词数:488 words
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The sum of these filaments, or hyphae, makes up its mycelium, spreading out beneath my feet underground, threading its way through the soil, tangling itself in the ebb and flow of life.
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Although mental illness is the most common health condition in the US (nearly 100 million Americans in any one year), most people do not know that only 25 percent of patients receive any care, most of which does not meet standards. Compare this to 70 percent of physical disease patients receiving care of high quality. Mistakenly, some uninformed Americans even assume mental health care matches medical care.
Few realize that compromised mental health care results from two easily remediable medical derelictions: a) medicine fails to train enough mental health professionals (psychiatrists and psychologists each conduct only 12 percent of care); and b) it provides almost no training for the primary care clinicians who, by default, conduct over 75 percent of mental health care; their lack of training explains why most mental health care is substandard. Shockingly, educators devote only 2 percent of physicians’ training to mental health care. These facts identify the simple but surprisingly overlooked solution to the mental health crisis: train more mental health professionals and train the medical doctors who provide most of the care.
Almost no one understands why medicine would resist such obvious solutions. The “mind-body split” philosophy or theory developed in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries caused this blind spot. In a political compromise, church and science leaders of the scientific revolution agreed to the split: the mind, soul, and spirit went together and were the church’s province alone. Medicine could only consider the physical body and its diseases from the neck down. That made mental disorders and other mind issues, such as emotions, off base for medicine.
Although mental health care became medicine’s responsibility in the 1800s, physicians have never deviated from their isolated focus on the physical body and its diseases. Only a small minority of clinicians ever showed any interest in mental health, and the tiny field of psychiatry formed around them; this was often disdained and dismissed by the majority culture. Sadly, medical education has never exhibited an interest in mental illness training for medical students or producing enough residencies to train psychiatrists.
On the other hand, medicine has not failed. The mind-body split led to massive physical healthcare improvements in the last century when life survival doubled from 40 years to 80 years. Although it’s obvious why eschewing the mind shortchanges mental illnesses, almost no one recognizes it is also harming chronic disease care. Most chronic physical disorders are caused by the very psychological and social factors excluded by medical education—lifestyle issues such as cigarette smoking, alcohol abuse, overeating and overweight, drug addiction, and stress. Doctors must incorporate lifestyle issues into treatment to improve the underlying physical disease, such as heart disease, cancer, or diabetes, yet they are not taught how to do this. More incriminating, medicine could prevent some 80 percent of heart disease and diabetes and 40 percent of cancers by addressing lifestyle factors. But it waits for cancer and heart disease to occur and then treats the problem.
本文节选自:Psychology Today(今日心理学)
作者:Psychology Today
原文标题:Why Medicine Ignores the Public’s Mental Health Needs
Only a small minority of clinicians ever showed any interest in mental health, and the tiny field of psychiatry formed around them.
结构:Only a small minority of … ever showed any interest in …, and the tiny field of … formed around them.
例句:Only a small minority of adventurers ever showed any interest in this area, and the tiny field of oceanography formed around them.
According to the provided sources and our discussion, how has the "mind-body split" primarily affected healthcare in the United States?
A. It has led to an overemphasis on mental health treatment, neglecting physical ailments.
B. It has resulted in a highly integrated approach to patient care, where mental and physical issues are treated equally.
C. It has created a system where mental health care is often overlooked, underfunded, and of substandard quality compared to physical health care.
D. It has caused a decline in overall life expectancy by focusing on psychological well being instead of physical wellness.
The text argues that the US mental health crisis stems from inadequate training of medical professionals. A historical "mind-body split" in medicine resulted in insufficient attention to mental health in medical education and practice. This lack of training affects not only mental health care, but also the treatment of chronic physical diseases, many of which are linked to lifestyle factors that are currently ignored by most physicians. The solution proposed is to increase training in mental health for all medical doctors and to significantly expand the number of mental health specialists. This change would improve both mental and physical health outcomes.
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