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文摘   2024-10-31 07:31   中国香港  




Apt words have power to assuage the tumors of a troubled mind.





The economics of thinness (Ozempic edition)

瘦身经济学(Ozempic 版)


Arriving in Stepford, Connecticut, Joanna—protagonist of “The Stepford Wives”, a horror novel—is dragged to a “workout class” at the Simply Stepford Day Spa by a neighbour. The duo are met by 15 identikit women. Their hair, heights and skin colours differ a little. Their waist sizes do not. Each can be no bigger than a British size 8, their waists nipped in by belts and accentuated by 1950s skirts.

protagonist /prəˈtæɡənɪst/ n.主人公

waist /weɪst/ n. 腰,腰围




Morgan Stanley, a bank, estimates that as many as 9% of Americans will take brand-name versions of weight-loss drugs by 2035. That is just the tip of the iceberg. Demand for versions of these medications is only growing. On the subway in New York, Ro, a health-care startup, advises riders to “skip the shortages” and get access to cheaper versions for as little as $99 a month. Instagram is plastered with advertisements from firms such as hers and eden, which target young people by using lower-case brand names and soothing colour schemes. In September Kourtney Kardashian, a socialite, began selling a capsule through lemme, her supplement firm, which also flogs vaginal probiotic gummies and anti-cellulite pills.

tip  n.尖端;小费;提示

the tip of the iceber  冰山一角

capsule /ˈkæps(ə)l/ n. 胶囊

flog /flɑːɡ/  v.出售



The most important consequence of the drugs’ discovery is well understood: they will improve the health and lives of most of those with access to them. But the understandable rejoicing at the health benefits has been tempered, in some quarters, by a fear that the drugs will encourage the worst of society’s aesthetic impulses: that they will bring about an even fiercer expectation that everyone should conform to contemporary beauty standards, a trend which may come with its own health burden in the form of mental-health conditions and disordered eating.

rejoicing /rɪˈdʒɔɪsɪŋ/ n. 喜庆,欢庆

aesthetic /esˈθetɪk/ adj. 审美的,美学的

bring about  引起,导致

conform  /kənˈfɔːrm/ v. 遵守,符合



People clamour to get on weight-loss drugs for aesthetic reasons, as well as owing to health concerns. This is not mere vanity. Evidence of discrimination against fat people is widespread. In Sweden and Mexico, where including a photograph with a CV is common, researchers manipulated images to make identical fictitious job applicants seem fatter or obese. They found that they were significantly less likely to be offered interviews. Petter Lundborg of Lund University and John Cawley of Cornell University have compared the wages of thin and fat women, adjusted for education, experience and other factors, in Europe and America respectively, and found that women with obese BMIS earn around 10% less than their peers. The implication of this is stark: for an obese woman earning, say, $80,000 the impact of getting on Ozempic could be more economically consequential than any eventual savings she might make on her health bills.

clamour /ˈklæmər/ v. 吵闹;强烈要求

discrimination /dɪˌskrɪmɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 歧视

obese /oʊˈbiːs/ adj. 肥胖的


人们吵着要服用减肥药,既是为了美观,也是为了健康。这可不是虚荣心在作祟。歧视胖子的证据比比皆是。在瑞典和墨西哥,简历中附上照片是很常见的事,研究人员对照片进行了处理,让一模一样的虚构求职者看起来更胖。他们发现,这些人获得面试机会的可能性要小得多。隆德大学的 Petter Lundborg 和康奈尔大学的 John Cawley 分别比较了欧洲和美国瘦女性和胖女性的工资,并根据教育程度、经验和其他因素进行了调整,结果发现体重指数肥胖的女性比同龄人少挣 10% 左右。这一结果的含义是显而易见的:对于一个年收入 8 万美元的肥胖女性来说,服用 Ozempic 所带来的经济效益可能比她最终在医疗费用上节省的钱还要大。

Will weight-loss drugs make discrimination worse? Tressie McMillan Cottom, a New York Times columnist, has argued against the notion that Ozempic will cure “the moral crisis of fat bodies that refuse to get and stay thin”. The implicit promise of the drug is that “it can fix what our culture has broken.” (Her preferred solution: rather than solving obesity with drugs, society should simply stop stigmatising fat people.) “Ozempic has won, body positivity has lost. And I want no part of it,” lamented Rachel Pick, a writer, in the Guardian.

columnist /ˈkɑːləmnɪst/ n. 专栏作家

stigmatise /ˈstɪɡmətaɪz/ v. 使背负恶名,侮辱

lament  /ləˈment/ v.对……表示失望




Title:The economics of thinness (Ozempic edition)(Oct 24th 2024)

Category:Finance & economics



Morgan Stanley, a bank, estimates that as many as 9% of Americans will take brand-name versions of weight-loss drugs by 2035. That is just the tip of the iceberg. 

摩根士丹利银行估计,到 2035 年,多达 9% 的美国人将服用品牌减肥药。这只是冰山一角。


The urge to use your appearance to signal ways in which you are distinct from others is one of humanity’s oldest impulses.





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