外刊阅读 | Time | 新型育儿大师的崛起

文摘   2024-08-09 07:31   中国香港  




The curriculum was ever a subject for debate, and up until the introduction of the National Curriculum, left to educationalists. Political interference always had its pitfalls, especially with "indoctrination" in some countries being treated with understandable suspicion.





The Rise of a New Kind of Parenting Guru



There is an art to laying down a newborn baby. Or, rather, a science. The American Academy of Pediatrics will tell you that babies need to sleep swaddled, on their backs, in an empty bassinet. But what if your infant abhors a crib? If you buy a newborn course offered by Cara Dumaplin, the former NICU and labor-and-delivery nurse who bills herself as a baby and toddler sleep expert, as I did when my daughter was 6 weeks old, you will get a video demonstration of how to make the dreaded chest-to-bassinet transfer. In it, a swaddled baby lies across Dumaplin’s forearm, head resting in her palm. Dumaplin’s thumb holds a pacifier in the child’s mouth. Dumaplin doesn’t rock the baby to sleep but rather moves her wrist to subtly jiggle the head back and forth. When the child’s eyes begin to flutter, Dumaplin slips her into a crib. She then removes her forearm like a spatula from beneath a pancake.

swaddle /ˈswɑːdl/ v.紧裹,包裹

bassinet /ˌbæsɪˈnet/n.摇篮车

abhor /əbˈhɔːr/v.憎恨,厌恶

crib /krɪb/n.婴儿床

toddler /ˈtɑːdlər/n.学步的幼儿

jiggle /ˈdʒɪɡl/v. 轻摇


把新生婴儿放在床上是一门艺术。或者更确切地说,是一门科学。美国儿科学会(American Academy of Pediatrics)会告诉你,婴儿需要躺在空的摇篮里,裹着襁褓睡觉。但如果你的宝宝讨厌婴儿床怎么办?卡拉·杜马普林(Cara Dumaplin)是前新生儿重症监护室(NICU)和产房护士,她自称自己是婴幼儿睡眠专家,就像我在女儿6周大时所做的那样,如果你购买了她提供的新生儿课程,你会得到一个视频演示,告诉你如何进行可怕的从胸部到摇篮的转移。在这张照片中,一个裹着襁褓的婴儿躺在Dumaplin的前臂上,头靠在她的手掌上。Dumaplin的大拇指在孩子的嘴里衔着一个安抚奶嘴。Dumaplin不会摇着宝宝入睡,而是用手腕轻轻晃着宝宝的头。当孩子的眼睛开始颤动时,Dumaplin把她放进了婴儿床。然后她把前臂像锅铲一样从“煎饼”下面拿出来。


And many, many people would like to learn: Dumaplin’s Instagram account Taking Cara Babies now has 2.7 million followers. But she is hardly the only mom on social media using her professional know-how to share—and sell—parental advice. She’s part of a wave of women marrying the authenticity of a fellow parent with the credentials of a Ph.D., RN, or other distinguished degree, and leveraging Instagram and TikTok to launch newsletters, podcasts, video courses, products, and books. 

credential /krəˈdenʃl/n. 资格,证明

newsletter /ˈnuːzletər/n.通讯,简报


很多人都想了解:杜马普林的 Instagram 账户Taking Cara Babies现在有 270 万粉丝。但她并不是唯一一个在社交媒体上利用自己的专业知识分享和推销育儿建议的妈妈。她是一大批与拥有博士、注册护士或其他杰出学位的家长真实性相结合的女性中的一员,利用 Instagram 和 TikTok 发布时事通讯、播客、视频课程、产品和书籍。

But it’s never just five minutes, is it? And when it comes to the high-stakes job of raising a tiny human, it’s never just a mindless scroll. For an anxious generation already trying to optimize every aspect of their lives, like reading dozens of reviews before purchasing the best air purifier, it’s easy to fall down a dizzying rabbit hole of advice and wind up feeling more exhausted than enlightened. “Our parents could go to the library or get a referral from your pediatrician for a specialist. That’s it. They didn’t have thousands of experts living in their back pockets at all times,” Petersen says. “The immediacy and availability of the information encourages us to believe that we’re negligent if we don’t pursue it.”

mindless  /ˈmaɪndləs/ adj.adj. 莽撞的;盲目的

rabbit hole  兔子洞:一种复杂、离奇或困难的状态

pediatrician  /ˌpiːdiəˈtrɪʃn/n. 儿科医生



For at least the past half-century, there have been two key sources of parental advice: the Experts and the Moms. Pediatricians like Dr. Spock published best-selling books that parents treated as childcare bibles—outlining how much weight a baby should gain and what to do in case of a fever. For slightly squishier problems, like which noise machine to buy when you’re tired of shushing, friends and, in more recent years, internet-famous moms offered solutions.

outline /ˈaʊtlaɪn/v. 概述,略述

internet-famous  网红



“There are more college-educated parents today than there were in the past, so they feel that they have the capacity or the knowledge to collect information and figure out what’s best for their kids,” says Kei Nomaguchi, a professor of sociology at Bowling Green State University who studies parenthood.The question is whether all this information is helpful or ultimately overwhelming. “Parents are now responsible for being experts in so many different areas. You should be your child’s registered dietitian and occupational therapist and literacy coach and sleep instructor,” says Anderson. “And if your child has a problem, it’s your fault.” 

figure out  弄清楚,弄明白

dietitian /ˌdaɪəˈtɪʃn/n.营养学家

fault /fɔːlt/n. 错误;责任


鲍灵格林州立大学(Bowling Green State University)研究亲子关系的社会学教授Kei Nomaguchi说:“现在受过大学教育的父母比过去多,所以他们觉得自己有能力或知识收集信息,并找出对孩子最好的方法。”问题在于所有这些信息是有帮助还是最终会让人不知所措。“现在的父母有责任成为许多不同领域的专家。你应该是你孩子的注册营养师、职业治疗师、识字教练和睡眠指导员,”安德森说。“如果你的孩子有问题,那是你的错。”

Journal:Time(July 23, 2024)

Title:The Rise of a New Kind of Parenting Guru




There’s no tried-and-true formula. If what you’re doing is working, you don’t have to change it.



We are so obsessed with information and doing it right and what the data show—and we’re also obsessed with not f-cking up our kids to a point that we’re actually going to f-ck them up.




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