
文摘   2024-09-07 20:00   加拿大  




近期,我整理了在日常生活/工作场景里,听到我身边native speakers挂在嘴边的一些常见词组,提供了中英文解释,以及非母语者(可能)会怎么说。

1. I'm on it.

英文解释是: I'm handling or taking care of something.

对应中文是: 我来处理。
非母语者可能会说: “I will start working on it now, don’t worry, I will handle it.”

2. Sounds good!
英文解释是: Something is agreeable or acceptable.
对应中文是: 听着靠谱,我看行。
非母语者可能会说: “That seems like a good suggestion, and I think it will work well.”

3. That’s about it.
英文解释是: That’s all there is to say or do; nothing more to add.
对应中文是: 基本就这样了,这样就差不多了。
非母语者可能会说: “This is everything I can say on the topic, and I don’t have anything else to add.”

4. I’m good.
英文解释是: You’re fine and don’t need anything further.
对应中文是: 我没问题,或者 我就不用了。

这里要注意哦,通常不是“I'm fine, thank you, and you"里的意思。比如去超市购物,收银员问你要袋子吗?你可以说:I'm good. 意思就是,不用袋子了。
非母语者可能会说: “I don’t need anything more, thank you, everything is fine with me now.”

5. I’m all set.
英文解释是: I'm ready or have everything I need.
对应中文是: 我准备好了,都搞定了。
非母语者可能会说: “I have everything I need, and I am completely ready for the situation.”

6. Can’t complain.
英文解释是: Things are fine, there're no major issues.
对应中文是: 都挺好的,还不赖。
非母语者可能会说: “My situation is quite ok.”

7. I’m in / I’m out.
英文解释是: “I’m in” means you want to participate; “I’m out” means you don’t.
对应中文是: 我参与某事,入局了/ 我退出~
非母语者可能会说: “I want to participate in this / I don’t want to take part in this activity anymore.”

8. It’s a long shot.
英文解释是: Something is unlikely but still possible.
对应中文是: 希望渺茫。
非母语者可能会说: “The chances of this happening are very low, despite a slight possibility.”

9. That will do it.
英文解释是: This will solve the problem or complete the task.
对应中文是: 这样就行了/都妥当了。
非母语者可能会说: “This will be enough to solve the issue and should work fine.”

10. Thoughts?
英文解释是: A brief way to ask for someone’s opinion.
对应中文是: 有什么想法?(当然,这个必须是很熟的人之间,或者赶时间的高频交流时说的)
非母语者可能会说: “What do you think about it?”

11. I hear you.
英文解释是: I understand you or I get your point.
对应中文是: 我懂你(还必须带有点惺惺相惜的意思)
非母语者可能会说: “I understand exactly what you are saying, and I completely get your point.”

12. Let’s play it by ear.
英文解释是: Let’s decide as we go, without a fixed plan.
对应中文是: 见机行事吧。
非母语者可能会说: “We can decide what to do later depending on how things go.”

13. I’ll take a rain check.
英文解释是: I'm declining for now but might accept in the future.
对应中文是: 改天再说,咱看着约。
非母语者可能会说: “I can’t do it right now, but maybe we can try again later.”

14. We are covered.
英文解释是: Everything is taken care of, or that we have everything we need.
对应中文是: 都搞定了,不需要额外做什么了。
非母语者可能会说: “Everything is prepared, and we don’t need anything else now.”


这个list 一定是不完整的,我自己会持续记录,这也是我更新POTD系列视频的重要原因~


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