
文摘   2024-11-28 12:31   广东  

发表在British Journal of Anaesthesia(2023 IF 9.1,JCR Q1)
The effect of high protein dosing in critically ill patients: an exploratory, secondary Bayesian analyses of the EFFORT Protein trial







(图4)在SOFA HTE分析中,高蛋白干预与基于死亡率连续量表建模的基线SOFA评分之间有95%的正相互作用概率。

讨论:接受肾脏替代治疗的参与者人数有限,开始肾脏替代治疗临床决策的固有差异将限制此类分析的推断。尽管贝叶斯分析可能会对EFFORT Protein试验进行解释,但这些结果与主要实用随机对照试验设计的局限性相同,其中干预没有被盲化,发生了归因于新冠肺炎的计划外主要结果改变,报告了组内营养摄入的变化,28名患者在随机后被排除在外。


原文搜索:Haines RW, Granholm A, Puthucheary Z, Day AG, Bear DE, Prowle JR, Heyland DK. The effect of high protein dosing in critically ill patients: an exploratory, secondary Bayesian analyses of the EFFORT Protein trial. Br J Anaesth. 2024 Dec;133(6):1192-1200. doi: 10.1016/j.bja.2024.08.033. Epub 2024 Oct 24. PMID: 39455305; PMCID: PMC11589476.

Background:The EFFORT Protein trial assessed the effect of high vs usual dosing of protein in adult ICU patients with organ failure. This study provides a probabilistic interpretation and evaluates heterogeneity in treatment effects (HTE).

Methods:We analysed 60-day all-cause mortality and time to discharge alive from hospital using Bayesian models with weakly informative priors. HTE on mortality was assessed according to disease severity (Sequential Organ Failure Assessment [SOFA] score), acute kidney injury, and serum creatinine values at baseline.

Results:The absolute difference in mortality was 2.5% points (95% credible interval -6.9 to 12.4), with a 72% posterior probability of harm associated with high protein treatment. For time to discharge alive from hospital, the hazard ratio was 0.91 (95% credible interval 0.80 to 1.04) with a 92% probability of harm for the high-dose protein group compared with the usual-dose protein group. There were 97% and 95% probabilities of positive interactions between the high protein intervention and serum creatinine and SOFA score at randomisation, respectively. Specifically, there was a potentially relatively higher mortality of high protein doses with higher baseline serum creatinine or SOFA scores.

Conclusions:We found moderate to high probabilities of harm with high protein doses compared with usual protein in ICU patients for the primary and secondary outcomes. We found suggestions of heterogeneity in treatment effects with worse outcomes in participants randomised to high protein doses with renal dysfunction or acute kidney injury and greater illness severity at baseline.


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