本期作者 叶虻
译者/双语诵者/编辑/制作/出镜 雷杰
一个负薪的人 奔跑成一团巨火,而我只是你低血压时律动的一次脉搏,在你周身的一次骤雨中 颤栗成瘾 ...
雨的肩胛 更深时漏鼓的梦中吟
@一下荒原吧 用嘹亮的食指
雨水折断的路径 朦胧的远去填补
月满时有一头披肩 缺时有过耳的短发
每一次吹拂 是失重不是坠落
别这么犀利吧 词语
我的心颤给你 那么的特别
离大路那么远 离你那么远
这些都是箭簇吗 锐不可挡
一个负薪的人 奔跑成一团巨火
在你周身的一次骤雨中 颤栗成瘾
《Every Moment Of Loneliness Is A Gift》
Written by Daniel
Translated & Recited by Jie Lei
You stand in the gravel searching for the two stars caressing each other
Shoulder the rain, the chanting of drips on the drum in the deep night dream
Use your vivid index finger
Please indicate to the bareland
Fill it up with hazy distance
The path is broken by the rain
When the moon is full, her long hair is like a shawl
When the moon is crescent, her short hair is over her ears
Every time the wind blows, her hair flies
Please don’t use sharp words
My heart trembles for you, so special
I told you that I am the pine forest after the rain
So far away from the main road, so far away from you
Your arrow is unstoppable
You carry firewood into a huge fire
And I am just a pulse that beats slowly
Addicted, trembling, in a sudden rain storm around you
北京人。诗歌和散文散见 《南方文学》《贵阳晚报》《诗歌周刊》《中国校外教育》《东方文学》《北美清风文萃》《佛州经济导报》《蒙特利尔华人报》台湾《南华报》等报纸和杂志期刊;诗歌作品曾多次获得网络文学优秀奖,作品入选《中国网络诗歌年鉴》《北大百年新诗选》等多种诗歌合集。作品多半以上为爱情题材,有情歌诗人的美誉。
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