外刊双语比阅:人类神经科学正在进入一个新时代——它不能忘记它的人性维度 | 自然杂志

教育   2024-08-28 07:57   山东  

备考加油 一战成硕

Human neuroscience is entering a new era — it mustn’t forget its human dimension

The field is taking a leap forward thanks to innovative technologies, such as artificial intelligence. Researchers must improve consent procedures and public involvement.


1. era [ˈɪərə] n. 时代,年代,纪元 【名】 (era)(意、芬、印)埃拉(人名)

2. dimension [dɪˈmenʃən] n. 大小,尺寸;(空间的)维度;范围,规模;方面,部分 v. 切削(或制作)成特定尺寸;标出尺寸;dimensions;dimensions;dimensioning;dimensioned;dimensioned

3. leap [lɪːp] v. 猛冲,突然而迅速地移动;剧增,猛涨;赶紧抓住(机会);(心)猛跳;跳,跳跃 n. 跳跃,跳高;骤变,激增;(对新事物的)认真尝试 【名】 (leap)(美、法、英)莱亚(人名);leaps;leaps;leaping;leapt;leaped;leapt;leaped

4. consent [kənˈsent] n. 许可,允许;同意,赞同;正式批准文件,批文 v. 赞同,准许,同意 【名】 (consent)(美、法、荷)孔桑(人名);consents;consents;consenting;consented;consented

5. procedure [prəˈsɪːdʒə] n. 手续,步骤;(商业、法律或政治上的)程序;外科手术;(电脑的)应用程式;procedures

6. crucial [ˈkruːʃɪəl, ˈkruːʃəl] adj. 至关重要的,决定性的;极好的

7. enable [ɪˈneɪbl] v. 使能够,使可能;激活,启动;准许,授权;enables;enabling;enabled;enabled

8. involve [ɪnˈvɒlv] v. 牵涉,涉及;包含,需要;使陷入,使卷入;(使)参加,加入;使承担,使面对;involves;involving;involved;involved

9. assume [əˈsjuːm] v. 假定,假设,认为;装出,做出;承担,就职;呈现,具有;夺取,篡夺;assumes;assuming;assumed;assumed

10. issue [ˈɪsjuː] n. 议题,争论点;(报纸、杂志等的)期,号;发放,分配;(新股票或邮票等的)发行;子女,后嗣;流出,发出;结果,后果 v. 发表,颁布;分发,分配;正式发行;流出,发出;由……产生,由……得出;issues;issues;issuing;issued;issued

11. highlight [ˈhaɪlaɪt] v. 突出,强调;用亮色突出;挑染 n. 最好(或最精彩、最激动人心)的部分;挑染的头发;强光部分;highlights;highlights;highlighting;highlighted;highlighted

12. opportunity [ˌɒpəˈtjuːnɪtɪ] n. 时机,机会;opportunities

13. undergo [ˌʌndəˈgəʊ] v. 经历,经受;undergoes;undergoing;underwent;undergone

14. surgery [ˈsɜːdʒərɪ] n. 外科手术;诊所;(议员的)接待时间;应诊时间;手术室;surgeries

15. perceive [pəˈsɪːv] vt. 认为,理解;察觉,注意到;意识到;perceives;perceiving;perceived;perceived

16. circuit [ˈsɜːkɪt] n. 电路,回路;巡回活动,巡回地;环道,环线;巡回赛;赛车道;(英国)巡回审判区,巡回上诉法院;(一套)体操动作;统一经营的连锁剧院(或影院) v. (绕……)环行;circuits;circuits;circuiting;circuited;circuited

17. gene [dʒɪːn] n. 基因,遗传因子;genes

18. species [ˈspɪːʃɪz] n. (动植物的)种,物种;种类;(具有相同特征的)一类人;(化学,物理)核素;(圣餐中用的)面包和圣酒 adj. 原种的;species

19. cognitive [ˈkɒgnɪtɪv] adj. 认识的,认知的

20. evolve [ɪˈvɒlv] v. 进化,演化;逐步发展,逐渐演变;evolves;evolving;evolved;evolved

21. image [ˈɪmɪdʒ] n. 形象,印象;影像,映像,图像;比喻,意象;画像,塑像,雕像;酷似另一个人的人;(人或事物)外形,外表;像点;硬盘备份;(圣经)偶像 v. 作……的像,描绘……的形象;(以探测器或电磁束)扫描出……的直观图;幻想,想像 【名】 (image)(法)伊马热(人名);images;images;imaging;imaged;imaged

22. learning [ˈlɜːnɪŋ] n. 学习;知识,学问 v. 得知,获悉;学习,学会;认识到,从……吸取教训(learn 的现在分词形式)

23. perspective [pəˈspektɪv] n. (观察问题的)视角,观点;透视(画)法;(几何)透视关系,投影比例;洞察力,判断力;景观,远景;角度;(声音)立体效果 adj. 透视的;perspectives

24. desirable [dɪˈzaɪərəbl] adj. 令人向往的,值得拥有的;可取的;性感的 n. 称心合意的人(或物),好的品质;desirables

25. outcome [ˈaʊtkʌm] n. 结果,效果;outcomes

26. disorder [dɪsˈɔːdə] n. 混乱,杂乱;骚乱,动乱;紊乱,疾病 v. 打乱,使紊乱;disorders;disorders;disordering;disordered;disordered

27. sufficient [səˈfɪʃənt] adj. 足够的,充足的;(理由、条件)充足的,充分的

28. generate [ˈdʒenəˌreɪt] v. 产生,引起;generates;generating;generated;generated

29. effective [ɪˈfektɪv] adj. 产生预期结果的,有效的;实际的,事实上的;(法律、规则等)生效的,起作用的;给人深刻印象的 n. 实际可作战的士兵;effectives

30. therapy [ˈθerəpɪ] n. 治疗,疗法;心理治疗;(对身心健康)有裨益的活动;therapies

31. scale [skeɪl] n. 天平,磅秤;天平盘;天秤(星)座(the scales);等级,级别;刻度,标度;标尺,刻度尺;规模,范围;比例,比例尺;鳞,鳞片;鱼鳞状物;水垢;牙垢;音阶;(加热后金属上形成的)氧化皮;进位制;(摄影)影调范围 v. 改变(文字、图片)的尺寸大小;刮去(鱼鳞);攀登,翻越;剔除(牙垢);(尤指皮肤)生成鳞屑;(成片状)脱落,剥落;(数量,财产) 按一定比例调节;称得重量为;估算(树木的)产木材量 adj. (模型或复制品)按比例缩小的 【名】 (scale)(意)斯卡莱(人名);scales;scales;scaling;scaled;scaled

32. personality [ˌpɜːsəˈnælɪtɪ] n. 个性,性格;魅力,品格(如活力、友好、幽默等);(地方或事物的)特色;有突出个性的人;名人;personalities

33. cube [kjuːb] n. 立方体;立方,三次幂;小室,小房间 v. 使成立方;把(食物)切成小方块 【名】 (cube)(瑞典、德)库贝(人名);cubes;cubes;cubing;cubed;cubed

34. stem [stem] "n. (植物、灌木的)茎,干;(高脚酒杯的)柄脚;(语法中的)词干;烟斗柄;主干;船头,艏柱;(机械装置的)阀杆,导杆,棒;血统;(手表的)发条转柄;(文字的)干线,(音符的)符干;鸦片烟枪 v. 阻止,遏制;止住(液体的流动);起源于;去梗,去柄;(船)逆流而行;(滑雪)向外转动(滑雪屐)以便转弯(或减速);给……装柄 abbr. (stem)理工科的统称(science;stems;stems;stemming;stemmed;stemmed;"n. (植物、灌木的)茎,干;(高脚酒杯的)柄脚;(语法中的)词干;烟斗柄;主干;船头,艏柱;(机械装置的)阀杆,导杆,棒;血统;(手表的)发条转柄;(文字的)干线,(音符的)符干;鸦片烟枪 v. 阻止,遏制;止住(液体的流动);起源于;去梗,去柄;(船)逆流而行;(滑雪)向外转动(滑雪屐)以便转弯(或减速);给……装柄 abbr. (stem)理工科的统称(science; technology; engineering

35. resemble [rɪˈzembl] v. 像,与……相似;resembles;resembling;resembled;resembled

36. dignity [ˈdɪgnɪtɪ] n. 尊严,自尊;庄严,端庄,庄重;尊贵,高贵,高尚;高位,显职;dignities

37. declaration [ˌdekləˈreɪʃən] n. 声明,表白;申报(单);(板球)对一赛局结束的宣布;公告,宣告;declarations

38. participant [pɑːˈtɪsɪpənt] n. 参加者,参与者 adj. 参与的;participants

39. ensure [ɪnˈʃʊə] v. 确保,保证;保护,使安全;ensures;ensuring;ensured;ensured

40. source [sɔːs] n. 来源,出处;(问题的)原因,根源;消息人士,信息来源;河流源头,发源地;源(代)码;(电子)源极,电源;(技)源 v. (从某地)获得;找出……的来源 【名】 (source)(法)苏尔斯(人名);sources;sources;sourcing;sourced;sourced

41. fund [fʌnd] n. 基金,专款;资金,钱款;基金会;储备量 v. 资助,为……提供资金 【名】 (fund))(德)丰德(人名);funds;funds;funding;funded;funded

42. accord [əˈkɔːd] n. 协议,条约;符合,一致 v. 使受到,给予(某种待遇);(与……)一致,符合;accords;accords;according;accorded;accorded

43. vulnerable [ˈvʌlnərəb(ə)l] adj. (身体或精神)脆弱的,易受伤的;(事物、人或地方)易受攻击的,易受伤害的;易患病的;(桥牌)有局方的,有身价的

44. identify [aɪˈdentɪfaɪ] v. 认出,识别;查明,确认;发现;证明(身份),表明;认同,理解;认为……和……一致;和(某人)打成一片;identifies;identifying;identified;identified

45. finding [ˈfaɪndɪŋ] n. 结果,发现;判决,裁决;(制作服装、鞋子或首饰用的)一应小物件(或小工具) v. 找到,感到(fin. 的现在分词形式);findings

46. trace [treɪs] v. 查出,发现,追踪;追溯,追究;描绘(事物的过程或发展),记述;(尤指用手指、脚趾)画(图,线);勾画……的轮廓,勾勒;(用透明纸覆盖在地图、绘画等上)复制,描摹;(手指、嘴唇等)沿着……移动 n. 痕迹,遗迹,踪迹;微量,少许;描记图,扫描线;挽绳,缰绳;跟踪,追查;(大脑上的学习或记忆)痕迹,印迹;小径,小道;交线,迹线;(数)迹 【名】 (trace)(美)塔斯(人名);traces;traces;tracing;traced;traced

47. bias [ˈbaɪəs] n. 偏见,成见;偏好,天赋;倾向,趋势;斜纹;(统计)偏差,偏倚;偏重心球形;偏压,偏统 v. 使有偏见,使偏心;加偏压(或偏流)于 adj. 偏斜的 adv. 偏斜地 【名】 (bias)(英)拜厄斯,(法、德、葡、喀)比亚斯(人名);biases;biases;biasses;biasing;biassing;biased;biassed;biased;biassed

48. erroneous [ɪˈrəʊnjəs] adj. 错误的,不正确的

49. profile [ˈprəʊfaɪl] n. (人头部的)侧面(像),侧影;(某物的)外形,轮廓;(人、团体或组织的)简介,概况;(人或组织的)形象,姿态;纵断面,剖面;(地球表面纵断面的)轮廓(如河流走向);(舞台的)平面布景;(以数量形式记录事物特点的)曲线图,数据图表;(记载个人心理或行为特点、喜好等的)档案 v. 概述,扼要介绍;给……画侧面像,显出……侧面轮廓;显出……的轮廓(be profiled);(尤指用模板)铣出轮廓,使……成形;profiles;profiles;profiling;profiled;profiled

50. propose [prəˈpəʊz] v. 提议,建议;提出(理论或解释);提名,推荐;计划,打算;求婚;(向立法机构或委员会)提交(动议);提议祝(酒);proposes;proposing;proposed;proposed

51. approval [əˈpruːvəl] n. 称许,赞成;批准,许可;approvals

52. restrict [rɪsˈtrɪkt] v. 限制,控制(大小、数量、范围);限制(活动或行为),妨碍;约束,管束;(以法规)限制;封锁(消息);restricts;restricting;restricted;restricted

53. specify [ˈspesɪfaɪ] v. 明确指出;具体说明;把……列入说明书;specifies;specifying;specified;specified

54. implement [ˈɪmplɪmənt] v. 执行,贯彻;为……提供工具 n. 工具,器具;履行;手段;implements;implements;implementing;implemented;implemented

55. academic [ˌækəˈdemɪk] adj. 学业的,学术的;学校的,学院的;学业(成绩)优秀的,善于学习的;不切实际的,空谈的 n. 大学教师,学者;(学校或学院的)课程;大学生;academics

56. considerable [kənˈsɪdərəbl] adj. 相当大的,相当重要的;(人)显要的,值得尊敬的

57. current [ˈkʌrənt] adj. 现行的,当前的;通用的,流行的;最近的 n. 水流,气流;电流;思潮,趋势 【名】 (current)(英)柯伦特(人名);currents

58. reliance [rɪˈlaɪəns] n. 依靠,信任;被依赖的人(或物)

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Human neuroscience is entering a new era — it mustn’t forget its human dimension
The field is taking a leap forward thanks to innovative technologies, such as artificial intelligence. Researchers must improve consent procedures and public involvement.
In neuroscience, ‘Broca’s area’ is a well-known part of the brain that is crucial for speech production. It is named after the nineteenth-century physician-researcher who discovered it — Paul Broca. Less well known, however, is the person whose brain enabled Broca to do so. His name was Louis Victor Leborgne and he had lost his ability to speak at age 30.
Leborgne’s story reminds us why we must never ignore the people involved, assume they’ve consented or fail to acknowledge them appropriately — especially in an age when a lot of neuroscientific research involves humans.
This week’s issue of Nature includes several studies devoted to human neuroscience. They highlight the opportunities researchers have to study the human brain in never-before-seen detail. For example, single-neuron recordings of people who are awake while undergoing brain surgery are helping to explain how the brain produces and perceives speech. Similarly, atlases of brain-cell types, neural circuits and gene-expression maps have the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the cellular and molecular processes that underline behaviour and cognition.
These technologies are helping researchers to explore what sets the human brain apart from those of other species, and how its cognitive abilities have evolved. For example, the role of non-invasive imaging in learning about cognitive abilities is discussed in a Perspective article by Feline Lindhout at the Medical Research Council’s Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, UK, and her colleagues1. In another article, Evelina Fedorenko at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge and her colleagues also draw on this literature to argue that, in humans, language probably serves mainly as a communication tool rather than as a means for thinking or reasoning2 — and that language is not a prerequisite for complex thought.
One desirable outcome for human neuroscience would be to develop personalized treatments for neurological and psychiatric disorders, because translating the results of studies in animals has not proved successful or sufficient for generating effective therapies at scale. But in grasping these opportunities, researchers must keep in mind that the brain is different from other organs — it’s the seat of people’s memory, experiences and personality. When using the human brain — whether in small cubes removed during neurosurgery, or through 3D organoids made from stem cells and grown in cultures to resemble parts of the developing human brain — for research, scientists must consider the dignity and respect owed to the individuals concerned.
The 1964 Declaration of Helsinki is the basis of research ethics for studies involving humans. Participants are asked to complete a consent form before the start of a study. Researchers have to ensure participants are fully informed about the study’s goals and whether and how they will benefit from the research. Sources of funding should also be declared and a participant must be able to withdraw at any time. According to neuroethicist Judy Illes at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, ideally, consent should not be something that is done only once. It should be revisited during a study, so that participants can make informed decisions at different stages3. This is especially important for studies involving vulnerable people, because their circumstances might change during a study.
In another Perspective article, Tomasz Nowakowski at the University of California, San Francisco, and a team of neurosurgeons, neurologists and neuroscientists4 call on the neuroscience community to revisit these standards of ethical practice. A key challenge they identify is how to handle the ramifications of advances in machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI).
Researchers who use cell atlases, single-cell technologies and spatial-genomic analyses benefit hugely from AI and machine-learning algorithms when analysing large data sets. Yet, AI technologies have the potential to re-identify anonymized information by analysing vast data sets and finding patterns that trace back to individuals. AI models that analyse large data sets can also make predictions related to features of peoples’ behaviour and their cognitive abilities. This has the potential to cause harm, for example, through biased or erroneous profiling of people on the basis of their neurological data, says neuroethicist Karen Rommelfanger, founder of the Institute of Neuroethics, who is based in Atlanta, Georgia.
Nowakowski and his colleagues propose that researchers use controlled archives, access to which requires approval, and that they restrict data use to the conditions specified in consent forms. To implement such changes will require conversations between study participants, academic researchers and the companies that have a considerable role in the current AI advances. Informed-consent information will also need to change, to account for the risks of researchers’ increased reliance on AI tools.
The team is right to stress the need for improved standards in data ethics and sharing that are jointly created by scientists, private partners and the research participants. Without a doubt, human neuroscience is entering a new and important era. However, it can fulfil its goals of improving human experiences only when study participants are involved in discussions about the future of such research.

外刊双语剪 考研阅读精选 ↓↓


0参考↓■Human, 人类; ■neuroscience, 神经科学; ■entering, 套房; ■mustn’t, 禁止; ■forget, 忘记; ■human, 人类; ■dimension, 维;

Human neuroscience is entering a new era — it mustn’t forget its human dimension



1. era [ˈɪərə] n. 时代,年代,纪元 【名】 (era)(意、芬、印)埃拉(人名)

2. dimension [dɪˈmenʃən] n. 大小,尺寸;(空间的)维度;范围,规模;方面,部分 v. 切削(或制作)成特定尺寸;标出尺寸;dimensions;dimensions;dimensioning;dimensioned;dimensioned

1参考↓■field, 领域; ■taking, 拿; ■forward, 向前地; ■thanks, 谢谢; ■innovative, 创新; ■technologies, 技术; ■artificial, 人造的; ■intelligence, 智力; ■Researchers, 研究人员; ■improve, 改善; ■consent, 同意; ■procedures, 程序; ■public, 公众的; ■involvement, 参与;

The field is taking a leap forward thanks to innovative technologies, such as artificial intelligence. Researchers must improve consent procedures and public involvement.


3. leap [lɪːp] v. 猛冲,突然而迅速地移动;剧增,猛涨;赶紧抓住(机会);(心)猛跳;跳,跳跃 n. 跳跃,跳高;骤变,激增;(对新事物的)认真尝试 【名】 (leap)(美、法、英)莱亚(人名);leaps;leaps;leaping;leapt;leaped;leapt;leaped

4. consent [kənˈsent] n. 许可,允许;同意,赞同;正式批准文件,批文 v. 赞同,准许,同意 【名】 (consent)(美、法、荷)孔桑(人名);consents;consents;consenting;consented;consented

5. procedure [prəˈsɪːdʒə] n. 手续,步骤;(商业、法律或政治上的)程序;外科手术;(电脑的)应用程式;procedures

8. involve [ɪnˈvɒlv] v. 牵涉,涉及;包含,需要;使陷入,使卷入;(使)参加,加入;使承担,使面对;involves;involving;involved;involved

2参考↓■neuroscience, 神经科学; ■‘Broca’s, 布罗卡; ■area’, 区域'; ■well-known, 众所周知的; ■brain, 脑; ■crucial, 关键的; ■speech, 演讲; ■production, 生产; ■named, 命名; ■after, 之后; ■nineteenth-century, 十九世纪; ■physician-researcher, 医师研究员; ■discovered, 发现; ■Broca, 布罗卡; ■known, 已知; ■however, 然而; ■person, 人; ■whose, 谁的; ■brain, 脑; ■enabled, 启用; ■Broca, 布罗卡; ■Louis, 路易斯; ■Victor, 胜利者; ■Leborgne, 莱沃尔涅; ■ability, 能力; ■speak, 说话;

In neuroscience, ‘Broca’s area’ is a well-known part of the brain that is crucial for speech production. It is named after the nineteenth-century physician-researcher who discovered it — Paul Broca. Less well known, however, is the person whose brain enabled Broca to do so. His name was Louis Victor Leborgne and he had lost his ability to speak at age 30.


6. crucial [ˈkruːʃɪəl, ˈkruːʃəl] adj. 至关重要的,决定性的;极好的

7. enable [ɪˈneɪbl] v. 使能够,使可能;激活,启动;准许,授权;enables;enabling;enabled;enabled

3参考↓■Leborgne’s, Leborgne的; ■story, 故事; ■reminds, 提醒; ■never, 从未; ■ignore, 忽视; ■people, 人; ■involved, 卷入的; ■assume, 假定; ■they’ve, 他们已经; ■consented, 同意; ■acknowledge, 承认; ■appropriately, 适当; ■especially, 尤其地; ■neuroscientific, 神经科学; ■research, 研究; ■involves, 涉及; ■humans, 人类;

Leborgne’s story reminds us why we must never ignore the people involved, assume they’ve consented or fail to acknowledge them appropriately — especially in an age when a lot of neuroscientific research involves humans.


4. consent [kənˈsent] n. 许可,允许;同意,赞同;正式批准文件,批文 v. 赞同,准许,同意 【名】 (consent)(美、法、荷)孔桑(人名);consents;consents;consenting;consented;consented

8. involve [ɪnˈvɒlv] v. 牵涉,涉及;包含,需要;使陷入,使卷入;(使)参加,加入;使承担,使面对;involves;involving;involved;involved

9. assume [əˈsjuːm] v. 假定,假设,认为;装出,做出;承担,就职;呈现,具有;夺取,篡夺;assumes;assuming;assumed;assumed

4参考↓■week’s, 周; ■issue, 问题; ■Nature, 自然; ■includes, 包括; ■several, 几个; ■studies, 研究; ■devoted, 献身; ■human, 人类; ■neuroscience, 神经科学; ■highlight, 突出; ■opportunities, 机会; ■researchers, 研究人员; ■study, 学习; ■human, 人类; ■brain, 脑; ■never-before-seen, 从未见过; ■detail, 细节; ■example, 例子; ■single-neuron, 单神经元; ■recordings, 录音; ■people, 人; ■awake, 唤醒; ■while, 虽然; ■undergoing, 正在经历; ■brain, 脑; ■surgery, 外科手术; ■helping, 帮助; ■explain, 解释; ■brain, 脑; ■produces, 生产; ■perceives, 感知; ■speech, 演讲; ■Similarly, 同样地; ■atlases, 地图集; ■brain-cell, 脑细胞; ■types, 类型; ■neural, 神经; ■circuits, 电路; ■gene-expression, 基因表达; ■potential, 潜在的; ■revolutionize, 革命; ■understanding, 理解力; ■cellular, 细胞; ■molecular, 分子的; ■processes, 过程; ■underline, 下划线; ■behaviour, 行为学; ■cognition, 认知;

This week’s issue of Nature includes several studies devoted to human neuroscience. They highlight the opportunities researchers have to study the human brain in never-before-seen detail. For example, single-neuron recordings of people who are awake while undergoing brain surgery are helping to explain how the brain produces and perceives speech. Similarly, atlases of brain-cell types, neural circuits and gene-expression maps have the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the cellular and molecular processes that underline behaviour and cognition.


1. era [ˈɪərə] n. 时代,年代,纪元 【名】 (era)(意、芬、印)埃拉(人名)

10. issue [ˈɪsjuː] n. 议题,争论点;(报纸、杂志等的)期,号;发放,分配;(新股票或邮票等的)发行;子女,后嗣;流出,发出;结果,后果 v. 发表,颁布;分发,分配;正式发行;流出,发出;由……产生,由……得出;issues;issues;issuing;issued;issued

11. highlight [ˈhaɪlaɪt] v. 突出,强调;用亮色突出;挑染 n. 最好(或最精彩、最激动人心)的部分;挑染的头发;强光部分;highlights;highlights;highlighting;highlighted;highlighted

13. undergo [ˌʌndəˈgəʊ] v. 经历,经受;undergoes;undergoing;underwent;undergone

14. surgery [ˈsɜːdʒərɪ] n. 外科手术;诊所;(议员的)接待时间;应诊时间;手术室;surgeries

15. perceive [pəˈsɪːv] vt. 认为,理解;察觉,注意到;意识到;perceives;perceiving;perceived;perceived

16. circuit [ˈsɜːkɪt] n. 电路,回路;巡回活动,巡回地;环道,环线;巡回赛;赛车道;(英国)巡回审判区,巡回上诉法院;(一套)体操动作;统一经营的连锁剧院(或影院) v. (绕……)环行;circuits;circuits;circuiting;circuited;circuited

17. gene [dʒɪːn] n. 基因,遗传因子;genes

5参考↓■These, 这些; ■technologies, 技术; ■helping, 帮助; ■researchers, 研究人员; ■explore, 探索; ■human, 人类; ■brain, 脑; ■apart, 分开地; ■those, 那些; ■other, 其他; ■species, 物种; ■cognitive, 认知; ■abilities, 能力; ■evolved, 进化; ■example, 例子; ■non-invasive, 非侵入性; ■imaging, 成像; ■learning, 学习; ■about, 关于; ■cognitive, 认知; ■abilities, 能力; ■discussed, 讨论; ■Perspective, 观点; ■article, 文章; ■Feline, 猫; ■Lindhout, 林豪特; ■Medical, 医疗; ■Research, 研究; ■Council’s, 理事会的; ■Laboratory, 门诊化验室; ■Molecular, 分子的; ■Biology, 生物; ■Cambridge, 剑桥; ■colleagues1, 同事1; ■another, 另一个; ■article, 文章; ■Evelina, 伊芙琳娜; ■Fedorenko, 费多伦科; ■Massachusetts, 马萨诸塞州; ■Institute, 研究所; ■Technology, 技术; ■Cambridge, 剑桥; ■colleagues, 同事; ■literature, 文学; ■argue, 争论; ■humans, 人类; ■language, 语言; ■probably, 可能; ■serves, 服务; ■mainly, 主要地; ■communication, 通信; ■rather, 相当地; ■means, 方法; ■thinking, 思考; ■reasoning2, 推理2; ■language, 语言; ■prerequisite, 先决条件; ■complex, 复杂的; ■thought, 思想;

These technologies are helping researchers to explore what sets the human brain apart from those of other species, and how its cognitive abilities have evolved. For example, the role of non-invasive imaging in learning about cognitive abilities is discussed in a Perspective article by Feline Lindhout at the Medical Research Council’s Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, UK, and her colleagues1. In another article, Evelina Fedorenko at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge and her colleagues also draw on this literature to argue that, in humans, language probably serves mainly as a communication tool rather than as a means for thinking or reasoning2 — and that language is not a prerequisite for complex thought.

这些技术正在帮助研究人员探索人类大脑与其他物种的区别,以及人类的认知能力是如何进化的。例如,英国剑桥医学研究委员会分子生物学实验室的Feline Lindhout和她的同事在一篇透视文章中讨论了非侵入性成像在认知能力学习中的作用。在另一篇文章中,剑桥麻省理工学院的伊芙琳娜·费多连科和她的同事也根据这些文献提出,对于人类来说,语言可能主要是作为一种交流工具,而不是作为思考或推理的手段——语言并不是进行复杂思考的先决条件。

1. era [ˈɪərə] n. 时代,年代,纪元 【名】 (era)(意、芬、印)埃拉(人名)

18. species [ˈspɪːʃɪz] n. (动植物的)种,物种;种类;(具有相同特征的)一类人;(化学,物理)核素;(圣餐中用的)面包和圣酒 adj. 原种的;species

19. cognitive [ˈkɒgnɪtɪv] adj. 认识的,认知的

20. evolve [ɪˈvɒlv] v. 进化,演化;逐步发展,逐渐演变;evolves;evolving;evolved;evolved

22. learning [ˈlɜːnɪŋ] n. 学习;知识,学问 v. 得知,获悉;学习,学会;认识到,从……吸取教训(learn 的现在分词形式)

23. perspective [pəˈspektɪv] n. (观察问题的)视角,观点;透视(画)法;(几何)透视关系,投影比例;洞察力,判断力;景观,远景;角度;(声音)立体效果 adj. 透视的;perspectives

··◇·· 您已读到文章中部,稍憩继续!··◇··

6参考↓■desirable, 可取的; ■outcome, 结果; ■human, 人类; ■neuroscience, 神经科学; ■would, 将; ■develop, 发展; ■personalized, 个性化; ■treatments, 治疗; ■neurological, 神经学; ■psychiatric, 精神病学的; ■disorders, 混乱; ■because, 因为; ■translating, 翻译; ■results, 结果; ■studies, 研究; ■animals, 动物; ■proved, 证明; ■successful, 成功的; ■sufficient, 足够的; ■generating, 生成; ■effective, 有效的; ■therapies, 治疗方法; ■scale, 规模; ■grasping, 抓; ■these, 这些; ■opportunities, 机会; ■researchers, 研究人员; ■brain, 脑; ■different, 不同的; ■other, 其他; ■organs, 器官; ■people’s, 人民的; ■memory, 记忆; ■experiences, 经验; ■personality, 人格; ■using, 使用; ■human, 人类; ■brain, 脑; ■whether, 是否; ■small, 小的; ■cubes, 立方体; ■removed, 远离的; ■during, 在期间; ■neurosurgery, 神经外科; ■through, 通过; ■organoids, 类器官; ■cells, 细胞; ■grown, 成年的; ■cultures, 文化; ■resemble, 类似于; ■parts, 部分; ■developing, 发展; ■human, 人类; ■brain, 脑; ■research, 研究; ■scientists, 科学家; ■consider, 考虑; ■dignity, 尊严; ■respect, 尊重; ■individuals, 个人; ■concerned, 担心的;

One desirable outcome for human neuroscience would be to develop personalized treatments for neurological and psychiatric disorders, because translating the results of studies in animals has not proved successful or sufficient for generating effective therapies at scale. But in grasping these opportunities, researchers must keep in mind that the brain is different from other organs — it’s the seat of people’s memory, experiences and personality. When using the human brain — whether in small cubes removed during neurosurgery, or through 3D organoids made from stem cells and grown in cultures to resemble parts of the developing human brain — for research, scientists must consider the dignity and respect owed to the individuals concerned.


1. era [ˈɪərə] n. 时代,年代,纪元 【名】 (era)(意、芬、印)埃拉(人名)

14. surgery [ˈsɜːdʒərɪ] n. 外科手术;诊所;(议员的)接待时间;应诊时间;手术室;surgeries

24. desirable [dɪˈzaɪərəbl] adj. 令人向往的,值得拥有的;可取的;性感的 n. 称心合意的人(或物),好的品质;desirables

25. outcome [ˈaʊtkʌm] n. 结果,效果;outcomes

26. disorder [dɪsˈɔːdə] n. 混乱,杂乱;骚乱,动乱;紊乱,疾病 v. 打乱,使紊乱;disorders;disorders;disordering;disordered;disordered

27. sufficient [səˈfɪʃənt] adj. 足够的,充足的;(理由、条件)充足的,充分的

29. effective [ɪˈfektɪv] adj. 产生预期结果的,有效的;实际的,事实上的;(法律、规则等)生效的,起作用的;给人深刻印象的 n. 实际可作战的士兵;effectives

31. scale [skeɪl] n. 天平,磅秤;天平盘;天秤(星)座(the scales);等级,级别;刻度,标度;标尺,刻度尺;规模,范围;比例,比例尺;鳞,鳞片;鱼鳞状物;水垢;牙垢;音阶;(加热后金属上形成的)氧化皮;进位制;(摄影)影调范围 v. 改变(文字、图片)的尺寸大小;刮去(鱼鳞);攀登,翻越;剔除(牙垢);(尤指皮肤)生成鳞屑;(成片状)脱落,剥落;(数量,财产) 按一定比例调节;称得重量为;估算(树木的)产木材量 adj. (模型或复制品)按比例缩小的 【名】 (scale)(意)斯卡莱(人名);scales;scales;scaling;scaled;scaled

32. personality [ˌpɜːsəˈnælɪtɪ] n. 个性,性格;魅力,品格(如活力、友好、幽默等);(地方或事物的)特色;有突出个性的人;名人;personalities

33. cube [kjuːb] n. 立方体;立方,三次幂;小室,小房间 v. 使成立方;把(食物)切成小方块 【名】 (cube)(瑞典、德)库贝(人名);cubes;cubes;cubing;cubed;cubed

34. stem [stem] "n. (植物、灌木的)茎,干;(高脚酒杯的)柄脚;(语法中的)词干;烟斗柄;主干;船头,艏柱;(机械装置的)阀杆,导杆,棒;血统;(手表的)发条转柄;(文字的)干线,(音符的)符干;鸦片烟枪 v. 阻止,遏制;止住(液体的流动);起源于;去梗,去柄;(船)逆流而行;(滑雪)向外转动(滑雪屐)以便转弯(或减速);给……装柄 abbr. (stem)理工科的统称(science;stems;stems;stemming;stemmed;stemmed;"n. (植物、灌木的)茎,干;(高脚酒杯的)柄脚;(语法中的)词干;烟斗柄;主干;船头,艏柱;(机械装置的)阀杆,导杆,棒;血统;(手表的)发条转柄;(文字的)干线,(音符的)符干;鸦片烟枪 v. 阻止,遏制;止住(液体的流动);起源于;去梗,去柄;(船)逆流而行;(滑雪)向外转动(滑雪屐)以便转弯(或减速);给……装柄 abbr. (stem)理工科的统称(science;technology;engineering

35. resemble [rɪˈzembl] v. 像,与……相似;resembles;resembling;resembled;resembled

36. dignity [ˈdɪgnɪtɪ] n. 尊严,自尊;庄严,端庄,庄重;尊贵,高贵,高尚;高位,显职;dignities

7参考↓■Declaration, 宣言; ■Helsinki, 赫尔辛基; ■basis, 基础; ■research, 研究; ■ethics, 伦理学; ■studies, 研究; ■involving, 涉及; ■humans, 人类; ■Participants, 参与者; ■asked, 问; ■complete, 完成; ■consent, 同意; ■before, 之前; ■start, 开始; ■study, 学习; ■Researchers, 研究人员; ■ensure, 确保; ■participants, 参与者; ■fully, 完全地; ■informed, 见多识广的; ■about, 关于; ■study’s, 研究; ■goals, 目标; ■whether, 是否; ■benefit, 利益; ■research, 研究; ■Sources, 来源; ■funding, 基金; ■should, 应该; ■declared, 宣布; ■participant, 参与者; ■withdraw, 撤退; ■According, 根据; ■neuroethicist, 神经伦理学家; ■Illes, 伊利斯; ■University, 大学; ■British, 英国的; ■Columbia, 哥伦比亚; ■Vancouver, 温哥华; ■Canada, 加拿大; ■ideally, 理想的; ■consent, 同意; ■should, 应该; ■something, 某物; ■should, 应该; ■revisited, 重访; ■during, 在期间; ■study, 学习; ■participants, 参与者; ■informed, 见多识广的; ■decisions, 决定; ■different, 不同的; ■stages3, 舞台3; ■especially, 尤其地; ■important, 重要的; ■studies, 研究; ■involving, 涉及; ■vulnerable, 脆弱的; ■people, 人; ■because, 因为; ■their, 他们的; ■circumstances, 情况; ■might, 可以; ■change, 改变; ■during, 在期间; ■study, 学习;

The 1964 Declaration of Helsinki is the basis of research ethics for studies involving humans. Participants are asked to complete a consent form before the start of a study. Researchers have to ensure participants are fully informed about the study’s goals and whether and how they will benefit from the research. Sources of funding should also be declared and a participant must be able to withdraw at any time. According to neuroethicist Judy Illes at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, ideally, consent should not be something that is done only once. It should be revisited during a study, so that participants can make informed decisions at different stages3. This is especially important for studies involving vulnerable people, because their circumstances might change during a study.

1964年的赫尔辛基宣言是涉及人类研究的研究伦理的基础。参与者被要求在研究开始前填写一份同意书。研究人员必须确保参与者充分了解研究的目标,以及他们是否以及如何从研究中受益。资金来源也应申报,参与者必须能够随时退出。根据加拿大温哥华英属哥伦比亚大学的神经伦理学家Judy Illes的说法,理想情况下,同意不应该是只做一次的事情。在研究过程中应该重新审视它,这样参与者就可以在不同阶段做出明智的决定。这对于涉及弱势群体的研究尤其重要,因为他们的情况在研究过程中可能会发生变化。

1. era [ˈɪərə] n. 时代,年代,纪元 【名】 (era)(意、芬、印)埃拉(人名)

4. consent [kənˈsent] n. 许可,允许;同意,赞同;正式批准文件,批文 v. 赞同,准许,同意 【名】 (consent)(美、法、荷)孔桑(人名);consents;consents;consenting;consented;consented

37. declaration [ˌdekləˈreɪʃən] n. 声明,表白;申报(单);(板球)对一赛局结束的宣布;公告,宣告;declarations

38. participant [pɑːˈtɪsɪpənt] n. 参加者,参与者 adj. 参与的;participants

39. ensure [ɪnˈʃʊə] v. 确保,保证;保护,使安全;ensures;ensuring;ensured;ensured

40. source [sɔːs] n. 来源,出处;(问题的)原因,根源;消息人士,信息来源;河流源头,发源地;源(代)码;(电子)源极,电源;(技)源 v. (从某地)获得;找出……的来源 【名】 (source)(法)苏尔斯(人名);sources;sources;sourcing;sourced;sourced

41. fund [fʌnd] n. 基金,专款;资金,钱款;基金会;储备量 v. 资助,为……提供资金 【名】 (fund))(德)丰德(人名);funds;funds;funding;funded;funded

42. accord [əˈkɔːd] n. 协议,条约;符合,一致 v. 使受到,给予(某种待遇);(与……)一致,符合;accords;accords;according;accorded;accorded

8参考↓■another, 另一个; ■Perspective, 观点; ■article, 文章; ■Tomasz, 托马什; ■Nowakowski, 诺瓦科夫斯基; ■University, 大学; ■California, 加利福尼亚; ■Francisco, 弗朗西斯科; ■neurosurgeons, 神经外科医生; ■neurologists, 神经学家; ■neuroscientists4, 神经科学家4; ■neuroscience, 神经科学; ■community, 社区; ■revisit, 回访; ■these, 这些; ■standards, 标准; ■ethical, 伦理的; ■practice, 实践; ■challenge, 挑战; ■identify, 识别; ■handle, 手柄; ■ramifications, 后果; ■advances, 进展; ■machine, 机器; ■learning, 学习; ■artificial, 人造的; ■intelligence, 智力;

In another Perspective article, Tomasz Nowakowski at the University of California, San Francisco, and a team of neurosurgeons, neurologists and neuroscientists4 call on the neuroscience community to revisit these standards of ethical practice. A key challenge they identify is how to handle the ramifications of advances in machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI).

在《透视》杂志的另一篇文章中,加州大学旧金山分校的Tomasz Nowakowski和一个由神经外科医生、神经学家和神经科学家组成的团队呼吁神经科学界重新审视这些道德实践标准。他们确定的一个关键挑战是如何处理机器学习和人工智能(AI)进步的后果。

22. learning [ˈlɜːnɪŋ] n. 学习;知识,学问 v. 得知,获悉;学习,学会;认识到,从……吸取教训(learn 的现在分词形式)

23. perspective [pəˈspektɪv] n. (观察问题的)视角,观点;透视(画)法;(几何)透视关系,投影比例;洞察力,判断力;景观,远景;角度;(声音)立体效果 adj. 透视的;perspectives

44. identify [aɪˈdentɪfaɪ] v. 认出,识别;查明,确认;发现;证明(身份),表明;认同,理解;认为……和……一致;和(某人)打成一片;identifies;identifying;identified;identified

9参考↓■Researchers, 研究人员; ■atlases, 地图集; ■single-cell, 单细胞; ■technologies, 技术; ■spatial-genomic, 空间基因组学; ■analyses, 分析; ■benefit, 利益; ■hugely, 巨大; ■machine-learning, 机器学习; ■algorithms, 算法; ■analysing, 分析; ■large, 大的; ■technologies, 技术; ■potential, 潜在的; ■re-identify, 重新识别; ■anonymized, 匿名; ■information, 信息; ■analysing, 分析; ■finding, 发现; ■patterns, 模式; ■trace, 追踪; ■individuals, 个人; ■models, 模型; ■analyse, 分析; ■large, 大的; ■predictions, 预言; ■related, 相关; ■features, 特征; ■peoples’, 人民的; ■behaviour, 行为学; ■their, 他们的; ■cognitive, 认知; ■abilities, 能力; ■potential, 潜在的; ■cause, 原因; ■example, 例子; ■through, 通过; ■biased, 有偏见; ■erroneous, 错误的; ■profiling, 剖析; ■people, 人; ■basis, 基础; ■their, 他们的; ■neurological, 神经学; ■neuroethicist, 神经伦理学家; ■Karen, 凯伦; ■Rommelfanger, Rommelfanger; ■founder, 创始人; ■Institute, 研究所; ■Neuroethics, 神经伦理学; ■based, 基于; ■Atlanta, 亚特兰大; ■Georgia, 佐治亚州;

Researchers who use cell atlases, single-cell technologies and spatial-genomic analyses benefit hugely from AI and machine-learning algorithms when analysing large data sets. Yet, AI technologies have the potential to re-identify anonymized information by analysing vast data sets and finding patterns that trace back to individuals. AI models that analyse large data sets can also make predictions related to features of peoples’ behaviour and their cognitive abilities. This has the potential to cause harm, for example, through biased or erroneous profiling of people on the basis of their neurological data, says neuroethicist Karen Rommelfanger, founder of the Institute of Neuroethics, who is based in Atlanta, Georgia.

使用细胞图谱、单细胞技术和空间基因组分析的研究人员在分析大型数据集时,从人工智能和机器学习算法中受益匪浅。然而,人工智能技术有可能通过分析大量数据集和找到可追溯到个人的模式来重新识别匿名信息。分析大型数据集的人工智能模型还可以预测人们的行为特征和认知能力。位于乔治亚州亚特兰大的神经伦理学研究所的创始人、神经伦理学家Karen Rommelfanger说,这有可能造成伤害,例如,根据人们的神经学数据对他们进行有偏见或错误的定性。

19. cognitive [ˈkɒgnɪtɪv] adj. 认识的,认知的

22. learning [ˈlɜːnɪŋ] n. 学习;知识,学问 v. 得知,获悉;学习,学会;认识到,从……吸取教训(learn 的现在分词形式)

44. identify [aɪˈdentɪfaɪ] v. 认出,识别;查明,确认;发现;证明(身份),表明;认同,理解;认为……和……一致;和(某人)打成一片;identifies;identifying;identified;identified

45. finding [ˈfaɪndɪŋ] n. 结果,发现;判决,裁决;(制作服装、鞋子或首饰用的)一应小物件(或小工具) v. 找到,感到(fin. 的现在分词形式);findings

46. trace [treɪs] v. 查出,发现,追踪;追溯,追究;描绘(事物的过程或发展),记述;(尤指用手指、脚趾)画(图,线);勾画……的轮廓,勾勒;(用透明纸覆盖在地图、绘画等上)复制,描摹;(手指、嘴唇等)沿着……移动 n. 痕迹,遗迹,踪迹;微量,少许;描记图,扫描线;挽绳,缰绳;跟踪,追查;(大脑上的学习或记忆)痕迹,印迹;小径,小道;交线,迹线;(数)迹 【名】 (trace)(美)塔斯(人名);traces;traces;tracing;traced;traced

47. bias [ˈbaɪəs] n. 偏见,成见;偏好,天赋;倾向,趋势;斜纹;(统计)偏差,偏倚;偏重心球形;偏压,偏统 v. 使有偏见,使偏心;加偏压(或偏流)于 adj. 偏斜的 adv. 偏斜地 【名】 (bias)(英)拜厄斯,(法、德、葡、喀)比亚斯(人名);biases;biases;biasses;biasing;biassing;biased;biassed;biased;biassed

48. erroneous [ɪˈrəʊnjəs] adj. 错误的,不正确的

10参考↓■Nowakowski, 诺瓦科夫斯基; ■colleagues, 同事; ■propose, 建议; ■researchers, 研究人员; ■controlled, 受约束的; ■archives, 档案; ■access, 接近; ■which, 哪一个; ■requires, 要求; ■approval, 批准; ■restrict, 限制; ■conditions, 条件; ■specified, 明确规定; ■consent, 同意; ■forms, 形式; ■implement, 实施; ■changes, 变化; ■require, 要求; ■conversations, 对话; ■between, 之间; ■study, 学习; ■participants, 参与者; ■academic, 学术的; ■researchers, 研究人员; ■companies, 公司; ■considerable, 相当大的; ■current, 现在的; ■advances, 进展; ■Informed-consent, 知情同意书; ■information, 信息; ■change, 改变; ■account, 账户; ■risks, 风险; ■researchers’, 研究人员; ■increased, 增加; ■reliance, 依赖; ■tools, 工具;

Nowakowski and his colleagues propose that researchers use controlled archives, access to which requires approval, and that they restrict data use to the conditions specified in consent forms. To implement such changes will require conversations between study participants, academic researchers and the companies that have a considerable role in the current AI advances. Informed-consent information will also need to change, to account for the risks of researchers’ increased reliance on AI tools.


1. era [ˈɪərə] n. 时代,年代,纪元 【名】 (era)(意、芬、印)埃拉(人名)

4. consent [kənˈsent] n. 许可,允许;同意,赞同;正式批准文件,批文 v. 赞同,准许,同意 【名】 (consent)(美、法、荷)孔桑(人名);consents;consents;consenting;consented;consented

38. participant [pɑːˈtɪsɪpənt] n. 参加者,参与者 adj. 参与的;participants

50. propose [prəˈpəʊz] v. 提议,建议;提出(理论或解释);提名,推荐;计划,打算;求婚;(向立法机构或委员会)提交(动议);提议祝(酒);proposes;proposing;proposed;proposed

51. approval [əˈpruːvəl] n. 称许,赞成;批准,许可;approvals

52. restrict [rɪsˈtrɪkt] v. 限制,控制(大小、数量、范围);限制(活动或行为),妨碍;约束,管束;(以法规)限制;封锁(消息);restricts;restricting;restricted;restricted

54. implement [ˈɪmplɪmənt] v. 执行,贯彻;为……提供工具 n. 工具,器具;履行;手段;implements;implements;implementing;implemented;implemented

55. academic [ˌækəˈdemɪk] adj. 学业的,学术的;学校的,学院的;学业(成绩)优秀的,善于学习的;不切实际的,空谈的 n. 大学教师,学者;(学校或学院的)课程;大学生;academics

57. current [ˈkʌrənt] adj. 现行的,当前的;通用的,流行的;最近的 n. 水流,气流;电流;思潮,趋势 【名】 (current)(英)柯伦特(人名);currents

58. reliance [rɪˈlaɪəns] n. 依靠,信任;被依赖的人(或物)

11参考↓■right, 正确的; ■stress, 强调; ■improved, 改进; ■standards, 标准; ■ethics, 伦理学; ■sharing, 分享; ■jointly, 共同; ■created, 创建; ■scientists, 科学家; ■private, 私有的; ■partners, 合作伙伴; ■research, 研究; ■participants, 参与者; ■Without, 没有; ■doubt, 怀疑; ■human, 人类; ■neuroscience, 神经科学; ■entering, 套房; ■important, 重要的; ■However, 然而; ■fulfil, 完成; ■goals, 目标; ■improving, 改善; ■human, 人类; ■experiences, 经验; ■study, 学习; ■participants, 参与者; ■involved, 卷入的; ■discussions, 讨论; ■about, 关于; ■future, 未来; ■research, 研究;

The team is right to stress the need for improved standards in data ethics and sharing that are jointly created by scientists, private partners and the research participants. Without a doubt, human neuroscience is entering a new and important era. However, it can fulfil its goals of improving human experiences only when study participants are involved in discussions about the future of such research.


1. era [ˈɪərə] n. 时代,年代,纪元 【名】 (era)(意、芬、印)埃拉(人名)

8. involve [ɪnˈvɒlv] v. 牵涉,涉及;包含,需要;使陷入,使卷入;(使)参加,加入;使承担,使面对;involves;involving;involved;involved

38. participant [pɑːˈtɪsɪpənt] n. 参加者,参与者 adj. 参与的;participants


