译者按:此前,《金融时报》外交事务栏目主任吉迪恩·拉赫曼(Gideon Rachman)在其社交媒账号上发文说:A usually reliable source tells me that the North Korean
soldiers who have deployed to Russia have never had unfettered access to the
internet before. As a result, they are gorging on pornography(一位比较可靠的消息人士告诉我,部署到俄罗斯的朝鲜士兵能够畅通无阻地访问互联网,这他们以前从未有过。因此,他们沉迷于成人内容。)
The Pentagon late Tuesday said it
was unable to confirm reports that North Korean troops are taking advantage of
their more expansive internet access in Russia to consume copious amounts of
online pornography.美国国防部周二(11月5日)晚些时候表示,有关朝鲜军队在俄罗斯利用更广泛的互联网接入、大量消费在线成人内容的报道,美国国防部无法证实。
U.S. Department of Defense
spokesperson Maj. Charlie Dietz said he couldn’t verify “any North Korean
internet habits or virtual ‘extracurriculars’” taking place in Russia, saying
the Pentagon is only concerned with the “more serious” aspects of the North
Korean military relationship with Russia as it wages war on Ukraine.美国国防部发言人查理·迪茨(Charlie Dietz) 少校表示,他无法证实“任何朝鲜士兵在俄罗斯的上网习惯或虚拟‘额外活动’”,并称美国国防部只关注朝鲜在对乌克兰发动战争时与俄罗斯军事关系中“更严重”的方面。
for internet access, that’s a question best directed to Moscow. Right now, our
attention remains on supporting Ukraine and addressing the more significant
regional security concerns,” Dietz said.迪茨说:“至于互联网接入,这个问题最好直接问莫斯科。我们的注意力仍然放在支持乌克兰和解决更重要的地区安全问题上。”
His comments came in response to
a report, first posted to social media by Financial Times commentator Gideon
Rachman, that North Korean troops are “gorging on pornography” thanks to their
newfound online freedom.他的评论是针对《金融时报》评论员吉迪恩•拉赫曼(Gideon Rachman)首先在社交媒体上发布的一篇报道做出的,该报道称,由于获得了新的网络自由,朝鲜军队正在“大量消费成人内容”。
While internet access is not
unfettered in Russia, it is freer than in North Korea, one of the world’s most
restrictive countries.虽然俄罗斯的互联网接入并非不受限制,但比世界上限制最严格的国家之一朝鲜要自由得多。
North Korean troops deployed to
assist in Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war on Ukraine toward the end of
October, sparking global concern about the escalation of Russia's all-out