词数:499 words
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The fact is that if you sit a lot, the recommended 150 weekly minutes of moderate aerobic activity and strength training may not cut it, said Geoffrey Whitfield, an epidemiologist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
美国疾病控制与预防中心的流行病学家杰弗里·惠特菲尔德表示,事实上,如果你坐的时间太长,那么推荐的每周150 分钟中等强度有氧运动和力量训练可能不足以弥补久坐带来的负面影响。
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Maybe you’ve experienced it before: Your palms are sweating, your limbs feel weak or heavy, and your gut is unsettled. You’re nervous, and on the surface, you may or may not look calm and ready. Lebron James admit that even 20-plus years into his NBA career he still gets nervous—even before regular season games. Why? Because he loves what he does and he loves that he’s still getting to do it. He welcomes the nerves: the nerves, he says, give him a sense of being present, of feeling alive.
So if you’re looking forward to a point in your athletic (or performance) career when you don’t get so nervous anymore, maybe it's time to stop. Because the nerves don’t go away when you’re excited about what it is you get to do. And the nerves can even help you to perform at your best. The trickiest things about nerves may be that they help or harm us insomuch as we believe that they help or harm us. Our perception of our nervousness—as perception usually does—becomes our reality.
One thing that helps to begin the process of shifting your perception of your nerves is to recognize that stress is not a dirty word. Stress can even be good. In fact, there’s a term in the social and behavioral sciences called eustress, meaning literally “good stress,” the kind of stimulus we have to have for learning and growth. Without eustress, we’re either bored or coasting along in our comfort zone, and therefore not getting any better at what it is we’d like to do.
Sport psychologists have done a lot of research on “individualized zones of optimal functioning,” which is the state of activation, unique to you and unique to each task you might be required to perform, necessary for you to be able to perform at your very best. Your optimal zone of functioning is one in which you’re sufficiently stressed. You’re not bored and you are not in a comfort zone. That state of activation could vary a great deal from sport to sport and even within one sport.
The best way to figure out our individualized zones of optimal functioning for each task we need to perform is to give ourselves the space for trial and error. We might get it wrong sometimes. We might overshoot a little and become too activated, be a little too amped, start a little too fast. We might overshoot a lot and tilt toward shutdown. But the only way you figure out what works for you is to give yourself the space to not get it right every time. Better yet, to give yourself the space to not get it right a lot of the time. Your whole season, you hone and tweak your way toward your peak event. And then after that, you rest, reflect, and then hone and tweak your way into your next season.
本文节选自:Psychology Today(今日心理学)
作者:Margaret Smith
原文标题:The Nerves Don't Go Away
原句:The trickiest things about nerves may be that they help or harm us insomuch as we believe that they help or harm us.
结构:The trickiest things about X may be that they Y insomuch as we believe that they Z.
例句:The trickiest things about emotions may be that they guide our actions insomuch as we perceive them as either empowering or debilitating.
Which of the following statements about an athlete's optimal performance zone is NOT supported by the sources?
A. It is unique to each athlete and can vary depending on the sport and the specific task.
B. It is characterized by a level of stress that is neither too high nor too low.
C. It can be identified through a process of trial and error, involving both successes and mistakes.
D. It remains constant throughout an athlete's career, regardless of their experience or skill level.
This article discusses the positive aspects of nervousness and stress in athletic performance. It argues that experiencing nerves, even at a high level like LeBron James, is normal and even beneficial, highlighting the concept of "eustress" or positive stress as crucial for growth and optimal performance. The text emphasizes the importance of finding one's "individualized zone of optimal functioning," a personalized level of stress that facilitates peak performance. It concludes by advocating for trial and error to identify this optimal zone, suggesting continuous refinement throughout a competitive season.
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