, 谢菲尔德; ■libraries, 图书馆; ■concerns, 关注点; ■about, 关于; ■their, 他们的; ■long-term, 长期; ■future, 未来; ■persist, 坚持; ■overall, 总体的; ■financial, 金融的; ■picture, 相片; ■local, 地方的; ■authorities, 当局; ■gives, 给予; ■little, 小的; ■cause, 原因; ■optimism, 乐观 主义; ■several, 几个; ■warning, 警告; ■already, 已经; ■draining, 排水; ■their, 他们的; ■reserves, 储备; ■afloat, 漂浮;

In many cases, trained librarians have been replaced by volunteers. The Kensal Rise library that Smith relied on as a child reopened as a community-run endeavour. Volunteers have made a remarkable success of running 16 Sheffield libraries, but concerns about their long-term future persist. The overall financial picture for local authorities gives little cause for optimism, with several warning they are already draining their reserves to stay afloat.

在许多情况下,受过培训的图书管理员已被志愿者取代。史密斯小时候依赖的 Kensal Rise 图书馆重新开放,成为社区运营的事业。志愿者在管理 16 个谢菲尔德图书馆方面取得了显著成功,但人们对他们的长期前景的担忧仍然存在。地方当局的整体财务状况不容乐观,一些人警告说,他们已经在耗尽储备金来维持生计。

12. overall [ˈəʊvərɔːl] adj. 总的,全面的;所有的,包括一切的 adv. 全部,总共; 总的说来,大体上 n. (工作时穿的)罩衣;(上下连身的)工作服,防护服(overalls);背带工装裤(overalls);骑马裤,紧身制服裤(overalls);overalls

23. remarkable [rɪˈmɑːkəbl] adj. 引人注目的,非凡的

24. persist [pə(ː)ˈsɪst] v. 继续存在,持续;坚持,执意;坚持说,反复说;persists;persisting;persisted;persisted

25. financial [faɪˈnænʃəl, ˌfɪ-] adj. 财政的,金融的;有钱的;(俱乐部或社团成员)已缴费的 n. (组织或个人的)财务状况;金融公司股票

26. drain [dreɪn] v. (使)排出,滤干;喝光,喝干;使劳累,使疲惫;(使)逐渐消失;使降低,消耗;(通常指因惊吓或疾病而脸色)变苍白;漂亮地完成(投篮、射门等);将(球)轻击入穴 n. 下水道,排水管;流失,消耗;(将体内液体排走的)导管,引流管;(场效应晶体管的)漏极;使人疲倦的事物,负担 【名】 (drain)(英、美、法、加)德兰(人名);drains;drains;draining;drained;drained

10参考↓■their, 他们的; ■benefits, 福利; ■funding, 基金; ■libraries, 图书馆; ■never, 从未; ■priority, 优先; ■trumped, 被击败; ■urgent, 紧急的; ■demands, 要求; ■healthcare, 医疗保健; ■schools, 学校; ■properly, 适当地; ■resourced, 资源丰富; ■alleviate, 缓解; ■pressures, 压力; ■Campaigners, 活动人士; ■trying, 尝试; ■hammer, 铁锤; ■message, 消息; ■before, 之前; ■government, 政府; ■libraries, 图书馆; ■minister, 部长; ■Chris, 克里斯; ■Bryant, 布莱恩特; ■there, 那里; ■opportunity, 机会; ■reverse, 颠倒; ■decline, 下降; ■caused, 引起; ■years, 年; ■austerity, 紧缩政策; ■thing, 事情; ■libraries, 图书馆; ■don’t, 不要; ■words, 话; ■sustained, 持续的; ■substantial, 大量的; ■funding, 基金;

For all their benefits, funding for libraries is never a priority, trumped by the more urgent demands of healthcare and schools. And yet, properly resourced, they can help alleviate the pressures on both. Campaigners are trying to hammer that message home before it is too late. With a new government and a new libraries minister, Chris Bryant, there is an opportunity to reverse the decline caused by 14 years of austerity. One thing libraries don’t need is more words. They need sustained and substantial funding.

尽管图书馆有诸多好处,但资金从来都不是优先事项,医疗保健和学校的需求更为紧迫。然而,如果资源充足,图书馆可以帮助缓解这两个方面的压力。活动人士正试图在为时已晚之前将这一信息传达给公众。随着新政府和新图书馆部长克里斯·布莱恩特的上台,扭转 14 年紧缩政策造成的衰退的机会就来了。图书馆不需要更多的空谈。他们需要持续的大量资金。

27. fund [fʌnd] n. 基金,专款;资金,钱款;基金会;储备量 v. 资助,为……提供资金 【名】 (fund))(德)丰德(人名);funds;funds;funding;funded;funded

28. priority [praɪˈɒrɪtɪ] n. 优先事项,最重要的事;优先,优先权,重点;优先通行权 adj. 优先的;priorities

29. resource [rɪˈsɔːs] n. 自然资源;资源(指钱、物、人等);有助于实现目标的东西,资料;(对付困境所需的)个人素质(resources);(逆境中的)出路,应付办法; 谋略,智谋 v. 向……提供资金(或设备);resources;resources;resourcing;resourced;resourced

30. alleviate [əˈlɪːvɪeɪt] v. 减轻,缓和;alleviates;alleviating;alleviated;alleviated

31. opportunity [ˌɒpəˈtjuːnɪtɪ] n. 时机,机会;opportunities

32. reverse [rɪˈvɜːs] v. 逆转,彻底改变(决定、政策、趋势等);撤销,推翻(法庭判决);颠倒,反转;交换,互换(位置、功能);承认错误,放弃(立场);倒(车);(发动机)反向运转;打对方付费的电话;使(铅字,图案)印成白或浅色 n. 相对,相反(the reverse);逆向,逆转;倒车挡;失败,挫折;反面,背面;(翻开的书)左手页,(活页文件的)背面;(硬币或奖牌)反面图案(或刻字);(美式橄榄球)反向传球,变位传球 adj. 相反的,反向的;背面的,反面的;(半导体结的外加电压)反向的;(地层)逆断的,冲断的;反身的;reverses;reverses;reversing;reversed;reversed

33. sustain [səsˈteɪn] v. 维持,保持;维持……的生命;遭受,经受;(在体力或精神方面)支持,支撑;承受住……的重量;证实,证明;认可,赞成,确认;(演员)充分表演(角色,人物),扮演 n. (乐)延音;sustains;sustaining;sustained;sustained

34. substantial [səbˈstænʃəl] adj. 大量的,价值巨大的;牢固的,结实的;基本的,实质性的;(饭菜)丰盛的;重要的,真实的;有地位的,富有的 n. 重要材料


