电能是当今世界人类应用最广泛的能源。电能的获得可以通过各种其他形式的能转化而来,比如机械能、光能、热能、声能、核能和化学能等,而这些能的转化需要用到发电机和各种电池来完成。那么你听过水果也能发电吗?本周,我们邀请到了5B班的王祎和席徐宽两位Science King科学实验员,为大家呈现了有趣的水果电池! 接下来,让我们一起看看实验员们是如何变让水果产生电的吧!
Electricity is the most widely used form of energy by humans in today’s world. It can be obtained by converting various other forms of energy, such as mechanical energy, light energy, heat energy, sound energy, nuclear energy, and chemical energy. The conversion of these forms of energy requires generators and various types of batteries. But have you ever heard that fruit can generate electricity too? This week, we invited two Science King experimenters from Class 5B, Wang Yi and Xi Xukuan, to present an interesting fruit battery experiment for everyone! Now, let's take a look at how these experimenters make electricity from fruit!
Wow! Through a simple experiment, the young experimenters not only showed us the "power" of fruit, but also explained how the electricity from fruit is actually generated by converting chemical energy! Their demonstration was novel, fun, and easy to understand. It turns out that some fruits can become an "organic battery" with just a few simple steps. Kids, go ahead and try it out for yourself!
1. Experiment Preparation
Disappearing Coin: You’ll need an orange, a zinc plate, a copper plate, wires, a diode, and a digital clock.
2. Experiment Steps (Refer to the video for details)
1. Connect a zinc plate and a copper plate together using a wire to form a set.
2. Insert the copper plate and zinc plate into the orange, positioning them close to each other but without making direct contact.
3. Connect the diode or digital clock to the circuit and observe the results.
3. Experiment Principle
The reason fruit can generate electricity is that it converts the chemical energy in the fruit into electrical energy. The principle behind this is that fruits like oranges, lemons, and apples contain a large amount of fruit acids, which are excellent electrolytes. Additionally, the two metal plates inserted into the fruit have different chemical reactivities. The more reactive metal plate can displace hydrogen ions from the acidic substances in the fruit, producing a charge and causing a voltage change, thus forming a simple battery. In the fruit battery, the copper plate acts as the positive electrode, and the zinc plate serves as the negative electrode.
4. A Small Task
After watching this experiment, do you understand how a fruit battery works now? Try doing it yourself! Of course, you can also experiment with other small energy-related projects. Please share your experiments with us in the following ways:
1. 录制实验视频,发送至邮箱hwflscienceking@126.com或钉钉发送给本班科学老师。实验视频包括材料准备、实验过程、介绍原理等部分,实验视频以班级+姓名+作品名称进行命名。
1. Record a video of your experiment and send it to hwflscienceking@126.com or via DingTalk to your science teacher. The video should include the preparation of materials, the experiment process, and an explanation of the principle. Please name your video with your class, name, and the title of your work.
2.科学老师会根据邮箱内收到的视频资料,经一学期的积累,学期末将评选属于世外的HWFL Science King实验小达人,颁发奖状,优秀作品还可参加省级科学影像项目竞赛,快快行动起来吧!
2. The science teachers will review the videos received via email, and by the end of the semester, they will select the HWFL Science King experiment stars, awarding certificates. Outstanding works may also participate in provincial scientific video competitions. So, hurry up and get started!
撰稿:毛梅美 汪进勇
Article:Sophia Aaron
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