《牛津词典》终于也公布了自己的年度词汇——brain rot。
“Brain rot(脑腐)”一词主要用来形容人们对过度消费低质量在线内容(尤其是社交媒体内容)影响的担忧。从2023年到2024年,这个词的使用频率激增了230%。
brain rot虽然是今年的年度热词,不过单词本身已经有100多年的历史了。早在1854年,美国著名作家梭罗(Henry David Thoreau)就在他的著作《瓦尔登湖》(Walden)里面用上了这个词。
脑腐 brainrot
亨利·大卫·梭罗(Henry David Thoreau)
《牛津词典》近日公布了2024年度的“词汇之星”——“brain rot” (脑腐)。
“Brain rot”一词源于人们对过度消费低质量在线内容,尤其是社交媒体内容可能带来的负面影响的忧虑。随着社交媒体的泛滥和人们信息消费方式的变化,这一词汇在2023年到2024年间的使用频率激增了230%。它反映了现代人对大规模信息轰炸和短平快内容消费的焦虑,强调了对大脑长期暴露在低质量、碎片化信息中的潜在危害。
尽管“brain rot”这一词汇已经成为今年的热议话题,它的历史可以追溯到100多年前。早在1854年,美国著名作家亨利·大卫·梭罗(Henry David Thoreau)便在其经典作品《瓦尔登湖》(Walden)中提到了这一概念,形容长时间生活在简单、重复的环境中的精神退化现象。
从去年开始,"brain rot"在TikTok等社交平台上迅速走红。许多博主开始通过视频讨论互联网成瘾带来的认知退化问题,呼吁人们警惕过度依赖网络和数字媒体所带来的负面影响。有些人总结道,要判断一个人是否患上“脑腐”,最直接的方法就是看他们在日常交流中是否频繁使用网络流行语,尤其是一些表面幽默但缺乏深度的表达。
The Oxford English Dictionary has recently announced its Word of the Year for 2024—brain rot.
The term "brain rot" primarily refers to the growing concerns over the negative effects of excessive consumption of low-quality online content, especially on social media. With the overwhelming flood of digital media and the shift in how people consume information, the usage of this word surged by 230% from 2023 to 2024. It reflects a growing anxiety about the cognitive consequences of prolonged exposure to fragmented and shallow content, emphasizing the potential damage to the brain caused by constantly consuming low-quality information.
Although "brain rot" has become a buzzword this year, its origins date back over a century. As early as 1854, the renowned American writer Henry David Thoreau mentioned the concept in his seminal work Walden, describing the mental deterioration caused by prolonged exposure to simple, repetitive environments.
The term gained significant traction on social media platforms like TikTok last year, with numerous influencers posting videos discussing the cognitive decline associated with excessive internet usage.
Excessive consumption of
1.Excessive consumption of fast food has contributed to the rise of lifestyle diseases.
2.The excessive consumption of news in the digital age can lead to information overload and burnout.
Reflects concerns over
1.This new regulation reflects growing concerns over environmental pollution and climate change.
2.The report reflects concerns over the rise of fake news and its impact on public opinion.
Prolonged exposure to
1.Prolonged exposure to loud noise can cause irreversible hearing damage.
2.Prolonged exposure to social media can lead to issues such as anxiety and depression.
Has gained traction
1.The idea of remote work has gained traction in recent years due to advancements in technology.
2.The use of electric cars has gained traction as more people become aware of environmental issues.
Be associated with
1.Poor eating habits are often associated with a higher risk of chronic diseases.
2.A lack of physical activity is strongly associated with mental health problems.
A growing anxiety about
1.There is a growing anxiety about the future of work in an age of automation.
2.Many people are experiencing a growing anxiety about the impact of climate change on future generations.
Cognitive decline (认知衰退)
1.Refers to a decline in mental functions such as memory, attention, and problem-solving abilities. Often used in the context of aging or mental health disorders like dementia.
2.Example: The increasing use of smartphones is believed to contribute to cognitive decline, particularly in younger generations.
Digital detox (数字排毒)
A conscious effort to reduce screen time, often by taking breaks from digital devices to improve mental health and productivity.
Many experts recommend a digital detox to reduce stress and restore balance in one's life.
Social media addiction (社交媒体成瘾)
A psychological condition where individuals become overly dependent on social media platforms to the detriment of their personal well-being and relationships.
Social media addiction can lead to a constant need for validation, which negatively affects self-esteem.
Information overload (信息过载)
A state in which a person is exposed to too much information, making it difficult to process and make decisions.
Information overload is becoming a significant issue in the digital age, where people are bombarded with news and data 24/7.
Fragmented attention (注意力分散)
A situation in which a person’s attention is divided across multiple sources of information or tasks, often leading to decreased focus and productivity.
The constant notifications on smartphones contribute to fragmented attention, making it harder to concentrate on important tasks.
Cognitive overload (认知过载)
A condition in which a person is overwhelmed by the amount of information they need to process, leading to difficulty in making decisions or retaining information.
Cognitive overload is common in environments where people are expected to multitask, such as workplaces with constant email and message alerts.