外刊阅读 | 生活科学 | 量子力学:微观宇宙的奇幻法则

文摘   2024-08-22 07:31   中国香港  




For people working in manual labor, however, the increased physical activity can work against them, a phenomenon known as the physical activity paradox.

paradox   n.矛盾的情况悖论





Quantum mechanics:

Definitions, axioms, and key concepts of quantum physics



At the smallest scales, the universe behaves very differently than the everyday world we observe around us. Quantum mechanics is the subfield of physics that describes this bizarre behavior of microscopic particles — atoms, electrons, photons and almost everything else in the molecular and submolecular realm. Developed during the first half of the 20th century, the results of quantum mechanics are often extremely strange and counterintuitive.However, studying them has allowed physicists to reach a greater understanding about the nature of the universe, and could one day change the way we as humans process information.

quantum /ˈkwɑːntəm/n. 量子;量子论

bizarre bɪˈzɑːr/adj. 奇异的,古怪的

particle /ˈpɑːrtɪk(ə)l/n.微粒;粒子



At the scale of atoms and electrons, many of the equations of classical mechanics, which describe the movement and interactions of things at everyday sizes and speeds, cease to be useful. In classical mechanics, objects exist in a specific place at a specific time. In quantum mechanics, objects instead exist in a haze of probability; they have a certain chance of being at point A, another chance of being at point B and so on.

cease /siːs/ v. 终止,结束

haze /heɪz/n. 霾,烟雾;迷糊



In 1900, German physicist Max Planck was trying to explain why objects at specific temperatures, like the 1,470-degree-Fahrenheit (800 degrees Celsius) filament of a light bulb, glowed a specific color — in this case, red, according to the Perimeter Institute. Planck realized that equations used by physicist Ludwig Boltzmann to describe the behavior of gases could be translated into an explanation for this relationship between temperature and color. The problem was that Boltzmann's work relied on the fact that any given gas was made from tiny particles, meaning that light, too, was made from discrete bits. This idea flew in the face of ideas about light at the time, when most physicists believed that light was a continuous wave and not a tiny packet. Planck himself didn't believe in either atoms or discrete bits of light, but his concept was given a boost in 1905, when Einstein published a paper, "Concerning an Heuristic Point of View Toward the Emission and Transformation of Light." 

filament /'fɪləmənt/n.灯丝

discrete /dɪˈskriːt/adj. 分离的



Einstein envisioned light traveling not as a wave, but as some manner of "energy quanta." This packet of energy, Einstein suggested in his paper, could "be absorbed or generated only as a whole," specifically when an atom "jumps" between quantized vibration rates. This is where the "quantum" part of quantum mechanics comes from.With this new way to conceive of light, Einstein offered insights into the behavior of nine phenomena in his paper, including the specific colors that Planck described being emitted from a light bulb filament. It also explained how certain colors of light could eject electrons off metal surfaces — a phenomenon known as the photoelectric effect.

eject /ɪˈdʒekt/v.驱逐;喷射

emit  /iˈmɪt/v. 排放,散发



Schrödinger and Einstein helped highlight another strange result of quantum mechanics that neither could fully fathom. In 1935, Einstein, along with physicists Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen, showed that two quantum particles can be set up so that their quantum states would always be correlated with one another, according to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The particles essentially always "knew" about each other's properties. That means that measuring the state of one particle would instantaneously tell you the state of its twin, no matter how far apart they were, a result that Einstein called "spooky action at a distance," but which Schrödinger soon dubbed "entanglement."Entanglement has been shown to be one of the most essential aspects of quantum mechanics and occurs in the real world all the time. Researchers frequently conduct experiments using quantum entanglement and the phenomenon is part of the basis for the emerging field of quantum computing.

fathom /ˈfæðəm/n.理解,弄清真相

spooky /ˈspuːki/adj. 幽灵般的

dub /dʌb/v.给...起绰号

quantum entanglement  量子纠缠


薛定谔和爱因斯坦强调了量子力学的另一个奇怪的结果,他们俩都不能完全理解。根据斯坦福大学哲学百科全书,1935年,爱因斯坦与物理学家鲍里斯·波多尔斯基(Boris Podolsky)和内森·罗森(Nathan Rosen)证明,可以建立两个量子粒子,使它们的量子态始终相互关联。粒子本质上总是“知道”彼此的性质。这意味着测量一个粒子的状态会立即告诉你它的孪生粒子的状态,无论它们相距多远,爱因斯坦称之为“幽灵般的远距离作用”,但薛定谔很快将其称为“纠缠”。“纠缠已被证明是量子力学最重要的方面之一,并且一直发生在现实世界中。研究人员经常使用量子纠缠进行实验,这种现象是新兴量子计算领域的基础之一。

Journal:livescience( April 30, 2024)

Title:Quantum mechanics: Definitions, axioms, and key concepts of quantum physics

Category:Quantum Physics



Einstein's relativity describes large and massive things, while quantum mechanics describes small and insubstantial things. 



The new chip, called "Xiaohong," is the biggest /built by China to date and is designed to improve systems /that manage the behavior and interaction of quantum bits, or qubits, in quantum computers, state-owned China Daily reported. 

句子主干是:The new chip is the biggest  and is designed to...

built by China to date 是过去分词短语作后置定语,and is designed to improve systems 是并列谓语部分,that manage the behavior and interaction ... 是定语从句,修饰先行词systems.



Many researchers have sought a theory of quantum gravity, which would introduce gravity into quantum mechanics and explain everything from the subatomic to the supergalactic realms.




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