1)She was powerfully built, with broad shoulders and thick callused hands, and she moved with a distinct physical confidence. Chinese women rarely have such a presence--in the city it would be unimaginable. 这句话里的presence的用法可以学习一下,类似汉语的“气质、气场”。2)Wei Ziqi's relationship with the woman--their guanxi, in the village sense--was deeply uncertain. Her husband was a Wei: he shared the same great--great-grandfather as both Wei Ziqi and the Shitkicker. 这句话里的a Wei可以学习一下,就是说她的丈夫也姓魏,或者说也是魏氏家族的一员。 3)When it came time to leave, Wei Ziqi used some old wire to reattach the bumper so it hung off the front end. 这句话里想说的是这里的when it came time to leave这句话,这个结构和我们正常了解的不同,不过倒是和汉语思维很像。