
教育   2024-11-27 07:59   河北  


词数:520 words








The fact is that if you sit a lot, the recommended 150 weekly minutes of moderate aerobic activity and strength training may not cut it, said Geoffrey Whitfield, an epidemiologist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

美国疾病控制与预防中心的流行病学家杰弗里·惠特菲尔德表示,事实上,如果你坐的时间太长,那么推荐的每周150 分钟中等强度有氧运动和力量训练可能不足以弥补久坐带来的负面影响。






Confidence is contagious. Someone declaring a position with ringing certainty is more likely to inspire than someone who hedges their bets. “We may fight them on the beaches; it depends a bit on the weather,” would have been a lot less persuasive. What is true of Churchill’s wartime oratory is true in less dramatic circumstances. A study by Matthias Brauer of the University of Mannheim and his co-authors analysed language used in letters from activist investors; it found that more confident letters were associated with more successful activist campaigns. Confidence confers status. In a study published in 2012 by Cameron Anderson of the University of California, Berkeley and his co-authors, students on an MBA course were asked to take an online survey before they started classes. The questionnaire asked participants to say if they recognised certain names, events and works of art; unknown to them, the options included both genuine choices, such as Maximilien Robespierre and “Pygmalion”, and made-up ones like Bonnie Prince Lorenzo and “Windemere Wild”. Overconfident students who had picked more fictitious entries turned out to have the most influence on their classmates, according to end-of-term ratings.



1. contagious


adj. (疾病)接触性传染的; (情感)具有感染力的; 患接触传染病的

2. hedge their bets 保险起见

3. oratory


n. 雄辩;演讲术

4. confer


v. 授予,赋予; 商讨,交换意见

5. fictitious


adj. 捏造的,骗人的; (为写书、戏剧或电影)虚构的,杜撰的



Confidence without competence will only get you so far. But competence without confidence imposes limits, too.  Self-doubters are less likely to put themselves forward for big promotions.  Irrational levels of self-belief are a hallmark of many successful founders.  A recent paper by Terhi Maczulskij and Jutta Viinikainen, two Finnish academics, looked at the relationship between personality traits and employment status in Finland, and found that higher self-confidence was predictive both of entrepreneurship and of entrepreneurial success. As much as confidence brings rewards, however, it also brings danger. Work by Ulrike Malmendier of the University of California, Berkeley and Geoffrey Tate of the University of Maryland has found that overconfident bosses are much more likely to undertake acquisitions (though they are more averse to external financing, believing that it undervalues their businesses). Their acquisitions are also more likely to destroy value.



1. impose


v. 强制推行,强制实行; 把(自己的观点、信仰等)强加于; 打扰,麻烦; 把(活字页)拼版; 欺骗

2. averse


adj. 反对的,不愿意的,讨厌的



In an ideal world, confidence would be distributed evenly and in just the right quantities: an optimally confident person is someone secure enough to trust their own judgment and to accept that it is fallible. In practice, confidence is distributed very lumpily and is also susceptible to feedback loops. A confident person (“I’m so great”) is liable to place even more faith in their own abilities if they have success (“I’m so great and here’s the job title to prove it”). 

This messy picture resolves into two broad propositions for managers to reflect on. First, puffed-up people need guardrails. A new paper by Priscilla Kraft of WHU, a German business school, and her co-authors finds that overconfident bosses of American high-tech firms have a better record of making breakthrough innovations if they are constrained by powerful and expert boards. Second, self-doubters need encouragement to fulfil their potential. That might come from managers, mentors or even themselves.




1. optimally


adv. 最佳;最适宜

2. fallible


adj. 易犯错误的;不可靠的

3. lumpily


adv. 波浪起伏地;多瘤地;笨重地;成团地

4. puffed-up


adj. 充满空气的;肿胀的;趾高气扬的

5. guardrail


n. 护栏;栏杆;[铁路] 护轨


本文节选自:The Economist(经济学人)


作者:Biz News

原文标题:The magic and the minefield of confidence

在本期的精读中,我们为大家整理了12个核心单词。部分同学可能想要更深入地学习,把单词记录在生词本里面,记录一些单词的例句,这时候Kimi 就能帮上大忙。

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原句:In an ideal world, confidence would be distributed evenly and in just the right quantities: an optimally confident person is someone secure enough to trust their own judgment and to accept that it is fallible.

结构:In an ideal world, X would be Y and Z: an optimally A person is someone B enough to C and D.

例句:In an ideal world, teamwork would be valued equally and in the right amounts: an optimally collaborative person is someone open enough to listen to others' ideas and flexible enough to adapt their own.


In the passage, what is the meaning of "fictitious entries"?

A) Entries that are based on real names, events, and works of art.

B) Entries that are associated with influential individuals.

C) Entries that are well-known and widely recognized.

D) Entries that are fabricated or made-up.




The article examines the complex relationship between confidence and success. It explores how confidence can be a powerful tool for persuasion and leadership but also how overconfidence can lead to poor decision-making and ultimately failure. The article suggests that while a certain level of confidence is essential for success, it's important to have checks and balances in place to mitigate the potential risks of overconfidence. The article also highlights the need to support and encourage individuals who lack confidence, as their potential may go unrealized without proper guidance and encouragement.



翻译 | 大橙子

校对 | 李柚子

词汇词组 | 西西弗

划线句讲解 | 流木

写作句总结 | 沅沅



