0参考↓■Expands, 扩展; ■Athletes, 运动员;
In the Slow Zone: When Time Expands for Athletes
1参考↓■athletes, 运动员; ■experience, 经验; ■dramatic, 戏剧性的; ■slowing, 减速;
Why do some athletes experience a dramatic slowing of time?
1. dramatic [drəˈmætɪk] adj. 巨大而突然的,急剧的;激动人心的,引人注目的,给人深刻印象的;有关戏剧的,戏剧表演的;夸张的
2参考↓■Updated, 已更新; ■October, 十月; ■Abigail, 阿比盖尔; ■Fagan, 费根;
Updated October 29, 2024/Reviewed by Abigail Fagan
3参考↓■athletes, 运动员; ■report, 报告; ■extreme, 极端; ■slowing, 减速; ■expansion, 膨胀; ■linked, 链接; ■altered, 改变了的; ■states, 各州; ■consciousness, 意识; ■which, 哪一个; ■athletes, 运动员; ■attain, 得到; ■through, 通过; ■intense, 强烈的; ■absorption, 吸收率; ■ability, 能力; ■greatness, 伟大; ■sport, 运动;
Some athletes report an extreme slowing down of time. Time expansion is linked to altered states of consciousness, which athletes attain through intense absorption. The ability to slow down time may be a key to greatness in sport.
2. expansion [ɪksˈpænʃən] n. 扩大,扩张;扩充,展开;扩张物;膨胀;expansions
3. alter [ˈɔːltə] v. 改变; (使)更改; 改动; 修改(衣服使更合身);alters;altering;altered;altered
4. attain [əˈteɪn] v. 获得,实现;达到;attains;attaining;attained;attained
5. intense [ɪnˈtens] adj. 很大的,十分强烈的;严肃紧张的,激烈的;热情的,热切的;专注的,认真的;intenser
4参考↓■British, 英国的; ■racing, 赛车; ■driver, 司机; ■named, 命名; ■Hughes, 休斯; ■greatest, 最大的; ■began, 开始; ■right, 正确的; ■other, 其他; ■front, 前面; ■Somehow, 不知怎么的; ■managed, 管理; ■overtake, 赶上; ■finishing, 完成; ■third, 第三的; ■While, 虽然; ■driving, 驱动; ■Hughes, 休斯; ■strange, 奇怪的; ■sense, 感觉; ■detachment, 分离; ■watching, 看; ■outside, 外部; ■peculiar, 特有的; ■sense, 感觉; ■timelessness, 永恒性; ■described, 描述; ■funny, 有趣的; ■sounds, 声音; ■weird, 奇怪的; ■unconnected, 未连接; ■really, 真正地; ■could, 能够; ■analyse, 分析; ■look1, 外观1;
In 1994, a British racing driver named Mark Hughes had “one of the greatest days in my life” when he began a race right at the back of the grid, with 25 other cars in front of him. Somehow he managed to overtake 23 cars, finishing third. While driving, Hughes felt a strange sense of detachment, as if he was watching from outside his body. He also felt a peculiar sense of timelessness. As he described it, “It’s funny and it sounds weird but it felt unconnected to time … It’s not really time …You felt you could go back, analyse and have a look.”1
6. overtake [ˈəʊvəˈteɪk] v. 追上, 赶上并超过(汽车或人);(发展或增长)超越,超过;突然降临于,意外发生在;(情感等)压倒,使难以承受;overtakes;overtaking;overtook;overtaken
7. peculiar [pɪˈkjuːljə] adj. 奇怪的,不寻常的;特别的,独特的;不舒服的 n. 特殊教区(或教堂);特权,特有财产;peculiars
8. weird [wɪəd] adj. 奇怪的,不寻常的;怪异的,超自然的 n. 命运;预言者 v. 使心生疑惑,使感到疏远;weirder;weirds;weirding;weirded;weirded
5参考↓■racing, 赛车; ■drivers, 司机; ■reported, 报道; ■similar, 类似的; ■experiences, 经验; ■Finnish, 芬兰语; ■driver, 司机; ■Häkkinen, 哈基宁; ■reported, 报道; ■driving, 驱动; ■Everything, 一切; ■becomes, 成为; ■motion, 运动; ■though, 虽然; ■you’re, 你是; ■going, 去; ■unbelievable, 难以置信; ■speed, 速度; ■around, 围绕; ■Monaco, 摩纳哥; ■track2, 轨道2; ■Scottish, 苏格兰人; ■driver, 司机; ■Jackie, 杰基; ■Stewart, 斯图尔特; ■competed, 竞争; ■Formula, 公式; ■during, 在期间; ■1960s, 1960年代; ■suggested, 建议; ■expansion, 膨胀; ■essential, 本质的; ■prerequisite, 先决条件; ■success, 成功; ■racing, 赛车; ■wrote, 写的; ■should, 应该; ■still, 仍然; ■clear, 清楚的; ■vision, 视野; ■almost, 几乎; ■motion, 运动; ■going, 去; ■through, 通过; ■corner, 角; ■brake, 刹车; ■recognize, 认出; ■amount, 数量; ■drift3, 漂流3;
Many racing drivers have reported similar experiences. The Finnish driver Mika Häkkinen reported that, when driving at his best, “Everything becomes like slow motion — even though you’re going at unbelievable speed around the Monaco track.”2 The Scottish driver Jackie Stewart, who competed in Formula 1 during the 1960s and 70s, even suggested that time expansion is the essential prerequisite for success in racing. As he wrote, “At 195 mph, you should still have a very clear vision, almost in slow motion, of going through that corner — so that you have time to brake, time to line the car up, time to recognize the amount of drift.”3
许多赛车手都有类似的经历。芬兰车手米卡·海基宁(Mika Häkkinen)报告说,当他以最佳状态驾驶时,“一切都变得像慢动作一样——即使你在摩纳哥赛道上以难以置信的速度行驶。”2苏格兰车手杰基·斯图尔特(Jackie Stewart)在20世纪60年代和70年代参加了一级方程式赛车比赛,他甚至表示,时间的延长是赛车成功的必要前提。正如他所写,“在195英里/小时的速度下,你仍然应该有一个非常清晰的视野,几乎是在慢动作中,穿过那个拐角——这样你就有时间刹车,有时间把车排好,有时间认识到漂移的程度。”3
2. expansion [ɪksˈpænʃən] n. 扩大,扩张;扩充,展开;扩张物;膨胀;expansions
9. motion [ˈməʊʃən] n. 运动,移动;手势,动作;提议,议案;排便,大便;转动的机械装置;(当庭提出裁决或命令的)请求,申请 v. 打手势,示意;motions;motions;motioning;motioned;motioned
10. formula [ˈfɔːmjələ] n. 计划,方案;配方,处方;公式,方程式;分子式,结构式;配方奶,代乳品;(特定场合的)惯用词语,套话;(影片、书籍等的)套路;formulas;formulae
11. essential [ɪˈsenʃəl] adj. 必不可少的,非常重要的;基本的,精髓的;(氨基酸、脂肪酸)必需的;(疾病)自发的,原发的 n. 必不可少的东西,必需品;要素,本质;(某学科的)基础,基本知识;essentials
12. vision [ˈvɪʒən] n. 幻想,想象;幻觉,幻象;构想,展望;眼力,远见卓识;视力,视觉;视野;美好的人(或事物);(电视或电影的)图像 v. 想像;visions;visions;visioning;visioned;visioned
6参考↓■Expansion, 扩张; ■Other, 其他; ■Sports, 体育;
Time Expansion in Other Sports
2. expansion [ɪksˈpænʃən] n. 扩大,扩张;扩充,展开;扩张物;膨胀;expansions
7参考↓■expansion, 膨胀; ■experiences, 经验; ■refer, 参考; ■short, 短的; ■common, 常见的; ■other, 其他; ■sports, 体育; ■American, 美国人; ■sprinter, 短跑运动员; ■Steve, 史蒂夫; ■Williams, 威廉姆斯; ■equalled, 相等; ■men’s, 男士; ■200-metre, 200米; ■world, 世界; ■records, 记录; ■1970s, 1970年代; ■described, 描述; ■running, 跑步; ■seconds, 秒数; ■seems, 似乎; ■switches, 开关; ■motion4, 运动4;
Time expansion experiences, as I refer to them, or TEEs for short, are common in other sports too. The American sprinter Steve Williams — who equalled the men’s 100- and 200-metre world records in the 1970s — described how, when he was running well, “10 seconds seems like 60. Time switches to slow motion.”4
2. expansion [ɪksˈpænʃən] n. 扩大,扩张;扩充,展开;扩张物;膨胀;expansions
9. motion [ˈməʊʃən] n. 运动,移动;手势,动作;提议,议案;排便,大便;转动的机械装置;(当庭提出裁决或命令的)请求,申请 v. 打手势,示意;motions;motions;motioning;motioned;motioned
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8参考↓■research, 研究; ■experience, 经验; ■hockey, 曲棍球; ■player, 运动员; ■which, 哪一个; ■seemed, 似乎; ■about, 关于; ■minutes, 分钟; ■occurred, 发生; ■space, 空间; ■about, 关于; ■eight, 八; ■seconds, 秒数; ■measured, 仔细斟酌的; ■Similarly, 同样地; ■described, 描述; ■table, 桌子; ■tennis, 网球; ■suddenly, 突然; ■turned, 转动; ■motion, 运动; ■could, 能够; ■flight, 航班; ■perfectly, 完美; ■anticipating, 期待; ■precise, 精确的; ■bounce, 反弹; ■position, 位置; ■hands, 手; ■wrist, 手腕; ■perfect, 太好了!; ■returns5, 退货5;
In my own research, I cite the experience of an ice hockey player for whom “The play which seemed to last for about 10 minutes all occurred in the space of about eight seconds [of measured time].” Similarly, a man described a game of table tennis that suddenly “turned into slow motion … I could see the ball and its flight and spin perfectly, anticipating its precise bounce, and position my body, arm, hands and wrist to hit perfect returns.”5
9. motion [ˈməʊʃən] n. 运动,移动;手势,动作;提议,议案;排便,大便;转动的机械装置;(当庭提出裁决或命令的)请求,申请 v. 打手势,示意;motions;motions;motioning;motioned;motioned
13. cite [saɪt] v. 引用,援引;引证,引以为例;传唤,传讯;嘉奖,表彰 n. 引用,引文;cites;cites;citing;cited;cited
14. spin [spɪn] v. (使)快速旋转;(使)急转身;(头感到)眩晕;纺纱,纺织;飞驰,疾驰;编故事;有倾向性地陈述;(用甩干机或洗衣机)甩干(衣服);(昆虫)吐(丝),结(网);(用旋式诱饵)钓鱼;播放(唱片);抛(硬币);(球)旋转;(用车床将金属薄板)旋压成形 n. 高速旋转;兜风;带倾向性的解释(或说法);(政治上的)倾向性报道;(尤指板球、网球、斯诺克球中的)旋转球;(飞机的)旋冲,螺旋下降;晕头转向,焦虑不安;(物理)核素总角动量;spins;spins;spinning;spun;spun
16. precise [prɪˈsaɪs] adj. 精确的,准确的;恰好的,确切的;(人)严格的,一丝不苟的
17. bounce [baʊns] v. 弹起,反弹;跳动,蹦;(使)上下晃动;(用膝盖)颠动(孩子);蹦蹦跳跳地去;拒付,退回(支票等);退回(电子邮件);驱逐,解雇;(向某人)透露主意(以试探其反应);反复跳槽,来回往返某地;(光线或声音)反射;撞击,碰撞 n. 弹跳,跳动;弹性,弹力;活力,精力;(头发的)弹性,蓬松;突然的增长;bounces;bounces;bouncing;bounced;bounced
18. wrist [rɪst] n. 手腕,腕关节;(四足动物前腿的)膝关节,(鸟翅膀的)腕;袖口,腕部;(机器的)曲柄销,肘节销;wrists
9参考↓■Access, 访问权限; ■Expansion, 扩张;
Easy Access to Time Expansion
2. expansion [ɪksˈpænʃən] n. 扩大,扩张;扩充,展开;扩张物;膨胀;expansions
10参考↓■Expansion, 扩张; ■Experiences, 经验; ■suggest, 建议; ■proportion, 比例; ■extraordinary, 非凡的; ■athletes, 运动员; ■access, 接近; ■expansion, 膨胀; ■experiences, 经验; ■example, 例子; ■baseball, 棒球; ■player, 运动员; ■Williams, 威廉姆斯; ■whose, 谁的; ■career, 职业; ■Williams, 威廉姆斯; ■usually, 通常; ■regarded, 视为; ■greatest, 最大的; ■hitters, 击球手; ■highest, 最高; ■on-base, 在基地; ■percentage, 百分比; ■baseball, 棒球; ■history, 历史; ■claimed, 声称; ■stitches, 缝线; ■toward, 朝向; ■described, 描述; ■sometimes, 有时; ■appeared, 出现; ■seemed, 似乎; ■beach, 海滩; ■floating, 浮动; ■toward, 朝向; ■motion, 运动;
In my book, Time Expansion Experiences, I suggest that a tiny proportion of extraordinary athletes have easy access to time expansion experiences. One example is the baseball player Ted Williams, whose career ran from 1939 to 1960. Williams is usually regarded as one of the greatest hitters (if not the best) ever, with the highest on-base percentage in baseball history (.482). He claimed to be able to see the stitches on the seam of the ball as it flew toward him at 100 mph. He described how the ball sometimes appeared to grow, so that it seemed like a beach ball floating toward him in slow motion.
2. expansion [ɪksˈpænʃən] n. 扩大,扩张;扩充,展开;扩张物;膨胀;expansions
9. motion [ˈməʊʃən] n. 运动,移动;手势,动作;提议,议案;排便,大便;转动的机械装置;(当庭提出裁决或命令的)请求,申请 v. 打手势,示意;motions;motions;motioning;motioned;motioned
19. proportion [prəˈpɔːʃən] n. 部分,份额;比例;正确的比例,均衡;大小,程度(proportions);(事情的)重要性,严重性;等比关系 v. 使(某物)成比例,使相称;分摊;proportions;proportions;proportioning;proportioned;proportioned
20. career [kəˈrɪə] n. 职业,事业;职业生涯;速度,行程 adj. 就业的,职业的;终身从事的 v. 猛冲;careers;careers;careering;careered;careered
21. claim [kleɪm] v. 声称,断言;索取,索要(钱);要求(拥有),认领;使丧生,致命;赢得,获得;值得,需要(花时间或精力) n. 声称,断言;索要,索赔;权利,所有权;要求得到的土地使用权;专利新特征申明;claims;claims;claiming;claimed;claimed
22. stitch [stɪtʃ] n. (缝纫的)针脚,一针;(缝合伤口的)缝线;缝纫法,编结法;(胁部)突然剧痛;(最少的)一件衣服,一块布;(编织的)一针 v. 缝,缝补;缝合(伤口);操纵局势使……处于劣势,陷害;stitches;stitches;stitching;stitched;stitched
23. seam [sɪːm] n. 缝;接缝 vt. 缝合;接合;使留下伤痕 vi. 裂开;产生裂缝;seams;seams;seaming;seamed;seamed
11参考↓■contemporary, 当代的; ■footballer, 足球运动员; ■Lionel, 莱昂内尔; ■Messi, 梅西; ■usually, 通常; ■described, 描述; ■player, 运动员; ■modern, 现代的; ■times, 时间; ■Messi, 梅西; ■renowned, 著名的; ■impossible, 不可能的; ■goals, 目标; ■physics, 物理学; ■threads, 螺纹; ■through, 通过; ■spaces, 空间; ■between, 之间; ■groups, 组; ■opponents, 反对者; ■curls, 卷发; ■acutely, 急性; ■other, 其他; ■player, 运动员; ■accelerates, 加速; ■decelerates, 减速; ■impossible, 不可能的; ■rapidity, 快速性; ■while, 虽然; ■keeping, 保持; ■fixed, 固定的; ■speed, 速度; ■ex-footballer, 前足球运动员; ■Ferdinand, 费迪南德; ■commented, 评论; ■insightfully, 有洞察力; ■Messi, 梅西; ■vision, 视野; ■slows, 减速; ■plays, 演奏; ■slow-motion, 慢动作; ■because, 因为; ■comes, 来; ■naturally, 自然地;
This may also be true of the contemporary footballer Lionel Messi, usually described as the best player of modern times. Messi is renowned for his “impossible” goals that seem to defy the laws of physics. He threads through tiny spaces between groups of opponents, curls the ball more acutely than any other player, accelerates and decelerates with impossible rapidity, all while keeping the ball fixed at high speed. As the ex-footballer Rio Ferdinand commented insightfully of Messi, “I just feel that in his own eyes and his own vision, the game just slows down for him. He plays in slow-motion because it comes to him so easy and so naturally.”
当代足球运动员莱昂内尔·梅西也可能如此,他通常被描述为现代最好的球员。梅西以他的“不可能”进球而闻名,这些进球似乎违反了物理定律。他穿过对手组之间的微小空间,比其他任何球员都更敏锐地弯曲球,以不可能的速度加速和减速,同时保持球高速固定。正如前足球运动员里奥·费迪南德(Rio Ferdinand)对梅西(Messi)的精辟评论所说:“我只是觉得,在他自己的眼中和自己的视野中,比赛对他来说只是放慢了速度。他以慢动作打球,因为这对他来说太容易了,太自然了。”
9. motion [ˈməʊʃən] n. 运动,移动;手势,动作;提议,议案;排便,大便;转动的机械装置;(当庭提出裁决或命令的)请求,申请 v. 打手势,示意;motions;motions;motioning;motioned;motioned
12. vision [ˈvɪʒən] n. 幻想,想象;幻觉,幻象;构想,展望;眼力,远见卓识;视力,视觉;视野;美好的人(或事物);(电视或电影的)图像 v. 想像;visions;visions;visioning;visioned;visioned
24. contemporary [kənˈtempərərɪ] adj. 当代的,现代的;同时期的,同时代的 n. 同时代的人;同龄人,同辈;contemporaries
25. defy [dɪˈfaɪ] v. 违抗,不服从;挑战,激;无法,难以(描述或理解);经受住,顶住;defies;defies;defying;defied;defied
26. curl [kɜːl] v. (使)弯曲,卷曲;(使)盘绕,(使)弯弯曲曲移动;边缘翘起;撇(嘴);参加冰壶运动 n. 鬈发,卷发;(头发的)卷曲;卷曲物,螺旋状物;(锻炼肌肉的)弯曲运动 【名】 (curl)(英)柯尔(人名);curls;curls;curling;curled;curled
27. accelerate [ækˈseləreɪt] v. (使)加快,促进;(车辆或驾驶者)加速;accelerates;accelerating;accelerated;accelerated
12参考↓■Explaining, 解释; ■Expansion, 扩张; ■Experiences, 经验;
Explaining Time Expansion Experiences
2. expansion [ɪksˈpænʃən] n. 扩大,扩张;扩充,展开;扩张物;膨胀;expansions
13参考↓■understanding, 理解力; ■altered, 改变了的; ■states, 各州; ■consciousness, 意识; ■normal, 正常的; ■perception, 感知; ■linked, 链接; ■normal, 正常的; ■state, 状态; ■consciousness, 意识; ■mildly, 温和; ■altered, 改变了的; ■states, 各州; ■passes, 通行证; ■quickly, 迅速地; ■during, 在期间; ■intense, 强烈的; ■altered, 改变了的; ■states, 各州; ■usually, 通常; ■expands, 扩展; ■dramatically, 戏剧性地; ■seems, 似乎; ■disappear, 消失; ■altogether, 总共; ■radical, 激进的; ■expansion, 膨胀; ■common, 常见的; ■feature, 特征; ■psychedelic, 迷幻药; ■drugs, 药物; ■accidents, 意外事故; ■emergencies, 紧急事件; ■sudden, 突然的; ■shock, 震惊; ■accident, 意外; ■disrupt, 扰乱; ■normal, 正常的; ■psychological, 心理的; ■processes, 过程; ■functions, 功能; ■causing, 造成; ■abrupt, 突然的; ■shift, 转移; ■consciousness, 意识;
In my view, the key to understanding TEEs is altered states of consciousness. Our normal time perception is linked to our normal state of consciousness. In some mildly altered states (such as flow) time passes very quickly. But during intense altered states, time usually expands dramatically, or seems to disappear altogether. This is why radical time expansion is a common feature of psychedelic drugs, and of accidents and emergencies. The sudden shock of an accident may disrupt our normal psychological processes and functions, causing an abrupt shift in consciousness.
1. dramatic [drəˈmætɪk] adj. 巨大而突然的,急剧的;激动人心的,引人注目的,给人深刻印象的;有关戏剧的,戏剧表演的;夸张的
2. expansion [ɪksˈpænʃən] n. 扩大,扩张;扩充,展开;扩张物;膨胀;expansions
3. alter [ˈɔːltə] v. 改变; (使)更改; 改动; 修改(衣服使更合身);alters;altering;altered;altered
5. intense [ɪnˈtens] adj. 很大的,十分强烈的;严肃紧张的,激烈的;热情的,热切的;专注的,认真的;intenser
28. radical [ˈrædɪkəl] adj. 根本的,彻底的;激进的,极端的; 顶呱呱的;全新的,不同凡响的;(增减)急剧的,大幅度的;(人,物)原本的,与生俱来的;(外科,医疗)根治的;(19世纪)自由党激进派的;(数)根式的,根号的;词根的;(植)根生的 n. 激进分子; 游离基,自由基;词根;(汉字)偏旁,部首;(数)根式;根号;radicals
29. disrupt [dɪsˈrʌpt] v. 中断,扰乱;彻底改变(某物)的结构,使(某物)的结构破裂;使瓦解,使分裂;disrupts;disrupting;disrupted;disrupted
30. abrupt [əˈbrʌpt] adj. 突然的,意外的;粗鲁的,唐突的,(言语)生硬的;险峻的,陡峭的;(讲话或写作风格)不流畅的,不连贯的
31. shift [ʃɪft] v. (使)移动,(使)转移;(使)转换到(另一个人或另一事物);(使)改变意见(或信仰等);赶快;换(挡);(计算机)移位;按(计算机键盘上的)shift 键;摆脱,消除;(尤指大量)销售,出售;狼吞虎咽地吃;含糊其辞,拐弯抹角 n. 改变,转变;轮班工作时间;轮班工作的人;(计算机键盘上的)shift 键;(计算机)移位;(机动车的)换挡装置;宽松直筒连衣裙(=shift dress);长而宽松的内衣;(建筑)错位;(美橄)(开赛前)球员位置的变换;(天文)(光谱线的)偏移;语音演变(soun. shift 的简称);计谋,诡计;shifts;shifts;shifting;shifted;shifted
14参考↓■sport, 运动; ■intense, 强烈的; ■altered, 改变了的; ■states, 各州; ■occur, 发生; ■super-absorption, 超强吸收; ■Absorption, 吸收; ■normally, 正常地; ■makes, 使; ■faster, 更快; ■However, 然而; ■becomes, 成为; ■especially, 尤其地; ■intense, 强烈的; ■period, 期间; ■sustained, 持续的; ■concentration, 浓度; ■opposite, 相反的; ■occurs, 发生; ■cases, 案例; ■athlete, 运动员; ■builds, 构建; ■concentration, 浓度; ■gradually, 逐步地; ■course, 课程; ■contest, 竞赛; ■racing, 赛车; ■driver, 司机; ■golfer, 高尔夫球手; ■concentrate, 集中; ■hours, 小时; ■eventually, 最后; ■attaining, 达到; ■state, 状态; ■intense, 强烈的; ■absorption, 吸收率; ■meditation, 冥想; ■which, 哪一个; ■person, 人; ■gradually, 逐步地; ■focuses, 焦点; ■their, 他们的; ■attaining, 达到; ■deeper, 更深的; ■states, 各州; ■stillness, 寂静; ■well-being, 幸福感; ■other, 其他; ■cases, 案例; ■athlete, 运动员; ■shifts, 轮班; ■quickly, 迅速地; ■super-absorption, 超强吸收; ■during, 在期间; ■critical, 批评的; ■period, 期间; ■example, 例子; ■their, 他们的; ■losing, 失败的; ■making, 制作; ■concerted, 协同一致; ■effort, 努力; ■catch, 抓住; ■final, 最终的; ■minutes, 分钟; ■scores, 分数; ■close, 关闭;
In sport, intense altered states occur due to what I call “super-absorption.” Absorption normally makes time pass faster, as in flow. However, when it becomes especially intense, over a long period of sustained concentration, the opposite occurs. In some cases, an athlete builds up concentration gradually over the course of a game or contest. A racing driver or a golfer may concentrate hard for hours, eventually attaining a state of intense absorption. Here the game is akin to a meditation, in which a person gradually focuses their mind, attaining deeper states of stillness and well-being. In other cases, an athlete shifts quickly into super-absorption during a critical period of a game — for example, when they (or their team) are losing and making a concerted effort to catch up or in the final minutes of a game when scores are tied or close.
3. alter [ˈɔːltə] v. 改变; (使)更改; 改动; 修改(衣服使更合身);alters;altering;altered;altered
4. attain [əˈteɪn] v. 获得,实现;达到;attains;attaining;attained;attained
5. intense [ɪnˈtens] adj. 很大的,十分强烈的;严肃紧张的,激烈的;热情的,热切的;专注的,认真的;intenser
31. shift [ʃɪft] v. (使)移动,(使)转移;(使)转换到(另一个人或另一事物);(使)改变意见(或信仰等);赶快;换(挡);(计算机)移位;按(计算机键盘上的)shift 键;摆脱,消除;(尤指大量)销售,出售;狼吞虎咽地吃;含糊其辞,拐弯抹角 n. 改变,转变;轮班工作时间;轮班工作的人;(计算机键盘上的)shift 键;(计算机)移位;(机动车的)换挡装置;宽松直筒连衣裙(=shift dress);长而宽松的内衣;(建筑)错位;(美橄)(开赛前)球员位置的变换;(天文)(光谱线的)偏移;语音演变(soun. shift 的简称);计谋,诡计;shifts;shifts;shifting;shifted;shifted
32. sustain [səsˈteɪn] v. 维持,保持;维持……的生命;遭受,经受;(在体力或精神方面)支持,支撑;承受住……的重量;证实,证明;认可,赞成,确认;(演员)充分表演(角色,人物),扮演 n. (乐)延音;sustains;sustaining;sustained;sustained
33. concentration [ˌkɒnsenˈtreɪʃən] n. 专心,专注;关注,重视;集中,聚集;含量,浓度;concentrations
34. contest [ˈkɒntest] n. 比赛,竞赛;争夺,竞争;争论,争执 v. 争辩,提出异议;争取赢得,角逐;contests;contests;contesting;contested;contested
35. meditation [medɪˈteɪʃən] n. 冥想;沉思,深思;静坐;meditations
36. critical [ˈkrɪtɪkəl] adj. 批判的,爱挑剔的;极其重要的,关键的;严重的,危急的;病重的,重伤的;评论性的,评论家的;临界的
15参考↓■certain, 某些; ■pitch, 抛; ■concentration, 浓度; ■through, 通过; ■portal, 门户; ■different, 不同的; ■domain, 域名; ■passing, 经过; ■through, 通过; ■estuary, 河口; ■ocean, 海洋; ■different, 不同的; ■domain, 域名; ■expands, 扩展; ■dramatically, 戏剧性地;
It’s as if, at a certain pitch of concentration, we pass through a portal into a different domain, like a ship passing through an estuary into the wide ocean. And in this different domain, time expands dramatically.
1. dramatic [drəˈmætɪk] adj. 巨大而突然的,急剧的;激动人心的,引人注目的,给人深刻印象的;有关戏剧的,戏剧表演的;夸张的
33. concentration [ˌkɒnsenˈtreɪʃən] n. 专心,专注;关注,重视;集中,聚集;含量,浓度;concentrations
37. pitch [pɪtʃ] n. 体育场地,球场;(感情或活动的)激烈,强烈;(音符的)高低度,音高;推销用语;(棒球中的)投,掷;沥青,柏油;摊位,(街头艺人的)表演场所;(船或飞机的)颠簸;(尤指屋顶的)倾斜度;(登山)(尤指很陡的)坡段;(鹰扑向猎物前向上攀飞的)高度;(高尔夫)下旋高球(pitch shot);(板球)弹跳点(pitch of the ball);露营地;(技)螺距,节距;印刷密度,打印密度 v. 投,掷,扔;(棒球中)投(球);触地,(使球)定点落地;(使)跌倒(猛然移动);(船、飞机)上下颠簸;把……定于某水平;使(产品)针对,面向;推销,争取支持(或生意等);定音高;向下倾斜; 支,搭(帐篷);击出大曲线球,击高球;(板球)固定球门(准备比赛);(球)弹起;用石头铺(路);迫使……进入(新的境地);(酿酒用语)给(麦芽汁)加酵母;盖上沥青,涂上沥青;pitches;pitches;pitching;pitched;pitched
38. domain [dəʊˈmeɪn] n. 领域,范围;领土,势力范围;(因特网上的)域;(函数的)定义域;地产 【名】 (domain)(英、法)多曼(人名);domains
16参考↓■factors, 因素; ■contribute, 贡献; ■sporting, 体育; ■ability, 能力; ■example, 例子; ■physical, 身体的; ■fitness, 健身; ■strength, 力量; ■technical, 技术的; ■skill, 技能; ■tactical, 战术; ■knowledge, 知识; ■perhaps, 也许; ■extraordinary, 非凡的; ■sporting, 体育; ■ability, 能力; ■capacity, 容量; ■enter, 进入; ■altered, 改变了的; ■state, 状态; ■consciousness, 意识; ■through, 通过; ■intense, 强烈的; ■absorption, 吸收率; ■important, 重要的; ■feature, 特征; ■altered, 改变了的; ■state, 状态; ■terms, 条款; ■contributing, 贡献; ■higher, 较高的; ■level, 水平; ■performance, 演出; ■expansion, 膨胀;
Many factors contribute to sporting ability — for example, physical fitness, strength, technical skill, and tactical knowledge. But perhaps the main key to extraordinary sporting ability is the capacity to enter an altered state of consciousness, through intense absorption. And the most important feature of this altered state — in terms of contributing to a higher level of performance — is time expansion.
2. expansion [ɪksˈpænʃən] n. 扩大,扩张;扩充,展开;扩张物;膨胀;expansions
3. alter [ˈɔːltə] v. 改变; (使)更改; 改动; 修改(衣服使更合身);alters;altering;altered;altered
5. intense [ɪnˈtens] adj. 很大的,十分强烈的;严肃紧张的,激烈的;热情的,热切的;专注的,认真的;intenser
39. factor [ˈfæktə] n. 因素,要素;等级,系数;因数,因子;遗传因子,基因;(血液中的)凝血因子;代理公司,代理商;地产管理人,管家;测量水平 v. 把……作为因素计入,把……包括在内(factor in);把……作为因素排除,不把……包括在内(factor out);将……分解为因子;代理经营,(代管)产业;做代理商 【名】 (factor)(英)法克特(人名);factors;factors;factoring;factored;factored
40. capacity [kəˈpæsɪtɪ] n. 能力,才能;容积,容纳能力;职位,职责;功率,容积;生产量,生产能力 adj. 无虚席的,满场的;capacities