外刊阅读 | aeon | 我们不是机器

文摘   2024-07-25 07:30   中国香港  




In cars, we first got cruise control, but now there’s brake assist, lane assist, even assisted parking — all of which build towards something driverless.





Welcome to the new post-genomic biology



You could be forgiven for thinking that the turn of the millennium was a golden age for the life sciences. After the halcyon days of the 1950s and ’60s when the structure of DNA, the true nature of genes and the genetic code itself were discovered, the Human Genome Project, launched in 1990 and culminating with a preliminary announcement of the entire genome sequence in 2000, looked like – and was presented as – a comparably dramatic leap forward in our understanding of the basis of life itself. As Bill Clinton put it when the draft sequence was unveiled: ‘Today we are learning the language in which God created life.’ Portentous stuff.

genetic /dʒəˈnetɪk/  adj. 基因的

culminate  /ˈkʌlmɪneɪt/ v.告终,结束

portentous /pɔːrˈtentəs/   adj.先兆的


你可能会认为,新千年之交是生命科学的黄金时代。在 20 世纪 50 年代和 60 年代的黄金时代,人们发现了 DNA 结构、基因的真正本质以及遗传密码本身。此后,人类基因组计划于 1990 年启动,并于 2000 年初步公布了整个基因组序列。这一计划看起来(并且被描述为)是我们对生命基础理解的一个巨大飞跃。正如比尔·克林顿在公布基因组序列草案时所说:“今天,我们正在学习上帝创造生命的语言。”这可真是个不祥之兆。

The genome sequence reveals the order in which the chemical building blocks (of which there are four distinct types) that make up our DNA are arranged along the molecule’s double-helical strands. Our genomes each have around 3 billion of these ‘letters’; reading them all is a tremendous challenge, but the Human Genome Project (HGP) transformed genome sequencing within the space of a couple of decades from a very slow and expensive procedure into something you can get done by mail order for the price of a meal for two. Since that first sequence was unveiled in 2000, hundreds of thousands of human genomes have now been decoded, giving an indication of the person-to-person variation in sequence. This information has provided a vital resource for biomedicine, enabling us, for example, to identify which parts of the genome correlate with which diseases and traits. And all that investment in gene-sequencing technology was more than justified merely by its use for studying and tracking the SARS-CoV-2 virus during the COVID-19 pandemic.

double-helical  /ˈdʌbl ˈhelɪkl/ 双螺旋的

unveil   /ˌʌnˈveɪl/ v.公开,揭示



That task hasn’t turned out as expected. The copious genome databases haven’t yet produced the flood of new treatments and drugs that some had predicted from gene-based medicine, nor delivered on the promise of therapies tuned to our own individual genomes. Despite the COVID-19 vaccines, drug development as a whole has stagnated or even slowed over recent decades, becoming ever more costly. And most drugs are still found by old-fashioned trial and error, not by leveraging genetic data. The outcomes have been particularly disappointing for understanding and treating cancer, long thought to arise from changes (mutations) in the sequences in our DNA that are either inherited or accumulated through age and environmental wear and tear. Despite the genetic data glut, biology seems to have settled back into a long, slow slog.

copious /ˈkoʊpiəs/ adj.大量的;充裕的

stagnate /ˈstæɡneɪt/  v. 停滞,不发展

trial and error  反复实验;不断摸索 

wear and tear   损耗、磨损

glut /ɡlʌt/  n.供过于求

slog /slɑːɡ/  n.艰苦工作(努力)



Fixing life remains difficult – but, in terms of understanding it, the course of cell and molecular biology over the past several decades isn’t a tale of unfulfilled promise. On the contrary, we’re in one of the most exciting periods since James Watson and Francis Crick discovered DNA’s double helix in 1953. The transformative advances of the post-genomic decades are revealing nothing less than a new biology: an extraordinary and fresh picture of how life works. And ironically, those advances turn out to undermine the skewed view of life on which the HGP itself was predicated, in which the genome sequence of DNA was  the ‘secret of life’.

in terms of  就……而言

undermine  /ˌʌndərˈmaɪn/ v. 逐渐削弱



Only around 1-2 percent of the entire human genome actually consists of protein-coding genes. The remainder was long thought to be mostly junk: meaningless sequences accumulated over the course of evolution. But at least some of that non-coding genome is now known to be involved in regulating genes: altering, activating or suppressing their transcription into RNA and translation into proteins. Many disease-linked regions are in these regulatory sequences, where mutations don’t change the proteins themselves but, rather, the rate or chance of them being made at all. So, to understand how life really works at the genomic level, we need to understand gene regulation. And that, as we’ll see, is not just eye-wateringly complicated but not at all what we have learnt to expect from the conventional molecular biology of the past 50 years.

transcription /trænˈskrɪpʃ(ə)n/  n.抄写;誊写;改编

conventional /kənˈvenʃən(ə)l/  adj.常规的,传统的 


实际上,整个人类基因组中只有大约1- 2%是由蛋白质编码基因组成的。剩下的大部分被认为是垃圾:在进化过程中积累的无意义序列。但至少有一些非编码基因组现在被认为参与了基因调节:改变、激活或抑制它们转录成RNA并翻译成蛋白质。许多与疾病相关的区域都在这些调控序列中,突变不会改变蛋白质本身,而是改变它们产生的速度或机会。所以,为了理解生命在基因组层面上是如何运作的,我们需要理解基因调控。正如我们将看到的,这不仅是令人瞠目结舌的复杂,而且完全不是我们从过去50年的传统分子生物学中学到的。



The best metaphors for thinking about how life works come not from our technologies but from life itself.



The outcomes have been particularly disappointing for understanding and treating cancer, long thought to arise from changes (mutations) in the sequences in our DNA that are either inherited or accumulated through age and environmental wear and tear. 

这是一个复合句,主句是:The outcomes have been particularly disappointing.  for understanding and treating cancer 是介词短语作状语,ong thought to arise from changes (mutations) in the sequences in our DNA 是过去分词短语作定语,修饰前面的整个句子内容,that are either ... or ...是定语从句,修饰先行词changes (mutations)。


Thus, genes may still be ‘selfish’, and organisms may still be ‘machines’, brains ‘computers’, genomes ‘blueprints’, so long as we give those metaphorical words different interpretations to the everyday ones – thereby, of course, negating their value as metaphors.




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