外刊阅读 | 大西洋月刊 | 算法操纵价格,法律边界何在?

文摘   2024-08-20 07:30   中国香港  




Scientific advances are often not the efforts of a single genius but more like a palimpsest in which layer upon layer of thought has been inscribed by brilliant heretics.





AI Price-Fixing Dystopia



If you rent your home, there’s a good chance your landlord uses RealPage to set your monthly payment. The company describes itself as merely helping landlords set the most profitable price. But a series of lawsuits says it’s something else: an AI-enabled price-fixing conspiracy.The classic image of price-fixing involves the executives of rival companies gathering behind closed doors and secretly agreeing to charge the same inflated price for whatever they’re selling. This type of collusion is one of the gravest sins you can commit against a free-market economy; the late Justice Antonin Scalia once called price-fixing the “supreme evil” of antitrust law. Agreeing to fix prices is punishable with up to 10 years in prison and a $100 million fine.

conspiracy /kənˈspɪrəsi/n. 阴谋,密谋

collusion /kəˈluːʒ(ə)n/n.勾结;共谋

sin /sɪn/n.罪恶

do sth for your sins  自作自受

antitrust /ˌæntiˈtrʌst/adj.反垄断的


如果你要租房,你的房东很有可能使用RealPage来设定你的月供。该公司称自己只是帮助房东设定最有利可图的价格。但一系列诉讼表明,这是另一回事:人工智能操纵价格的阴谋。价格操纵的典型场景是,竞争对手公司的高管们闭门聚在一起,秘密商定以相同的虚高价格出售他们出售的任何产品。这种类型的勾结是你对自由市场经济犯下的最严重的罪行之一;已故大法官安东宁·斯卡利亚(Antonin Scalia)曾称价格垄断是反垄断法的“最高罪恶”。操纵价格将被处以最高10年监禁和1亿美元罚款。

But, as the RealPage example suggests, technology may offer a workaround. Instead of getting together with your rivals and agreeing not to compete on price, you can all independently rely on a third party to set your prices for you. Property owners feed RealPage’s “property management software” their data, including unit prices and vacancy rates, and the algorithm—which also knows what competitors are charging—spits out a rent recommendation. If enough landlords use it, the result could look the same as a traditional price-fixing cartel: lockstep price increases instead of price competition, no secret handshake or clandestine meeting needed.

workaround  /ˈwɜːrkəraʊnd/n. 应变方法

property /ˈprɑːpərti/n.房地产;财产;性质,特性

clandestine /klænˈdestɪn/adj. 秘密的,私下的



The many lawsuits against RealPage differ in their details, but all make the same central argument. According to one estimate, in more than 40 housing markets across the United States, 30 to 60 percent of multifamily-building units are priced using RealPage. The plaintiffs suing RealPage, including the Arizona and Washington, D.C., attorneys general, argue that this has enabled a critical mass of landlords to raise rents in concert, making an existing housing-affordability crisis even worse.

plaintiff /ˈpleɪntɪf/n.原告,起诉人

attorney /ˈpleɪntɪf/n.律师

in concert with...  与...合作



The lawsuits also argue that RealPage pressures landlords to comply with its pricing suggestions—something that would make no sense if the company were merely being paid to offer individualized advice. In an interview with ProPublica, Jeffrey Roper, who helped develop one of RealPage’s main software tools, acknowledged that one of the greatest threats to a landlord’s profits is when nearby properties set prices too low. “If you have idiots undervaluing, it costs the whole system,” he said. RealPage thus makes it hard for customers to override its recommendations, according to the lawsuits, allegedly even requiring a written justification and explicit approval from RealPage staff. Former employees have said that failure to comply with the company’s recommendations could result in clients being kicked off the service. “This, to me, is the biggest giveaway,” Lee Hepner, an antitrust lawyer at the American Economic Liberties Project, an anti-monopoly organization, told me. “Enforced compliance is the hallmark feature of any cartel.”

comply /kəmˈplaɪ/v. 遵从,服从

override /ˌoʊvərˈraɪd/v.推翻;否决

enforced  /ɪnˈfɔːrst/adj.强制执行的

hallmark  /ˈhɔːlmɑːrk/n. 特点,特征


这些诉讼还认为,RealPage迫使房东遵守其定价建议——如果该公司仅仅是为了提供个性化建议而获得报酬,这就没有意义了。参与开发RealPage主要软件工具之一的杰弗里·罗珀(Jeffrey Roper)在接受ProPublica采访时承认,对房东利润的最大威胁之一是附近的房产定价过低。他说:“如果有傻瓜低估了价值,就会让整个体系付出代价。”因此,根据诉讼,RealPage使得客户很难放弃其建议,据称甚至需要书面理由和RealPage员工的明确批准。前雇员表示,如果不遵守公司的建议,可能会导致客户被踢出服务。“对我来说,这是最大的泄密,”反垄断组织美国经济自由项目(American Economic Liberties Project)的反垄断律师李·赫普纳(Lee Hepner)告诉我。“强制遵守是任何卡特尔的标志性特征。”

The company disputes this description, claiming that it simply offers “bespoke pricing recommendations” and lacks “any power” to set prices. “RealPage customers make their own pricing decisions, and acceptance rates of RealPage’s pricing recommendations have been greatly exaggerated,” the company says.In December, a Tennessee judge rejected RealPage’s motion to have a class-action lawsuit against it dismissed, allowing the case to go forward. It would be a mistake, however, to conclude from that example that the legal system has the algorithmic price-fixing problem under control. RealPage could still prevail at trial, and in any case, it isn’t alone. Its main competitor, Yardi, is involved in a similar lawsuit. One of RealPage’s subsidiaries, a service called Rainmaker, faces multiple legal challenges for allegedly facilitating price-fixing in the hotel industry. (Yardi and Rainmaker deny wrongdoing.) Similar complaints have been brought against companies in industries as varied as health insurance, tire manufacturing, and meat processing. But winning these cases is proving difficult.

dispute /dɪˈspjuːt/v.争论;对...提出异议

bespoke  /bɪˈspoʊk/adj. 定做的,定制的

prevail  /prɪˈveɪl/v. 流行,盛行



Journal:Theatlantic( AUGUST 10, 2024)
Title:We’re Entering an AI Price-Fixing Dystopia
Category:Algorithm and Law



Without price competition, businesses lose their incentive to innovate and lower costs, and consumers get stuck with high prices and no alternatives.Price-fixing, in other words, has entered the algorithmic age, but the laws designed to prevent it have not kept up. 



The challenge is this: Under existing antitrust law, showing that companies A and B used algorithm C to raise prices isn’t enough; you need to show that there was some kind of agreement between companies A and B, and you need to allege some specific factual basis that the agreement existed before you can formally request evidence of it. 




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