不要忘记William G Scott

教育   金融财经   2024-09-08 00:15   河南  


教授的大名是William G ScottIndiana大学的DBA,曾任职De PaulUniversity of Washington。出版多本专著,从介绍Chester Barnard到组织理论探究,再到纵论现代组织对美国的影响。

不要弄混了。还有一位组织理论和社会学大家也叫William Scott,那是终身任教斯坦佛的William RichardDickScott。曾在芝加哥大学跟随Peter Blau读博士。以制度学派理论名满天下的学术大家。

Dick自己有Wiki专属页面。显然是比WG Scott有名的多。但我还是要对WG刮目相看。这篇文章虽然发表于1961年,但对组织理论之精髓的洞悉与谙熟令人击节赞叹。我几乎是把全文抄录了一遍。在此分享给大家。

Scott, W. G., 1961. Organization theory: An overview and an appraisal.Academy of management journal, 4 (1), pp.7-26.


现代部分主要是长篇大论地讲System Theory将如何影响组织理论。WG1974AMJ的另外一篇文章中反思系统论的时候,远没当初乐观。我记得直到1987年我的老师George Huber及其学生Donde Ashmos还在AMR讨论系统论对组织理论的影响。但现在回头看,系统论只是昙花一现。不知道如今人人言必称AILLM的风潮究竟会带来什么结果。


但我还是非常欣赏WG对于个体在组织中的表现(尤其是对非正式组织)的倚重与强调。而他对古典学派的总结可谓字字珠玑,清晰明了。我在上战略管理课时,讲到战略实施中的组织结构,用的是Dick DaftRicky Griffin等人总结的框架:Job DesignDepartmentalizationHierarchySpan of ControlCoordination MechanismLine vs. StaffWG早在1961就都说清楚了。


Classic Organization Theory: Formal Anatomy of Organization

  1. 1.      Division of Labor

  2. 2.      The Scalar and Functional Process

Scalar: Vertical chain of command

Delegation of authority and responsibility

Unity of command

Obligation to report

Functional: Horizontal activities and evolution

Division of the organization into specialized parts

Regrouping of the parts into compatible units

  1. 3.      Structure

Logical relationships of functions in an organization

System and Pattern

Line vs Staff

Committees and Liaisons

  1. 4.      Span  of Control

Number of subordinates a manager can supervise

Complexity of human and functional interrelationships in an organization

Tall  vs Flat

Neoclassical  Theory of Organization

Neoclassical theory takes the postulates and pillars of the classic theory as givens and modify them by the fact that people acting independently or within the context of informal organization.

The systematic treatment of the informal organization shows its influence on the formal structure.

The formation and functioning of the informal groups:

  1. 1.     Location: frequent face to face contact

  2. 2.     Occupation: people performing similar jobs group together

  3. 3.     Interests: Common Interests

  4. 4.     Special Issues: Less permanent groups

Characteristics of informal groups:

  1. 1.     Informal organization acts as agencies of social control.

Its standards may conflict with the rules of the formal organization

  1. 2.     Sociometric analysis: analysis of human interrelationships in informal organization

  2. 3.     Peculiar status and communication systems

  3. 4.     Stable continuing relationship in informal organization resists change

  4. 5.     The informal leader can help the achievement of formal organizational goals.

Modern Organization Theory

The organization is a system of mutually dependent variables.

The parts of the system and their interdependencies


Formal organization

Informal organization

Roles and Status

Physical Setting

Linking activities of the human system of organized behavior:





New combinations of alternatives depend on

  1. 1.     The possible range of output of the system, or the capacity of the system to supply information

  2. 2.     The range of available information in the memory of the system

  3. 3.     The operating rules (program) governing the analysis and flow of information within the system

  4. 4.     The ability of the system to “forget” previously learned solutions to change problems.

前几天还在专门看UnlearningForgetting的文章。WG1961年就想清楚了。而且,这段关于创新性平衡的话直接预示了现代组织理论文献中关于Organizational Improvisation的前提。Impressive!

Decision Making

Decisions  to produce and decisions to participate in the system

The Goals of Organization




System theory and modern organization theory both look at the organization as a whole and they both study:

  1. 1.     The parts in aggregates, and the movement of the parts (individuals) in and out of the system

  2. 2.     The interaction of individuals within the environment found in the system

  3. 3.     The interactions among individuals in the system

  4. 4.     General growth and stability problems of systems

management professor