0参考↓■citizen, 公民; ■science, 科学; ■turbocharge, 涡轮增压器; ■big-data, 大数据; ■projects, 项目;
Use citizen science to turbocharge big-data projects
1参考↓■Volunteers, 志愿者; ■played, 玩; ■validating, 验证; ■gigantic, 巨大的; ■neuroscience, 神经科学; ■study, 学习; ■mapping, 地图绘制; ■fruit-fly, 果蝇; ■brain, 脑; ■shows, 显示; ■achieved, 实现; ■through, 通过; ■crowdsourcing, 众包; ■research, 研究;
Volunteers played a key part in validating a gigantic neuroscience study mapping the fruit-fly brain. It shows what can be achieved through crowdsourcing research.
1. gigantic [dʒaɪˈgæntɪk] adj. 巨大的,庞大的
02 October 2024
3参考↓■brain, 脑; ■fruit, 水果; ■small, 小的; ■inordinately, 过分地; ■complex, 复杂的; ■object, 对象; ■encompassing, 包括; ■nearly, 几乎; ■neurons, 神经元; ■million, 百万; ■synapses, 突触; ■wonder, 想知道; ■years, 年; ■laboratories, 实验室; ■people, 人; ■monumental, 纪念碑; ■achievement, 成就; ■subject, 主题; ■series, 系列; ■papers, 纸张; ■Nature1–4, 性质1–4;
The brain of a fruit fly is so small that it can fit on the head of a pin. And yet, it is an inordinately complex object, encompassing nearly 140,000 neurons and 50 million synapses. It is no wonder, then, that it took 5 years, 50 laboratories and more than 200 people to map it — a monumental achievement that is the subject of a series of papers this week in Nature1–4.
果蝇的大脑非常小,可以放在针头上。然而,它是一个异常复杂的物体,包含近 140,000 个神经元和 5000 万个突触。因此,难怪花了 5 年时间、50 个实验室和 200 多人来绘制它的地图——这是一项巨大的成就,本周在《自然》杂志上发表了一系列论文1-4。
4参考↓■Brain, 大脑; ■mapping, 地图绘制; ■delicate, 精致的; ■complex, 复杂的; ■tasks, 任务; ■neuroscience, 神经科学; ■smallest, 最小的; ■error, 错误; ■markedly, 明显; ■affect, 影响; ■results, 结果; ■achievement, 成就; ■remarkable, 非凡的; ■considering, 考虑到; ■around, 围绕; ■dozen, 打; ■people, 人; ■working, 工作; ■project, 项目; ■full-time, 全职; ■academic, 学术的; ■researchers, 研究人员; ■volunteers, 志愿者; ■walks, 走; ■around, 围绕; ■world, 世界; ■collaborated, 合作; ■validate, 验证; ■results, 结果; ■produced, 产生; ■artificial, 人造的; ■intelligence, 智力; ■Hundreds, 数百; ■neuroscientists, 神经科学家; ■study, 学习; ■fruit, 水果; ■flies, 苍蝇; ■volunteered, 志愿者; ■support, 支持; ■project, 项目; ■recruited, 招募; ■their, 他们的; ■students, 学生; ■Together, 一起; ■credited, 贷记; ■authors, 作者; ■Amateur, 业余的; ■science, 科学; ■science, 科学; ■itself, 它本身; ■project, 项目; ■another, 另一个; ■involve, 涉及; ■brain, 脑; ■power, 权力; ■increasingly, 越来越多地; ■data-hungry, 数据饥渴; ■research, 研究;
Brain mapping is one of the most delicate and complex tasks in neuroscience, and even the smallest error can markedly affect the results. The achievement is all the more remarkable considering that around a dozen people working on the project were not full-time academic researchers, but volunteers from all walks of life, from around the world. They collaborated to validate results produced by artificial intelligence (AI). Hundreds of neuroscientists who study fruit flies also volunteered to support the project, and recruited their students. Together, they have been credited as authors. Amateur science is as old as science itself, but this project adds yet another way to involve more brain power in what is increasingly data-hungry research.
大脑映射是神经科学中最微妙和复杂的任务之一,即使是最小的误差也会显着影响结果。考虑到参与该项目的大约十几人不是全职学术研究人员,而是来自世界各地各行各业的志愿者,这一成就就更加引人注目。他们合作验证了人工智能 (AI) 产生的结果。数百名研究果蝇的神经科学家也自愿支持该项目,并招募了他们的学生。他们一起被誉为作者。业余科学与科学本身一样古老,但这个项目增加了另一种方式,让更多的脑力参与到越来越需要数据的研究中。
2. delicate [ˈdelɪkɪt] adj. 柔和的,清淡的;虚弱的,纤弱的;脆弱的,易碎的;小巧玲珑的,纤细的;微妙的,棘手的;精致的,精巧的;灵巧的,熟练的;(仪器)灵敏的 n. 精美的衣物;delicates
3. remarkable [rɪˈmɑːkəbl] adj. 引人注目的,非凡的
4. academic [ˌækəˈdemɪk] adj. 学业的,学术的;学校的,学院的;学业(成绩)优秀的,善于学习的;不切实际的,空谈的 n. 大学教师,学者;(学校或学院的)课程;大学生;academics
5. collaborate [kəˈlæbəreɪt] v. 合作,协作;勾结,通敌;collaborates;collaborating;collaborated;collaborated
6. recruit [rɪˈkruːt] v. 招聘,招收(新成员);招募(新兵);说服,动员;(通过招募)组成,组建; 恢复(数量、力气等) n. 新兵;新成员;recruits;recruits;recruiting;recruited;recruited
7. amateur [ˈæmətə(ː), ˈæmətjʊə] n. 业余爱好者;生手,外行 adj. 非专业的,业余爱好的;不熟练的;amateurs
8. involve [ɪnˈvɒlv] v. 牵涉,涉及;包含,需要;使陷入,使卷入;(使)参加,加入;使承担,使面对;involves;involving;involved;involved
9. increasingly [ɪnˈkrɪːsɪŋlɪ] adv. 越来越多地,不断增加地
5参考↓■‘FlyWire, FlyWire; ■connectome’, 连接体”; ■presented, 提出了; ■Murthy, 阴暗; ■neuroscientist, 神经科学家; ■Princeton, 普林斯顿; ■University, 大学; ■Jersey, 运动衫; ■colleagues1, 同事1; ■already, 已经; ■helping, 帮助; ■advance, 提前; ■neuroscience, 神经科学; ■project, 项目; ■create, 创造; ■‘wiring, '接线; ■diagram’, 图表'; ■connections, 连接; ■between, 之间; ■neurons, 神经元; ■discovered, 发现; ■types, 类型; ■understudied, 研究不足; ■brain, 脑; ■regions2, 地区2; ■Other, 其他; ■groups, 组; ■using, 使用; ■study, 学习; ■predictions, 预言; ■about, 关于; ■brain, 脑; ■function, 功能; ■example, 例子; ■researchers, 研究人员; ■United, 联合的; ■States, 国家; ■United, 联合的; ■Kingdom, 王国; ■South, 南方; ■Korea, 韩国; ■Puerto, 波多黎各; ■investigate, 调查; ■neurons, 神经元; ■control, 控制; ■flies, 苍蝇; ■groom, 新郎; ■themselves3, 自己3; ■simulated, 模拟; ■relevant, 相关的; ■brain, 脑; ■circuits, 电路; ■model, 模型; ■predict, 预测; ■which, 哪一个; ■neurons, 神经元; ■respond, 回应; ■stimuli, 刺激物; ■sugar, 糖; ■water, 水;
The ‘FlyWire connectome’ map presented by Mala Murthy, a neuroscientist at Princeton University in New Jersey, and her colleagues1 is already helping to advance neuroscience. The project to create a ‘wiring diagram’ of connections between neurons discovered 4,581 cell types, many in understudied brain regions2. Other groups are using the map to study and make predictions about brain function. For example, researchers in the United States, the United Kingdom, South Korea and Puerto Rico have used it to investigate the neurons that control how flies feed and groom themselves3. The team simulated the relevant brain circuits and used the model to predict which neurons respond to food stimuli, such as sugar or water.
新泽西州普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)的神经科学家马拉·穆尔蒂(Mala Murthy)和她的同事1提出的“FlyWire 连接组”图谱已经在帮助推动神经科学的发展。创建神经元之间连接的“布线图”的项目发现了 4,581 种细胞类型,其中许多位于研究不足的大脑区域2。其他小组正在使用该地图来研究和预测大脑功能。例如,美国、英国、韩国和波多黎各的研究人员使用它来研究控制苍蝇如何进食和梳理自身的神经元3。该团队模拟了相关的大脑回路,并使用该模型来预测哪些神经元对食物刺激(如糖或水)做出反应。
10. investigate [ɪnˈvestɪgeɪt] v. 侦察(某事);调查(某人);研究;investigates;investigating;investigated;investigated
11. simulate [ˈsɪmjəleɪt] v. 假装,冒充;模拟,模仿;看上去像;计算机模拟 adj. 虚假的,假装的;simulates;simulating;simulated;simulated
12. relevant [ˈrelɪvənt] adj. 有关的,切题的;正确的,适宜的;有价值的,有意义的
13. circuit [ˈsɜːkɪt] n. 电路,回路;巡回活动,巡回地;环道,环线;巡回赛;赛车道;(英国)巡回审判区,巡回上诉法院;(一套)体操动作;统一经营的连锁剧院(或影院) v. (绕……)环行;circuits;circuits;circuiting;circuited;circuited
6参考↓■Another, 另一个; ■researchers, 研究人员; ■University, 大学; ■California, 加利福尼亚; ■Santa, 圣诞老人; ■Barbara, 芭芭拉; ■predict, 预测; ■specialized, 专业的; ■neurons, 神经元; ■certain, 某些; ■parts, 部分; ■fruit, 水果; ■Drosophila, 果蝇; ■melanogaster, 黑腹果蝇; ■brain, 脑; ■receive, 接收; ■process, 过程; ■visual, 视觉的; ■information4, 信息4; ■researchers, 研究人员; ■imaging, 成像; ■techniques, 技术; ■confirm, 确认; ■their, 他们的; ■predictions, 预言; ■female, 女性的; ■flies, 苍蝇; ■between, 之间; ■seven, 七; ■underscoring, 强调; ■connectome’s, 连接体; ■power, 权力; ■understand, 理解; ■brain, 脑; ■works, 作品;
Another team, led by researchers at the University of California, Santa Barbara, used the map to predict how specialized neurons in certain parts of the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) brain receive and process visual information4. The researchers used imaging techniques to confirm their predictions in female flies that were between seven and nine days old, underscoring the connectome’s power to understand how the brain works.
由加州大学圣巴巴拉分校的研究人员领导的另一个团队使用该地图来预测果蝇(黑腹果蝇)大脑某些部分的特殊神经元如何接收和处理视觉信息4。研究人员使用成像技术证实了他们对 7 到 9 天大的雌性果蝇的预测,强调了连接组理解大脑如何运作的能力。
14. specialize [ˈspeʃəlaɪz] vi. 专门研究(或从事),专攻;专营;(生)使(器官)专化,使特化;specializes;specializing;specialized;specialized
15. visual [ˈvɪzjʊəl] adj. 视觉的,视力的;栩栩如生的 n. 视觉资料(指说明性的图片、影片等);visuals
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7参考↓■tasks, 任务; ■researcher, 研究员; ■volunteers, 志愿者; ■academic, 学术的; ■neuroscientists, 神经科学家; ■label, 标签; ■double-check, 双重检查; ■accuracy, 精确; ■Initially, 最初; ■project’s, 项目的; ■scientists, 科学家; ■electron, 电子; ■microscopy, 显微镜; ■images, 图像; ■slices, 片; ■brain, 脑; ■trained, 训练; ■model, 模型; ■these, 这些; ■images, 图像; ■create, 创造; ■wiring, 装电线; ■diagram, 图表; ■millions, 数以百万计的; ■synapses, 突触; ■thousands, 数千; ■neurons, 神经元; ■These, 这些; ■predictions, 预言; ■needed, 需要; ■verified, 已证实的; ■against, 反对; ■quality, 质量; ■criteria, 标准; ■parameters, 参数;
One of the main tasks of the researcher volunteers was to help the academic neuroscientists label the map and double-check its accuracy. Initially, the project’s scientists used electron microscopy to take images of slices of the fly brain. They then trained an AI model on these images to create a wiring diagram of millions of synapses and thousands of neurons. These predictions needed to be verified against quality criteria and parameters.
研究人员志愿者的主要任务之一是帮助学术神经科学家标记地图并仔细检查其准确性。最初,该项目的科学家使用电子显微镜拍摄果蝇大脑切片的图像。然后,他们在这些图像上训练了一个 AI 模型,以创建包含数百万个突触和数千个神经元的布线图。这些预测需要根据质量标准和参数进行验证。
4. academic [ˌækəˈdemɪk] adj. 学业的,学术的;学校的,学院的;学业(成绩)优秀的,善于学习的;不切实际的,空谈的 n. 大学教师,学者;(学校或学院的)课程;大学生;academics
16. image [ˈɪmɪdʒ] n. 形象,印象;影像,映像,图像;比喻,意象;画像,塑像,雕像;酷似另一个人的人;(人或事物)外形,外表;像点;硬盘备份;(圣经)偶像 v. 作……的像,描绘……的形象;(以探测器或电磁束)扫描出……的直观图;幻想,想像 【名】 (image)(法)伊马热(人名);images;images;imaging;imaged;imaged
17. label [ˈleɪbl] n. 标签,标牌;称号,绰号;商标,品牌;唱片公司;(计算机)标记;示踪剂;带垂饰的横带 v. 贴标签;把……不公正地称为;用示踪剂使(物质等)示踪 【名】 (label)(美、法、巴)拉贝尔(人名);labels;labels;labelling;labeling;labelled;labeled;labelled;labeled
18. accuracy [ˈækjərəsɪ] n. 准确性,精确性;准确,精确;accuracies
19. electron [ɪˈlektrɔn] n. 电子;electrons
20. slice [slaɪs] n. (切下的食物)薄片,片;(蛋糕等的)小块 ;水果切块;部分,份;例子;(体育运动中的)斜切球,削球,侧旋球;(切片用的)薄刀,(铲食物用的)铲子 v. 把……切成薄片;切,割,划;轻易快速穿过(空气或水等);削(球),斜切打;(无意中)打出弧线球;减少(时间、钱等);slices;slices;slicing;sliced;sliced
23. parameter [pəˈræmɪtə] n. 界限,范围;参数,变量;(统计)人口参数;parameters
8参考↓■Fact-checking, 事实核查; ■millions, 数以百万计的; ■points, 积分; ■time-consuming, 耗时; ■Instead, 相反; ■project, 项目; ■co-leader, 共同领导; ■Sebastian, 塞巴斯蒂安; ■Seung, 箱; ■neuroscientist, 神经科学家; ■Princeton, 普林斯顿; ■University, 大学; ■built, 建造; ■interactive, 交互式; ■game-like, 游戏类; ■platform, 平台; ■called, 打电话; ■EyeWire, EyeWire; ■which, 哪一个; ■volunteers, 志愿者; ■asked, 问; ■assemble, 集合; ■models, 模型; ■neurons, 神经元; ■mouse, 老鼠; ■retina, 视网膜; ■zebrafish, 斑马鱼; ■hindbrain, 后脑; ■best-performing, 表现最佳; ■players, 玩家; ■trained, 训练; ■identify, 识别; ■various, 各种各样的; ■types, 类型; ■project, 项目; ■proofread, 校对; ■AI-generated, AI生成; ■synapses, 突触; ■neurons, 神经元; ■otherwise, 否则; ■would, 将; ■needed, 需要; ■another, 另一个; ■neuroscientists, 神经科学家; ■working, 工作; ■least, 最少的; ■complete, 完成;
Fact-checking millions of data points is time-consuming. Instead, project co-leader Sebastian Seung, a neuroscientist at Princeton University, and his team built an interactive game-like platform called EyeWire, in which volunteers were asked to assemble 3D models of neurons in a mouse retina and zebrafish hindbrain. The 100 best-performing players were then trained to identify various types of cell and then set to work on the real project, to proofread the AI-generated synapses and neurons — a task that otherwise would have needed another 33 neuroscientists working full time, for at least a year, to complete.
对数百万个数据点进行事实核查非常耗时。相反,项目联合负责人、普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)的神经科学家塞巴斯蒂安·肖(Sebastian Seung)和他的团队构建了一个名为 EyeWire 的交互式游戏式平台,志愿者被要求在其中组装小鼠视网膜和斑马鱼后脑中神经元的 3D 模型。然后,100 名表现最好的参与者接受了培训,以识别各种类型的细胞,然后开始从事真正的项目,校对 AI 生成的突触和神经元——否则,这项任务需要另外 33 名神经科学家全职工作,至少一年才能完成。
24. assemble [əˈsembl] v. (使)集合,(使)聚集;装配,组装;assembles;assembling;assembled;assembled
25. identify [aɪˈdentɪfaɪ] v. 认出,识别;查明,确认;发现;证明(身份),表明;认同,理解;认为……和……一致;和(某人)打成一片;identifies;identifying;identified;identified
26. generate [ˈdʒenəˌreɪt] v. 产生,引起;generates;generating;generated;generated
9参考↓■thought, 思想; ■study, 学习; ■would, 将; ■years, 年; ■making, 制作; ■Murthy, 阴暗; ■technology, 技术; ■developed, 发达的; ■opened, 开的; ■volunteer, 志愿者; ■community, 社区; ■really, 真正地; ■stepped, 举步; ■excited, 兴奋的; ■participate, 参与; ■became, 成为; ■reality, 现实; ■completed, 完整的; ■would, 将; ■consider, 考虑; ■record, 记录;
“We thought [this study] would be many, many years in the making,” says Murthy. “But as the technology developed, and as we opened up the data, and the [volunteer] community really stepped in and were excited to participate with us, it became a reality. And we completed it, in what I would consider record time.”
“我们认为 [这项研究] 会酝酿很多很多年,”Murthy 说。“但随着技术的发展,随着我们开放数据,[志愿者] 社区真正介入并很高兴与我们一起参与,这成为了现实。我们在我认为创纪录的时间内完成了它。
10参考↓■director, 主任; ■Brain, 大脑; ■Research, 研究; ■through, 通过; ■Advancing, 前进; ■Innovative, 创新; ■Neurotechnologies, 神经技术; ■BRAIN, 大脑; ■Initiative, 主动权; ■National, 国家; ■Institutes, 研究所; ■Health, 健康; ■Bethesda, 贝塞斯达; ■Maryland, 马里兰州; ■which, 哪一个; ■funded, 提供资金; ■studies, 研究; ■Nature, 自然; ■approach, 方法; ■could, 能够; ■larger, 更大的; ■connectome, 连接体; ■projects, 项目; ■BRAIN, 大脑; ■Initiative, 主动权; ■funding, 基金; ■includes, 包括; ■programme, 节目单; ■called, 打电话; ■BRAIN, 大脑; ■CONNECTS, 连接; ■which, 哪一个; ■involves, 涉及; ■training, 训练; ■people, 人; ■research, 研究; ■technical, 技术的; ■skills, 技能; ■required, 必修的; ■generate, 生成; ■wiring, 装电线; ■diagrams, 图表; ■mammalian, 哺乳动物; ■brains, 大脑;
John Ngai, director of the Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative at the US National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, which funded the studies, told Nature that such an approach could be used for larger connectome projects that the BRAIN Initiative is funding. This includes a programme called BRAIN CONNECTS, which involves training people in the research and technical skills required to generate wiring diagrams of mammalian brains.
马里兰州贝塞斯达的美国国立卫生研究院(US National Institutes of Health)通过推进创新神经技术(BRAIN)计划进行脑研究(Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative)的主任约翰·魏(John Ngai)告诉《自然》(Nature),这种方法可以用于BRAIN Initiative资助的大型连接组项目。这包括一个名为 BRAIN CONNECTS 的计划,该计划涉及培训人们生成哺乳动物大脑布线图所需的研究和技术技能。
8. involve [ɪnˈvɒlv] v. 牵涉,涉及;包含,需要;使陷入,使卷入;(使)参加,加入;使承担,使面对;involves;involving;involved;involved
26. generate [ˈdʒenəˌreɪt] v. 产生,引起;generates;generating;generated;generated
27. initiative [ɪˈnɪʃɪətɪv] n. 措施,倡议;主动性,积极性;主动权;(美国某些州的)公民立法提案程序;initiatives
28. fund [fʌnd] n. 基金,专款;资金,钱款;基金会;储备量 v. 资助,为……提供资金 【名】 (fund))(德)丰德(人名);funds;funds;funding;funded;funded
11参考↓■Amateur, 业余的; ■scientists, 科学家; ■volunteers, 志愿者; ■getting, 得到; ■increasingly, 越来越多地; ■involved, 卷入的; ■other, 其他; ■areas, 地区; ■Earlier, 早期的; ■month, 月; ■researchers, 研究人员; ■United, 联合的; ■Nations, 国家; ■Statistics, 统计; ■Division, 分部; ■Watch, 观看; ■non-profit, 非营利组织; ■organization, 组织; ■based, 基于; ■Washington, 华盛顿; ■described, 描述; ■citizen, 公民; ■scientists, 科学家; ■helping, 帮助; ■Sustainable, 可持续的; ■Develop-ment, 发展; ■Goals, 目标; ■especially, 尤其地; ■marginalized, 边缘化; ■communities5, 社区5;
Amateur scientists and volunteers are getting increasingly involved in other areas, too. Earlier this month, researchers at the United Nations Statistics Division in New York City and Open Data Watch, a non-profit organization based in Washington DC, described how citizen scientists are helping to fill in data gaps for the UN Sustainable Develop-ment Goals, especially for marginalized communities5.
业余科学家和志愿者也越来越多地参与其他领域。本月早些时候,纽约市联合国统计司和华盛顿特区非营利组织 Open Data Watch 的研究人员描述了公民科学家如何帮助填补联合国可持续发展目标的数据空白,尤其是边缘化社区的数据空白5。
7. amateur [ˈæmətə(ː), ˈæmətjʊə] n. 业余爱好者;生手,外行 adj. 非专业的,业余爱好的;不熟练的;amateurs
8. involve [ɪnˈvɒlv] v. 牵涉,涉及;包含,需要;使陷入,使卷入;(使)参加,加入;使承担,使面对;involves;involving;involved;involved
9. increasingly [ɪnˈkrɪːsɪŋlɪ] adv. 越来越多地,不断增加地
29. division [dɪˈvɪʒən] n. 分开,分配;除法;部门;分歧,不和;分界线;(军队编制中的)师;(英国议会的)分组表决;(足球等体育运动中联赛的)级;divisions
12参考↓■study6, 研究6; ■Nature, 自然; ■described, 描述; ■asteroid, 小行星; ■Dimorphos, Dimorphos; ■became, 成为; ■temporarily, 暂时; ■brighter, 光明; ■redder, 更红; ■NASA’s, 美国国家航空航天局; ■Double, 双人间; ■Asteroid, 小行星; ■Redirection, 重定向; ■spacecraft, 简单搜索; ■deliberately, 故意; ■finding, 发现; ■confirmed, 已确认; ■small, 小的; ■group, 组; ■amateur, 业余的; ■astronomers, 天文学家; ■share, 分享; ■their, 他们的; ■observational, 观察性; ■professional, 专业的; ■scientists, 科学家; ■through, 通过;
Last year, a study6 in Nature described how the asteroid Dimorphos became temporarily brighter and redder when NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test spacecraft deliberately hit it. The finding was confirmed by a small group of amateur astronomers who were able to share their observational data with professional scientists through an app.
去年,《自然》杂志上的一项研究6描述了当 NASA 的双小行星重定向测试航天器故意撞击小行星 Dimorphos 时,它如何暂时变得更亮和更红。一小群业余天文学家证实了这一发现,他们能够通过应用程序与专业科学家分享他们的观测数据。
7. amateur [ˈæmətə(ː), ˈæmətjʊə] n. 业余爱好者;生手,外行 adj. 非专业的,业余爱好的;不熟练的;amateurs
30. spacecraft [ˈspeɪskrɑːft] n. 宇宙飞船,航天器;spacecraft;spacecrafts
31. finding [ˈfaɪndɪŋ] n. 结果,发现;判决,裁决;(制作服装、鞋子或首饰用的)一应小物件(或小工具) v. 找到,感到(fin. 的现在分词形式);findings
13参考↓■Often, 经常; ■professionals, 专业人士; ■check, 检查; ■amateurs, 业余爱好者; ■What’s, 什么是; ■different, 不同的; ■about, 关于; ■fly-brain, 飞脑; ■volunteers, 志愿者; ■helping, 帮助; ■full-time, 全职; ■scientists, 科学家; ■authenticate, 身份验证; ■their, 他们的; ■findings, 调查结果; ■something, 某物; ■could, 能够; ■wider, 更广的; ■application, 应用; ■data-rich, 数据丰富; ■world, 世界;
Often, it’s the professionals who need to check the work of the amateurs. What’s different about the fly-brain work is that the volunteers are helping the full-time scientists to authenticate their findings — something that could have a much wider application in our data-rich world.
7. amateur [ˈæmətə(ː), ˈæmətjʊə] n. 业余爱好者;生手,外行 adj. 非专业的,业余爱好的;不熟练的;amateurs
31. finding [ˈfaɪndɪŋ] n. 结果,发现;判决,裁决;(制作服装、鞋子或首饰用的)一应小物件(或小工具) v. 找到,感到(fin. 的现在分词形式);findings