
文摘   2024-11-16 12:53   美国  


译者按美国出生的华人Steven Cheung中文名为张振熙,他是一名搏击爱好者,也曾担任“终极格斗冠军赛”的发言人,是一名通讯(传播)专业人士。在特朗普竞选期间,张振熙担任特朗普的通讯主任、发言人,为特朗普立下了汗马功劳。特朗普成功当选了美国第47届总统,张振熙在1115日被特朗普任命为下届政府白宫通讯主任、高级助理。


以下报道来自美国全国公共广播电台(National Public Radio)1115日的报道。



Pugilistic Trump campaign communications director Steven Cheung is heading to the White House to be communications director, the president-elect announced on Friday.

Cheung, a former spokesperson for the Ultimate Fighting Championship — the popular mixed martial arts league — brought a cage fighter's spirit to speaking on behalf of Trump on the campaign trail.

当选总统特朗普周五(1115)宣布,特朗普竞选期间的通讯主任张振熙(Steven Cheung)将担任特朗普政府白宫通讯主任。张振熙爱好搏击,曾担任“终极格斗冠军赛”的发言人,“终极格斗冠军赛”是一个广受欢迎的混合武术联盟。张振熙在竞选活动中以笼斗士的精神代表特朗普发言。


For example, during the campaign, Cheung in a statement called Vice President Harris a "stone cold loser" and blamed her rhetoric for the assassination attempts on Trump.

He wrote that author and longtime Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward was a "truly demented and deranged man who suffers from a debilitating case of Trump Derangement Syndrome," and the insults went on from there.

在竞选期间,张振熙曾在一份声明中称副总统贺锦丽(Kamala Harris)是一个“冷酷的失败者”,并指责贺锦丽的言论引发了对特朗普的刺杀。他曾发文说,《华盛顿邮报》的资深记者、同时也是作家的伍德沃德(Bob Woodward)是一个“真正的癫狂和精神错乱的人,他患有令人衰弱的特朗普错位综合症”。从那时起,他的侮辱性言论一直不断。


Cheung regularly attributed backlash to Trump statements to "TrumpDerangement Syndrome" as a way to deflect controversy. In the final days of the 2024 campaign when Trump said he wouldn't mind so much if an assassin had to shoot through the press corps to get to him, Cheung said he certainly wasn't calling for anyone to be shot.

张振熙经常把对特朗普言论的强烈反应归咎于“特朗普错乱综合症”,以此来转移争议。在2024年竞选的最后几天,当特朗普说,即使刺客要穿过(shoot through)记者群体才能找到他,他也不会介意。张振熙说,特朗普肯定没有呼吁枪杀任何人。(译者注:特朗普讲话用了shoot through,这个表达可以表示pass quickly through(快速穿过)人群,但也可以理解成“枪手的子弹射穿记者群体然后再射中特朗普自己”,至于特朗普到底是什么意思,译者也不知道,因为他们美国人都有不同解读)


He said that Trump had been suggesting that the media should also be surrounded by bulletproof glass. "There can be no other interpretation of what was said," Cheung said in a campaign statement. "He was actually looking out for their welfare, far more than his own!"



Despite his hyperbolic official statements, Cheung is a communications professional who was known for having a generally pragmatic working relationship with reporters covering the Trump campaign.



Cheung worked on both of Trump's previous campaigns and worked in the White House for part of Trump's first term. He grew up in Sacramento, Calif., and worked on several mainstream Republican campaigns before joining up with Trump.






