外刊阅读 | 国家地理 | 冷水浴对你的身体有什么影响?

文摘   2024-08-24 07:30   四川  


That’s why it’s crucial that we understand how these games influence us so that we can sieve out our actual values from those of the designers. Otherwise, the games are playing us.

sieve    v.过滤





This is what a cold plunge does to your body



Ringwood simply calls her hobby “swimming,” but wellness influencers and winter aficionados alike have begun to promote polar plunges and cold-water swimming as an antidote to everything from depression to diabetes.While cold plunges have a long history and a newfound enthusiasm, physiologists say that there’s not much evidence supporting the claims of these health benefits.

aficionado /əˌfɪʃəˈnɑːdoʊ/n.狂热爱好者

plunge /plʌndʒ/n.跳水;快速游泳

take the plunge  过段行事

antidote /ˈæntidoʊt/n. 解毒药,解毒剂;矫正方法,对策




Nor is the activity without risk. Extreme temperature shifts and strain on the cardiovascular system can potentially trigger heart attacks, even death, says François Haman, a physiologist at the University of Ottawa in Canada.“It’s actually extremely dangerous, mainly because everything most people know is from social media. There's very little knowledge around it,” Haman says. “It’s the biggest jolt a human can experience—like a bolt of lightning. That’s how dangerous it is. You can go into cardiac arrest.”

cardiovascular /ˌkɑːrdioʊˈvæskjələr/adj. 心血管的

jolt /dʒoʊlt/n.震动,摇晃

cardiac /ˈkɑːrdiæk/adj. 心脏的

cardiac arrest  心脏骤停



When your body encounters cold water, it can be shocking—literally. Physiologists call this the “cold shock” response. Temperature receptors in your skin sense the frigid water, triggering the constriction of blood vessels in your extremities to preserve heat in the body’s core. This causes you to gasp for air and your heart rate to skyrocket.Experts say that being in cold water is more dangerous than cold air. Water conducts heat much more effectively than air, meaning that it can draw the heat from your body more quickly and efficiently, Mercer says. You can become hypothermic swimming in any water that’s below your body’s natural temperature if you stay in long enough.

cold shock  冷休克:冷休克反应是由突然浸入冷水引起的一系列神经源性心肺反应

frigid /ˈfrɪdʒɪd/adj. 寒冷的

skyrocket /ˈskaɪrɑːkɪt/v.飞涨,猛涨 



According to proponents, cold plunges can improve blood pressure and insulin sensitivity, as well as decreasing inflammation, improving immunity, and benefitting metabolism. It might also help relieve arthritis pain.But while there is some scientific research to back up these claims, Denis Blondin, a thermal physiologist at the University of Sherbrooke in Quebec, says that many of these studies included only a small number of participants who were overwhelmingly young men of European descent, which limits what scientists can say more broadly and in other populations.There’s also a lot of variation in the temperature of the water used, duration of immersion, and the setting of the immersion (in a lab versus outdoors). All these differences make it hard to compare different studies, Blondin points out.

proponent /prəˈpoʊnənt/n.支持者

metabolism /məˈtæbəlɪzəm/n. 新陈代谢

variation /ˌveriˈeɪʃ(ə)n/n.变化,变异


根据支持者的说法,冷浴可以改善血压和胰岛素敏感性,减少炎症,提高免疫力,促进新陈代谢。它还可能有助于缓解关节炎疼痛。但是,尽管有一些科学研究支持这些说法,但魁北克省舍布鲁克大学(University of Sherbrooke)的热生理学家丹尼斯·布隆丹(Denis Blondin)说,其中许多研究只包括了一小部分参与者,而且绝大多数是欧洲裔的年轻男性,这限制了科学家们在更广泛和其他人群中的说法。水的温度、浸泡的时间和浸泡的环境(在实验室还是在室外)也有很多变化。布隆丁指出,所有这些差异使得很难比较不同的研究。

Your hands and feet are more cold-tolerant than your trunk, due to the high oxygen and nutrient needs of vital organs. As a result, the extremities can cool markedly without impacting the body’s core temperature. These reflexes and alterations are incredibly powerful, but even they have their limits. If the body’s inner temperature starts dropping, then it’s time to get out of the water and get warmed up—fast.The best way to determine if you’ve hit this point is by understanding shivering. Mild shivering in the limbs—caused when your muscles rapidly tighten and relax—is an efficient way for the body to generate heat. Shivering from more central muscle groups is stronger and far more uncomfortable. This is a sign that you’re getting too cold and it’s crucial to start warming up before you lose muscle control.

cold-tolerant   adj.耐寒的

shiver /ˈʃɪvər/v.颤抖,哆嗦



Journal:Nationalgeographic(December 28, 2023)

Title:This is what a cold plunge does to your body

Category:Health and Science



There’s a lot that we don’t know, and I would say most of the stuff we see in podcasts and such are not things that are definitive and set in stone. We find they tend to over-extrapolate things.



Many of these studies included only a small number of participants /who were overwhelmingly young men of European descent, which limits what scientists can say more broadly and in other populations.

主干是:Many of these studies(主语)+ included(谓语)+ only a small number of participants(宾语),who were overwhelmingly young men of European descent 是定语从句,修饰限定先行词participants。which limits what scientists can say more broadly and in other populations 是非限制性定语从句,修饰整个主句,其中,what scientists can say more broadly and in other populations 是宾语从句,作为limits的宾语,表示“科学家能够更广泛地或在其他人群中做出的结论”。



“If you’ve stopped shivering, your ability to actually generate heat has now stopped,” Hill says. “A light bulb should go off that something is starting to go a little bit south.”


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