外刊阅读 | 生活科学 | 似曾相识现象背后的科学原理是什么?

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South Korea and Japan both have lower obesity rates than other developed countries, and policies promoting healthier food have played a role in this.





What is the science behind déjà vu?



You're walking somewhere you've never been before and suddenly feel as though you've strolled down the same road already. You're experiencing the well-known phenomenon déjà vu — but what is déjà vu, really, and why does the strange feeling happen? Déjà vu is a French expression meaning "already seen," which was first used in 1876 by French philosopher Émile Boirac in a letter to his book editor, and later in his published book "The Psychology of the Future" . 

stroll  /stroʊl/v.散步;闲逛

déjà vu /ˌdeɪʒɑː ˈvu/n. 似曾相识


你走在从未去过的地方,突然感觉好像已经走过同一条路。你正在经历众所周知的似曾相识现象——但似曾相识到底是什么?为什么会产生这种奇怪的感觉?Déjà vu 是一个法语表达,意为“已经见过”,最早由法国哲学家埃米尔·波瓦拉克在 1876 年写给他的书籍编辑的一封信中使用,后来在他出版的《未来心理学》一书中使用。 

Déjà vu is the feeling that something a person is currently experiencing has already occurred in the past. Experts refer to this phenomenon as a memory illusion involving familiarity and unfamiliarity, according to the book "Psychology of Learning and Motivation" (Elsevier, 2010). The illusion pits a person's impression that an experience is familiar against their knowledge that this sense of familiarity is inaccurate. An estimated two-thirds of people report experiencing déjà vu, the book states, and the frequency of reported episodes decreases with age.

illusion /ɪˈluːʒ(ə)n/n. 错觉,幻觉

familiarity  /fəˌmɪliˈærəti/n. 精通,熟悉

episode /ˈepɪsoʊd/n.片段,插曲


似曾相识是指一个人现在所经历的事情在过去已经发生过的感觉。根据《学习和动机心理学》(Elsevier,2010 年)一书,专家将这种现象称为涉及熟悉和陌生的记忆错觉。这种错觉使人对某种经历的印象与他们知道这种熟悉感是不准确的事实对立起来。书中指出,估计有三分之二的人经历过似曾相识的感觉,并且频率随着年龄的增长而降低。

Some people report experiencing déjà vu to a frequent degree that's disturbing to them. Such cases can be caused by substance abuse, migraine and anxiety, reports suggest, as well as depersonalization-derealization, a mental condition where a person feels detached from their body or surroundings. However, temporal lobe epilepsy is thought to be the most common cause of such frequent déjà vu. Scientists suggest that, at least in epilepsy, déjà vu episodes may arise from seizures in the brain's temporal lobe or dysfunction in brain regions involved in storing and retrieving memory, like the hippocampus and parahippocampus. However, given that déjà vu is also experienced by individuals without epilepsy or other conditions, there must be other explanations as to why the bizarre experience occurs. 

abuse /əˈbjuːs/n.滥用

migraine  /ˈmaɪɡreɪn/偏头痛

detach from   脱离

seizure /ˈsiːʒər/n.(疾病)发作

epilepsy  /ˈepɪlepsi/n. 癫痫



"One possible mechanism is the memory-based theory which focuses on the role of familiarity and recognition in déjà vu," Dr. Ooha Susmita, an in-house neuropsychiatrist at Allo Health, told Live Science. This theory suggests that "Déjà vu arises when a current situation strongly resembles a previously encountered but forgotten experience," Susmita said. "The new situation may share similarities with a past event, leading to a sense of familiarity without an accompanying memory of the specific details." She added that déjà vu may result from our brain's attempt to make sense of these perceived similarities and create a feeling of recognition, even if we cannot consciously recall the original experience.

resembles /rɪˈzemblz/v.与……相似

share   v.有同样的感情


Allo Health 的神经精神病学家Ooha Susmita 博士告诉 Live Science:“一种可能的机制是基于记忆的理论,该理论侧重于熟悉度和识别度在似曾相识中的作用。”该理论认为,“当当前情况与以前遇到但忘记的经历非常相似时,就会产生似曾相识的感觉,”Susmita 说。“新情况可能与过去的事件有相似之处,导致一种熟悉感,但并不记得具体的细节。”她补充说,即使我们无法有意识地回忆起最初的经历,我们的大脑也可能试图理解这些感知到的相似之处,并产生一种熟悉的感觉,从而产生似曾相识的感觉。

O'Connor and his team used a brain scanning technique called functional resonance magnetic imaging (fMRI) to check which parts of the brain are active when déjà vu is triggered in the lab. From their result, it was not the hippocampus, a key brain region responsible for memory retrieval, that was active, but the medial prefrontal cortex, a region involved in resolving conflicts between what we remember experiencing and what we've actually experienced. According to O'Connor, this region of the brain shoots off a signal when such a mismatch occurs, and this may explain why déjà vu is more common in young people than old. As a person gets older, déjà vu is not as frequent because "the general checking system is in decline," he told New Scientist, making it difficult for them to discern false memories.     

retrieval /rɪˈtriːv(ə)l/n.检索;恢复,挽回

discern /dɪˈsɜːrn/v.了解,认识


奥康纳和他的团队使用一种名为功能性磁共振成像 (fMRI) 的大脑扫描技术来检查实验室中触发似曾相识感觉时大脑的哪些部位处于活跃状态。从他们的结果来看,活跃的不是海马体(负责记忆检索的关键大脑区域),而是内侧前额叶皮层(负责解决我们记忆中的经历与我们实际经历之间的冲突的区域)。 奥康纳表示,当出现这种不匹配时,大脑的这个区域会发出信号,这或许可以解释为什么似曾相识在年轻人中比老年人更常见。随着年龄的增长,似曾相识的现象并不那么常见,因为“一般检查系统正在衰退”,他告诉《新科学家》,这使得人们很难辨别虚假记忆。     

Journal:livescience(  June 1, 2023)

Title:What is the science behind déjà vu?

Category:Health and Psychology



Further research is needed to unravel the precise mechanisms involved in déjà vu.



In a study published in 2012 in the journal Consciousness and Cognition, Anne Cleary, a professor of cognitive psychology at Colorado State University, and her team used virtual reality (VR) to investigate the hypothesis that people may experience déjà vu when they encounter environmental layouts that are similar to those experienced in the past, provided that they don't recall that past experience. 

Anne Cleary and her team(主语)+ used(谓语)+ virtual reality (VR)(宾语),a professor of cognitive psychology at Colorado State University 是Anne Cleary的同位语,to investigate the hypothesis... 是不定式短语作目的状语。

翻译:在2012年发表于《意识和认知》杂志的一项研究中,科罗拉多州立大学认知心理学教授Anne Cleary和她的团队使用虚拟现实(VR)技术来研究一个假设,即当人们遇到与过去经历相似的环境布局时,如果他们不记得过去的经历,就可能会经历似曾相识的感觉。


It is important to note that déjà vu is a common experience and is not considered to be a sign of any underlying medical or psychological condition.


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