
2024-05-20 22:35   北京  

阿根廷国立艺术大学音乐学院教授Ariel Pirotti精心制作的探戈编曲课程终于完成。此次课程共有八课时,由Pirotti西班牙语授课,课程加了英语字幕。特别推荐英语能力不错的探戈爱好者和音乐人士尝试学习。


This tango course is aimed at English-speaking students and focuses on providing the knowledge and skills to approach the composition of tango arrangements aesthetically, stylistically and technically.

Originally recorded in Spanish, the course has been translated into English with subtitles.


The course begins with an analysis of the elements that coexist and shape a musical arrangement. It covers the essential technical aspects of the genre, its development and notation within an arrangement, as well as the general planning of the work and the study of compositional tools.


The course is divided into 8 video modules that participants can watch at their convenience. It is asynchronous and includes subtitles in English.


8 modules

Tuition fee

1 payment (full amount upfront) of $200 USD

The participation in the course is only confirmed once the payment receipt is sent to musicales.cursos@una.edu.ar. The payment methods will be forwarded via email to those who complete the registration form.

Course requirements / prerequisites

It is not necessary to have any previous knowledge or experience as an arranger or in tango music.


- Work methodology

- The role of the musical arranger

- Basic orchestral roles

- Tango melody

- Fraseo in tango (notation and analysis) 

- Solo, Soli and Tutti

- Melodic ornamentation in Tango. 

- Articulation and accents (notation and analysis)

- Melody on the piano (different arrangements and notation)

- Melody on the piano with the orchestra 

- Bass lines

- Lower limit of intervals

- Mixed timbres

- Ornamentation in bass lines

- Usual harmonic uses in Tango ( analysis and historical origins)

- Re-harmonization processes and tools

- Counterpoint

- Bandoneón, instrumentology, notation and analysis


Material created and compiled by Ariel Pirotti, specially integrated with original compositions and arrangements.

Course objectives

- To develop the skills to aesthetically, stylistically and technically approach the writing of arrangements based on the vast repertoire of tango music

- To acquire knowledge of the different styles of tango and their main characteristics

- To understand the musical notation in connection with tango music

- Aesthetic research for the renewal and revitalization of tango

- To encourage the production of new tango compositions and arrangements


Registration form


Contact information
Office of Extension and Cultural Production

Ariel Pirotti,阿根廷国立艺术大学探戈乐团的指挥、钢琴演奏家和编曲家,阿根廷国家探戈研究院研究员,该乐团荣获2016年加德尔奖“最佳新探戈艺术”奖。他曾获得阿根廷国家艺术基金会奖学金和奖金,并荣获2011年由国家探戈研究院颁发的“戈比金像奖”。作为钢琴独奏家,他与阿根廷音乐乐团胡安·德·迪奥斯·菲利伯托一起首演了罗克·德·佩德罗的第二钢琴协奏曲,并作为编曲家参与了为纪念探戈歌曲100周年而举办的音乐会。他曾参加多个国际音乐节,进行欧洲和拉丁美洲的巡回演出,并在布宜诺斯艾利斯和国内各地的重要音乐厅举办过音乐会。他曾获得2017年拉丁格莱美奖“最佳探戈专辑”提名。
