11月18日早晨,黑龙江省勃利县吉兴乡长太村发生一起惊险事件,一只东北虎突然现身村庄,引发村民恐慌。On the morning of
November 18, a dangerous incident occurred in Changtai Village, Jixing
Township, Boli County, Heilongjiang Province, when a Siberian tiger
unexpectedly appeared, sparking panic among residents.
据监控视频显示,当天早晨6时08分左右,长太村一个农家院内突然传出低沉的虎吼声,伴随着狗的吠叫。随后,一个大型动物的黑影迅速从门外掠过。院中的一名男子惊恐地向周围人呼喊:“来了一只大老虎!”约两分钟后,该男子壮着胆子来到院子的金属栅栏门处查看,只见那只凶猛的东北虎从远处猛冲过来,猛烈撞击栅栏门,发出巨大的响声,铁门几乎被撞翻。男子吓得立刻跑进屋内躲避。Surveillance footage
from around 6:08 a.m. captured the moment a low tiger roar echoed through a
farmyard in Changtai Village, accompanied by the barking of dogs. Moments
later, the shadow of a large animal quickly passed by the gate. A man in the
courtyard shouted in alarm to those nearby: "A big tiger
here!" About two minutes later, the man cautiously approached the metal grille gate to investigate, only to see the fierce tiger charging from a distance. It
rammed the gate violently, creating a loud crash that nearly dislodged the iron
door. Terrified, the man fled indoors to hide.
更为严重的是,村里还有一名村民在遛弯时被老虎扑倒并咬伤。据受伤村民的家属介绍,当时他的父亲正在村中散步,不料被老虎猛然扑倒在地,并按在地上。老虎体型健壮,如同小牛犊一般大小。在挣扎过程中,老人的左手被老虎咬得血肉模糊。家人迅速将老人送往七台河医院,但由于伤势过重,又紧急转往佳木斯医院。目前,老人的被咬手臂情况危急,可能无法保住。The situation turned
even more serious when a villager was attacked while out for a walk. According
to the injured villager’s family, the man’s father was walking through the
village when the tiger suddenly pounced on him, pinning him to the ground. The
tiger, described as robust and about the size of a small calf, severely mauled
the man’s left hand during the struggle. Family members rushed him to Qitaihe
Hospital, but due to the severity of his injuries, he was urgently transferred
to Jiamusi Hospital. The condition of his left arm remains critical, and
doctors fear it may not be salvageable.
针对这一事件,勃利县林业和草原局迅速发布官方通报。通报称,11月18日早晨6时38分,县110指挥中心接到报告,称吉兴朝鲜族满族乡长太村发现老虎行踪。经现场初步核实,长太村一名村民左手部被老虎咬伤,正在医疗机构接受治疗,伤者情绪稳定,生命体征平稳。县公安局、林业和草原局、应急管理局等部门及属地乡镇工作人员已迅速到达现场,对老虎的行踪进行追踪,以确保村民的安全。In response, the Boli
County Forestry and Grassland Bureau issued an official report, stating that at
6:38 AM on November 18, the county’s 110 Public Security Command Center received a tiger
sighting report from Changtai Village, Jixing Korean and Manchu Township.
Preliminary on-site verification revealed that a villager had been bitten on
the left hand by the tiger and was receiving medical treatment. The injured
individual was reported to be emotionally stable with steady vital signs. Authorities,
including staff from the county’s Public Security Bureau, Forestry and
Grassland Bureau, Emergency Management Bureau, and other departments, along
with local township personnel, promptly arrived at the scene. They are actively
tracking the tiger’s movements and implementing measures to ensure the safety
of the villagers. (喜欢就请关注)