
教育   2024-10-23 07:57   山东  

备考加油 一战成硕

The Emotional Lives of Horses

and What They Need From Us

A new book, "Applied Equine Psychology," compares horses to humans.

Posted October 22, 2024

 Reviewed by Michelle Quirk


1. vice [vaɪs] n. 堕落,邪恶;小毛病,坏习惯;(与性或毒品有关的)罪行,道德败坏行为;老虎钳(同 vise);代理人,任副职者;(尤指马厩里马因厌倦而出现的)劣性,恶癖 v. 握住,钳紧 adj. 副的;代替的,代理的 prep. 代替 【名】 (vice)(塞)维采(人名);vices;vices;vicing;viced;viced

2. virtual [ˈvɜːtʃuəl, -tʃʊəl] adj. 几乎……的,实质上的;(在计算机或互联网上存在或出现的)虚拟的,模拟的;(光学)虚的,虚拟的;(机械学)虚的;(物理)虚的

3. grab [græb] v. 攫取,抓住;(尤指匆忙地)取,吃,喝;霸占,强夺;利用,抓住(机会);引人注意,吸引 n. 攫取,赚取;抓具,抓斗;抓取(或截获、采集)的图像;grabs;grabs;grabbing;grabbed;grabbed

4. headquarters [ˈhedˌkwɔːtəz] n. 总部,总公司;司令部,指挥部;headquarters

5. assign [əˈsaɪn] v. 分派,布置(工作、任务);分配(某物);指派,派遣;确定(价值、功能、时间、地点);转让(财产、权利);assigns;assigns;assigning;assigned;assigned

6. medium [ˈmɪːdɪəm] n. 媒介,媒体;方法,手段;(艺术创作)材料,素材;灵媒,巫师;培养基;环境;中等,中号;存储(或打印)介质;(颜料)溶剂(如油或水);(品质、状态)中等,中庸 adj. 中等的,中间的,适中的;五分熟的,半熟的;(程度、强度或数量)平均的;(颜色)不深不浅的,适中的;(投球,投球手)中速的;media;mediums

7. instance [ˈɪnstəns] n. 例子,实例 v. 举……为例;instances;instances;instancing;instanced;instanced

8. spark [spɑːk] n. 导火线,诱因;火花,火星;电火花;一丝,略微;生气,活力,才华;愤怒的情感,激烈的情绪;军队中对无线电报务员(或电工)的昵称(sparks);生龙活虎的小伙子;(内燃机里火花塞的)放电 v. 引发,触发;产生火花(电火花);点燃;增加趣味(或活力、风味等);求婚 【名】 (spark) (美)斯帕克(人名);sparks;sparks;sparking;sparked;sparked

9. refresh [rɪˈfreʃ] v. 使恢复精神,使消除疲劳;使记起,提醒;翻新,使变新;刷新,更新(网页);再斟满(饮料);把(食物)浸入冷水冷却(或保鲜);恢复精神;喝饮料,吃点心;补充给养 n. (计算机)刷新;refreshes;refreshes;refreshing;refreshed;refreshed

10. lower [ˈləʊə] adj. (尤指在同类中处于)较下的,下方的;在底部的,近底部的;次重要的,较低级的;(数字或数量)较小的;向南的;早期的 v. 减少,降低;把……放低,使……降下;降低,贬低(身份);变昏暗,变阴沉;露愠色 adv. 处于较低位置地,向低处下降地 【名】 (lower)(美、英)洛厄(人名);lowers;lowering;lowered;lowered

11. furious [ˈfjʊərɪəs] adj. 狂怒的,暴怒的;狂暴的,猛烈的;喧闹的,热烈兴奋的

12. contest [ˈkɒntest] n. 比赛,竞赛;争夺,竞争;争论,争执 v. 争辩,提出异议;争取赢得,角逐;contests;contests;contesting;contested;contested

13. advent [ˈædvənt] n. 出现,到来,问世;基督降临节(advent);基督降临,基督复临(advent)

14. poll [pəʊl] n. 民意调查,民意测验;选举投票,计票;投票数;投票点(the polls);头顶,头皮;无角动物(尤指无角牛) v. 对……进行民意测验(调查);获得(票数);(电信,计算机)轮询,探询;截掉(动物,尤指小牛)的角;修枝 【名】 【名】(poll)(德、匈、罗、英)波尔(人名);polls;polls;polling;polled;polled

15. lover [ˈlʌvə] n. (非婚的)情人;爱好者 【名】 (lover)(英)洛弗(人名);lovers

16. reputation [ˌrepjə(ː)ˈteɪʃən] n. 名誉,名声;reputations

17. republican [rɪˈpʌblɪkən] adj. 共和政体的,共和国的;拥护共和政体的,共和主义的;(美国)共和党的,支持共和党的(republican);北爱尔兰共和主义者的,支持北爱尔兰共和主义者的(republican. n. 共和主义者,拥护共和政体者;(美国)共和党人,共和党支持者(republican);(主张北爱尔兰应脱离英国成为爱尔兰共和国一部分的)北爱尔兰共和主义者(republican);republicans

18. repel [rɪˈpel] v. 击退,驱逐;抵御,驱除;使厌恶,使反感;抵制,不愿接受;排斥,相斥;repels;repelling;repelled;repelled

19. mere [mɪə] adj. 仅仅,只不过;只凭……就足以 n. 小湖,池塘;(尤指毛利人用绿岩制的武器)石棒 【名】 (mere)(日)目连,(西)梅雷(人名);meres;merest

20. color [ˈkʌlə] n. 颜色;肤色;颜料;脸色 vt. 粉饰;给……涂颜色;歪曲 vi. 变色;获得颜色;colors;colors;coloring;colored;colored

21. explicit [ɪksˈplɪsɪt] adj. 清楚明白的,明确的,详述的;直截了当的,坦率的;赤裸裸表现性爱(或暴力)的,露骨的 n. (手稿、早期印刷品或礼拜仪式上唱诗的)结束语

22. employee [ˌemplɔɪˈɪː, ɪmˈplɔɪɪ] n. 雇员;employees

23. defence [dɪˈfens] n. 防御,防御物;国防;辩护,答辩;辩方,辩护律师;防守队员,后卫;卫冕 v. 防御,防守;defences

24. opportunity [ˌɒpəˈtjuːnɪtɪ] n. 时机,机会;opportunities

25. strategy [ˈstrætɪdʒɪ] n. (尤指为获得某物制定长期的)策略,行动计划;战略,战略学;strategies

26. numb [nʌm] adj. 麻木的,失去感觉的;迟钝的,呆滞的 v. 使麻木,使失去知觉;使迟钝,使呆滞;使(某种感觉)减轻,使减弱;number;numbs;numbing;numbed;numbed

27. economy [ɪ(ː)ˈkɒnəmɪ] n. 经济;节省,简练;经济舱 adj. 经济实惠的 【名】 (economy)(英)伊科诺米(人名);economies

28. democratic [ˌdeməˈkrætɪk] adj. 平等的,有民主精神的;民主政体的;(美国)民主党的

29. scale [skeɪl] n. 天平,磅秤;天平盘;天秤(星)座(the scales);等级,级别;刻度,标度;标尺,刻度尺;规模,范围;比例,比例尺;鳞,鳞片;鱼鳞状物;水垢;牙垢;音阶;(加热后金属上形成的)氧化皮;进位制;(摄影)影调范围 v. 改变(文字、图片)的尺寸大小;刮去(鱼鳞);攀登,翻越;剔除(牙垢);(尤指皮肤)生成鳞屑;(成片状)脱落,剥落;(数量,财产) 按一定比例调节;称得重量为;估算(树木的)产木材量 adj. (模型或复制品)按比例缩小的 【名】 (scale)(意)斯卡莱(人名);scales;scales;scaling;scaled;scaled

30. spur [spɜː] n. 一时冲动之下,心血来潮;刺激,激励;山嘴,尖坡;(公路或铁路的)支线,岔线;马刺,靴刺 v. 激励,鼓励;促进,加速,刺激(某事发生);用马刺策(马)前进;紧贴主干剪短(副梢) 【名】 (spur) (美)斯普尔(人名);spurs;spurs;spurring;spurred;spurred

31. refusal [rɪˈfjuːzəl] n. 拒绝,回绝;拒绝接受,拒绝给予;优先取舍权,优先购买权(first refusal);选择权;(马)(对障碍物的)拒跳;refusals

32. saw [sɔː] n. 锯;锯床;格言,谚语;锯齿状部位(或器官) v. 锯,锯开;乱剪;拉锯似的来回移动;(两人或多人) 通过互让解决,相互妥协 v. 看见;观看(电影、电视节目等);理解,领会(see 的过去式形式);saws;saws;sawing;sawed;sawn;sawed

33. internal [ɪnˈtɜːnl] adj. 内部的,体内的;内政的,国内的;本身的,本质的;内心的;(大学生)本校生的 n. 内部部件,内部特征;内脏

34. survey [sɜːˈveɪ] n. 民意调查,民意测验;考察,调查;(对课题或情况的)全面考察,概述;测量,勘测;测绘图,勘测记录;测量部门;(尤指为欲购房者所做的)房屋鉴定;查勘报告 v. 做民意测验,做民意调查;(尤指认真地)审视,检查;测量,勘测;(尤指为可能的买家)查勘,检视(建筑物的状况);全面评述,概述;surveys;surveys;surveying;surveyed;surveyed

35. fragment [ˈfrægmənt] n. 碎片;片段;残存部分 v. (使)破碎,分裂;fragments;fragments;fragmenting;fragmented;fragmented

36. layer [ˈleɪə] n. 层;层次,等级;摆放者,铺设者,产卵者;压条 v. 分层放置;把(头发)分层剪短;用压条培育(植物);layers;layers;layering;layered;layered

37. invest [ɪnˈvest] v. 投资;投入(时间或精力);赋予,授予;给……穿衣;包围,围攻;invests;investing;invested;invested

38. daytime [ˈdeɪtaɪm] n. 白天 adj. 日间的

39. factor [ˈfæktə] n. 因素,要素;等级,系数;因数,因子;遗传因子,基因;(血液中的)凝血因子;代理公司,代理商;地产管理人,管家;测量水平 v. 把……作为因素计入,把……包括在内(factor in);把……作为因素排除,不把……包括在内(factor out);将……分解为因子;代理经营,(代管)产业;做代理商 【名】 (factor)(英)法克特(人名);factors;factors;factoring;factored;factored

40. motivate [ˈməʊtɪveɪt] v. 成为……的动机,是……的原因;激励,激发;申请;motivates;motivating;motivated;motivated

41. overall [ˈəʊvərɔːl] adj. 总的,全面的;所有的,包括一切的 adv. 全部,总共;总的说来,大体上 n. (工作时穿的)罩衣;(上下连身的)工作服,防护服(overalls);背带工装裤(overalls);骑马裤,紧身制服裤(overalls);overalls

42. accord [əˈkɔːd] n. 协议,条约;符合,一致 v. 使受到,给予(某种待遇);(与……)一致,符合;accords;accords;according;accorded;accorded

43. household [ˈhaʊshəʊld] n. 家庭,一家人;家务;王室(the household) adj. 家用的,家务的;全家人的;家喻户晓的;皇家的(household) 【名】 (household)(美、瑞)豪斯霍尔德(人名);households

44. issue [ˈɪsjuː] n. 议题,争论点;(报纸、杂志等的)期,号;发放,分配;(新股票或邮票等的)发行;子女,后嗣;流出,发出;结果,后果 v. 发表,颁布;分发,分配;正式发行;流出,发出;由……产生,由……得出;issues;issues;issuing;issued;issued

45. inflation [ɪnˈfleɪʃən] n. 通货膨胀,通胀率;充气,膨胀,增大;(宇宙论某些理论)暴涨;夸张,自命不凡

46. economic [ˌɪːkəˈnɒmɪk] adj. 经济的,经济学的;有利可图的;节约的

47. directly [dɪˈrektlɪ, daɪˈrektlɪ] adv. 直接地,径直地;坦率地;恰好,正好;立即,很快地 conj. 一……就……

48. tilt [tɪlt] v. (使)倾斜,(使)倾侧;(使)倾向于,(使)偏向于;俯仰(摄影机);(格斗中)持矛冲刺(或比武);以言词或文字抨击 n. 倾斜,倾侧,倾斜度;(对某人、某信仰或某行为的)倾向,偏向;(意欲赢得某物或战胜某人的)企图,尝试;(口头或文字的)抨击,攻击;(摄影机的)俯仰转动,上下摇摄;(双人或两队间的)比赛,竞赛;林中小屋;骑马持矛冲刺,马上比枪,比武 【名】 (tilt)(美、英)蒂尔特(人名);tilts;tilts;tilting;tilted;tilted

49. favor [ˈfeɪvə] v. 较喜欢;偏袒;有利于;(非正式)长得像;悉心照料 n. 帮助;提拔;徽章;赞同;偏袒;同意性交;favors;favors;favoring;favored;favored

50. category [ˈkætɪgərɪ] n. 种类,范畴;categories

51. shift [ʃɪft] v. (使)移动,(使)转移;(使)转换到(另一个人或另一事物);(使)改变意见(或信仰等);赶快;换(挡);(计算机)移位;按(计算机键盘上的)shift 键;摆脱,消除;(尤指大量)销售,出售;狼吞虎咽地吃;含糊其辞,拐弯抹角 n. 改变,转变;轮班工作时间;轮班工作的人;(计算机键盘上的)shift 键;(计算机)移位;(机动车的)换挡装置;宽松直筒连衣裙(=shift dress);长而宽松的内衣;(建筑)错位;(美橄)(开赛前)球员位置的变换;(天文)(光谱线的)偏移;语音演变(soun. shift 的简称);计谋,诡计;shifts;shifts;shifting;shifted;shifted

52. suburb [ˈsʌbɜːb] n. 城郊,近郊;suburbs

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The Emotional Lives of Horses and What They Need From Us
A new book, "Applied Equine Psychology," compares horses to humans.
Posted October 22, 2024 |  Reviewed by Michelle Quirk
It introduces the equine psychology specialist and the role of clinical psychology in the equestrian world. A richer equine psychological landscape is illuminated, beyond the limitations of behaviourism. It discusses drawing from the full breadth of psychological schools of thought to help and understand equines.
Horses are fascinating and deeply emotional beings. I often think of them as the definition of sentience—the ability to feel. In my limited close interactions with horses, I could feel their presence and feel that they know a lot about what is happening in my head and heart, and that is among the reasons I was pleased to learn of a new book titled Applied Equine Psychology: The Art and Science of Helping Horses by Felicity George, Marie-Louise Holmes, and Sharon Smith, all of whom are equine experts. Part of the book's description aptly summarizes what this landmark work is all about: "Applied Equine Psychology goes much deeper into the inner workings of the horse, drawing parallels from human psychology and looking at what is going on in the horse’s brain leading to that behaviour."
Marc Bekoff: Why did you and your colleagues write Applied Equine Psychology?
Felicity George, Marie-Louise Holmes, and Sharon Smith: This book was many years in the making! Essentially, we recognised more similarity than difference in the emotional and psychological functioning of horses and humans. Trans-species psychology supported our thinking. Examining a wide range of approaches to helping horses with "behaviour problems," we saw a significant gap between the real needs of horses and standard approaches.
We saw strong parallels between horses and humans in physical healthcare, such as vets and doctors, equine and human dentists, and equine and human physiotherapists. However, in the realm of psychological healthcare, we saw horses being "helped" in much the same way as humans were over 70 years ago—primarily through behaviour modification. We wondered how core models and applied practice in human psychological healthcare would transfer to equines.
Within the equine behaviour affiliation, we explained these ideas through courses and webinars. We defined the role of "equine psychology specialist" with a professional practice model based on that of the clinical psychologist for humans and trained students to fulfill this role. We gained experience in real-world application, with multiple practitioners using this approach with hundreds of horses. Having validated and tested our approach, we wanted to make it available to a wider audience and help to shift the prevalent unhelpful narrative of horses as psychologically simple beings. We also wanted to stop endlessly explaining what we were doing, and just ask people to "read the book"!
MB: How does your book relate to your backgrounds and general areas of interest?
FG, M-L H, and SS: We all share a lifelong love of horses and have worked in a wide range of equestrian settings from riding instruction to the charity sector. We all became focused on wanting to help horses who were clearly struggling in domestic environments, and all had many concerns about the "solutions" that were offered.1
MB: Who do you hope to reach in your interesting and important book?
FG, M-L H, and SS: Those who feel dissatisfied with the approaches offered by the equestrian community and feel they are missing parts of the puzzle. Those who have their appreciation of their horse’s sentience dismissed. Those who are interested in radically rethinking how equines and humans co-exist. Those who are interested in working to effect human behaviour change within the equestrian world.
MB: What are some of the major topics you consider?
FG, M-L H, and SS: The first part of the book examines why the approach we are describing is both valid and necessary—if we want the equines in our care to feel better rather than just "behave." We summarise relevant areas in the development of human psychological healthcare and discuss trans-species psychology in this context to support our approach.
We also describe trans-species systemic formulation, an extension of a well-established method of formulation used by clinical psychologists that supports working with multiple species. This methodology is not restricted to working with humans and equines but can be applied to any species.
We then go on to explore mental well-being for domestic equines in depth—the factors that influence mental well-being and the interplay between them, and the systemic issues of living in an environment your species did not evolve to cope with. Relationships and the meeting of social needs are a big factor influencing well-being; attachment theory and how it applies to domestic equines and all their relationships is discussed in detail with lots of examples. Trans-species psychology has been a foundation for approaches to working with trauma for many species; following in the footsteps of Gay Bradshaw and others, we explain the application of Judith Herman’s phased approach to trauma treatment for equines.
Finally, we discuss the role of the equine psychology specialist in more depth; those working in the field of human psychological healthcare will see strong parallels in professional practice—for example, the approach to client conversations and the importance of clinical supervision and working as part of a multidisciplinary team.
All in all, the book provides a robustly evidenced professional practice framework for providing psychological healthcare to domestic equines. It also offers practical explanations of how to draw from the full breadth of psychological schools of thought to better help and understand equines.
MB: How does your book differ from others that are concerned with some of the same general topics?
FG, M-L H, and SS: This book acknowledges a much richer equine psychological landscape—one that we can seek to better understand in order to improve domestic equine well-being and provide enhanced care. We aim to provide a deeper understanding of equine needs and how these relate to domestic environments, bringing focus to changing the world—not the horse.
We believe that this is the first book to propose an integrated application of core models and practice from human psychological healthcare, supported by trans-species psychology and practice-based evidence over a number of years. The approach we describe empowers equine guardians to make good decisions for the lifetime of the horse and not just solve a "behaviour problem."
MB: Are you hopeful that as people learn more about these amazing animals they will treat them with more respect and compassion?
FG, M-L H, and SS: Yes. In recent years, we do see a shift in thinking. The vast majority of those involved with equines have a passion for them and want to do their best by them. Many feel discomfort about the many unhelpful narratives in traditional equestrian settings but lack the information to challenge these narratives either internally or externally. Researchers are considering broader measures of well-being than the purely physical. In the general population, there is also a shift in considering the emotional lives of animals and deeper consideration of how we co-exist with each other.

外刊双语剪 考研阅读精选 ↓↓


0参考↓■Emotional, 情绪化; ■Lives, 生活; ■Horses, 马;

The Emotional Lives of Horses and What They Need From Us



1参考↓■Applied, 应用; ■Equine, 马; ■Psychology, 心理学; ■compares, 比较; ■horses, 马; ■humans, 人类;

A new book, "Applied Equine Psychology," compares horses to humans.

一本新书《应用马心理学》(Applied Equine Psychology)将马与人类进行了比较。

1. psychology [vaɪs] n. 心理学;心理特点,心理状态;心理影响;心计,善解人意;psychologies

2参考↓■Posted, 张贴; ■October, 十月; ■Reviewed, 检验过的; ■Michelle, 米歇尔; ■Quirk, Quirk;

Posted October 22, 2024 |  Reviewed by Michelle Quirk

发表于 2024 年 10 月 22 日 | 由 Michelle Quirk 测评

3参考↓■introduces, 介绍; ■equine, 马; ■psychology, 心理学; ■specialist, 专家; ■clinical, 临床; ■psychology, 心理学; ■equestrian, 马术; ■world, 世界; ■richer, 更富有; ■equine, 马; ■psychological, 心理的; ■landscape, 景观; ■illuminated, 照亮; ■beyond, 超过; ■limitations, 局限性; ■behaviourism, 行为主义; ■discusses, 讨论; ■drawing, 绘画; ■breadth, 宽度; ■psychological, 心理的; ■schools, 学校; ■thought, 思想; ■understand, 理解; ■equines, 马;

It introduces the equine psychology specialist and the role of clinical psychology in the equestrian world. A richer equine psychological landscape is illuminated, beyond the limitations of behaviourism. It discusses drawing from the full breadth of psychological schools of thought to help and understand equines.


1. psychology [vaɪs] n. 心理学;心理特点,心理状态;心理影响;心计,善解人意;psychologies

2. illuminate [ˈvɜːtʃuəl, -tʃʊəl] v. 照射,照亮;阐明,解释;使容光焕发;用彩灯装饰;用金、银等彩色图案装饰(书稿的书页或首词第一个字母);illuminates;illuminating;illuminated;illuminated

3. limitation [græb] n. 限制,制约;起限制作用的规则(或事实、条件);局限,缺陷;追诉时效;limitations

4. breadth [ˈhedˌkwɔːtəz] n. 宽度,幅度;广度,广泛性;breadths

4参考↓■Horses, 马; ■fascinating, 迷人的; ■deeply, 深深地; ■emotional, 情感的; ■beings, 生物; ■often, 经常; ■think, 认为; ■definition, 定义; ■sentience, 知觉; ■ability, 能力; ■limited, 有限的; ■close, 关闭; ■interactions, 互动; ■horses, 马; ■could, 能够; ■their, 他们的; ■presence, 存在; ■about, 关于; ■happening, 正在发生; ■heart, 心; ■among, 在…之间; ■reasons, 原因; ■pleased, 高兴; ■learn, 学习; ■titled, 有头衔的; ■Applied, 应用; ■Equine, 马; ■Psychology, 心理学; ■Science, 科学类; ■Helping, 帮助; ■Horses, 马; ■Felicity, 费利西蒂; ■George, 乔治; ■Marie-Louise, 玛丽·路易莎; ■Holmes, 福尔摩斯; ■Sharon, 莎伦; ■Smith, 史密斯; ■equine, 马; ■experts, 专家; ■book's, 书的; ■description, 描述; ■aptly, 恰如其分; ■summarizes, 总结; ■landmark, 地标; ■about, 关于; ■Applied, 应用; ■Equine, 马; ■Psychology, 心理学; ■deeper, 更深的; ■inner, 内部的; ■workings, 工作原理; ■horse, 马; ■drawing, 绘画; ■parallels, 相似之处; ■human, 人类; ■psychology, 心理学; ■looking, 看; ■going, 去; ■horse’s, 马的; ■brain, 脑; ■leading, 主要的; ■behaviour, 行为学;

Horses are fascinating and deeply emotional beings. I often think of them as the definition of sentience—the ability to feel. In my limited close interactions with horses, I could feel their presence and feel that they know a lot about what is happening in my head and heart, and that is among the reasons I was pleased to learn of a new book titled Applied Equine Psychology: The Art and Science of Helping Horses by Felicity George, Marie-Louise Holmes, and Sharon Smith, all of whom are equine experts. Part of the book's description aptly summarizes what this landmark work is all about: "Applied Equine Psychology goes much deeper into the inner workings of the horse, drawing parallels from human psychology and looking at what is going on in the horse’s brain leading to that behaviour."

马是迷人且情感深厚的生物。我经常把它们看作是感知的定义——感觉的能力。在我与马匹有限的亲密互动中,我能感觉到它们的存在,并感觉到它们对我的头脑和心灵中发生的事情了解很多,这就是我很高兴得知费利西蒂·乔治 (Felicity George) 的一本名为《应用马心理学:帮助马匹的艺术与科学》的新书的原因之一, Marie-Louise Holmes 和 Sharon Smith,他们都是马术专家。这本书的部分描述恰当地总结了这部具有里程碑意义的工作的全部内容:“应用马心理学更深入地研究了马的内部运作,与人类心理学相提并论,并观察了马的大脑中发生了什么导致了这种行为。

1. psychology [vaɪs] n. 心理学;心理特点,心理状态;心理影响;心计,善解人意;psychologies

6. definition [ˈmɪːdɪəm] n. 定义,释义;榜样,典范;清晰,清晰度,鲜明度;definitions

7. presence [ˈɪnstəns] n. 出席,存在;(某人的)所在地方;感觉中的存在物(如鬼魂);驻扎部队,驻扎的警力;风度,气质;(公司在某地的)工人(或产品),势力;presences

8. summarize [spɑːk] v. 总结,概述;summarizes;summarizing;summarized;summarized

9. inner [rɪˈfreʃ] adj. 内部的,靠近中心的;内心的,未表达出来的;存在于性格中的,骨子里的;隐蔽的,内在的 n. 内部,内里;靶子内圈;命中靶子内圈的一发;inners

10. parallel [ˈləʊə] adj. 平行的;相似的,同时发生的;(计算机)并行的;并联的 n. (人或事物的)相似的手法,共同点;相似的人(或物);(地球的)纬线,纬圈;(印刷)平行符号 v. 与……相似;与……同时发生;与……并行;与……相当,比得上 adv. 与……平行;parallels;parallels;paralleling;parallelling;paralleled;parallelled;paralleled;parallelled

5参考↓■Bekoff, 贝科夫; ■colleagues, 同事; ■write, 写; ■Applied, 应用; ■Equine, 马; ■Psychology, 心理学;

Marc Bekoff: Why did you and your colleagues write Applied Equine Psychology?

Marc Bekoff:你和你的同事为什么写《应用马心理学》?

1. psychology [vaɪs] n. 心理学;心理特点,心理状态;心理影响;心计,善解人意;psychologies

6参考↓■Felicity, 费利西蒂; ■George, 乔治; ■Marie-Louise, 玛丽·路易莎; ■Holmes, 福尔摩斯; ■Sharon, 莎伦; ■Smith, 史密斯; ■years, 年; ■making, 制作; ■Essentially, 基本上; ■recognised, 确认; ■similarity, 相似性; ■difference, 差异; ■emotional, 情感的; ■psychological, 心理的; ■functioning, 运转; ■horses, 马; ■humans, 人类; ■Trans-species, 跨物种; ■psychology, 心理学; ■supported, 支持; ■thinking, 思考; ■Examining, 检查; ■range, 范围; ■approaches, 方法; ■helping, 帮助; ■horses, 马; ■behaviour, 行为学; ■problems, 问题; ■significant, 重要的; ■between, 之间; ■needs, 需要; ■horses, 马; ■standard, 标准; ■approaches, 方法;

Felicity George, Marie-Louise Holmes, and Sharon Smith: This book was many years in the making! Essentially, we recognised more similarity than difference in the emotional and psychological functioning of horses and humans. Trans-species psychology supported our thinking. Examining a wide range of approaches to helping horses with "behaviour problems," we saw a significant gap between the real needs of horses and standard approaches.

Felicity George、Marie-Louise Holmes 和 Sharon Smith:这本书酝酿了很多年!从本质上讲,我们认识到马和人类的情感和心理功能之间的相似性多于差异性。跨物种心理学支持我们的想法。通过研究帮助马匹解决“行为问题”的各种方法,我们发现马匹的真正需求与标准方法之间存在巨大差距。

1. psychology [vaɪs] n. 心理学;心理特点,心理状态;心理影响;心计,善解人意;psychologies

11. species [ˈfjʊərɪəs] n. (动植物的)种,物种;种类;(具有相同特征的)一类人;(化学,物理)核素;(圣餐中用的)面包和圣酒 adj. 原种的;species

12. saw [ˈkɒntest] n. 锯;锯床;格言,谚语;锯齿状部位(或器官) v. 锯,锯开;乱剪;拉锯似的来回移动;(两人或多人) 通过互让解决,相互妥协 v. 看见;观看(电影、电视节目等);理解,领会(see 的过去式形式);saws;saws;sawing;sawed;sawn;sawed

13. significant [ˈædvənt] adj. 显著的,相当数量的;重要的,意义重大的; 别有含义的,意味深长的 n. 象征,有意义的事物

7参考↓■strong, 坚强的; ■parallels, 相似之处; ■between, 之间; ■horses, 马; ■humans, 人类; ■physical, 身体的; ■healthcare, 医疗保健; ■doctors, 医生; ■equine, 马; ■human, 人类; ■dentists, 牙医; ■equine, 马; ■human, 人类; ■physiotherapists, 物理治疗师; ■However, 然而; ■realm, 领域; ■psychological, 心理的; ■healthcare, 医疗保健; ■horses, 马; ■being, 存在; ■helped, 帮助; ■humans, 人类; ■years, 年; ■primarily, 主要地; ■through, 通过; ■behaviour, 行为学; ■modification, 修改; ■wondered, 想知道; ■models, 模型; ■applied, 应用; ■practice, 实践; ■human, 人类; ■psychological, 心理的; ■healthcare, 医疗保健; ■would, 将; ■transfer, 转移; ■equines, 马;

We saw strong parallels between horses and humans in physical healthcare, such as vets and doctors, equine and human dentists, and equine and human physiotherapists. However, in the realm of psychological healthcare, we saw horses being "helped" in much the same way as humans were over 70 years ago—primarily through behaviour modification. We wondered how core models and applied practice in human psychological healthcare would transfer to equines.

在身体保健方面,我们看到马和人类之间有很强的相似之处,例如兽医和医生、马和人类牙医以及马和人类物理治疗师。然而,在心理健康领域,我们看到马匹的“帮助”方式与 70 多年前的人类大致相同——主要是通过行为矫正。我们想知道人类心理保健的核心模型和应用实践将如何转移到马匹上。

10. parallel [ˈləʊə] adj. 平行的;相似的,同时发生的;(计算机)并行的;并联的 n. (人或事物的)相似的手法,共同点;相似的人(或物);(地球的)纬线,纬圈;(印刷)平行符号 v. 与……相似;与……同时发生;与……并行;与……相当,比得上 adv. 与……平行;parallels;parallels;paralleling;parallelling;paralleled;parallelled;paralleled;parallelled

12. saw [ˈkɒntest] n. 锯;锯床;格言,谚语;锯齿状部位(或器官) v. 锯,锯开;乱剪;拉锯似的来回移动;(两人或多人) 通过互让解决,相互妥协 v. 看见;观看(电影、电视节目等);理解,领会(see 的过去式形式);saws;saws;sawing;sawed;sawn;sawed

14. realm [pəʊl] n. (知识、活动、思想的)领域,范围;王国;(动物学)界(对地球表面所作的最主要的生物地理划分);realms

15. core [ˈlʌvə] n. 果核;中心部分;核心,要点;骨干,核心成员;地核,天体的核心;核反应堆堆芯;芯体 v. 给……去核 adj. 核心的,最重要的;基础的,必修的 【名】 (core)(英)科尔,(西、意)科雷(人名);cores;cores;coring;cored;cored

16. transfer [ˌrepjə(ː)ˈteɪʃən] v. (使)转移,搬迁;转移(感情),传染(疾病),转让(权力等);(使)调动,转职;转会,使转会(尤指职业足球队);(将所得学分)转到(另一所学校);转接(电话);将(钱)转到(另一个账户上);转让(财产,权利),移交(责任);转用;转存,转录(资料、音乐等),改编;(旅途中)转乘,换乘;转印(图画,图案);(通过延伸、隐喻)转变(词义,短语义) n. 转移,转让,调动;(运动员)转会;转换,过渡;已调动的人,已转移的东西;(旅行中)转乘,转搭;转车票,换乘票;纸上可转印的图画或图案;迁移(将已习得的行为在新的情况下应用);transfers;transfers;transferring;transferred;transferred

8参考↓■Within, 内; ■equine, 马; ■behaviour, 行为学; ■affiliation, 附属; ■explained, 解释; ■these, 这些; ■ideas, 思想; ■through, 通过; ■courses, 课程; ■webinars, 网络研讨会; ■defined, 定义; ■equine, 马; ■psychology, 心理学; ■specialist, 专家; ■professional, 专业的; ■practice, 实践; ■model, 模型; ■based, 基于; ■clinical, 临床; ■psychologist, 心理学家; ■humans, 人类; ■trained, 训练; ■students, 学生; ■fulfill, 完成; ■gained, 获得; ■experience, 经验; ■real-world, 现实世界; ■application, 应用; ■multiple, 倍数; ■practitioners, 从业者; ■using, 使用; ■approach, 方法; ■hundreds, 数百; ■horses, 马; ■Having, 有; ■validated, 已验证; ■tested, 已测试; ■approach, 方法; ■wanted, 想要的; ■available, 可获得的; ■wider, 更广的; ■audience, 观众; ■shift, 转移; ■prevalent, 流行; ■unhelpful, 无益; ■narrative, 叙述的; ■horses, 马; ■psychologically, 心理上; ■simple, 简单的; ■beings, 生物; ■wanted, 想要的; ■endlessly, 无尽; ■explaining, 解释; ■doing, 做; ■people, 人;

Within the equine behaviour affiliation, we explained these ideas through courses and webinars. We defined the role of "equine psychology specialist" with a professional practice model based on that of the clinical psychologist for humans and trained students to fulfill this role. We gained experience in real-world application, with multiple practitioners using this approach with hundreds of horses. Having validated and tested our approach, we wanted to make it available to a wider audience and help to shift the prevalent unhelpful narrative of horses as psychologically simple beings. We also wanted to stop endlessly explaining what we were doing, and just ask people to "read the book"!

在马匹行为联盟中,我们通过课程和网络研讨会解释了这些想法。我们以人类临床心理学家和训练有素的学生为基础,通过专业实践模式定义了“马心理学专家”的角色。我们获得了实际应用的经验,多名从业者对数百匹马使用这种方法。在验证和测试了我们的方法之后,我们希望将其提供给更广泛的受众,并帮助改变马作为心理上简单的生物的普遍无益叙述。我们也想停止无休止地解释我们在做什么,只要求人们 “阅读这本书”!

1. psychology [vaɪs] n. 心理学;心理特点,心理状态;心理影响;心计,善解人意;psychologies

17. define [rɪˈpʌblɪkən] v. 给……下定义,解释;阐明,使清楚;标明……界限,明确显出……轮廓;是……的特征,为……的特色 【名】 (define)(英)德法恩,(葡)德菲内(人名);defines;defining;defined;defined

18. fulfill [rɪˈpel] vt. 履行;实现;满足;使结束(等于 fulfil);fulfills;fulfilling;fulfilled;fulfilled

19. practitioner [mɪə] n. (医学界或法律界的)从业人员,执业者;从事者,实践者;practitioners

20. shift [ˈkʌlə] v. (使)移动,(使)转移;(使)转换到(另一个人或另一事物);(使)改变意见(或信仰等);赶快;换(挡);(计算机)移位;按(计算机键盘上的)shift 键;摆脱,消除;(尤指大量)销售,出售;狼吞虎咽地吃;含糊其辞,拐弯抹角 n. 改变,转变;轮班工作时间;轮班工作的人;(计算机键盘上的)shift 键;(计算机)移位;(机动车的)换挡装置;宽松直筒连衣裙(=shift dress);长而宽松的内衣;(建筑)错位;(美橄)(开赛前)球员位置的变换;(天文)(光谱线的)偏移;语音演变(soun. shift 的简称);计谋,诡计;shifts;shifts;shifting;shifted;shifted

21. prevalent [ɪksˈplɪsɪt] adj. 盛行的,普遍的

22. narrative [ˌemplɔɪˈɪː, ɪmˈplɔɪɪ] n. 记叙文,叙述;叙事技巧 adj. 叙述的;叙事体的;narratives

9参考↓■relate, 有联系; ■backgrounds, 背景; ■general, 一般的; ■areas, 地区; ■interest, 兴趣;

MB: How does your book relate to your backgrounds and general areas of interest?


10参考↓■share, 分享; ■lifelong, 终身; ■horses, 马; ■worked, 工作; ■range, 范围; ■equestrian, 马术; ■settings, 设置; ■riding, 骑; ■instruction, 指令; ■charity, 慈善; ■sector, 部门; ■became, 成为; ■focused, 专注; ■wanting, 想要; ■horses, 马; ■clearly, 清晰地; ■struggling, 挣扎; ■domestic, 国内的; ■environments, 环境; ■concerns, 关注点; ■about, 关于; ■solutions, 解决; ■offered1, 报价1;

FG, M-L H, and SS: We all share a lifelong love of horses and have worked in a wide range of equestrian settings from riding instruction to the charity sector. We all became focused on wanting to help horses who were clearly struggling in domestic environments, and all had many concerns about the "solutions" that were offered.1

FG、M-L H 和 SS:我们都对马有着终生的热爱,并在从骑术教学到慈善部门的各种马术环境中工作。我们都专注于帮助那些显然在家庭环境中苦苦挣扎的马匹,并且都对所提供的“解决方案”有很多担忧。

23. setting [dɪˈfens] n. (某事发生的)环境,场合;(戏剧、小说或电影的)场景,背景;舞台布景;(设备的)档位;(宝石的)镶嵌底座;(为诗、祷文等谱写的)乐曲;(供一人用的)一副餐具 v. (小心地)放置;嵌入(表面);(电影、戏剧、故事等)以……为背景(set 的现在分词形式);settings

24. charity [ˌɒpəˈtjuːnɪtɪ] n. 慈善组织,慈善机构;慈善事业;仁慈,宽厚;赈济,施舍;charities

25. sector [ˈstrætɪdʒɪ] n. 区域,部分;(尤指商业、贸易等的)部门,行业;小群体;(尤指军队控制的)分区,防区;(磁盘上的)扇区; 扇形,扇形面;函数尺,象限仪 v. 把……分成扇形;sectors;sectors;sectoring;sectored;sectored

26. domestic [nʌm] adj. 国内的,本国的;家用的,家庭的;喜爱家庭生活的,乐于操持家务的;非野生的,驯养的 n. 家庭纠纷,家庭矛盾;佣人,家仆;国货,本地产品;domestics

11参考↓■reach, 达到; ■interesting, 有趣的; ■important, 重要的;

MB: Who do you hope to reach in your interesting and important book?


··◇·· 您已读到文章中部,稍憩继续!··◇··

12参考↓■Those, 那些; ■dissatisfied, 不满意的; ■approaches, 方法; ■offered, 提供; ■equestrian, 马术; ■community, 社区; ■missing, 丢失的; ■parts, 部分; ■puzzle, 令人费解的事; ■Those, 那些; ■their, 他们的; ■appreciation, 欣赏; ■their, 他们的; ■horse’s, 马的; ■sentience, 知觉; ■dismissed, 解雇; ■Those, 那些; ■interested, 感兴趣; ■radically, 从根本上; ■rethinking, 反思; ■equines, 马; ■humans, 人类; ■co-exist, 共存; ■Those, 那些; ■interested, 感兴趣; ■working, 工作; ■effect, 影响; ■human, 人类; ■behaviour, 行为学; ■change, 改变; ■within, 在内部; ■equestrian, 马术; ■world, 世界;

FG, M-L H, and SS: Those who feel dissatisfied with the approaches offered by the equestrian community and feel they are missing parts of the puzzle. Those who have their appreciation of their horse’s sentience dismissed. Those who are interested in radically rethinking how equines and humans co-exist. Those who are interested in working to effect human behaviour change within the equestrian world.

FG、M-L H 和 SS:那些对马术界提供的方法感到不满并认为他们缺少部分拼图的人。那些对马的感知能力的欣赏被忽视的人。那些对从根本上重新思考马和人类如何共存感兴趣的人。那些有兴趣在马术世界中改变人类行为的人。

27. missing [ɪ(ː)ˈkɒnəmɪ] adj. 找不到的,丢失的;缺少的,缺损的;(人)失踪的,下落不明的;遗漏的,未被包括在内的 v. 未击中,未抓住;未做,错过;思念,怀念(miss 的现在分词形式) 【名】 (missing)(德)米辛(人名)

13参考↓■major, 专业; ■topics, 话题; ■consider, 考虑;

MB: What are some of the major topics you consider?


14参考↓■first, 第一; ■examines, 检查; ■approach, 方法; ■describing, 描述; ■valid, 有效的; ■necessary, 必要的; ■equines, 马; ■better, 更好的; ■rather, 相当地; ■behave, 表现; ■summarise, 总结; ■relevant, 相关的; ■areas, 地区; ■development, 发展; ■human, 人类; ■psychological, 心理的; ■healthcare, 医疗保健; ■discuss, 讨论; ■trans-species, 跨物种; ■psychology, 心理学; ■context, 上下文; ■support, 支持; ■approach, 方法;

FG, M-L H, and SS: The first part of the book examines why the approach we are describing is both valid and necessary—if we want the equines in our care to feel better rather than just "behave." We summarise relevant areas in the development of human psychological healthcare and discuss trans-species psychology in this context to support our approach.

FG、M-L H 和 SS:本书的第一部分探讨了为什么我们所描述的方法既有效又必要——如果我们希望我们照顾的马感觉更好,而不仅仅是“表现”。我们总结了人类心理保健发展的相关领域,并在此背景下讨论了跨物种心理学以支持我们的方法。

1. psychology [vaɪs] n. 心理学;心理特点,心理状态;心理影响;心计,善解人意;psychologies

11. species [ˈfjʊərɪəs] n. (动植物的)种,物种;种类;(具有相同特征的)一类人;(化学,物理)核素;(圣餐中用的)面包和圣酒 adj. 原种的;species

28. relevant [ˌdeməˈkrætɪk] adj. 有关的,切题的;正确的,适宜的;有价值的,有意义的

29. context [skeɪl] n. 背景,环境;上下文,语境;contexts

15参考↓■describe, 描述; ■trans-species, 跨物种; ■systemic, 系统性; ■formulation, 配方; ■extension, 延伸; ■well-established, 公认的; ■method, 方法; ■formulation, 配方; ■clinical, 临床; ■psychologists, 心理学家; ■supports, 支持; ■working, 工作; ■multiple, 倍数; ■species, 物种; ■methodology, 方法论; ■restricted, 受限制的; ■working, 工作; ■humans, 人类; ■equines, 马; ■applied, 应用; ■species, 物种;

We also describe trans-species systemic formulation, an extension of a well-established method of formulation used by clinical psychologists that supports working with multiple species. This methodology is not restricted to working with humans and equines but can be applied to any species.


11. species [ˈfjʊərɪəs] n. (动植物的)种,物种;种类;(具有相同特征的)一类人;(化学,物理)核素;(圣餐中用的)面包和圣酒 adj. 原种的;species

30. extension [spɜː] n. 延伸,扩展;展期,延长期;扩建部分,延伸部分;(电话)分机;扩展名;(为非全日制学生开设的)进修部;牵伸(术);外延;广延(性);extensions

31. establish [rɪˈfjuːzəl] v. 建立,设立;证实,确定;发现,找出;使被接受,使得到承认;使(故事的角色)真实;(桥牌)(通过出大牌)使(某)花色所剩的牌都能赢;establishes;establishing;established;established

32. restrict [sɔː] v. 限制,控制(大小、数量、范围);限制(活动或行为),妨碍;约束,管束;(以法规)限制;封锁(消息);restricts;restricting;restricted;restricted

16参考↓■explore, 探索; ■mental, 精神的; ■well-being, 幸福感; ■domestic, 国内的; ■equines, 马; ■depth, 深度; ■factors, 因素; ■influence, 影响; ■mental, 精神的; ■well-being, 幸福感; ■interplay, 相互作用; ■between, 之间; ■systemic, 系统性; ■issues, 问题; ■living, 活的; ■environment, 环境; ■species, 物种; ■evolve, 发展; ■Relationships, 关系; ■meeting, 会议; ■social, 社会的; ■needs, 需要; ■factor, 因素; ■influencing, 影响; ■well-being, 幸福感; ■attachment, 附件; ■theory, 理论; ■applies, 应用; ■domestic, 国内的; ■equines, 马; ■their, 他们的; ■relationships, 关系; ■discussed, 讨论; ■detail, 细节; ■examples, 示例; ■Trans-species, 跨物种; ■psychology, 心理学; ■foundation, 基础; ■approaches, 方法; ■working, 工作; ■trauma, 创伤; ■species, 物种; ■following, 下列的; ■footsteps, 脚步声; ■Bradshaw, 布拉德肖; ■others, 其他; ■explain, 解释; ■application, 应用; ■Judith, 朱迪思; ■Herman’s, 赫尔曼的; ■phased, 分阶段; ■approach, 方法; ■trauma, 创伤; ■treatment, 治疗; ■equines, 马;

We then go on to explore mental well-being for domestic equines in depth—the factors that influence mental well-being and the interplay between them, and the systemic issues of living in an environment your species did not evolve to cope with. Relationships and the meeting of social needs are a big factor influencing well-being; attachment theory and how it applies to domestic equines and all their relationships is discussed in detail with lots of examples. Trans-species psychology has been a foundation for approaches to working with trauma for many species; following in the footsteps of Gay Bradshaw and others, we explain the application of Judith Herman’s phased approach to trauma treatment for equines.

然后,我们继续深入探讨家马的心理健康——影响心理健康的因素以及它们之间的相互作用,以及生活在您的物种无法进化以应对的环境中的系统性问题。人际关系和社会需求的满足是影响幸福感的重要因素;依恋理论及其如何应用于家马及其所有关系,通过大量示例详细讨论了。跨物种心理学一直是许多物种处理创伤的方法的基础;追随 Gay Bradshaw 和其他人的脚步,我们解释了 Judith Herman 的分阶段方法在马匹创伤治疗中的应用。

1. psychology [vaɪs] n. 心理学;心理特点,心理状态;心理影响;心计,善解人意;psychologies

11. species [ˈfjʊərɪəs] n. (动植物的)种,物种;种类;(具有相同特征的)一类人;(化学,物理)核素;(圣餐中用的)面包和圣酒 adj. 原种的;species

26. domestic [nʌm] adj. 国内的,本国的;家用的,家庭的;喜爱家庭生活的,乐于操持家务的;非野生的,驯养的 n. 家庭纠纷,家庭矛盾;佣人,家仆;国货,本地产品;domestics

33. factor [ɪnˈtɜːnl] n. 因素,要素;等级,系数;因数,因子;遗传因子,基因;(血液中的)凝血因子;代理公司,代理商;地产管理人,管家;测量水平 v. 把……作为因素计入,把……包括在内(factor in);把……作为因素排除,不把……包括在内(factor out);将……分解为因子;代理经营,(代管)产业;做代理商 【名】 (factor)(英)法克特(人名);factors;factors;factoring;factored;factored

34. issue [sɜːˈveɪ] n. 议题,争论点;(报纸、杂志等的)期,号;发放,分配;(新股票或邮票等的)发行;子女,后嗣;流出,发出;结果,后果 v. 发表,颁布;分发,分配;正式发行;流出,发出;由……产生,由……得出;issues;issues;issuing;issued;issued

35. evolve [ˈfrægmənt] v. 进化,演化;逐步发展,逐渐演变;evolves;evolving;evolved;evolved

36. cope [ˈleɪə] v. 对付,处理 n. 长袍,法衣 【名】 (cope)(英)科普,(西)科佩(人名);copes;copes;coping;coped;coped

37. foundation [ɪnˈvest] n. 地基,基础;基本原理,根据;基金会;建立,创办;(化妆打底用的)粉底霜;foundations

38. following [ˈdeɪtaɪm] adj. 之后的,接下来的;下列的,以下的;顺风的 n. 追随者,拥护者 prep. 在……之后,紧接着 v. 跟随;沿行;(时间、顺序)排在……之后(follow 的现在分词形式);followings

39. phase [ˈfæktə] n. (发展或变化的)阶段,时期;做出某种行为的短时期;(动物生活周期或年周期的)阶段,期;(月亮的)位相,盈亏;同步,协调;(化)相;(动)(由遗传或季节引起的)动物颜色变化(期);(物理)相位,相角;(线圈的)匝,(多相电机或电路的)连接;(语言学)(系统语法用语)相(指链接动词与后续动词的关系);相结构(含有链接动词和后续动词的结构) v. 分阶段进行;(物理)使相位同步,使定相;phases;phases;phasing;phased;phased

17参考↓■Finally, 最后; ■discuss, 讨论; ■equine, 马; ■psychology, 心理学; ■specialist, 专家; ■depth, 深度; ■those, 那些; ■working, 工作; ■field, 领域; ■human, 人类; ■psychological, 心理的; ■healthcare, 医疗保健; ■strong, 坚强的; ■parallels, 相似之处; ■professional, 专业的; ■practice, 实践; ■example, 例子; ■approach, 方法; ■client, 客户; ■conversations, 对话; ■importance, 重要性; ■clinical, 临床; ■supervision, 监督; ■working, 工作; ■multidisciplinary, 多学科;

Finally, we discuss the role of the equine psychology specialist in more depth; those working in the field of human psychological healthcare will see strong parallels in professional practice—for example, the approach to client conversations and the importance of clinical supervision and working as part of a multidisciplinary team.


1. psychology [vaɪs] n. 心理学;心理特点,心理状态;心理影响;心计,善解人意;psychologies

10. parallel [ˈləʊə] adj. 平行的;相似的,同时发生的;(计算机)并行的;并联的 n. (人或事物的)相似的手法,共同点;相似的人(或物);(地球的)纬线,纬圈;(印刷)平行符号 v. 与……相似;与……同时发生;与……并行;与……相当,比得上 adv. 与……平行;parallels;parallels;paralleling;parallelling;paralleled;parallelled;paralleled;parallelled

40. client [ˈməʊtɪveɪt] n. 客户,委托人;客户机,用户端;(古罗马)贵族庇护下的平民;受赡养者,食客;clients

18参考↓■provides, 提供; ■robustly, 稳健; ■evidenced, 证据确凿; ■professional, 专业的; ■practice, 实践; ■framework, 框架; ■providing, 提供; ■psychological, 心理的; ■healthcare, 医疗保健; ■domestic, 国内的; ■equines, 马; ■offers, 提供; ■practical, 实际的; ■explanations, 解释; ■breadth, 宽度; ■psychological, 心理的; ■schools, 学校; ■thought, 思想; ■better, 更好的; ■understand, 理解; ■equines, 马;

All in all, the book provides a robustly evidenced professional practice framework for providing psychological healthcare to domestic equines. It also offers practical explanations of how to draw from the full breadth of psychological schools of thought to better help and understand equines.


4. breadth [ˈhedˌkwɔːtəz] n. 宽度,幅度;广度,广泛性;breadths

26. domestic [nʌm] adj. 国内的,本国的;家用的,家庭的;喜爱家庭生活的,乐于操持家务的;非野生的,驯养的 n. 家庭纠纷,家庭矛盾;佣人,家仆;国货,本地产品;domestics

41. framework [ˈəʊvərɔːl] n. (建筑物或物体的)构架,结构;参照标准,准则;(社会、法律、政治等)框架;frameworks

19参考↓■differ, 相异; ■others, 其他; ■concerned, 担心的; ■general, 一般的; ■topics, 话题;

MB: How does your book differ from others that are concerned with some of the same general topics?


20参考↓■acknowledges, 承认; ■richer, 更富有; ■equine, 马; ■psychological, 心理的; ■landscape, 景观; ■better, 更好的; ■understand, 理解; ■order, 秩序; ■improve, 改善; ■domestic, 国内的; ■equine, 马; ■well-being, 幸福感; ■provide, 提供; ■enhanced, 增强; ■provide, 提供; ■deeper, 更深的; ■understanding, 理解力; ■equine, 马; ■needs, 需要; ■these, 这些; ■relate, 有联系; ■domestic, 国内的; ■environments, 环境; ■bringing, 带来; ■focus, 集中; ■changing, 改变; ■world, 世界; ■horse, 马;

FG, M-L H, and SS: This book acknowledges a much richer equine psychological landscape—one that we can seek to better understand in order to improve domestic equine well-being and provide enhanced care. We aim to provide a deeper understanding of equine needs and how these relate to domestic environments, bringing focus to changing the world—not the horse.

FG、M-L H 和 SS:这本书承认了一个更丰富的马心理景观——我们可以寻求更好地理解,以改善家马的健康状况并提供增强的护理。我们的目标是更深入地了解马匹的需求以及这些需求与家庭环境的关系,将重点放在改变世界上,而不是改变马匹。

26. domestic [nʌm] adj. 国内的,本国的;家用的,家庭的;喜爱家庭生活的,乐于操持家务的;非野生的,驯养的 n. 家庭纠纷,家庭矛盾;佣人,家仆;国货,本地产品;domestics

42. enhance [əˈkɔːd] v. 增强,提高,改善;enhances;enhancing;enhanced;enhanced

21参考↓■believe, 相信; ■first, 第一; ■propose, 建议; ■integrated, 集成; ■application, 应用; ■models, 模型; ■practice, 实践; ■human, 人类; ■psychological, 心理的; ■healthcare, 医疗保健; ■supported, 支持; ■trans-species, 跨物种; ■psychology, 心理学; ■practice-based, 基于实践; ■evidence, 证据; ■number, 数; ■years, 年; ■approach, 方法; ■describe, 描述; ■empowers, 赋权; ■equine, 马; ■guardians, 监护人; ■decisions, 决定; ■lifetime, 一生; ■horse, 马; ■solve, 解决; ■behaviour, 行为学; ■problem, 问题;

We believe that this is the first book to propose an integrated application of core models and practice from human psychological healthcare, supported by trans-species psychology and practice-based evidence over a number of years. The approach we describe empowers equine guardians to make good decisions for the lifetime of the horse and not just solve a "behaviour problem."


1. psychology [vaɪs] n. 心理学;心理特点,心理状态;心理影响;心计,善解人意;psychologies

11. species [ˈfjʊərɪəs] n. (动植物的)种,物种;种类;(具有相同特征的)一类人;(化学,物理)核素;(圣餐中用的)面包和圣酒 adj. 原种的;species

15. core [ˈlʌvə] n. 果核;中心部分;核心,要点;骨干,核心成员;地核,天体的核心;核反应堆堆芯;芯体 v. 给……去核 adj. 核心的,最重要的;基础的,必修的 【名】 (core)(英)科尔,(西、意)科雷(人名);cores;cores;coring;cored;cored

43. propose [ˈhaʊshəʊld] v. 提议,建议;提出(理论或解释);提名,推荐;计划,打算;求婚;(向立法机构或委员会)提交(动议);提议祝(酒);proposes;proposing;proposed;proposed

44. integrate [ˈɪsjuː] v. (使)合并,成为一体;(使)加入,融入群体;(使)取消种族隔离;求……的积分;表示(面积、温度等)的总和,表示……的平均值 adj. 整合的;integrates;integrating;integrated;integrated

45. numb [ɪnˈfleɪʃən] adj. 麻木的,失去感觉的;迟钝的,呆滞的 v. 使麻木,使失去知觉;使迟钝,使呆滞;使(某种感觉)减轻,使减弱;number;numbs;numbing;numbed;numbed

22参考↓■hopeful, 充满希望的; ■people, 人; ■learn, 学习; ■about, 关于; ■these, 这些; ■amazing, 太神了; ■animals, 动物; ■treat, 对待; ■respect, 尊重; ■compassion, 同情;

MB: Are you hopeful that as people learn more about these amazing animals they will treat them with more respect and compassion?


46. hopeful [ˌɪːkəˈnɒmɪk] adj. 满怀希望的;有希望的,有前途的;(行动)被寄予希望的 n. 希望成功的人,有前途的人;hopefuls

47. compassion [dɪˈrektlɪ, daɪˈrektlɪ] n. 同情,怜悯

23参考↓■recent, 最近的; ■years, 年; ■shift, 转移; ■thinking, 思考; ■majority, 大多数; ■those, 那些; ■involved, 卷入的; ■equines, 马; ■passion, 激情; ■their, 他们的; ■discomfort, 不适; ■about, 关于; ■unhelpful, 无益; ■narratives, 叙事; ■traditional, 传统的; ■equestrian, 马术; ■settings, 设置; ■information, 信息; ■challenge, 挑战; ■these, 这些; ■narratives, 叙事; ■either, 任何一个; ■internally, 内部; ■externally, 外部; ■Researchers, 研究人员; ■considering, 考虑到; ■broader, 更广泛; ■measures, 措施; ■well-being, 幸福感; ■purely, 纯粹地; ■physical, 身体的; ■general, 一般的; ■population, 人口; ■there, 那里; ■shift, 转移; ■considering, 考虑到; ■emotional, 情感的; ■lives, 生活; ■animals, 动物; ■deeper, 更深的; ■consideration, 考虑; ■co-exist, 共存; ■other, 其他;

FG, M-L H, and SS: Yes. In recent years, we do see a shift in thinking. The vast majority of those involved with equines have a passion for them and want to do their best by them. Many feel discomfort about the many unhelpful narratives in traditional equestrian settings but lack the information to challenge these narratives either internally or externally. Researchers are considering broader measures of well-being than the purely physical. In the general population, there is also a shift in considering the emotional lives of animals and deeper consideration of how we co-exist with each other.

FG、M-L H 和 SS:是的。近年来,我们确实看到了思维方式的转变。绝大多数与马有关的人都对它们充满热情,并希望通过它们做到最好。许多人对传统马术环境中许多无益的叙述感到不适,但缺乏在内部或外部挑战这些叙述的信息。研究人员正在考虑比纯粹的身体健康更广泛的衡量标准。在普通人群中,考虑动物的情感生活和更深入地考虑我们如何相互共存也发生了转变。

20. shift [ˈkʌlə] v. (使)移动,(使)转移;(使)转换到(另一个人或另一事物);(使)改变意见(或信仰等);赶快;换(挡);(计算机)移位;按(计算机键盘上的)shift 键;摆脱,消除;(尤指大量)销售,出售;狼吞虎咽地吃;含糊其辞,拐弯抹角 n. 改变,转变;轮班工作时间;轮班工作的人;(计算机键盘上的)shift 键;(计算机)移位;(机动车的)换挡装置;宽松直筒连衣裙(=shift dress);长而宽松的内衣;(建筑)错位;(美橄)(开赛前)球员位置的变换;(天文)(光谱线的)偏移;语音演变(soun. shift 的简称);计谋,诡计;shifts;shifts;shifting;shifted;shifted

22. narrative [ˌemplɔɪˈɪː, ɪmˈplɔɪɪ] n. 记叙文,叙述;叙事技巧 adj. 叙述的;叙事体的;narratives

23. setting [dɪˈfens] n. (某事发生的)环境,场合;(戏剧、小说或电影的)场景,背景;舞台布景;(设备的)档位;(宝石的)镶嵌底座;(为诗、祷文等谱写的)乐曲;(供一人用的)一副餐具 v. (小心地)放置;嵌入(表面);(电影、戏剧、故事等)以……为背景(set 的现在分词形式);settings

48. involve [tɪlt] v. 牵涉,涉及;包含,需要;使陷入,使卷入;(使)参加,加入;使承担,使面对;involves;involving;involved;involved

49. consideration [ˈfeɪvə] n. 考虑,斟酌;考虑因素;体贴,关心;报酬,酬金;(合同协议中的)对价,约因;重要(性);considerations


