走进PYP|分队新篇章,携手同前行 Embarking on a New Chapter Together

教育   2024-09-20 18:09   浙江  

Embarking on a  New Chapter Together



On September 20th, the students and teachers of WFLIS gathered under the warm sun to celebrate the House Team Sorting Ceremony. This joyous occasion not only marked the start of the new academic term but also served as a testament to the school's spirited ethos and diverse cultural tapestry.

在这个阳光灿烂的9月20日下午,杭州世外外籍人员子女学校的师生们共同见证了一场充满活力与创意的House Team分队仪式。这场仪式不仅是庆祝新学期的开始,更是一次展现学校精神与文化的重要活动。

A highlight of the ceremony was the heartfelt speeches delivered by our SRC members. They shared their wonderful insights with their House Teams lives. From the realms of sports, cherished memories, friendships, sorting ceremonies, to musical events, their narratives painted a vivid picture of how the House Teams have become invaluable milestones in their personal journeys. Their speeches, have started the bright future of House Team events and resonated deeply with the audience, earning them a well-deserved round of applause.

仪式的亮点之一是学生代表们的发言。他们以真挚的情感和深刻的见解,分享了House Teams在他们心中的意义。低段学生代表们从运动、记忆、交友、分队、音乐会等角度,生动地讲述了House Teams如何成为他们成长道路上的宝贵财富。他们的发言充满了对House Teams的热爱和对未来的憧憬,赢得了在场师生的热烈掌声。

The ceremony continued with a lively celebration as we welcomed new members into their respective House Teams. The atmosphere was charged with excitement as the newcomers, caught in a delightful surprise --- popped balloons, symbolizing their joyous entry into the school community. The ceremony reached its highest when the Year 5 students, with great pride, presented the new members with House Team badges, marking their official initiation into the fold.

紧接着,我们迎来了新成员的分队仪式。新成员们通过扎破气球的方式,惊喜地加入了不同的House Teams。这一刻,他们的脸上洋溢着兴奋和期待,这是他们成为学校社区一部分的重要时刻。五年级的学长学姐们为他们授予了House Team徽章,象征着他们正式成为团队的一员。

During the team-building activities, we witnessed the students collaborate with a spirit of unity, even when minor challenges arose. Guided by our learner profiles, they learned to communicate effectively, work in harmony, and navigate conflicts. These activities not only showed their collaborative skills but also instilled a deeper appreciation for the essence of teamwork.


The House Team Sorting Ceremony is enhancing the team spirit of the students and welcoming the new students into our school community. We look forward with anticipation to seeing them flourish within their House Teams, creating cherish memories in the years ahead.

分队仪式不仅增强了学生们的团队精神,也让他们更加紧密地融入了我们的学校社区。我们期待在未来的日子里,看到他们在House Teams中继续成长,共同创造更多美好的回忆。


撰稿:杨志君 王璟琳

Article:Daniel Helen











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