我估计很多人对汉语中经常出现的“加油”一词,英文到底应该怎么说,应该是有点不确定的。速度类的比赛可以用go, go, go,我记得我上大学那会有一首歌的歌词是go, go, go, allez, allez, allez, 这里应该就是加油的意思。只是用来给一个人鼓劲,可以说keep fighting, keep going.何伟(Peter Hessler)在Country Driving这本书中,翻译了Wei Jia的家庭报告书(report card),他这样写道:Everybody loves you. Your thinking is very nimble and the teacher and the other students all admire you. But only if cleverness is combined with hard work will you have improvement and an even higher score. You shouldn't wait for others to press you. You have to take the initiative and study diligently, let's go! 最后的let's go显然就是中国老师在评语中经常使用的“加油”了,看来在这个语境里,也就是非现场状态,更适合用Let's go!