先分享一个单词pushover. Mr Macron has proved he will be no pushover.科林斯这样解释这个词: You say that someone is a pushover when you find it easy to persuade them to do what you want.摘录一个例句:He is a tough negotiator. We did not expect to find him a pushover and he has not been one.顺便聊一下在BBC上看到的一个表达,就是有些西方国家 criticize us for supplying technology and equipment to Russia. 其中包括Weapons components. 以前经常看到weapons systems, 中文翻译是武器系统,我最初第一次看到weapons system的时候,以为weapon的复数是笔误,后来看到母语人士说的写的都是复数的时候,才理解这里为什么要用复数。大英百科有个解释: Weapons system, any integrated system, usually computerized, for the control and operation of weapons of a particular kind. 所以,基于上述逻辑,weapon components(一个武器的部件)和weapons components(多个武器的部件)的意思是不同的,NYT上也有:President Biden signed an executive order granting the Treasury Department broader powers to curb the flow of weapons components. 但是非母语人士恐怕会更自然写成components of weapons,而不是weapons components,这可能就类似women doctors,但是我认真想了一下,我觉得如果没看过母语人士这么写,我是肯定会写成components of weapons的。