
教育   2024-12-12 07:57   山东  

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The Guardian view on Horrible Histories: 

laughing to learn

Silly, subversive and scatological, the show has transformed children’s TV. It deserves its special Bafta award

Fri 6 Dec 2024 17.55 GMT

The Guardian view on Horrible Histories: laughing to learn
Silly, subversive and scatological, the show has transformed children’s TV. It deserves its special Bafta award
Fri 6 Dec 2024 17.55 GMT
“It must be horrible, funny and true,” the writer Terry Deary said of adapting his multimillion-selling children’s books series Horrible Histories for TV. First aired on CBBC in 2009, the show is now into its 11th series. Last week it added a Bafta Special Award to its nine children’s Baftas and two British Comedy Awards (the only children’s show to win in that category to date). The International Prix Jeunesse named it the best non-fiction children’s show of the last 50 years.
Silly, subversive and obsessively scatological, Horrible Histories is more successful than an educational comedy sketch show for kids deserves to be. An unholy mix of Blackadder and Monty Python, it has transformed children’s television. There have been spin-off films and plays across the country, two riotous Proms and a grisly river tour along the Thames.
A generation of children can now recite the kings and queens of England thanks to the 2011 Monarchs’ Song, remixed for the coronation in 2023. Other greatest hits include Norman Style, in which William the Conquerer shows off his Gangnam Style moves and Born 2 Rule, sung by boyband the 4 Georges. Boudiccca has become a mini-feminist anthem, and Beatrix Potter, Enid Blyton, Jacqueline Wilson and Malorie Blackman come together in the Storyteller’s Little Mix sketch: “a hero can be a she-ro too!” No wonder kids give it full marks.
It is undeniably horrible and funny, but is it true? It might not be AJP Taylor, but Horrible Histories prides itself on ensuring accuracy is never sacrificed for a good rhyme or gag. And it’s not just tights and togas. As the show’s executive producer, Richard Bradley, has said, “Horrible Histories has a political dimension with a small p.” At a time when the curriculum and literary canon are under intense scrutiny, the show gives a lighthearted take on the most serious issues.
It is unafraid to take on the darker aspects of history, consistently championing the representation of women and diversity (with sketches on pioneering figures like Rosa Parks and Mary Seacole), and tackling Britain’s colonial legacy. Although Deary does not write the sketches, the books take a similar stance. In an interview for his first book for adults, A History of Britain in Ten Enemies, published in October, he said he loathed the British empire “with a passion”.
In 2020, the Daily Mail accused Horrible Histories of “trashing Britain” after airing, on the day Britain left the EU, the archive song British Things, in which Queen Victoria’s servant sings: “Your British things are from abroad and most are frankly stolen.” (The sketch stars Sarah Hadland, who has swapped Victorian mourning dress for sequins as a contender in this year’s Strictly.)
In fact, Horrible Histories is a very British phenomenon, part of a long tradition of self-parody. This may explain why the model hasn’t been copied abroad. Fifteen years after it first exploded on our screens, there is still nothing like it.
Children’s television is in crisis. With more choices of entertainment at their fingertips than ever before, young viewers have been migrating to online platforms. But Horrible Histories continues to thrive. Next spring, the team is releasing Horrible Science – expect more blood, poo and death. Why change a winning formula? With its unofficial motto “laugh yourself smart”, the show is a tonic for our anxious times.

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1. horrible [ˈhɒrəbl] adj. 可怕的,令人恐惧的;糟糕的,讨厌的;不友好的

2. category [ˈkætɪgərɪ] n. 种类,范畴;categories

3. sketch [sketʃ] n. 素描,速写,草图;(任何作品的)粗样,初稿;简述,概述;幽默短剧,滑稽小品;滑稽的人(或物) v. (给……)画速写,(给……)画素描;简述,概述;(用手或身体)做(姿势) 【名】 (sketch)(英)斯凯奇(人名);sketches;sketches;sketching;sketched;sketched

4. spin [spɪn] v. (使)快速旋转;(使)急转身;(头感到)眩晕;纺纱,纺织;飞驰,疾驰;编故事;有倾向性地陈述;(用甩干机或洗衣机)甩干(衣服);(昆虫)吐(丝),结(网);(用旋式诱饵)钓鱼;播放(唱片);抛(硬币);(球)旋转;(用车床将金属薄板)旋压成形 n. 高速旋转;兜风;带倾向性的解释(或说法);(政治上的)倾向性报道;(尤指板球、网球、斯诺克球中的)旋转球;(飞机的)旋冲,螺旋下降;晕头转向,焦虑不安;(物理)核素总角动量;spins;spins;spinning;spun;spun

5. ensure [ɪnˈʃʊə] v. 确保,保证;保护,使安全;ensures;ensuring;ensured;ensured

6. accuracy [ˈækjərəsɪ] n. 准确性,精确性;准确,精确;accuracies

7. sacrifice [ˈsækrɪfaɪs] n. 牺牲,献出;献祭,供奉;祭牲,供品;基督的献身(指耶稣被钉在十字架上);(天主教作为献祭圣体和圣血,或新教表示感恩的)圣餐礼;(棋)(为战略或战术原因所作出的)弃子,弃卒;(棒球中)牺牲打(sacrifice bunt/fly);(桥牌)(指在对方叫到进局定约之后的)牺牲性叫牌(sacrifice bid) v. 牺牲,献出;献祭,以……为祭品;(棋)(故意)弃子,弃卒;(棒球)做牺牲打;(棒球)以牺牲打使(跑垒者)进垒;(桥牌)作牺牲性叫牌;亏本出售;sacrifices;sacrifices;sacrificing;sacrificed;sacrificed

8. executive [ɪgˈzekjətɪv] adj. 行政的,有执行权的;高档的,豪华的;供主管人员使用的;(有关)经营管理的,领导的 n. 主管,经理;行政部门,执行委员会;executives

9. dimension [dɪˈmenʃən] n. 大小,尺寸;(空间的)维度;范围,规模;方面,部分 v. 切削(或制作)成特定尺寸;标出尺寸;dimensions;dimensions;dimensioning;dimensioned;dimensioned

10. curriculum [kəˈrɪkjələm] n. 课程;curricula;curriculums

11. literary [ˈlɪtərərɪ] adj. 文学的,文学上的;书面的;爱好文学的,从事文学研究(或写作)的

12. intense [ɪnˈtens] adj. 很大的,十分强烈的;严肃紧张的,激烈的;热情的,热切的;专注的,认真的;intenser

13. scrutiny [ˈskruːtɪnɪ] n. 仔细观察,详细审查;scrutinies

14. issue [ˈɪsjuː] n. 议题,争论点;(报纸、杂志等的)期,号;发放,分配;(新股票或邮票等的)发行;子女,后嗣;流出,发出;结果,后果 v. 发表,颁布;分发,分配;正式发行;流出,发出;由……产生,由……得出;issues;issues;issuing;issued;issued

15. champion [ˈtʃæmpjən] n. 冠军,第一名;拥护者,斗士 v. 捍卫,拥护,支持 adj. 极好的;冠军的,得一等奖的 【名】 (champion)(英)钱皮恩,(法)尚皮翁(人名);champions;champions;championing;championed;championed

16. tackle [ˈtækl] v. 应付,解决(难题或局面);与……交涉;(足球、曲棍球等比赛中)抢断;(橄榄球等比赛中)擒抱并摔倒(对方球员);擒获;对付,打(尤指罪犯);质问,责问;反对,反抗 n. (足球等中的)抢断球;(橄榄球或美式足球)擒抱摔倒;(美式足球中的)阻截队员;体育器械,(尤指)渔具;(吊起重物用的)索具,滑轮;男性性器官;tackles;tackles;tackling;tackled;tackled

17. colonial [kəˈləʊnjəl] adj. 殖民地的,殖民主义的;殖民地时期风格的;群体的 n. (尤指来自宗主国的)殖民地居民;殖民地时期式样的房屋;colonials

18. legacy [ˈlegəsɪ] n. 遗产,遗赠物;遗留问题,后遗症 adj. (软件或硬件)已过时但因使用范围广而难以替代的;legacies

19. empire [ˈempaɪə] n. 帝国;大企业,大集团;君权,最高统治权 【名】 (empire)(法)昂皮尔(人名);empires

20. passion [ˈpæʃən] n. 爱恋,情欲;激情,热情;酷爱,热衷的爱好(或活动等);盛怒,激愤;耶稣的受难(the passion);passions

21. trash [træʃ] n. 垃圾,废物;垃圾桶;劣质的东西,(尤指)拙劣的作品;废物,窝囊废;(西印度)(作燃料的)甘蔗叶(梢),甘蔗渣 v. 损坏,毁坏;抨击,谴责;丢弃,去除;(计算机)把(文件,程序)送进回收站删除,清空(磁盘);剥(甘蔗)皮以使其更快成熟;trashes;trashing;trashed;trashed

22. crisis [ˈkraɪsɪs] n. 危机,紧要关头;决定性时刻,关键时刻;(病情的)转折点,危象 adj. 用于处理危机的;crises

23. migrate [maɪˈgreɪt, ˈmaɪgreɪt] v. (候鸟或动物)迁徙;(尤指为找工作)移居,迁移;转移(从一个部位移到另一部位);把(程序,硬件)从一系统转移到另一系统;改用操作系统;migrates;migrating;migrated;migrated

24. thrive [θraɪv] v. 茁壮成长,兴旺,繁荣;(尤指在别人觉得困难的时候)以……为乐,可以出色应对;thrives;thriving;thrived;throve;thrived;thriven

25. release [rɪˈlɪːs] v. 释放,放走;使出院;把(动物)放生;解救;放开;拉开,松开(装置);发射,投(弹);公布,发布;发行,上映;表达,发泄;释放,排放(物质); 解除(职务或工作),解雇;放弃,让予;使不紧张;开放,解禁 n. (人或动物的)释放,放出;排放,泄漏;(设备的)松开,拉开;释放装置(如按、拉的装置);表达,宣泄;解脱,轻松感;放松的机会;新发行的东西;公开,发布;公映;(责任等的)免除,解除;免责书; 放弃,让予;放弃文书; 传球;releases;releases;releasing;released;released

26. formula [ˈfɔːmjələ] n. 计划,方案;配方,处方;公式,方程式;分子式,结构式;配方奶,代乳品;(特定场合的)惯用词语,套话;(影片、书籍等的)套路;formulas;formulae

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The Guardian view on Horrible Histories: laughing to learn


Silly, subversive and scatological, the show has transformed children’s TV. It deserves its special Bafta award


Fri 6 Dec 2024 17.55 GMT

2024 年 12 月 6 日 星期五 17.55 GMT

“It must be horrible, funny and true,” the writer Terry Deary said of adapting his multimillion-selling children’s books series Horrible Histories for TV. First aired on CBBC in 2009, the show is now into its 11th series. Last week it added a Bafta Special Award to its nine children’s Baftas and two British Comedy Awards (the only children’s show to win in that category to date). The International Prix Jeunesse named it the best non-fiction children’s show of the last 50 years.

“我“它必须既可怕又有趣,而且真实,”作家特里·迪瑞在谈到将他畅销数百万的儿童读物系列《恐怖历史》改编成电视剧时说道。该剧于 2009 年首次在 CBBC 播出,目前已播出到第 11 季。上周,该剧又获得了英国电影学院奖特别奖,此前已获得九项儿童电影学院奖和两项英国喜剧奖(这是迄今为止唯一获得该奖项的儿童剧)。国际青年奖 将其评为过去 50 年来最佳非虚构儿童剧。

Silly, subversive and obsessively scatological, Horrible Histories is more successful than an educational comedy sketch show for kids deserves to be. An unholy mix of Blackadder and Monty Python, it has transformed children’s television. There have been spin-off films and plays across the country, two riotous Proms and a grisly river tour along the Thames.


A generation of children can now recite the kings and queens of England thanks to the 2011 Monarchs’ Song, remixed for the coronation in 2023. Other greatest hits include Norman Style, in which William the Conquerer shows off his Gangnam Style moves and Born 2 Rule, sung by boyband the 4 Georges. Boudiccca has become a mini-feminist anthem, and Beatrix Potter, Enid Blyton, Jacqueline Wilson and Malorie Blackman come together in the Storyteller’s Little Mix sketch: “a hero can be a she-ro too!” No wonder kids give it full marks.

得益于2011 年的《君主之歌》,这一代儿童现在可以背诵英国国王和王后的歌曲,该歌曲在 2023 年的加冕典礼上进行了重新混音。其他最热门歌曲包括《诺曼风格》,其中征服者威廉展示了他的江南风格舞步,以及由男孩乐队四乔治演唱的《生来统治》。 《布狄卡》已成为一首迷你女权主义颂歌,比阿特丽克斯·波特、伊妮德·布莱顿、杰奎琳·威尔逊和马洛里·布莱克曼在《讲故事者的小混合》小品中齐聚一堂:“英雄也可以成为女英雄!”难怪孩子们给它满分。

It is undeniably horrible and funny, but is it true? It might not be AJP Taylor, but Horrible Histories prides itself on ensuring accuracy is never sacrificed for a good rhyme or gag. And it’s not just tights and togas. As the show’s executive producer, Richard Bradley, has said, “Horrible Histories has a political dimension with a small p.” At a time when the curriculum and literary canon are under intense scrutiny, the show gives a lighthearted take on the most serious issues.

不可否认,这部剧既恐怖又搞笑,但这是真的吗?也许不是 AJP Taylor 的风格,但《恐怖历史》引以为豪的是,它确保了准确性,绝不会因为押韵或搞笑而牺牲准确性。而且,它不仅仅是紧身衣和长袍。正如该剧的执行制片人理查德·布拉德利所说,“ 《恐怖历史》带有政治色彩,只是 p 有点小。”在课程和文学经典受到严格审查的时代,该剧对最严肃的问题进行了轻松的解读。

It is unafraid to take on the darker aspects of history, consistently championing the representation of women and diversity (with sketches on pioneering figures like Rosa Parks and Mary Seacole), and tackling Britain’s colonial legacy. Although Deary does not write the sketches, the books take a similar stance. In an interview for his first book for adults, A History of Britain in Ten Enemies, published in October, he said he loathed the British empire “with a passion”.

这本书无所畏惧地直面历史的阴暗面,始终支持女性形象和多样性(书中描写了罗莎·帕克斯和玛丽·西科尔等先锋人物),并探讨了英国的殖民遗产。虽然这些素描不是迪瑞写的,但这些书都采取了类似的立场。在10 月份出版的第一本成人读物《英国十大敌人史》的采访中,迪瑞表示他“非常”憎恨大英帝国。

In 2020, the Daily Mail accused Horrible Histories of “trashing Britain” after airing, on the day Britain left the EU, the archive song British Things, in which Queen Victoria’s servant sings: “Your British things are from abroad and most are frankly stolen.” (The sketch stars Sarah Hadland, who has swapped Victorian mourning dress for sequins as a contender in this year’s Strictly.)

2020 年,《每日邮报》指责《可怕的历史》节目“诋毁英国”,因为节目在英国脱欧当天播出了纪念歌曲《英国的东西》,维多利亚女王的仆人在歌中唱道:“你的英国东西都来自国外,坦白说大部分都是偷来的。”(该小品的主角是萨拉·哈德兰,她将维多利亚时代的丧服换成了亮片,作为今年《舞动奇迹》的参赛者。)

In fact, Horrible Histories is a very British phenomenon, part of a long tradition of self-parody. This may explain why the model hasn’t been copied abroad. Fifteen years after it first exploded on our screens, there is still nothing like it.

事实上,《恐怖历史》是一部非常英国化的影片,是英国长期以来自我嘲讽传统的一部分。这或许可以解释为什么这种模式没有被国外效仿。在它首次在银幕上爆红 15 年后,仍然没有一部影片能与之媲美。

Children’s television is in crisis. With more choices of entertainment at their fingertips than ever before, young viewers have been migrating to online platforms. But Horrible Histories continues to thrive. Next spring, the team is releasing Horrible Science – expect more blood, poo and death. Why change a winning formula? With its unofficial motto “laugh yourself smart”, the show is a tonic for our anxious times.



